H834 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
who, which, what, that; also (as an adverb and a conjunction) when, where, how, because, in order that, etc. [idiom] after, [idiom] alike, as (soon as), because, [idiom] every, for, [phrase] forasmuch, [phrase] from whence, [phrase] how(-soever), [idiom] if, (so) that ((thing) which, wherein), [idiom] though, [phrase] until, [phrase] whatsoever, when, where ([phrase] -as, -in, -of, -on, -soever, -with), which, whilst, [phrase] whither(-soever), who(-m, -soever, -se). As it is indeclinable, it is often accompanied by the personal pronoun expletively, used to show the connection. a primitive relative pronoun (of every gender and number);

4434 instances of the word אֲשֶׁר ʼăsher (H834)

  • Ezekiel 44:19 - And when they go forth court even into the utter court even into the utter the people they shall put off garments wherein they ministered and lay chambers them in the holy and they shall put garments on other and they shall not sanctify the people garments

  • Jeremiah 44:21 - that ye burned The incense in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem ye and your fathers your kings and your princes and the people of the land remember did not the LORD them and came it not into his mind

  • Ezekiel 44:22 - a widow nor her that is put away Neither shall they take for their wives maidens of the seed of the house of Israel of the seed a widow that had a priest Neither shall they take

  • Jeremiah 44:22 - could So that the LORD no longer bear and because of the evil of your doings and because of the abominations which ye have committed therefore is your land a desolation and an astonishment and a curse without an inhabitant as at this day

  • Jeremiah 44:23 - Because ye have burned incense and because ye have sinned against the LORD and have not obeyed the voice against the LORD in his law nor in his statutes nor in his testimonies nor walked is happened therefore this evil unto you as at this day

  • Jeremiah 44:24 - said Moreover Jeremiah unto all the people and to all the women Hear the word of the LORD all Judah that are in the land of Egypt

  • Ezekiel 44:25 - at no dead person And they shall come they may defile themselves but for father or for mother or for son or for daughter for brother or for sister that hath had no husband they may defile

  • Jeremiah 44:25 - Thus saith the LORD of hosts the God of Israel Thus saith Ye and your wives have both spoken with your mouths with your hand and fulfilled Thus saith We will surely We will surely our vows that we have vowed to burn incense to the queen of heaven and to pour out drink offerings accomplish accomplish our vows We will surely We will surely our vows

  • Jeremiah 44:27 - Behold I will watch over them for evil and not for good shall be consumed and all the men of Judah that are in the land of Egypt by the sword and by the famine until there be an end

  • Jeremiah 44:30 - Thus saith the LORD Behold I will give Pharaohhophra king of Egypt and into the hand his enemy and into the hand and that sought his life Behold I will give Zedekiah king of Judah and into the hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon his enemy and that sought his life

  • Genesis 44:34 - For how shall I go up my father and the lad be not with me lest peradventure I see the evil that shall come on my father

  • Isaiah 45:1 - Thus saith the LORD to his anointed to Cyrus I have holden whose right hand to subdue before nations the loins of kings him and I will loose him and I will loose before him the two leaved gates and the gates shall not be shut

  • Jeremiah 45:1 - The word spake of Jeremiah the prophet unto Baruch the son of Neriah when he had written The word in a book at the mouth of Jeremiah year in the fourth of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah saying

  • Genesis 45:4 - And he said And Joseph unto his brethren Come near Come near And he said And Joseph unto his brethren whom ye sold into Egypt

  • Jeremiah 45:4 - Thus shalt thou say Thus shalt thou say unto him The LORD thus Behold that which I have built will I break down and that which I have planted I will pluck up even this whole land

  • Jeremiah 45:5 - And seekest thou great things And seekest them not for behold I will bring evil upon all flesh saith the LORD will I give but thy life unto thee for a prey in all places

  • Genesis 45:6 - For these two years hath the famine been in the land and yet there are five For these two years in the which there shall neither be earing nor harvest

  • Genesis 45:10 - And thou shalt dwell in the land of Goshen and thou shalt be near and thy children's and thy children's and thy children's and thy flocks and thy herds

  • Genesis 45:11 - And there will I nourish thee for yet there are five years of famine and all that thou hast come to poverty lest thou and thy household

  • Ezekiel 45:13 - This is the oblation that ye shall offer the sixth part of an ephah of an homer of wheat and ye shall give the sixth part of an ephah of an homer of barley

  • Genesis 45:13 - And ye shall tell my father of all my glory in Egypt and of all that ye have seen and ye shall haste and bring down my father

