H1419 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
great (in any sense); hence, older; also insolent [phrase] aloud, elder(-est), [phrase] exceeding(-ly), [phrase] far, (man of) great (man, matter, thing,-er,-ness), high, long, loud, mighty, more, much, noble, proud thing, [idiom] sore, ([idiom]) very. or גָּדֹל; (shortened) from H1431 (גָּדַל);

500 instances of the word גָּדוֹל gâdôwl (H1419)

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  • Haggai 1:1 - year In the second of Darius the king month in the sixth day in the first month came the word of the LORD by Haggai the prophet unto Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel governor of Judah and to Joshua the son of Josedech priest the high saying

  • Jonah 1:2 - Arise to Nineveh city that great and cry is come up against it for their wickedness before

  • Job 1:3 - His substance also was seven thousand sheep and three thousand camels and five hundred yoke of oxen and five hundred she asses household great and a very so that this man was the greatest of all the men of the east

  • Nahum 1:3 - The LORD is slow to anger and great in power acquit acquit The LORD in the whirlwind and in the storm hath his way and the clouds are the dust of his feet

  • Nehemiah 1:3 - And they said that are left that are left of the captivity there in the province affliction are in great and reproach the wall of Jerusalem also is broken down and the gates thereof are burned with fire

  • Ezekiel 1:4 - And I looked and behold a whirlwind came out of the north cloud a great and a fire infolding itself and a brightness was about it and out of the midst thereof as the colour of amber it and out of the midst and a fire

  • Jonah 1:4 - But the LORD sent out wind a great in the sea tempest a great in the sea so that the ship was like to be broken

  • Joshua 1:4 - From the wilderness and this Lebanon river and unto the great river Euphrates all the land of the Hittites sea and unto the great toward the going down of the sun shall be your coast

  • Esther 1:5 - were expired And when these days made of the king's unto all the people that were present in Shushan the palace both unto great and small a feast seven And when these days in the court of the garden palace of the king's

  • Nehemiah 1:5 - And said I beseech thee O LORD God of heaven God the great and terrible him and observe covenant and mercy for them that love him and observe his commandments

  • Deuteronomy 1:7 - Turn you and take your journey and go in the hills of the Amorites and unto all the places nigh thereunto in the plain in the hills and in the vale and in the south side and by the sea to the land of the Canaanites and unto Lebanon river unto the great river Euphrates

  • 2 Chronicles 1:8 - said And Solomon unto God Thou hast shewed unto David my father mercy great and hast made me to reign

  • 2 Chronicles 1:10 - me now wisdom and knowledge Give that I may go out before this people and come in for who can judge this people that is so great

  • Jonah 1:10 - afraid Then were the men exceedingly and said unto him Why hast thou done knew Then were the men from the presence of the LORD that he fled because he had told

  • Nehemiah 1:10 - Now these are thy servants and thy people whom thou hast redeemed power by thy great hand and by thy strong

  • Zephaniah 1:10 - And it shall come to pass in that day saith the LORD that there shall be the noise of a cry gate from the fish and an howling from the second crashing and a great from the hills

  • Hosea 1:11 - be gathered Then shall the children of Judah Then shall the children of Israel together and appoint head themselves one and they shall come up out of the land for great shall be the day of Jezreel

  • Malachi 1:11 - For from the rising of the sun even unto the going down shall be great for my name among the Gentiles and in every place incense shall be offered for my name offering and a pure shall be great for my name among the Gentiles saith the LORD of hosts

  • Haggai 1:12 - obeyed Then Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel and Joshua the son of Josedech priest the high with all the remnant him and the people the voice as the LORD their God and the words of Haggai the prophet had sent as the LORD their God did fear him and the people before as the LORD

  • Jonah 1:12 - And he said unto them Take me up and cast me forth into the sea be calm into the sea unto you for I know that for my sake tempest this great

  • Haggai 1:14 - stirred up And the LORD and the spirit of Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel governor of Judah and the spirit of Joshua the son of Josedech priest the high and the spirit of all the remnant of the people and they came and did work in the house And the LORD of hosts their God

  • Malachi 1:14 - But cursed be the deceiver which hath in his flock a male and voweth and sacrificeth a corrupt thing unto the Lord King for I am a great saith the LORD of hosts and my name is dreadful among the heathen

