H3627 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
something prepared, i.e. any apparatus (as an implement, utensil, dress, vessel or weapon) armour(-bearer), artillery, bag, carriage, [phrase] furnish, furniture, instrument, jewel, that is made of, [idiom] one from another, that which pertaineth, pot, [phrase] psaltery, sack, stuff, thing, tool, vessel, ware, weapon, [phrase] whatsoever. from H3615 (כָּלָה);

276 instances of the word כְּלִי kᵉlîy (H3627)

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  • Daniel 1:2 - gave And the Lord into his hand Jehoiakim king of Judah with part of the vessels house of God and he brought into the land of Shinar house of God of the vessels and he brought house into the treasure of God

  • Jonah 1:5 - were afraid Then the mariners and cried every man unto his god and cast forth the wares that were in the ship into the sea to lighten it of them But Jonah was gone down into the sides of the ship and he lay and was fast asleep

  • Ezra 1:6 - And all they that were about them strengthened their hands with vessels of silver with gold with goods and with beasts and with precious things beside all that was willingly offered

  • Esther 1:7 - And they gave them drink the vessels of gold the vessels the vessels being diverse wine from another and royal in abundance according to the state of the king

  • Ezra 1:7 - the king Also Cyrus brought forth the vessels of the house of the LORD brought forth which Nebuchadnezzar out of Jerusalem and had put of the house of his gods

  • Ezra 1:10 - basons of gold Thirty basons silver of a second sort four hundred and ten vessels and other a thousand

  • Ezra 1:11 - All the vessels of gold and of silver were five thousand and four hundred bring up All these did Sheshbazzar bring up with them of the captivity from Babylon unto Jerusalem

  • 2 Samuel 1:27 - fallen How are the mighty perished and the weapons of war

  • Deuteronomy 1:41 - Then ye answered and said unto me We have sinned according to all that the LORD to go up and fight commanded according to all that the LORD our God us And when ye had girded on every man his weapons of war ye were ready to go up into the hill

  • Numbers 1:50 - But thou shalt appoint the Levites over the tabernacle of testimony and all the vessels thereof and over all things that belong to it they shall bear over the tabernacle and all the vessels thereof and they shall minister round about over the tabernacle unto it and shall encamp

  • Nahum 2:9 - Take ye the spoil of silver Take ye the spoil of gold for there is none end of the store and glory furniture out of all the pleasant

  • Psalms 2:9 - Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron vessel like a potter's thou shalt dash them in pieces

  • Ruth 2:9 - Let thine eyes be on the field that they do reap and go thou after them have I not charged of that which the young men that they shall not touch thee and when thou art athirst and go unto the vessels and drink have drawn of that which the young men

  • Numbers 3:8 - And they shall keep all the instruments of the tabernacle of the congregation and the charge of the children of Israel to do the service of the tabernacle

  • Exodus 3:22 - shall borrow But every woman of her neighbour and of her that sojourneth in her house and jewels of silver and jewels of gold and raiment and ye shall put them upon your sons and upon your daughters and ye shall spoil the Egyptians

  • Numbers 3:31 - And their charge shall be the ark and the table and the candlestick and the altars and the vessels of the sanctuary wherewith they minister and the hanging and all the service

  • Numbers 3:36 - And under the custody and charge of the sons of Merari shall be the boards of the tabernacle and the bars thereof and the pillars thereof and the sockets thereof and all the vessels thereof and all that serveth

  • 2 Kings 4:3 - Then he said borrow thee vessels abroad of all thy neighbours thee vessels even empty borrow not a few

  • 2 Kings 4:4 - And when thou art come in thou shalt shut the door upon thee and upon thy sons and shalt pour out into all those vessels that which is full and thou shalt set aside

  • 2 Kings 4:6 - were full And it came to pass when the vessels And he said unto her son Bring And it came to pass when the vessels And he said And it came to pass when the vessels stayed more And the oil

  • Ezekiel 4:9 - Take thou also unto thee wheat and barley and beans and lentiles and millet and fitches and put vessel them in one and make thee bread thereof according to the number days that thou shalt lie upon thy side three hundred and ninety days shalt thou eat

  • Numbers 4:9 - And they shall take a cloth of blue and cover the candlestick of the light and his lamps and his tongs and his snuffdishes vessels and all the oil thereof wherewith they minister

  • Numbers 4:10 - And they shall put it and all the vessels thereof within a covering skins of badgers And they shall put it upon a bar