  • Genesis 45:27 - And they told him all the words of Joseph And they told unto them and when he saw the wagons had sent of Joseph to carry revived him the spirit of Jacob their father

  • Genesis 46:1 - took his journey And Israel with all that he had and came to Beersheba and offered sacrifices unto the God of his father Isaac

  • Jeremiah 46:1 - The word of the LORD which came to Jeremiah the prophet against the Gentiles

  • Jeremiah 46:2 - Against Egypt against the army of Pharaohnecho king Against Egypt which was by the river Euphrates in Carchemish smote which Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon year in the fourth of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah

  • Ezekiel 46:4 - And the burnt offering shall offer that the prince unto the LORD day in the sabbath shall be six lambs without blemish and a ram without blemish

  • Genesis 46:5 - rose up And Jacob from Beersheba carried and the sons of Israel And Jacob their father and their little ones and their wives in the wagons had sent which Pharaoh carried

  • Genesis 46:6 - And they took their cattle and their goods which they had gotten in the land of Canaan and came into Egypt Jacob and all his seed

  • Ezekiel 46:7 - an ephah for a bullock an ephah for a ram And he shall prepare a meat offering and for the lambs shall attain according as his hand of oil unto and an hin an ephah

  • Psalms 46:8 - behold the works of the LORD he hath made what desolations in the earth

  • Ezekiel 46:9 - and he that entereth But when the people of the land before the LORD in the solemn feasts and he that entereth by the way gate of the north to worship but shall go forth by the way gate of the south and he that entereth by the way gate of the south but shall go forth by the way gate of the north he shall not return by the way gate and he that entereth over against but shall go forth

  • Isaiah 46:10 - Declaring from the beginning the end and from ancient times and I will do saying My counsel shall stand all my pleasure and I will do

  • Ezekiel 46:12 - and he shall prepare Now when the prince a voluntary burnt offering and his peace offerings a voluntary unto the LORD one shall then open him the gate that looketh toward the east and he shall prepare burnt offering and his peace offerings and he shall prepare day on the sabbath his going forth one shall shut him the gate and after his going forth

  • Jeremiah 46:13 - The word spake that the LORD to Jeremiah the prophet should come how Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon and smite the land of Egypt

  • Genesis 46:15 - These be the sons of Leah which she bare unto Jacob in Padanaram Dinah and his daughters all the souls These be the sons and his daughters were thirty and three

  • Ezekiel 46:18 - shall not take Moreover the prince inheritance of the people's by oppression from his possession from his possession inheritance but he shall give his sons be not scattered of the people's every man from his possession

  • Genesis 46:18 - These are the sons of Zilpah gave whom Laban to Leah his daughter and these she bare unto Jacob even sixteen souls

  • Ezekiel 46:19 - After he brought me through the entry which was at the side of the gate chambers into the holy of the priests which looked toward the north and behold there was a place on the two sides westward

  • Ezekiel 46:20 - Then said he unto me This is the place shall boil where the priests the trespass offering and the sin offering where they shall bake the meat offering that they bear court them not out into the utter to sanctify the people

  • Genesis 46:20 - bare And unto Joseph in the land of Egypt bare which Asenath the daughter of Potipherah priest of On Manasseh and Ephraim

  • Genesis 46:22 - These are the sons of Rachel which were born to Jacob all the souls were fourteen

  • Ezekiel 46:24 - Then said he unto me These are the places of them that boil of them that boil where the ministers he unto me These are the places the sacrifice of the people

  • Genesis 46:25 - These are the sons of Bilhah gave which Laban unto Rachel his daughter and she bare these unto Jacob all the souls were seven

  • Genesis 46:27 - And the sons of Joseph which were born him in Egypt all the souls were two all the souls of the house of Jacob which came him in Egypt were threescore and ten

  • Jeremiah 46:28 - Fear my servant thou not O Jacob saith the LORD for I am with thee for I will make a full end of all the nations whither I have driven for I am with thee for I will make a full end of thee but correct thee in measure unpunished unpunished

  • Genesis 46:31 - and say And Joseph unto him My brethren house and my father's I will go up and shew Pharaoh and say unto him My brethren house and my father's which were in the land of Canaan are come

  • Genesis 46:32 - And the men are shepherds their flocks And the men for their trade hath been to feed cattle their flocks and their herds and they have brought

  • Genesis 47:1 - and all that they have are come out Then Joseph and told Pharaoh and said My father and my brethren and their flocks and their herds and all that they have are come out and behold they are in the land of Canaan and behold they are in the land of Goshen

