H4641 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
Maasejah, the name of sixteen Israelites Maaseiah. or מַעֲשֵׂיָהוּ; from H4639 (מַעֲשֶׂה) and H3050 (יָהּ); work of Jah;

23 instances of the word מַעֲשֵׂיָה Maʻăsêyâh (H4641)

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  • Nehemiah 3:23 - After him repaired Benjamin and Hashub his house After him repaired Azariah the son of Maaseiah the son of Ananiah by his house

  • Nehemiah 8:4 - him stood And Ezra the scribe upon a pulpit of wood which they had made for the purpose him stood and beside Mattithiah and Shema and Anaiah and Urijah and Hilkiah and Maaseiah on his right hand and on his left hand Pedaiah and Mishael and Malchiah and Hashum and Hashbadana Zechariah and Meshullam

  • Nehemiah 8:7 - Also Jeshua and Bani and Sherebiah Jamin Akkub Shabbethai Hodijah Maaseiah Kelita Azariah Jozabad Hanan Pelaiah and the Levites to understand and the people the law and the people stood in their place

  • Ezra 10:18 - there were found And among the sons of the priests that had taken wives strange And among the sons of Jeshua And among the sons of Jozadak and his brethren Maaseiah and Eliezer and Jarib and Gedaliah

  • Ezra 10:21 - And of the sons of Harim Maaseiah and Elijah and Shemaiah and Jehiel and Uzziah

  • Ezra 10:22 - And of the sons of Pashur Elioenai Maaseiah Ishmael Nethaneel Jozabad and Elasah

  • Nehemiah 10:25 - Rehum Hashabnah Maaseiah

  • Ezra 10:30 - And of the sons of Pahathmoab Adna and Chelal Benaiah Maaseiah Mattaniah Bezaleel and Binnui and Manasseh

  • Nehemiah 11:5 - And Maaseiah the son of Baruch the son of Colhozeh the son of Hazaiah the son of Adaiah the son of Joiarib the son of Zechariah the son of Shiloni

  • Nehemiah 11:7 - And these are the sons of Benjamin Sallu And these are the sons of Meshullam And these are the sons of Joed And these are the sons of Pedaiah And these are the sons of Kolaiah And these are the sons of Maaseiah And these are the sons of Ithiel And these are the sons of Jesaiah

  • Nehemiah 12:41 - And the priests Eliakim Maaseiah Miniamin Michaiah Elioenai Zechariah and Hananiah with trumpets

  • Nehemiah 12:42 - And Maaseiah and Shemaiah and Eleazar and Uzzi and Jehohanan and Malchijah and Elam and Ezer sang loud And the singers with Jezrahiah their overseer

  • 1 Chronicles 15:18 - And with them their brethren of the second degree Zechariah Ben and Jaaziel and Shemiramoth and Jehiel and Unni Eliab and Benaiah and Maaseiah and Mattithiah and Elipheleh and Mikneiah and Obededom and Jeiel the porters

  • 1 Chronicles 15:20 - And Zechariah and Aziel and Shemiramoth and Jehiel and Unni and Eliab and Maaseiah and Benaiah with psalteries on Alamoth

  • Jeremiah 21:1 - The word which came unto Jeremiah from the LORD sent when king Zedekiah unto him Pashur the son of Melchiah and Zephaniah the son of Maaseiah the priest saying

  • 2 Chronicles 23:1 - year And in the seventh strengthened Jehoiada himself and took the captains of hundreds Azariah the son of Jeroham and Ishmael the son of Jehohanan Azariah the son of Obed and Maaseiah the son of Adaiah and Elishaphat the son of Zichri into covenant

  • 2 Chronicles 26:11 - Moreover Uzziah had an host men of fighting that went out to war by bands according to the number of their account by the hand of Jeiel the scribe and Maaseiah the ruler by the hand of Hananiah captains one of the king's

  • 2 Chronicles 28:7 - slew And Zichri a mighty man of Ephraim Maaseiah son the king's and Azrikam the governor of the house and Elkanah that was next the king's

  • Jeremiah 29:21 - Thus saith the LORD of hosts the God of Israel of Ahab the son of Kolaiah and of Zedekiah the son of Maaseiah which prophesy unto you in my name a lie Behold I will deliver them into the hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon and he shall slay them before your eyes

  • Jeremiah 29:25 - Thus speaketh the LORD of hosts the God of Israel Thus speaketh Because thou hast sent in thy name letters unto all the people that are at Jerusalem and to Zephaniah the son of Maaseiah and to all the priests and to all the priests Thus speaketh

  • 2 Chronicles 34:8 - year Now in the eighteenth of his reign when he had purged the land and the house he sent Shaphan the son of Azaliah and Maaseiah the governor of the city and Joah the son of Joahaz the recorder to repair and the house of the LORD his God

  • Jeremiah 35:4 - And I brought them into the house of the LORD into the chamber of the sons of Hanan of the sons of Igdaliah a man of God which was by into the chamber of the princes which was above into the chamber of Maaseiah of the sons of Shallum the keeper of the door

  • Jeremiah 37:3 - sent the king And Zedekiah Jehucal the son of Shelemiah and Zephaniah the son of Maaseiah the priest Jeremiah to the prophet saying Pray now unto the LORD our God

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