H3052 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
{to give (whether literal or figurative); generally, to put; imperatively (reflexive) come} deliver, give, lay, [phrase] prolong, pay, yield. (Aramaic) corresponding to H3051 (יָהַב)

28 instances of the word יְהַב yᵉhab (H3052)

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  • Daniel 2:21 - And he changeth the times and the seasons he removeth kings and setteth up kings he giveth wisdom unto the wise and knowledge to them that know understanding

  • Daniel 2:23 - thee O thou God of my fathers thank thee and praise I me wisdom and might who hast given unto me now and hast made known what we desired of thee matter unto us the king's and hast made known

  • Daniel 2:37 - Thou O king O king O king for the God of heaven thee a kingdom power and strength and glory hath given

  • Daniel 2:38 - And wheresoever dwell the children of men the beasts of the field and the fowls of the heaven hath he given into thine hand and hath made thee ruler And wheresoever Thou art this head of gold

  • Daniel 2:48 - Then the king Daniel a great man gifts great him many and gave and made him ruler over all province men of Babylon and chief of the governors over all the wise men of Babylon

  • Daniel 3:28 - spake Then Nebuchadnezzar and said Blessed be the God of Shadrach Meshach and Abednego who hath sent his angel and delivered his servants that trusted in him word the king's and have changed and yielded their bodies nor serve nor worship any be the God except be the God

  • Daniel 4:16 - Let his heart from man's be changed Let his heart and let a beast's be given unto him and let seven times pass over

  • Ezra 4:20 - kings mighty There have been also over Jerusalem which have ruled over all countries beyond the river and toll tribute and custom was paid

  • Ezra 5:12 - But after had provoked that our fathers the God of heaven he gave them into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar the king into Babylon the Chaldean house this who destroyed the people and carried into Babylon

  • Ezra 5:14 - also And the vessels of of the house of God of gold and silver of which Nebuchadnezzar take out of the temple of that was in Jerusalem and brought those the temple of of Babylon take those did Cyrus the king out of the temple of of Babylon and they were delivered was Sheshbazzar unto one whose name of governor whom he had made

  • Ezra 5:16 - Then Sheshbazzar the same came and laid the foundation of the house of God which is in Jerusalem and since Then even until now hath it been in building and yet it is not finished

  • Daniel 5:17 - Then answered Daniel and said before the king Let thy gifts be thy rewards to another to thyself and give yet the writing I will read the king to him the interpretation and make known

  • Daniel 5:18 - O thou king God the most high a kingdom and majesty and glory and honour gave Nebuchadnezzar thy father

  • Daniel 5:19 - And for the majesty that he gave him all people nations and languages he set up and feared And for him he set up he set up he set up he set up he set up he set up he set up he set up

  • Daniel 5:28 - PERES PERES Thy kingdom and given to the Medes and Persians

  • Daniel 6:2 - And over of whom presidents three Daniel was first of whom might the princes that give accounts unto them and the king no might damage

  • Ezra 6:4 - and a row stones of great With three and a row timber of new and let the expenses out of house the king's be given

  • Ezra 6:8 - Moreover I make a decree what even of ye shall do to the elders Jews of these for the building house of God of this goods that of the king's even of the tribute beyond the river forthwith expenses be given men of these even of that they be not hindered

  • Ezra 6:9 - And that which they have need of both young bullocks and rams and lambs for the burnt offerings of the God of heaven wheat salt wine and oil according to the appointment of the priests which are at Jerusalem let it be given by day by day without fail

  • Daniel 7:4 - The first was like a lion the wings and had eagle's I beheld till thereof were plucked the wings and it was lifted up from the earth upon the feet and a man's and made stand heart and a man's was given

  • Daniel 7:6 - After this I beheld and lo another like a leopard wings had also four of a fowl which had upon the back had also four heads the beast and dominion was given

  • Daniel 7:11 - I beheld then because of the voice words of the great which the horn spake I beheld even till was slain the beast destroyed and his body and given to the burning flame

  • Daniel 7:12 - As concerning the rest of the beasts taken away they had their dominion yet their lives were prolonged for a season and time

  • Daniel 7:14 - And there was given dominion and glory and a kingdom that all people nations and languages should serve dominion dominion is an everlasting that which shall not pass away and a kingdom that which shall not be destroyed

  • Ezra 7:19 - The vessels also that are given thee for the service of the house of thy God those deliver thou before of thy God of Jerusalem

  • Daniel 7:22 - Until came the Ancient of days and judgment was given that the saints of the most High and the time came the kingdom possessed that the saints

  • Daniel 7:25 - great words against the most High And he shall speak the saints of the most High and shall wear out and think to change times and laws and they shall be given into his hand until a time a time and the dividing a time

  • Daniel 7:27 - And the kingdom and dominion and the greatness And the kingdom under and all heaven shall be given to the people of the saints of the most High And the kingdom And the kingdom is an everlasting and all and dominion shall serve and obey

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