H606 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
a man man, [phrase] whosoever. (Aramaic) or אֱנַשׁ; (Aramaic), corresponding to H582 (אֱנוֹשׁ);

19 instances of the word אֱנָשׁ ʼĕnâsh (H606)

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  • Daniel 2:10 - answered The Chaldeans before king and said not There is a man upon the earth matter king that can shew at any therefore at any king lord nor ruler matter such not that asked at any magician or astrologer The Chaldeans

  • Daniel 2:38 - And wheresoever dwell the children of men the beasts of the field and the fowls of the heaven hath he given into thine hand and hath made thee ruler And wheresoever Thou art this head of gold

  • Daniel 2:43 - And whereas thou sawest as iron mixed clay with miry mixed but they shall with the seed of men is not but they shall cleave another to another even And whereas as iron is not mixed to clay

  • Daniel 3:10 - Thou O king hast made a decree and all man that shall hear the sound of the cornet flute harp sackbut psaltery and dulcimer and all kinds of musick shall fall down and worship image the golden

  • Ezra 4:11 - This is the copy of the letter that they sent unto him unto him even unto Artaxerxes the king Thy servants the men on this side the river and at such a time

  • Daniel 4:16 - Let his heart from man's be changed Let his heart and let a beast's be given unto him and let seven times pass over

  • Daniel 4:17 - is by the decree of the watchers This matter by the word of the holy ones and the demand to the intent may know that the living ruleth that the most High in the kingdom of men it to whomsoever he will and giveth it the basest of men and setteth up over

  • Daniel 4:25 - That they shall drive thee from men with the beasts of the field shall be and thy dwelling grass as oxen and they shall make thee to eat thee with the dew of heaven and they shall wet and seven times shall pass over thee till thou know ruleth that the most High in the kingdom men it to whomsoever he will and giveth

  • Daniel 4:32 - thee from men And they shall drive shall be with the beasts of the field and thy dwelling grass as oxen they shall make thee to eat and seven times shall pass over thee until thou know ruleth that the most High in the kingdom men it to whomsoever he will and giveth

  • Daniel 4:33 - The same hour was the thing fulfilled upon Nebuchadnezzar from men and he was driven grass as oxen and did eat with the dew of heaven and his body was wet till his hairs like eagles were grown feathers and his nails like birds

  • Daniel 5:5 - In the same hour came forth fingers hand of a man's and wrote over against the candlestick upon the plaister of the wall palace and the king and the king saw the part hand and wrote

  • Daniel 5:7 - cried And the king aloud to bring in the astrologers the Chaldeans and the soothsayers spake And the king and said to the wise men of Babylon Whosoever cried writing this me the interpretation and shew with scarlet thereof shall be clothed and have a chain of gold about his neck and shall be the third in the kingdom ruler

  • Daniel 5:21 - from the sons of men And he was driven and his heart like the beasts was made like was with the wild asses and his dwelling him with grass like oxen they fed with the dew of heaven and his body was wet till he knew ruled God that the most high in the kingdom of men it whomsoever he will and that he appointeth over

  • Daniel 6:7 - have consulted together All the presidents of the kingdom the governors and the princes the counsellors and the captains to establish statute a royal and to make a firm decree All that whosoever shall ask a petition of All God or man for days thirty save of a royal he shall be cast into the den of lions

  • Ezra 6:11 - Also I have made a decree that whosoever shall alter word this be pulled down let timber Also and let his house and being set up let him be hanged for and let his house a dunghill be made for this

  • Daniel 6:12 - Then they came near and said before The king concerning a decree The king Hast thou not a decree signed any man that shall ask a petition of any God man within days thirty save a petition of The king shall be cast into the den of lions answered The king and said is true The thing according to the law of the Medes and Persians Hast thou not which altereth

  • Daniel 7:4 - The first was like a lion the wings and had eagle's I beheld till thereof were plucked the wings and it was lifted up from the earth upon the feet and a man's and made stand heart and a man's was given

  • Daniel 7:8 - I considered horn and behold horn them another little there came up among whom there were three of horn the first plucked up by the roots of before and behold like the eyes like the eyes of man horn in this and a mouth speaking great things

  • Daniel 7:13 - I saw visions in the night and behold with the clouds of heaven one like the Son of man came I saw to the Ancient of days and came before and they brought him near

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