  • Jeremiah 47:1 - The word of the LORD that came to Jeremiah the prophet against the Philistines smote before that Pharaoh Gaza

  • Genesis 47:4 - They said moreover unto Pharaoh For to sojourn in the land are we come have no pasture for their flocks for thy servants is sore for the famine in the land of Canaan dwell for thy servants in the land of Goshen

  • Psalms 47:4 - He shall choose our inheritance for us the excellency of Jacob whom he loved Selah

  • Ezekiel 47:5 - Afterward he measured a thousand a river that I could not pass over were risen for the waters for the waters to swim in a river not pass over

  • Genesis 47:6 - The land of Egypt is before thee in the best The land let them dwell thy father and brethren let them dwell The land of Goshen and if thou knowest of activity among them then make them rulers over my cattle

  • Ezekiel 47:9 - And it shall come to pass that every thing that liveth which moveth cometh whither the river shall live multitude of fish great and there shall be a very cometh because these waters thither for they shall be healed and every thing shall live cometh whither the river

  • Genesis 47:11 - placed And Joseph his father and his brethren and gave them a possession in the land of Egypt in the best in the land in the land of Rameses had commanded as Pharaoh

  • Isaiah 47:12 - Stand now with thine enchantments and with the multitude of thy sorceries wherein thou hast laboured from thy youth if so be thou shalt be able to profit if so be thou mayest prevail

  • Ezekiel 47:13 - Thus saith the Lord GOD This shall be the border whereby ye shall inherit the land according to the twelve tribes of Israel Joseph shall have two portions

  • Isaiah 47:13 - Thou art wearied in the multitude of thy counsels stand up and save Let now the astrologers the stargazers prognosticators the monthly thee from these things that shall come

  • Ezekiel 47:14 - And ye shall inherit it one as well as another concerning the which I lifted up mine hand to give it unto your fathers shall fall and this land unto you for inheritance

  • Genesis 47:14 - gathered up And Joseph all the money that was found and in the land of Egypt and in the land of Canaan for the corn which they bought brought And Joseph all the money house into Pharaoh's

  • Isaiah 47:15 - Thus shall they be unto thee with whom thou hast laboured even thy merchants from thy youth every one to his quarter they shall wander none shall save

  • Ezekiel 47:16 - Hamath Berothah Sibraim and the border of Damascus and the border Hamath Hazarhatticon and the border of Hauran

  • Ezekiel 47:22 - And it shall come to pass that ye shall divide inheritance unto you and to the strangers that sojourn among you which shall beget among the children among in the country among the children of Israel And it shall come to pass that ye shall divide inheritance among the tribes of Israel

  • Genesis 47:22 - Only the land not for the priests bought he had a portion not for the priests assigned them of Pharaoh and did eat had a portion gave assigned them of Pharaoh them wherefore they sold Only the land

  • Ezekiel 47:23 - And it shall come to pass that in what tribe sojourneth the stranger there shall ye give him his inheritance saith the Lord

  • Genesis 47:24 - And it shall come to pass in the increase that ye shall give the fifth part unto Pharaoh and four parts shall be your own for seed of the field and for your food and for them of your households and for food for your little ones

  • Genesis 48:6 - And thy issue which thou begettest after after the name of their brethren them shall be thine and shall be called in their inheritance

  • Ezekiel 48:8 - And by the border of Judah side from the east side unto the west shall be the offering which ye shall offer of five and twenty thousand reeds in breadth and in length as one of the other parts side from the east side unto the west and the sanctuary shall be in the midst

  • Jeremiah 48:8 - shall come And the spoiler and no city and no city shall escape also shall perish the valley shall be destroyed and the plain hath spoken as the LORD

  • Psalms 48:8 - As we have heard so have we seen in the city of the LORD of hosts in the city God God will establish it for ever Selah

  • Ezekiel 48:9 - The oblation that ye shall offer unto the LORD in length shall be of five and twenty thousand in breadth and of ten thousand

  • Genesis 48:9 - me in this place And he said And Joseph unto his father They are my sons hath given whom God me in this place And he said Bring them I pray thee unto me and I will bless

  • Ezekiel 48:11 - It shall be for the priests that are sanctified of the sons of Zadok which have kept my charge went astray went astray of the sons of Israel went astray as the Levites

  • Jeremiah 48:13 - shall be ashamed And Moab of Chemosh shall be ashamed as the house of Israel of Bethel their confidence