  • Numbers 4:12 - And they shall take all the instruments of ministry wherewith they minister in the sanctuary and put them in a cloth of blue and cover them with a covering skins of badgers and put them on a bar

  • Numbers 4:14 - And they shall put all the vessels thereof wherewith they minister about it even the censers the fleshhooks and the shovels and the basons all the vessels of the altar and they shall spread upon it a covering skins of badgers and put to the staves

  • Numbers 4:15 - have made an end And when Aaron and his sons of covering any holy thing and all the vessels any holy thing is to set forward as the camp after shall come and his sons of Kohath to bear it but they shall not touch any holy thing lest they die These things are the burden and his sons of Kohath in the tabernacle of the congregation

  • 2 Chronicles 4:16 - The pots also and the shovels and the fleshhooks and all their instruments make did Huram his father to king Solomon for the house of the LORD brass of bright

  • Numbers 4:16 - And to the office of Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest oil for the light incense and the sweet meat offering and the daily oil and the anointing And to the office of all the tabernacle and of all that therein is in the sanctuary and in the vessels

  • 2 Chronicles 4:18 - made Thus Solomon all these vessels abundance in great could not be found out for the weight of the brass

  • 2 Chronicles 4:19 - made And Solomon all the vessels that were for the house of God altar the golden also and the tables whereon the shewbread

  • Numbers 4:26 - And the hangings of the court and the hanging for the door of the gate of the court which is by the tabernacle and by the altar round about and their cords and all the instruments of their service and all that is made for them so shall they serve

  • Numbers 4:32 - And the pillars of the court round about and their sockets and their pins and their cords the instruments and with all their service and by name ye shall reckon the instruments of the charge of their burden

  • 2 Chronicles 5:1 - was finished Thus all the work made and Solomon for the house of the LORD brought and Solomon had dedicated that David his father and the silver and the gold and all the instruments put he among the treasures for the house of God

  • 2 Chronicles 5:5 - And they brought up the ark and the tabernacle of the congregation vessels and all the holy and the tabernacle And they brought up these did the priests and the Levites

  • 2 Chronicles 5:13 - to make one It came even to pass as the trumpeters and singers to be heard sound to make one and praised and thanking of the LORD and when they lifted up sound with the trumpets and cymbals and instruments of musick and praised of the LORD saying For he is good endureth for ever for his mercy even the house was filled with a cloud even the house of the LORD

  • Numbers 5:17 - shall take And the priest it into the water holy vessel in an earthen and of the dust that is in the floor of the tabernacle shall take And the priest and put it into the water

  • Amos 6:5 - That chant to the sound of the viol like David and invent to themselves instruments of musick

  • 1 Kings 6:7 - And the house was built of stone made ready before it was brought was built thither so that there was neither hammer nor axe nor any tool of iron heard And the house was built

  • 1 Samuel 6:8 - And take the ark of the LORD and lay it upon the cart the jewels of gold which ye return him for a trespass offering and put in a coffer by the side thereof and send it away that it may go

  • 1 Samuel 6:15 - And the Levites took down the ark of the LORD and the coffer that was with it wherein the jewels of gold were and put stone them on the great of Bethshemesh offered burnt offerings and sacrificed sacrifices the same day of the LORD

  • Joshua 6:19 - But all the silver and gold and vessels of brass and iron are consecrated of the LORD into the treasury of the LORD they shall come

  • Joshua 6:24 - the city And they burnt with fire and all that was therein only the silver and the gold and the vessels of brass and of iron they put into the treasury of the house of the LORD

  • Leviticus 6:28 - pot But the earthen and if it be sodden shall be broken pot in a brasen and if it be sodden it shall be both scoured and rinsed in water

  • Numbers 7:1 - And it came to pass on the day had fully that Moses set up the tabernacle and had anointed it and sanctified and all the vessels thereof both the altar and all the vessels and had anointed it and sanctified

  • 2 Chronicles 7:6 - And the priests on their offices stood the Levites also with instruments of musick of the LORD had made when David the king to praise of the LORD endureth for ever because his mercy praised when David by their ministry And the priests sounded trumpets before them and all Israel stood

  • Joshua 7:11 - hath sinned Israel and they have also transgressed my covenant which I commanded them for they have even taken of the accursed thing and have also stolen and dissembled also and they have put it even among their own stuff

  • Psalms 7:13 - He hath also prepared for him the instruments of death his arrows against the persecutors he ordaineth

