G3588 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom) the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc the definite article;

7062 instances of the word ὁ ho (G3588)

  • Acts 19:5 - they heard When this they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus

  • John 19:5 - came Then Jesus forth wearing of thorns the crown And the purple robe And Pilate saith unto them the man

  • Luke 19:5 - And when came to the place he looked up Jesus and saw him And said unto him Zacchaeus make haste and come down to day for at house thy must I abide

  • Matthew 19:5 - And said cause For this leave shall a man father And mother And shall cleave wife And shall be they twain flesh

  • Revelation 19:5 - And a voice out of the throne came saying Praise God our all ye servants him And ye that fear him And small And great

  • Acts 19:6 - And had laid them when Paul his hands came Ghost the Holy on them they spake and with tongues And prophesied

  • John 19:6 - When therefore saw him the chief priests and officers they cried out saith Crucify Crucify saith him him Pilate Take him ye and Crucify I him for no find in him fault

  • Matthew 19:6 - Wherefore no more they are twain but flesh What therefore God hath joined together man not let

  • Revelation 19:6 - And I heard as the voice multitude of a great And as the voice waters of a great And as the voice thunderings of mighty saying Alleluia for reigneth the Lord God omnipotent

  • Acts 19:7 - were And all the men about twelve

  • John 19:7 - answered him The Jews We a law have and by a law our he ought to die because himself the Son of God he made

  • Revelation 19:7 - Let us be glad and rejoice and give honour his for is come the marriage of the Lamb and wife his hath made herself

  • Acts 19:8 - he went And into the synagogue and spake boldly for the space months of three disputing and persuading the things concerning the kingdom of God

  • John 19:8 - When therefore heard Pilate that saying the more afraid

  • Luke 19:8 - stood And Zacchaeus and said unto Lord Behold the half goods of my Lord I give to the poor and from any man from any man I have taken I restore him fourfold

  • Matthew 19:8 - He saith unto them Moses because of hearts of your suffered you to put away wives of your from the beginning but not it was so

  • Revelation 19:8 - And was granted to her that she should be arrayed in fine linen clean And white for in fine linen the righteousness is of saints

  • Acts 19:9 - when But divers were hardened and believed not but spake evil of that way before the multitude he departed from them and separated the disciples daily disputing in the school Tyrannus divers

  • John 19:9 - And went into the judgment hall again And saith Jesus Whence art thou But Jesus answer no gave him

  • Luke 19:9 - said And unto he Jesus This day salvation house to this come forsomuch as also he a son of Abraham is

  • Matthew 19:9 - I say And unto you Whosoever is put away her which wife it be for fornication and shall marry another committeth adultery and her which is put away shall marry committeth adultery

  • Revelation 19:9 - And he saith unto me Write Blessed unto supper the marriage of the Lamb are they which are called And he saith unto me These sayings the true are of God

  • Acts 19:10 - this And continued by the space years of two so that all they which dwelt in Asia heard the word of the Lord Jesus Jews both and Greeks

  • John 19:10 - saith Then unto him Pilate unto me not Speakest thou not knowest thou that power I have to crucify thee and power I have to release thee

  • Luke 19:10 - is come For the Son of man to seek and to save that which was lost

  • Matthew 19:10 - say His disciples His If so be the case of the man with his wife not good to marry

  • Revelation 19:10 - And I fell at feet him to worship him And he said unto me See thou do it not fellowservant of thy I am And brethren of thy that have the testimony of Jesus God to worship for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy

  • Acts 19:11 - miracles And special wrought God by the hands of Paul

  • John 19:11 - answered Jesus no Thou couldest have power at all against me it were thee given from above therefore he that delivered me thee sin Thou couldest have

  • Luke 19:11 - heard And as they these things he added and spake a parable because nigh as they was to Jerusalem and because they thought as they that immediately should the kingdom of God appear

  • Matthew 19:11 - But he said unto them men cannot All receive saying this save they to whom it is given

  • Revelation 19:11 - And I saw heaven opened And behold horse a white And he that sat upon him was called Faithful And True And in righteousness he doth judge And make war

  • Acts 19:12 - So unto the sick were brought from body his handkerchiefs or aprons So departed from his the diseases and spirits the evil went from his

