H834 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
who, which, what, that; also (as an adverb and a conjunction) when, where, how, because, in order that, etc. [idiom] after, [idiom] alike, as (soon as), because, [idiom] every, for, [phrase] forasmuch, [phrase] from whence, [phrase] how(-soever), [idiom] if, (so) that ((thing) which, wherein), [idiom] though, [phrase] until, [phrase] whatsoever, when, where ([phrase] -as, -in, -of, -on, -soever, -with), which, whilst, [phrase] whither(-soever), who(-m, -soever, -se). As it is indeclinable, it is often accompanied by the personal pronoun expletively, used to show the connection. a primitive relative pronoun (of every gender and number);

4434 instances of the word אֲשֶׁר ʼăsher (H834)

  • Genesis 50:11 - saw And when the inhabitants of the land the Canaanites mourning in the floor of Atad they said mourning This is a grievous was called wherefore the name of it Abelmizraim which is beyond Jordan

  • Genesis 50:12 - did And his sons unto him according as he commanded

  • Genesis 50:13 - carried For his sons him into the land of Canaan and buried him in the cave of the field of Machpelah bought which Abraham of the field for a possession of a buryingplace of Ephron the Hittite before Mamre

  • Genesis 50:15 - saw brethren And when Joseph's was dead that their father they said will peradventure hate us And when Joseph's and will certainly and will certainly us all the evil which we did

  • Jeremiah 50:15 - Shout against her round about she hath given her hand are fallen her foundations are thrown down her walls for it is the vengeance of the LORD take vengeance do do

  • Jeremiah 50:18 - Therefore thus saith the LORD of hosts the God of Israel Behold I will punish the king of Babylon and his land Behold I will punish the king of Assyria

  • Jeremiah 50:20 - In those days and in that time saith the LORD shall be sought for the iniquity of Israel and there shall be none and the sins of Judah and they shall not be found for I will pardon them whom I reserve

  • Jeremiah 50:21 - against the land of Merathaim Go up even against it and against the inhabitants of Pekod waste and utterly destroy after them saith the LORD and do according to all that I have commanded

  • Genesis 50:24 - said And Joseph unto his brethren I die and God visit visit you and bring you out of this land of this land which he sware to Abraham to Isaac and to Jacob

  • Jeremiah 50:29 - Call together against Babylon the archers all ye that bend the bow camp against it round about let none thereof escape recompense her according to her work according to all that she hath done according to all that she hath done against the LORD unto her for she hath been proud against the Holy One of Israel

  • Jeremiah 50:37 - A sword is upon their horses and upon their chariots that are in the midst of her and they shall become as women A sword is upon her treasures and they shall be robbed

  • Jeremiah 50:44 - like a lion Behold he shall come up from the swelling of Jordan unto the habitation of the strong them suddenly but I will make from her and who is a chosen man that I may appoint over her for who is like me and who will appoint me the time and who is that shepherd that will stand before

  • Jeremiah 50:45 - Therefore hear ye the counsel of the LORD that he hath taken against Babylon and his purposes that he hath purposed against the land of the Chaldeans shall draw them out Surely the least of the flock desolate surely he shall make their habitation

  • Jeremiah 51:12 - upon the walls of Babylon Set up the standard strong make the watch set up the watchmen prepare the ambushes hath both devised for the LORD and done that which he spake against the inhabitants of Babylon

  • Isaiah 51:13 - And forgettest the LORD thy maker that hath stretched forth the heavens and laid the foundations of the earth and hast feared continually every day because and where is the fury of the oppressor as if he were ready to destroy and where is the fury of the oppressor

  • Isaiah 51:17 - Awake Awake stand up O Jerusalem thou hast drunken at the hand of the LORD of the cup of his fury the dregs of the cup of trembling thou hast drunken and wrung them out

  • Isaiah 51:23 - But I will put it into the hand of them that afflict thee which have said to thy soul Bow down that we may go over But I will put as the ground thy body and as the street that we may go over

