Revelation 17:5 “And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.”


Just like Satan, she’s going to follow Satan and Antichrist in having a name of blasphemy.

We’re going to look at all these factors that pop out concerning Babylon. It is first known as ‘mystery’. Why? Because it’s not going to be plain in sight, it’s going to be hidden, it’s going to be a conspiracy. It’s going to be undercover, it’s not really well known, and it’s no secret that all the world knows that in Vatican library, they hold a lot of secrets that the world doesn’t know about.

The Vatican held its secret for a long time in the library,.History channel later came out that they kept a secret all this time, finally in the modern century they let out the information of the inquisition and it was very horrifying.

But that’s only a part of their library that they showed, they didn’t tell you a lot more other stuff. The Roman Catholic church was behind the dealings of World War II, the rise of Islam, communism, Roth trials starting with the Illuminati, what went on with Napolean Bonaparte where he changed the empire system, all the big heads of globalists today, etc you are going to find something Catholic in those things.

Another interesting thing is that God called it “Mystery.” That’s why He doesn’t mention it a lot in the Bible when He talks about the evil system of the Antichrist. He mentions it so many times that it is some sort of a mystery because the Lord doesn’t want to give it the time of the day.

He wants people to know about His kingdom, His word, His system, He wants the whole world to know that. But with evil, He doesn’t want people to stick their heads in there. You don’t want to stick your head in the muck, look just enough that you know the muck is there. But you don’t want to stick in there and investigate deeper where you, too, smell like them.


We claim that Babylon is referring to the Roman Catholic church. Historically, if you study about Babylon, it started with Nimrod, that’s found in your Bible.

Nimrod and Semiramis undoubtedly started it, they were way before the Roman Catholic church.

Nimrod and Semiramis did their religious workings about sun god worshipping, the wafer where some deity went inside it and they were eating it, even Christmas day is referring to the reincarnation of Nimrod.

All of that was carried on later on by the Roman Catholic church claiming Jesus’s birthday is December 25th and they make a big deal about a woman holding a baby in her arms: Mary and Jesus. If you go back to Nimrod’s history, that’s referring to Semiramis and Tammuz. All these halos around the idols’ heads were from the sun god worship system.


This is like a title. It’s referring to its magnitude and there is no doubt when you look at the building structure. As soon as you walk inside, the word is going to pop out in your mind. Hellish system is that they’ve got real spectacular beautiful buildings.


What religion keeps starting mother church, mother of God etc? They make a big deal about the mother more than the child? This is the Roman Catholic church with their Mary, mother church, etc.

Islam might have a mother figure or something like that, but the thing is that they still prioritize Allah and Mohammed. There’s no system that goes really mother mode here.


That’s referring to conglomeration with different bodies of nations. Which system has this conglomeration or compromise or unity or ecumenical movement? Who is one of the biggest champions on that in a religious plane or makes dealings with politicians, governors, presidents etc?

It just screams plainly that that best candidate is the Roman Catholic church, both historically and today.

The Woman is Drunk with Blood of the Saints

Revelation 17:6 “And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.”

The Roman Catholic system is the best candidate due to persecution because there has to be a system that carries on the blood of God’s people. Fox’s Book of Martyrs was plainly titled martyrs and it was all about the Roman system. It didn’t talk about communism or the pagan nations as much, it was mostly concentrated on Rome.

Notice that it says ‘the blood of the saints’, they’re going to continue on their persecution of tribulation saints.

Whoa, I didn’t know that!

When John saw her, he was in wonder, great admiration.

For example, when we talk about some kind of mystery, some hidden conspiracy that a lot of people didn’t know about before, and when he reveals it, the whole room is in wonder and they go ‘Whoa! I didn’t know that!’.

That’s the same reaction that John is seeing here. In verse 5, it was a mystery, hidden agenda. To John, it was a ‘Whoa!’ moment for him because he’s living in the time of Rome, that’s why it becomes really eye-opening to him later on.

Revelation 17:7 “And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns.”

The angel up in heaven said ‘Why is this something to be shocked about?’.

The angels up in heaven and God, they’ve already seen it for the past 6,000 years of human history. They saw this spiritual Babylon working ever since Nimrod, entering through the Roman system which went from pagan Rome into religious Roman Catholic Rome.

He’s going to expose the mystery of this woman and the beast. We know that this beast is referring to Satan and the woman is the Roman Catholic church, but let’s see some more things in this mystery that you didn’t know about.

The Antichrist and Satan are one

Revelation 17:8 “The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.”

This phrase seems to be referring to Antichrist based on Revelation 11 and in Revelation 13, the Antichrist is called the beast.

This gets a little confusing here because the angel is explaining to him about the beast in verse 7, we identified this beast as Satan, not the Antichrist. Notice the distinction here, at Revelation 13, this beast had 10 horns and upon his horns were 10 crowns. That’s distinguished from Revelation 12:3, 7 head, 10 horns and 7 crowns upon his head. The beast in Revelation 12 is not the same as Revelation 13. The beast in Revelation 13 is the Antichrist, whereas the beast in Revelation 12 is Satan.

Here’s another thing, the beast is red-colored in verse 3, but if you look at the Antichrist in Revelation 13, he’s not a red animal, he’s like a chimera.

Is there a contradiction within scriptures then? No, this means that there is an even deeper revelation. If we look at verse 8, we know for a fact that this has to be Satan because of the scarlet color in verse 3 which matches with Revelation 12.

But this phrase is the Antichrist here. So how can there be two in one?

What we saw here, is Satan and Antichrist in one. God has His trinity as well, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, they are all one.

Antichrist is an imitation of Jesus Christ, that’s why he’s called the Antichrist.

What is he? Satan incarnate, that’s the idea. That’s why it’s like two in one here.

The phrase seems to go at a past tense where he was in existence, a present-tense where he’s not in existence but he went to hell and a future tense where he’s going to come out again and continue ruling.

This sounds like he used to exist, but he died and in the future, he’s going to come back out of hell and continue his life of reigning.

So the Antichrist died, buried and resurrected, this is a great imitation of Jesus Christ.

He is holding a bow but it has no arrows. It’s not a weapon that plainly shows violence and hurt, he’s doing the peace sign but that peace sign is actually the hand gesture that a bowman uses while holding the arrow on the bow, before releasing it against its target.

The Bible says “peace but it would be sudden destruction.”