  • John 19:12 - And from thenceforth sought Pilate go him but the Jews cried out saying If this man go not thou art friend Caesar whosoever a king him maketh speaketh against Caesar

  • Matthew 19:12 - there are For eunuchs which from womb their mother's born were so and there are eunuchs which eunuchs of men and there are eunuchs which eunuchs themselves for the kingdom of heaven's sake He that is able it let him receive it let him receive

  • Revelation 19:12 - eyes His were as a flame of fire and on head His crowns were many and he had a name written that no man knew His

  • Acts 19:13 - took upon them Then certain of the vagabond Jews exorcists to call over them which had spirits evil the name of the Lord Jesus saying We adjure you Jesus whom Paul preacheth

  • John 19:13 - therefore When Pilate heard that saying he brought forth Jesus and sat down in the judgment seat in a place that is called the Pavement in the Hebrew but Gabbatha

  • Matthew 19:13 - Then were there brought them little children that his hands he should put them and pray and the disciples rebuked them

  • Revelation 19:13 - And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood And is called name his The Word of God

  • Acts 19:14 - there were And sons of one Sceva a Jew and chief of the priests seven so which did

  • John 19:14 - it was And the preparation of the passover hour And about the sixth and he saith unto the Jews King your

  • Luke 19:14 - But citizens him hated him and sent a message after him saying not We will this man to reign over us

  • Matthew 19:14 - But Jesus said Suffer little children and not forbid them to come unto me for of such is the kingdom of heaven

  • Revelation 19:14 - And which were the armies in which were heaven followed him upon horses white clothed in fine linen white And clean

  • Acts 19:15 - answered And spirit the evil and said Jesus I know and Paul I know ye And who are

  • John 19:15 - But they cried out Away with Away with Shall I crucify him saith him Pilate King your Shall I crucify answered The chief priests no We have King Caesar

  • Luke 19:15 - And it came to pass that when was returned he having received the kingdom And he commanded to be called he servants these to whom he had given the money that he might know every man every man had gained by trading

  • Matthew 19:15 - And he laid them his hands and departed thence

  • Revelation 19:15 - And out of mouth his goeth sword a sharp that with his he should smite the nations And his he shall rule his with a rod of iron And his he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness And wrath God of Almighty

  • Acts 19:16 - And leaped on them the man in whom was spirit the evil And overcame them and prevailed against them so naked And wounded that they fled out of house that

  • John 19:16 - Then therefore delivered he him him to be crucified they took And Jesus and led him away

  • Luke 19:16 - came Then the first saying Lord pound thy hath gained ten pound

  • Revelation 19:16 - AND he hath on his vesture AND on thigh a name written KING KING AND LORD LORD

  • Acts 19:17 - this And was known all the Jews and also Greeks dwelling at Ephesus also fell fear on all them also was magnified the name of the Lord Jesus

  • John 19:17 - And he bearing cross went forth into called the place of a skull a place which called in the Hebrew Golgotha

  • Matthew 19:17 - And he said unto him Why me callest thou good there is none good if one that is God if And thou wilt enter into life keep the commandments

  • Revelation 19:17 - And I saw an angel standing in the sun And he cried voice of the great saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven Come And gather yourselves together unto the supper of the great God

  • Acts 19:18 - many And that believed came and confessed and shewed deeds

  • John 19:18 - Where him they crucified and with him other two and in the midst and Jesus

  • Luke 19:18 - And came the second saying Lord pound thy hath gained five pound

  • Matthew 19:18 - He saith unto him Which Jesus said no Thou shalt do no Thou shalt no Thou shalt no Thou shalt

  • Revelation 19:18 - That ye may eat the flesh of kings and the flesh of captains and the flesh of mighty men and the flesh of horses and of them that sit on them and the flesh of all men both free and bond and small and great

  • Acts 19:19 - Many also curious arts which used brought their books and burned them before all and they counted the price of them and found pieces of silver thousand it fifty

  • John 19:19 - the writing And and a title Pilate and put it on the cross was And the writing JESUS OF NAZARETH THE KING OF THE JEWS

  • Matthew 19:19 - Honour father thy and thy mother and Thou shalt love neighbour thy as thyself

  • Revelation 19:19 - And I saw the beast And the kings of the earth And armies his gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse And against armies his