  • Jeremiah 51:24 - And I will render unto Babylon and to all the inhabitants of Chaldea all their evil that they have done in Zion in your sight saith the LORD

  • Jeremiah 51:48 - and all that is therein shall sing for Babylon Then the heaven and the earth unto her from the north shall come for the spoilers saith the LORD

  • Jeremiah 51:59 - The word commanded which Jeremiah the prophet And this Seraiah the son of Neriah the son of Maaseiah with Zedekiah the king of Judah into Babylon year in the fourth of his reign And this Seraiah prince was a quiet

  • Jeremiah 51:60 - that are written So Jeremiah all the evil that should come against Babylon book in a even all these words that are written against Babylon

  • Jeremiah 51:64 - And thou shalt say sink Thus shall Babylon and shall not rise from the evil that I will bring upon her and they shall be weary Thus far are the words of Jeremiah

  • Jeremiah 52:2 - And he did that which was evil in the eyes of the LORD And he did according to all that Jehoiakim

  • Jeremiah 52:7 - was broken up Then the city of war fled and went forth Then the city by night by the way of the gate between the two walls garden which was by the king's now the Chaldeans Then the city round about by the way of the plain

  • Isaiah 52:14 - were astonied As many was so marred more than any man at thee his visage and his form more than the sons of men

  • Jeremiah 52:14 - all the walls of Jerusalem round about brake down And all the army of the Chaldeans that were with the captain of the guard

  • Isaiah 52:15 - So shall he sprinkle nations many shall shut the kings their mouths at him for that which had not been told them shall they see and that which they had not heard shall they consider

  • Jeremiah 52:15 - certain of the poor of the people and the residue of the people that remained in the city and those that fell away and those that fell away to the king of Babylon and the residue of the multitude carried away captive Then Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard

  • Jeremiah 52:17 - Also the pillars all the brass that was in the house of the LORD and the bases sea all the brass that was in the house of the LORD brake the Chaldeans and carried all the brass of them to Babylon

  • Jeremiah 52:18 - The caldrons also and the shovels and the snuffers and the bowls and the spoons and all the vessels of brass wherewith they ministered took they away

  • Jeremiah 52:19 - And the basons and the firepans and the bowls and the caldrons and the candlesticks and the spoons and the cups in gold in gold and that which was of silver and that which was of silver away the captain of the guard

  • Jeremiah 52:20 - pillars The two sea one bulls The two brasen that were under the bases had made which king Solomon in the house of the LORD was without weight brasen of all these vessels

  • Jeremiah 52:25 - also out of the city He took eunuch an which had the charge men of war and seven men of them that were near person the king's that were found also out of the city scribe and the principal of the host who mustered of the people of the land and threescore men of the people of the land that were found in the midst also out of the city

  • Jeremiah 52:28 - This is the people carried away captive whom Nebuchadrezzar year in the seventh Jews and three thousand and twenty and three

  • Jeremiah 52:32 - And spake kindly unto him and set his throne above his throne of the kings that were with him in Babylon

  • Isaiah 53:12 - Therefore will I divide him a portion with the great with the strong Therefore will I divide the spoil because he hath poured out unto death his soul for the transgressors and he was numbered the sin him a portion with the great and he bare for the transgressors and made intercession

  • Isaiah 54:9 - For this is as the waters of Noah so have I sworn should no more go over For this is as the waters of Noah the earth so have I sworn that I would not be wroth with thee nor rebuke

  • Isaiah 55:1 - Ho every one that thirsteth ye to the waters and he that hath no money buy and eat buy and he that hath no money and without price wine and milk

  • Isaiah 55:10 - cometh down For as the rain and the snow from heaven and returneth not thither but watereth the earth and maketh it bring forth and bud that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater

  • Isaiah 55:11 - So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth it shall not return unto me void but it shall accomplish that which I please and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent

  • Psalms 55:14 - together We took sweet counsel unto the house of God and walked in company

  • Psalms 55:19 - shall hear God them even he that abideth of old Selah Because they have no changes therefore they fear not God