  • Zechariah 1:14 - Thus saith So the angel that communed unto me Cry Thus saith Thus saith the LORD of hosts I am jealous for Jerusalem and for Zion jealousy with a great

  • Zephaniah 1:14 - is near day of the LORD The great is near and hasteth greatly even the voice day of the LORD there bitterly shall cry the mighty man

  • Zechariah 1:15 - sore And I am very displeased with the heathen that are at ease displeased for I was but a little and they helped forward the affliction

  • Genesis 1:16 - made And God two light great light great to rule the day light and the lesser to rule the night he made the stars

  • Jonah 1:16 - feared exceedingly the LORD and offered a sacrifice the LORD and made vows

  • Deuteronomy 1:17 - Ye shall not respect of the face for the judgment the small as well as the great but ye shall hear ye shall not be afraid of the face of man for the judgment is God's and the cause that is too hard for you bring but ye shall hear

  • Jonah 1:17 - had prepared Now the LORD fish a great to swallow up And Jonah And Jonah was in the belly fish and three days and three nights

  • Deuteronomy 1:19 - And when we departed from Horeb wilderness all that great and terrible which ye saw by the way of the mountain of the Amorites commanded as the LORD our God us and we came to Kadeshbarnea

  • Job 1:19 - wind a great And behold there came from the wilderness and smote the four corners of the house and it fell upon the young men and they are dead and I only am escaped alone to tell

  • Esther 1:20 - shall be published decree And when the king's which he shall make throughout all his empire for it is great all the wives shall give honour to their husbands both to great and small

  • Genesis 1:21 - created And God whales great creature and every living that moveth brought forth abundantly which the waters after his kind fowl and every winged after his kind saw And God that it was good

  • Deuteronomy 1:28 - Whither shall we go up our brethren have discouraged our heart saying The people are great and taller than we the cities are great and walled up to heaven the sons of the Anakims and moreover we have seen

  • 1 Kings 1:40 - came up And all the people after And all the people piped with pipes and rejoiced joy with great rent so that the earth with the sound

  • Haggai 2:2 - Speak now to Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel governor of Judah and to Joshua the son of Josedech priest the high and to the residue of the people Speak

  • Haggai 2:4 - Yet now be strong O Zerubbabel for I am with you saith the LORD Yet now be strong O Joshua son of Josedech priest the high Yet now be strong all ye people of the land for I am with you saith the LORD and work for I am with you saith the LORD of hosts

  • 2 Chronicles 2:5 - And the house which I build for great for great above all gods above all gods

  • Deuteronomy 2:7 - For the LORD thy God hath blessed thee in all the works of thy hand he knoweth thy walking wilderness through this great these forty years For the LORD thy God hath been with thee thou hast lacked nothing

  • Judges 2:7 - served And the people of the LORD all the days Joshua all the days of the elders that outlived all the days Joshua who had seen works of the LORD all the great that he did for Israel

  • Haggai 2:9 - shall be greater than The glory house of this latter of the former saith the LORD of hosts and in this place will I give peace saith the LORD of hosts

  • 2 Chronicles 2:9 - Even to prepare me timber in abundance for the house which I am about to build great shall be wonderful

  • Deuteronomy 2:10 - The Emims therein in times past dwelt a people great and many and tall as the Anakims

  • Nehemiah 2:10 - heard When Sanballat the Horonite and Tobiah the servant the Ammonite them exceedingly that there was come a man to seek the welfare of the children of Israel

  • Joel 2:11 - And the LORD shall utter his voice before his army great and very for his camp for he is strong that executeth his word is great for the day And the LORD terrible and very and who can abide

  • Lamentations 2:13 - for thee what thing What thing shall I take to witness for thee what thing shall I liken daughter of Jerusalem for thee what thing what shall I equal to thee that I may comfort thee O virgin daughter of Zion is great like the sea for thy breach who can heal

  • 1 Samuel 2:17 - Wherefore the sin of the young men great was very before of the LORD abhorred for men the offering of the LORD

  • Esther 2:18 - and he made Then the king feast a great unto all his princes and his servants feast even Esther's a release to the provinces and he made and gave gifts according to the state Then the king