  • 2 Kings 7:15 - after them unto Jordan and lo all the way was full of garments and vessels had cast away which the Syrians in their haste returned And the messengers and told the king

  • 1 Kings 7:45 - And the pots and the shovels and the basons and all these vessels made which Hiram to king Solomon for the house of the LORD brass

  • 1 Kings 7:47 - left And Solomon all the vessels many unweighed because they were exceeding unweighed because they were exceeding found out neither was the weight of the brass

  • 1 Kings 7:48 - made And Solomon all the vessels that pertained unto the house of the LORD the altar of gold and the table whereupon the shewbread of gold

  • 1 Kings 7:51 - So was ended all the work made that king And Solomon for the house of the LORD brought in And Solomon had dedicated the things which David his father even the silver and the gold and the vessels did he put among the treasures for the house of the LORD

  • Numbers 7:85 - and thirty hundred charger Each all the silver seventy bowl Each all the silver vessels weighed two thousand and four hundred shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary

  • 1 Kings 8:4 - And they brought up the ark of the LORD and the tabernacle of the congregation vessels and all the holy and the tabernacle And they brought up even those did the priests and the Levites

  • Hosea 8:8 - is swallowed up Israel now shall they be among the Gentiles as a vessel wherein is no pleasure

  • 2 Samuel 8:10 - sent Then Toi Joram his son unto king David to salute him and to bless him because he had fought against Hadadezer and smitten had wars Then Toi against Hadadezer And Joram brought with him and vessels of silver and vessels of gold and vessels of brass

  • Leviticus 8:11 - And he sprinkled the altar seven times and anointed the altar and all his vessels both the laver and his foot to sanctify

  • 1 Samuel 8:12 - And he will appoint and captains over thousands and captains over fifties and will set them to ear his ground and to reap his harvest and to make and instruments of war and instruments of his chariots

  • Ezra 8:25 - And weighed unto them the silver and the gold and the vessels even the offering of the house of our God had offered which the king and his counsellors and his lords and all Israel there present

  • Ezra 8:26 - I even weighed unto their hand and silver talents six an hundred and fifty vessels and silver an hundred talents and of gold an hundred talents

  • Ezra 8:27 - basons as gold Also twenty drams of a thousand vessels copper of fine and two precious as gold

  • Ezra 8:28 - And I said are holy unto the LORD the vessels are holy also and the silver and the gold are a freewill offering unto the LORD God of your fathers

  • Ezra 8:30 - So took the priests and the Levites the weight of the silver and the gold and the vessels to bring them to Jerusalem unto the house of our God

  • Ezra 8:33 - day Now on the fourth weighed was the silver and the gold and the vessels in the house of our God by the hand of Meremoth the son of Uriah the priest and with him was Eleazar the son of Phinehas and with them was Jozabad the son of Jeshua and Noadiah the son of Binnui Levites

  • Ezekiel 9:1 - He cried also in mine ears voice with a loud saying to draw near Cause them that have charge over the city even every man weapon with his destroying in his hand

  • Ezekiel 9:2 - And behold six and every man and they went in from the way gate of the higher which lieth toward the north and every man weapon a slaughter in his hand and every man and one among them was clothed with linen inkhorn with a writer's by his side and they went in and stood beside altar the brasen

  • 1 Samuel 9:7 - Then said Saul to his servant to bring the man for the bread is spent in our vessels and there is not a present to bring the man of God

  • Ecclesiastes 9:18 - good Wisdom than weapons of war sinner but one destroyeth good much

  • 2 Chronicles 9:20 - and all the vessels And all the drinking of king Solomon gold and all the vessels of the house of the forest of Lebanon gold were of pure none were of silver thing accounted of in the days Solomon it was not any

  • 2 Chronicles 9:24 - And they brought every man his present and vessels of silver and vessels of gold and raiment harness and spices horses and mules a rate by year by year

  • 1 Chronicles 9:28 - And certain of them had the charge of vessels the ministering by tale that they should bring them in by tale and out

  • 1 Chronicles 9:29 - Some of them also were appointed and all the instruments and all the instruments of the sanctuary and the fine flour and the wine and the oil and the frankincense and the spices

  • Judges 9:54 - Then he called hastily him And his young man his armourbearer and said unto him Draw thy sword and he died and said not of me A woman slew thrust him through him And his young man and he died

  • 1 Chronicles 10:4 - Then said Saul me But his armourbearer Draw a sword and thrust come me through therewith lest these uncircumcised and abuse would me But his armourbearer afraid not for he was sore took Saul a sword and fell