  • Genesis 48:15 - And he blessed Joseph and said God did walk whom my fathers before Abraham and Isaac God which fed me all my life long unto this day

  • Ezekiel 48:22 - Moreover from the possession of the Levites Moreover from the possession of the city being in the midst of that which is the prince's and the border of Judah and the border of Benjamin of that which is the prince's

  • Genesis 48:22 - Moreover I have given portion to thee one above thy brethren which I took out of the hand of the Amorite with my sword and with my bow

  • Ezekiel 48:29 - This is the land which ye shall divide for inheritance by lot unto the tribes of Israel and these are their portions saith the Lord GOD

  • Genesis 49:1 - called And Jacob unto his sons and said Gather yourselves together that I may tell you that which shall befall you in the last days

  • Isaiah 49:3 - And said unto me Thou art my servant O Israel in whom I will be glorified

  • Isaiah 49:7 - Thus saith because of the LORD the Redeemer of Israel and his Holy One despiseth to him whom man abhorreth to him whom the nation to a servant of rulers Kings shall see and arise princes also shall worship because of the LORD that is faithful and his Holy One of Israel and he shall choose

  • Isaiah 49:9 - That thou mayest say to the prisoners Go forth to them that are in darkness Shew in the ways yourselves They shall feed shall be in all high places and their pastures

  • Jeremiah 49:12 - For thus saith the LORD Behold they whose judgment but thou shalt surely of the cup but thou shalt surely but thou shalt surely and art thou he that shall altogether and art thou he that shall altogether and art thou he that shall altogether but thou shalt surely but thou shalt surely

  • Jeremiah 49:19 - like a lion Behold he shall come up from the swelling of Jordan against the habitation of the strong but I will suddenly make him run away from her and who is a chosen man that I may appoint over her for who is like me and who will appoint me the time and who is that shepherd that will stand before

  • Jeremiah 49:20 - Therefore hear the counsel of the LORD that he hath taken against Edom and his purposes that he hath purposed against the inhabitants of Teman shall draw them out Surely the least of the flock desolate surely he shall make their habitations

  • Isaiah 49:23 - And kings shall be thy nursing fathers and their queens thy nursing mothers to thee with their face toward the earth they shall bow down the dust of thy feet and lick up and thou shalt know that I am the LORD for they shall not be ashamed that wait

  • Genesis 49:28 - tribes of Israel All these are the twelve them every spake and this is it that their father he blessed them every according to his blessing he blessed

  • Jeremiah 49:28 - Concerning Kedar and concerning the kingdoms of Hazor shall smite which Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon thus saith the LORD Arise ye go up Concerning Kedar and spoil the men of the east

  • Genesis 49:29 - And he charged them and said unto them I am to be gathered unto my people bury me with my fathers in the cave that is in the field of Ephron the Hittite

  • Genesis 49:30 - In the cave that is in the field of Machpelah which is before Mamre in the land of Canaan bought which Abraham that is in the field of Ephron the Hittite for a possession of a buryingplace

  • Genesis 49:32 - The purchase of the field and of the cave that is therein was from the children of Heth

  • Jeremiah 49:34 - The word of the LORD that came to Jeremiah the prophet against Elam in the beginning of the reign of Zedekiah king of Judah saying

  • Jeremiah 49:36 - shall not come And upon Elam from the four them toward all those winds from the four quarters of heaven and will scatter them toward all those winds and there shall be no nation shall not come whither the outcasts And upon Elam

  • Isaiah 50:1 - Thus saith the LORD Where is the bill divorcement is your mother put away or which of my creditors have ye sold you Behold for your iniquities have ye sold yourselves and for your transgressions put away is your mother

  • Jeremiah 50:1 - The word spake that the LORD against Babylon and against the land of the Chaldeans by Jeremiah the prophet

  • Genesis 50:5 - My father made me swear saying Lo I die in my grave which I have digged for me in the land of Canaan I pray thee and bury Now therefore let me go up I pray thee and bury My father and I will come again

  • Genesis 50:6 - said And Pharaoh Go up and bury thy father according as he made thee swear

  • Jeremiah 50:7 - All that found them have devoured them and their adversaries said We offend not because they have sinned against the LORD the habitation of justice the hope of their fathers against the LORD

  • Genesis 50:10 - And they came to the threshingfloor of Atad which is beyond Jordan and there they mourned lamentation with a great sore and very and he made for his father a mourning seven days

  • Isaiah 50:10 - Who is among you that feareth of the LORD that obeyeth the voice of his servant that walketh in darkness and hath no light let him trust in the name of the LORD and stay upon his God