  • Deuteronomy 2:21 - A people great and many and tall as the Anakims destroyed but the LORD them before them and they succeeded them and dwelt

  • 1 Kings 2:22 - answered And king Solomon and said unto his mother And why dost thou ask Abishag the Shunammite for Adonijah And why dost thou ask for him the kingdom brother also for he is mine elder even for him and for Abiathar the priest and for Joab the son of Zeruiah

  • Joel 2:25 - And I will restore to you the years hath eaten that the locust the cankerworm and the caterpiller and the palmerworm army my great which I sent

  • Joel 2:31 - The sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before come day of the LORD the great and the terrible

  • Nehemiah 3:1 - rose up Then Eliashib priest the high with his brethren priest and they builded gate the sheep they sanctified it and set up the doors it unto the tower of Meah they sanctified it unto the tower of Hananeel

  • Zechariah 3:1 - And he shewed me Joshua priest the high standing before the angel of the LORD and Satan standing at his right hand to resist

  • Jonah 3:2 - Arise unto Nineveh city that great and preach unto it the preaching that I bid

  • Exodus 3:3 - said And Moses I will now turn aside and see sight this great why is not burnt the bush

  • Jonah 3:3 - arose So Jonah Now Nineveh according to the word of the LORD Now Nineveh city great was an exceeding journey of three days

  • 1 Kings 3:4 - And the king to Gibeon to sacrifice there for that high place was the great a thousand burnt offerings offer did Solomon upon that altar there for that

  • 2 Chronicles 3:5 - house And the greater he cieled tree with fir he cieled gold with fine and set thereon palm trees and chains

  • Jonah 3:5 - believed of Nineveh God and proclaimed a fast and put on sackcloth from the greatest of them even to the least

  • 1 Kings 3:6 - said And Solomon Thou hast shewed unto thy servant David my father kindness for him this great according as he walked before thee in truth and in righteousness and in uprightness of heart with thee and thou hast kept kindness for him this great that thou hast given him a son to sit on his throne as it is this day

  • Jonah 3:7 - And he caused it to be proclaimed and published through Nineveh by the decree of the king and his nobles and published Let neither man nor beast herd nor flock taste any thing let them not feed water nor drink

  • Zechariah 3:8 - Hear now O Joshua priest the high thou and thy fellows that sit before wondered at for behold I will bring forth my servant the BRANCH

  • Nahum 3:10 - Yet was she carried away she went into captivity her young children also were dashed in pieces at the top of all the streets for her honourable men and they cast lots and all her great men were bound in chains

  • Ezra 3:11 - And they sang together by course in praising and giving thanks of the LORD because he is good endureth for ever for his mercy toward Israel And all the people shouted shout with a great in praising of the LORD because the foundation of the house of the LORD

  • Ezekiel 3:12 - took me up Then the spirit and I heard behind me a voice rushing of a great saying Blessed be the glory of the LORD from his place

  • Ezra 3:12 - But many of the priests and Levites and chief of the fathers who were ancient men that had seen house the first was laid house before their eyes wept voice with a loud But many shouted for joy aloud voice

  • Ezekiel 3:13 - I heard also the noise of the wings of the living creatures that touched one another I heard also the noise of the wheels over against I heard also the noise rushing of a great

  • Ezra 3:13 - So that the people could not discern and the noise of the shout of joy and the noise of the weeping So that the people So that the people shouted of the shout with a loud and the noise was heard afar off

  • Job 3:19 - The small and great are there and the servant is free from his master

  • Nehemiah 3:20 - After earnestly repaired him Baruch the son of Zabbai piece the other from the turning of the wall unto the door of the house of Eliashib priest the high

  • 2 Kings 3:27 - Then he took son his eldest that should have reigned in his stead and offered him for a burnt offering upon the wall indignation And there was great against Israel and they departed from him and returned to their own land

  • Nehemiah 3:27 - After repaired them the Tekoites piece another tower over against the great that lieth out even unto the wall of Ophel

  • 2 Samuel 3:38 - said And the king unto his servants Know ye not that there is a prince and a great man fallen this day in Israel

  • Esther 4:1 - Mordecai perceived all that was done rent Mordecai his clothes and put on sackcloth with ashes and went out into the midst of the city and cried cry with a loud and a bitter