  • 1 Chronicles 10:5 - saw And when his armourbearer and died that Saul he fell likewise on the sword and died

  • 1 Chronicles 10:9 - And when they had stripped him they took his head and his armour and sent into the land of the Philistines round about to carry tidings unto their idols and to the people

  • 1 Chronicles 10:10 - And they put his armour in the house of their gods his head and fastened in the house of Dagon

  • 1 Kings 10:21 - and all the vessels drinking And all king Solomon's gold and all the vessels of the house of the forest of Lebanon gold were of pure none were of silver accounted of in the days Solomon's it was nothing

  • 1 Samuel 10:22 - Therefore they enquired And the LORD should yet come thither further if the man answered And the LORD Behold he hath hid himself among the stuff

  • 1 Kings 10:25 - And they brought every man his present and vessels of silver and vessels of gold and garments and armour and spices horses and mules a rate by year by year

  • Isaiah 10:28 - He is come to Aiath he is passed to Migron at Michmash he hath laid up his carriages

  • Nehemiah 10:39 - unto the chambers shall bring For the children of Israel For the children of Levi the offering of the corn of the new wine and the oil where are the vessels of the sanctuary and the priests that minister and the porters and the singers and we will not forsake the house of our God

  • Exodus 11:2 - Speak now in the ears of the people borrow and let every man of his neighbour and every woman of her neighbour and jewels of silver and jewels of gold

  • Daniel 11:8 - their gods with their princes vessels and with their precious of silver and of gold captives And shall also carry into Egypt more years and he shall continue than the king of the north

  • 2 Kings 11:8 - And ye shall compass and be ye with the king round about every man with his weapons in his hand and as he cometh in within the ranges let him be slain and be ye with the king as he goeth out and as he cometh in

  • 2 Kings 11:11 - stood And the guard every man with his weapons in his hand corner and the temple from the right corner and the temple to the left along by the altar and the temple the king round about

  • Zechariah 11:15 - said And the LORD unto me Take unto thee yet the instruments shepherd of a foolish

  • Leviticus 11:32 - doth fall And upon whatsoever any of them when they are dead and it shall be unclean whatsoever vessel of wood or raiment or skin or sack whatsoever vessel is done it be wherein any work into water it must be put and it shall be unclean until the even so it shall be cleansed

  • Leviticus 11:33 - vessel And every earthen whereinto any of them falleth whatsoever is in it shall be unclean and ye shall break

  • Leviticus 11:34 - Of all meat which may be eaten cometh that on which such water shall be unclean and all drink that may be drunk in every such vessel shall be unclean

  • 1 Chronicles 11:39 - Zelek the Ammonite Naharai the Berothite the armourbearer of Joab the son of Zeruiah

  • Ezekiel 12:3 - Therefore thou son of man prepare thee stuff for removing and remove by day in their sight and remove from thy place from thy place to another in their sight it may be they will consider house though they be a rebellious

  • Ezekiel 12:4 - Then shalt thou bring forth as stuff as stuff for removing by day in their sight Then shalt thou bring forth at even in their sight as they that go forth for removing

  • Ezekiel 12:7 - And I did so as I was commanded as stuff I brought forth as stuff for captivity by day and in the even I digged through the wall with mine hand in the twilight I brought forth it upon my shoulder and I bare in their sight

  • 2 Kings 12:13 - Howbeit there were not made for the house of the LORD bowls of silver snuffers basons trumpets any vessels of gold any vessels of silver of silver that was brought for the house of the LORD

  • 1 Chronicles 12:33 - Of Zebulun such as went forth to battle expert in war with all instruments in war fifty thousand which could keep rank they were not of double heart they were not of double heart

  • Exodus 12:35 - And the children of Israel did according to the word of Moses and they borrowed of the Egyptians and jewels of silver and jewels of gold and raiment

  • Nehemiah 12:36 - And his brethren Shemaiah and Azarael Milalai Gilalai Maai Nethaneel and Judah Hanani instruments with the musical of David the man of God and Ezra the scribe before

  • 1 Chronicles 12:37 - And on the other side of Jordan of the Reubenites and the Gadites and of the half tribe of Manasseh with all manner of instruments of war for the battle an hundred and twenty thousand

  • Isaiah 13:5 - They come country from a far from the end of heaven even the LORD and the weapons of his indignation to destroy country

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