  • Isaiah 56:4 - For thus saith the LORD unto the eunuchs that keep my sabbaths and choose the things that please me and take hold of my covenant

  • Isaiah 56:5 - Even unto them will I give in mine house and within my walls a place and a name better than of sons and of daughters and a name them an everlasting Even unto them will I give that shall not be cut off

  • Psalms 56:6 - They gather themselves together they hide my steps themselves they mark when they wait for my soul

  • Isaiah 58:2 - me daily me daily Yet they seek to know my ways and delight as a nation righteousness that did not the ordinance of their God and forsook they ask not the ordinance of justice in approaching of their God and delight

  • Psalms 58:5 - Which will not hearken to the voice of charmers charming never so wisely

  • Isaiah 58:11 - shall guide And the LORD thee continually and satisfy in drought thy soul thy bones and make fat garden and thou shalt be like a watered and like a spring of water fail of water

  • Isaiah 59:21 - As for me this is my covenant saith the LORD My spirit that is upon thee and my words which I have put in thy mouth shall not depart in thy mouth in thy mouth of thy seed in thy mouth of thy seed of thy seed saith the LORD from henceforth and for ever

  • Isaiah 60:12 - For the nation and kingdom that will not serve thee shall perish For the nation shall be utterly shall be utterly

  • Isaiah 62:2 - shall see And the Gentiles thy righteousness and all kings thy glory and thou shalt be called shall name by a new which the mouth of the LORD name

  • Isaiah 62:8 - hath sworn The LORD by his right hand and by the arm of his strength Surely I will no more give thy corn to be meat for thine enemies Surely I will shall not drink and the sons of the stranger thy wine for the which thou hast laboured

  • Isaiah 63:7 - of his lovingkindnesses according to all that the LORD I will mention and the praises according to all that the LORD hath bestowed according to all that the LORD on us and the great goodness toward the house of Israel hath bestowed on them according to his mercies and according to the multitude of his lovingkindnesses

  • Psalms 64:3 - Who whet like a sword their tongue and bend their bows to shoot their arrows words even bitter

  • Isaiah 64:11 - house Our holy and our beautiful praised where our fathers thee is burned up with fire and all our pleasant things are laid waste

  • Isaiah 65:7 - Your iniquities Your iniquities of your fathers together saith the LORD which have burned incense upon the mountains me upon the hills and blasphemed therefore will I measure work their former into their bosom

  • Isaiah 65:8 - Thus saith the LORD is found As the new wine in the cluster Thus saith Destroy it not for a blessing is in it so will I do for my servants Destroy

  • Isaiah 65:10 - And Sharon shall be a fold of flocks and the valley of Achor to lie down in a place for the herds for my people that have sought

  • Isaiah 65:12 - Therefore will I number you to the sword to the slaughter and ye shall all bow down because when I called ye did not answer when I spake ye did not hear but did evil before mine eyes that wherein I delighted and did choose

  • Isaiah 65:16 - That he who blesseth himself in the earth That he who blesseth by the God of truth and he that sweareth himself in the earth and he that sweareth by the God of truth are forgotten troubles because the former and because they are hid from mine eyes

  • Isaiah 65:18 - But be ye glad and rejoice for ever for behold I create for behold I create Jerusalem a rejoicing and her people a joy

  • Isaiah 65:20 - There shall be no more thence an infant his days nor an old man that hath not filled his days for the child old an hundred years shall die but the sinner old an hundred years shall be accursed

  • Isaiah 66:1 - Thus saith the LORD The heaven is my throne and the earth is my footstool where is the house that ye build unto me and where is the place of my rest

  • Isaiah 66:4 - I also will choose their delusions their fears and will bring upon them because when I called none did answer when I spake they did not hear but they did evil before mine eyes that in which I delighted I also will choose

  • Isaiah 66:13 - As one whom his mother comforteth comforteth in Jerusalem comforteth

  • Psalms 66:14 - have uttered Which my lips hath spoken and my mouth when I was in trouble

