H587 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
we ourselves, us, we. apparently from H595 (אָנֹכִי);

113 instances of the word אֲנַחְנוּ ʼănachnûw (H587)

  • Jeremiah 44:19 - And when we burned incense to the queen of heaven and poured out drink offerings unto her without our men unto her did we make her cakes to worship and poured out drink offerings

  • Genesis 46:34 - That ye shall say trade hath been about cattle Thy servants from our youth even until now both we and also our fathers that ye may dwell in the land of Goshen is an abomination unto the Egyptians for every shepherd

  • Genesis 47:3 - And they said And Pharaoh unto his brethren What is your occupation And they said And Pharaoh are shepherds Thy servants both we and also our fathers

  • Genesis 47:19 - Wherefore shall we die before thine eyes and we and our land buy and we and our land for bread and we and our land will be servants unto Pharaoh and give us seed that we may live Wherefore shall we die and we and our land be not desolate

  • Jeremiah 48:14 - How say ye We are mighty men and strong for the war

  • Isaiah 53:4 - Surely our griefs he hath borne our sorrows and carried yet we did esteem him stricken smitten of God and afflicted

  • Isaiah 64:8 - But now O LORD thou art our father we are the clay and thou our potter and we all are the work of thy hand

  • Psalms 79:13 - So we thy people and sheep of thy pasture will give thee thanks for ever generations generations we will shew forth thy praise

  • Psalms 95:7 - For he is our God and we are the people of his pasture and the sheep of his hand To day his voice if ye will hear

  • Psalms 100:3 - Know ye that the LORD he is God it is he that hath made us and not we ourselves we are his people and the sheep of his pasture

  • Psalms 103:14 - For he knoweth our frame he remembereth that we are dust

  • Psalms 115:18 - But we will bless the LORD from this time forth and for evermore Praise the LORD

  • Psalms 124:7 - Our soul as a bird and we are escaped out of the snare of the fowlers out of the snare is broken and we are escaped