  • Jonah 4:1 - Jonah exceedingly and he was very angry

  • Esther 4:3 - And in every province And in every province whithersoever commandment the king's and his decree came mourning there was great among the Jews and fasting and weeping and wailing in sackcloth and ashes lay and many

  • 1 Samuel 4:5 - came And when the ark of the covenant of the LORD into the camp shouted all Israel shout with a great rang again so that the earth

  • Malachi 4:5 - Behold I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming day of the LORD of the great and dreadful

  • Deuteronomy 4:6 - Keep therefore and do them for this is your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the nations which shall hear all these statutes and say of the nations is a wise and understanding nation Surely this great

  • 1 Samuel 4:6 - heard And when the Philistines What meaneth the noise of the shout they said What meaneth the noise of the shout of this great in the camp of the Hebrews And they understood that the ark of the LORD was come in the camp

  • Jeremiah 4:6 - Set up the standard toward Zion retire stay evil not for I will bring from the north destruction and a great

  • Jonah 4:6 - prepared And the LORD God a gourd and made it to come up So Jonah that it might be a shadow over his head to deliver him from his grief glad So Jonah a gourd was exceeding

  • Deuteronomy 4:7 - For what nation is there so great our God so nigh unto them as the LORD our God is in all things that we call

  • Zechariah 4:7 - mountain Who art thou O great before Zerubbabel thou shalt become a plain and he shall bring forth the headstone thereof with shoutings crying Grace crying Grace

  • Deuteronomy 4:8 - And what nation is there so great that hath statutes and judgments so righteous as all this law which I set before you this day

  • 2 Kings 4:8 - And it fell on a day as he passed by that Elisha to Shunem woman where was a great and she constrained him to eat bread And so it was that as oft as he passed by he turned him to eat bread

  • 2 Chronicles 4:9 - Furthermore he made the court of the priests court and the great and doors court and doors and overlaid of them with brass

  • 1 Samuel 4:10 - fought And the Philistines was smitten and Israel and they fled every man into his tent slaughter great and there was a very for there fell and Israel thirty thousand footmen

  • Jonah 4:11 - And should not I spare Nineveh city that great wherein are more than sixscore thousand persons that cannot discern between their right hand and their left hand cattle and also much

  • Jonah 4:11 - And should not I spare Nineveh city that great wherein are more than sixscore thousand persons that cannot discern between their right hand and their left hand cattle and also much

  • Genesis 4:13 - said And Cain unto the LORD is greater My punishment than I can bear

  • 1 Kings 4:13 - The son of Geber in Ramothgilead to him pertained the towns of Jair the son of Manasseh in Ramothgilead to him also pertained the region of Argob which is in Bashan threescore cities great with walls bars and brasen

  • Nehemiah 4:14 - And I looked and rose up and said unto the nobles and to the rulers and to the rest of the people Be not ye afraid of them the Lord which is great Be not ye afraid remember and fight for your brethren your sons and your daughters your wives and your houses

  • 1 Samuel 4:17 - answered And the messenger and said is fled Israel before the Philistines slaughter and there hath been also a great among the people and thy two sons are dead also Hophni and Phinehas and the ark of God is taken

  • Deuteronomy 4:32 - For ask now of the days that are past which were before now of the days created that God man upon the earth and ask from the one side of heaven and ask from the one side of heaven which were thing unto the other whether there hath been any such thing as this great is or hath been heard

  • Deuteronomy 4:34 - assayed Or hath God to go and take him a nation from the midst him a nation by temptations by signs and by wonders and by war hand and by a mighty arm and by a stretched out terrors and by great did according to all that the LORD Or hath God for you in Egypt before your eyes

  • Deuteronomy 4:36 - Out of heaven and thou heardest his voice that he might instruct thee and upon earth he shewed fire thee his great his words and thou heardest out of the midst fire

  • Deuteronomy 4:37 - And because he loved thy fathers therefore he chose their seed after them and brought thee out in his sight power with his mighty out of Egypt

  • Deuteronomy 4:38 - To drive out nations thee greater and mightier from before than thou art to bring thee in to give thee their land for an inheritance as it is this day

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