  • Psalms 66:16 - and hear and I will declare all ye that fear God what he hath done for my soul

  • Isaiah 66:19 - And I will set a sign among them and I will send those that escape among the Gentiles to Tarshish Pul and Lud that draw the bow to Tubal and Javan to the isles afar off that have not heard my fame neither have seen my glory and they shall declare my glory among the Gentiles

  • Isaiah 66:20 - And they shall bring all your brethren out of all nations an offering of the LORD upon horses and in chariots and in litters and upon mules and upon swift beasts mountain to my holy Jerusalem saith of the LORD And they shall bring as the children of Israel an offering vessel in a clean into the house of the LORD

  • Psalms 66:20 - Blessed be God which hath not turned away my prayer nor his mercy

  • Isaiah 66:22 - heavens For as the new earth For as the new which I will make remain before me saith the LORD remain so shall your seed and your name

  • Psalms 69:4 - are more than the hairs of mine head They that hate me without a cause are mighty they that would destroy me being mine enemies wrongfully that which I took not away then I restored

  • Psalms 69:26 - him whom thou hast smitten For they persecute to the grief of those whom thou hast wounded and they talk

  • Psalms 71:19 - Thy righteousness O God is very high who hast done great things O God

  • Psalms 71:20 - Thou which hast shewed troubles me great and sore again shalt quicken from the depths of the earth again and shalt bring me up

  • Psalms 71:23 - shall greatly rejoice My lips when I sing unto thee and my soul which thou hast redeemed

  • Psalms 78:3 - Which we have heard and known and our fathers have told

  • Psalms 78:4 - We will not hide them from their children to the generation to come shewing the praises of the LORD and his strength and his wonderful works that he hath done

  • Psalms 78:5 - For he established a testimony in Jacob a law and appointed in Israel which he commanded our fathers that they should make them known to their children

  • Psalms 78:11 - And forgat his works and his wonders that he had shewed

  • Psalms 78:42 - They remembered not his hand nor the day when he delivered them from the enemy

  • Psalms 78:43 - How he had wrought in Egypt his signs and his wonders in the field of Zoan

  • Psalms 78:68 - But chose the tribe of Judah the mount Zion which he loved

  • Psalms 79:6 - Pour out thy wrath upon the heathen that have not known thee and upon the kingdoms upon thy name that have not called

  • Psalms 79:12 - And render unto our neighbours sevenfold into their bosom their reproach wherewith they have reproached thee O Lord

  • Psalms 80:15 - And the vineyard hath planted which thy right hand and the branch that thou madest strong

  • Psalms 83:12 - Who said in possession Let us take to ourselves the houses of God

  • Psalms 84:3 - Yea the sparrow hath found an house and the swallow a nest for herself where she may lay her young even thine altars O LORD of hosts my King and my God

  • Psalms 86:9 - All nations whom thou hast made shall come and worship before thee O Lord and shall glorify thy name

  • Psalms 88:5 - among the dead Free like the slain that lie in the grave whom thou rememberest from thy hand no more and they are cut off

  • Psalms 89:21 - With whom my hand shall be established mine arm also shall strengthen

  • Psalms 89:51 - have reproached Wherewith thine enemies O LORD have reproached the footsteps of thine anointed

  • Psalms 94:12 - Blessed is the man whom thou chastenest O LORD him out of thy law and teachest

  • Psalms 95:4 - In his hand are the deep places of the earth the strength of the hills

  • Psalms 95:5 - The sea is his and he made the dry it and his hands formed

  • Psalms 95:9 - tempted When your fathers me proved me and saw my work

  • Psalms 95:11 - Unto whom I sware in my wrath that they should not enter into my rest

  • Psalms 96:12 - be joyful Let the field rejoice and all that is therein then shall all the trees of the wood

  • Psalms 104:16 - are full The trees of the LORD of sap the cedars of Lebanon which he hath planted

  • Psalms 104:17 - Where the birds make their nests as for the stork the fir trees are her house