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salvation dispensationalism

How to Deal with Heresies in the Church

As dispensationalists, we believe that there are verses in the Bible that do not apply to
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Many different baptisms in the Bible and they’re not the same

Baptism can mean many things according to the Bible, as we shall see in this article. We
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Lukewarm Christians – Jesus spews a lukewarm person out (Revelation 3)

God says that the works of the Laodicean church was neither like hot water nor cold waters.
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Old testament Salvation – the sins that God did not wash away

The salvation method during the Old Testament is different from the New Testament. A Christian’s
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Tribulation saints (Forbidden Bible verse for salvation paranoids)

Lordship salvationists quote the following verse quite often to show that we have not to
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Endure till the end

The ones who have to go through the tribulation, whose salvation depends on their faith
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Dispensational Salvation – God always gave salvation by faith alone … WRONG

Covenant theology, which is primarily Calvinist is the enemy camp of dispensationalism.
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Spiritual circumcision

Our souls are stuck to our bodies. But what God did through spiritual circumcision, He caused
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Can the Christian lose the Holy Spirit?

Ray Comfort, Paul Washer, and John Macarthur have taught this heretical teaching that this
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Easy believism versus Lordship salvation

In regards to salvation, there have been two major teachings in Christianity, which are
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