  • Acts 19:20 - So mightily the word of God grew and prevailed

  • John 19:20 - This then title many read of the Jews for nigh it was to the city the place where was crucified Jesus and it was written in Hebrew and Greek and Latin

  • Luke 19:20 - And another came saying Lord behold pound here is thy which I have kept laid up in a napkin

  • Matthew 19:20 - saith unto him The young man All these things have I kept from youth up my what I yet lack

  • Revelation 19:20 - And was taken of the beast And with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast And them that worshipped image him alive were cast These both into a lake of fire burning with brimstone

  • Acts 19:21 - After were ended these things purposed Paul in the spirit when he had passed through Macedonia also Achaia to go to Jerusalem saying After have been I there must I also Rome see

  • John 19:21 - said Then to Pilate the chief priests of the Jews not Write King of the Jews but that he said King I am of the Jews

  • Matthew 19:21 - said unto him Jesus If thou wilt perfect be go and sell that thou hast and give to the poor and thou shalt have treasure in heaven and come and follow me

  • Revelation 19:21 - And which the remnant were slain with which the sword which of him that sat upon which the horse which sword proceeded out of which mouth his And all which the fowls were filled out of which flesh his

  • Acts 19:22 - he sent So in Macedonia two of them that ministered but he himself Timotheus and Erastus but he himself stayed for a season in Asia

  • John 19:22 - answered Pilate What I have written I have written

  • Luke 19:22 - he saith And unto him Out of mouth thine own will I judge thee thou wicked servant Thou knewest that I man an austere was taking up that not I laid and reaping that not I did

  • Matthew 19:22 - heard But when the young man that saying he went away sorrowful for he had possessions great

  • Acts 19:23 - there arose And time the same stir no small about that way

  • John 19:23 - Then soldier when they had crucified Jesus took garments his and made four a part to every soldier a part and his coat was now his coat without seam from the top woven throughout

  • Luke 19:23 - that Wherefore not gavest money my into the bank that I at my coming with usury might have required mine own

  • Matthew 19:23 - Then Jesus said disciples Verily I say unto you That shall hardly a rich man enter into the kingdom of heaven

  • Acts 19:24 - Demetrius For a certain man named a silversmith which made shrines silver for Diana brought unto the craftsmen gain no small

  • John 19:24 - They said therefore among themselves not Let us it but cast lots for it whose it shall be that which the scripture might be fulfilled which saith They parted which raiment my among them and for which vesture my they did cast lots which therefore the soldiers These things did

  • Luke 19:24 - And unto them that stood by he said Take from him pounds And give ten pounds it to him that hath

  • Matthew 19:24 - again And I say unto you easier It is for a camel through the eye of a needle to go than for a rich man into the kingdom of God to enter

  • Acts 19:25 - Whom he called together and of like occupation with the workmen said Sirs ye know that by craft wealth our we have

  • John 19:25 - there stood Now by the wife the cross the wife of Jesus the wife mother his and the wife sister the wife mother his Mary the wife the wife of Cleophas and Mary the wife Magdalene

  • Matthew 19:25 - heard When disciples his amazed it they were exceedingly saying Who can be saved

  • Acts 19:26 - Moreover ye see Moreover hear that no alone at Ephesus but almost throughout all which Asia which Paul this hath persuaded and turned away much people saying that no they be gods which with hands are made

  • John 19:26 - When Jesus therefore saw his mother and the disciple standing by whom he loved he saith his mother Woman behold son thy

  • Luke 19:26 - I say For unto you That unto every one which hath shall be given from and which not hath even that hath shall be taken away from him

  • Matthew 19:26 - beheld But Jesus them and said unto them With men this impossible are With But God all things possible are

  • Acts 19:27 - that not only So this is in danger our craft at nought to be set but also of the great goddess Diana that the temple at should So also be destroyed magnificence her whom all Asia also the world worshippeth

  • John 19:27 - Then saith he that disciple Behold mother thy ! And from that hour took her that disciple unto his own

  • Luke 19:27 - But which enemies me those which not would that I should reign over them bring hither and slay them before me

  • Matthew 19:27 - Then answered Peter and said unto him Behold we have forsaken all and followed thee what have shall we

  • Acts 19:28 - when they heard And and these sayings they were full of wrath cried out saying Great is Diana of the Ephesians