LORD = Jehovah, "The God of Glory" of Acts 7:2 , Figure of speech Enallage = The Glorious God, in contrast with idols (Joshua 24:2 ).
Get thee out = Go for thyself, i.e. whatever others may do. Death had broken the link of nature's tie, which hindered Abram's obedience.
kindred. Leaving Nahor and his family (except Lot), Genesis 24:4 , Genesis 24:10-15 ; Genesis 25:20 ; Genesis 28:7-10 .
shew. See Hebrews 11:8 .

And. Note the Figure of speech Polysyndeton ( App-6 ).
I will. Note this sevenfold promise with the sevenfold blessing in Exodus 6:4-8 ( App-10 ).

thee. To Abraham personally. See note on Genesis 50:24 .

seventy and five. The Law was 430 years "after" this (Exodus 12:40 . Galatians 1:3 , Galatians 1:17 ). Abram 100 when Isaac born, and 105 when Isaac recognized as his "seed" (Genesis 21:12 ). This 25 + 5 explains the 400 years of Genesis 15:13 and Acts 7:6 . See note on Genesis 15:13 .

souls. Hebrew, plural of nephesh, = souls. See App-13 .
they came. This time: not when they had started from Chaldea (Genesis 11:31 ).

Sichem. The place of Abram's first altar and Christ's first mission (John 4 ). Also of Jacob's altar (Genesis 33:18 ).
Canaanits . . . then in the land. It is evident that from Terah's and Abraham's call, Satan knew the line by which "the seed of the woman (Genesis 3:15 ) was coming into the world. In Genesis 6 he aimed at the whole human race. Now he aims at Abraham and his land. Here is the second explanation of the words "after that" in Genesis 6:4 . He pre-occupies the territory ready to dispute the advance. The Canaanite "was then" = "being already" there (Compare Genesis 13:7 ). The progeny of the later attempt to corrupt the race had to be destroyed by the sword of Israel, as those "in the days of Noah" had been by the Flood. See App-23 and App-25 .
was = being.
then = already.

altar. See note on Sichem, Genesis 12:6 .

Beth-el. An ancient Canaanite sacred pillar, doubtless here from previous times, called Luz (Genesis 28:19 ; Genesis 35:6 ; Genesis 48:3 .Joshua 16:2 ; Joshua 18:13 .Judges 1:23; Judges 1:23 ). Compare Judges 1:23 . When Moses wrote he used the later name.
altar. Between Beth-el and Ai would probably be Gerizim and Ebal, which were already or thus became sacred places. Compare Deuteronomy 27:2 , Deuteronomy 27:12 and Joshua 8:9 , Joshua 8:30 .

south. Hebrew the Negeb or hill country S. of Judah (Compare Genesis 13:1 , Genesis 13:3 ). The Egyptian texts mention the Negeb. Towns taken by Shishak are mentioned as being there, e.g. Jerahmeel, Gerar, Kadesh, and Gaza.

famine. Satan's attempt (thus early) to destroy Abraham's seed, through Sarah. See App-23 . Thirteen ( App-10 ) famines recorded, Genesis 12:10 ; Genesis 26:1 ; Genesis 41:54 .Ruth 1:1 . 2Sa 21:1 . 1 Kings 18:2 . 2 Kings 4:38 ; 2 Kings 7:4 ; 2 Kings 25:3 .Nehemiah 5:3 .Jeremiah 14:1 .Luke 15:14 .Acts 11:28 .
down. Always "down" to Egypt! Compare Isaiah 30:2 ; Isaiah 31:1 .

see thee. In Egypt the women went unveiled.
kill me. Satan's next assault, working on Abraham's fear. If God had not interfered (Genesis 12:17 ), where would His promise have been? (Genesis 3:15 ; Genesis 12:7 ; Genesis 13:15 , &c.) See App-23 and App-25 .

sister. See note on Genesis 20:12 and App-29 . This was not a lie, Sarai was his half-sister (Genesis 20:12 ).
my soul = I, myself. Hebrew. nephesh. See App-13 . Figure of speech Synecdoche (of Part).

Pharaoh = the official title of all kings of Egypt, like Kaiser, Czar, &c.

and. Note the Figure of speech Polysyndeton. See App-6 , emph. each class of property. All these pictured on the Monuments in Egypt.
sheep, &c. No horses in Egypt till 18th Dynasty.

LORD. Divine intervention necessary. App-23 and App-24 .

What? Why? Figure of speech Erotesis.

And. Note the Figure of speech Polysyndeton.