G3588 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom) the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc the definite article;

7062 instances of the word ὁ ho (G3588)

  • John 19:28 - After this knowing Jesus that all things now accomplished that might be fulfilled the scripture saith I thirst

  • Matthew 19:28 - which And Jesus said unto them Verily I say unto you That ye which have followed me in which the regeneration when shall sit which the Son which of man in the throne glory unto them shall sit also ye in the twelve the throne judging which the twelve tribes which of Israel

  • Acts 19:29 - And was filled city the whole with confusion they rushed and with one accord into the theatre having caught Gaius And Aristarchus men of Macedonia companions in travel Paul's

  • John 19:29 - a vessel Now there was set of vinegar full and they filled a spunge of vinegar and hyssop put it upon and put it to his mouth

  • Luke 19:29 - And it came to pass when he was come nigh to Bethphage And Bethany at the mount called the mount of Olives he sent two disciples

  • Matthew 19:29 - And every one that hath forsaken houses or brethren or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands sake name's for my an hundredfold shall receive And life everlasting shall inherit

  • Acts 19:30 - And Paul when have entered in unto the people not suffered him the disciples

  • John 19:30 - When therefore had received the vinegar Jesus he said It is finished and he bowed his head and gave up the ghost

  • Luke 19:30 - Saying Go ye into over against the village you in the which at your entering ye shall find a colt tied whereon the which yet never man sat loose him and bring

  • Acts 19:31 - certain And of the chief of Asia which were him friends sent unto him desiring not adventure himself into the theatre

  • John 19:31 - therefore The Jews that remain upon the cross the bodies on sabbath day because the preparation it was it was (for an high day that sabbath day besought Pilate that might be broken their legs and that they might be taken away

  • Luke 19:31 - And if any man you ask Why do ye loose him thus shall ye say of him Because the Lord of him need hath

  • Acts 19:32 - Some therefore Some one thing cried was for the assembly confused and the more part not knew wherefore they were come together

  • John 19:32 - came Then which the soldiers and which of the first brake which the legs and which of the other which was crucified with him

  • Luke 19:32 - went their way And they that were sent and found even as he had said unto them

  • Acts 19:33 - out of And the multitude they drew Alexander forward him the Jews And Alexander beckoned with the hand and would have made his defence unto the people

  • John 19:33 - to But Jesus they came when and saw his already was dead not they brake his legs

  • Luke 19:33 - as they were loosing And them the colt said the owners them unto them Why as they were loosing the colt

  • Acts 19:34 - when they knew But that a Jew he was voice with all about the space hours of two cried out Great is Diana of the Ephesians

  • John 19:34 - But one of the soldiers with a spear his side pierced and forthwith came there out blood and water

  • Luke 19:34 - And they said The Lord of him need hath

  • Acts 19:35 - had appeased And when the townclerk the people he said Ye men of Ephesus what is there man that not knoweth of Ephesus how that the city a worshipper is of the great goddess Diana and of the image which fell down from Jupiter

  • John 19:35 - And he that saw it bare record And true his is record and he knoweth that true he saith that ye might believe

  • Luke 19:35 - And they brought him to Jesus And and their garments upon the colt thereon Jesus

  • John 19:36 - were done For these things that the scripture should be fulfilled A bone not be broken of him

  • Luke 19:36 - as he went And they spread clothes in the way

  • Acts 19:37 - ye have brought hither For men these nor yet robbers of churches nor yet blasphemers goddess of your

  • Luke 19:37 - And when he was come nigh even now at the descent of the mount of Olives began the whole multitude of the disciples to rejoice and praise God voice with a loud for all that they had seen the mighty works

  • Acts 19:38 - if Wherefore Demetrius and which are with him the craftsmen against any man a matter have the law is open and deputies there are let them implead one another

  • John 19:38 - after And this besought Pilate Joseph of Arimathaea being a disciple of Jesus secretly And for fear of the Jews that he might take away the body of Jesus and gave him leave Pilate He came therefore and he might take away the body of Jesus

  • Luke 19:38 - Saying Blessed that cometh be the King in the name of the Lord peace in heaven and glory in the highest

  • Acts 19:39 - if But any thing concerning other matters ye enquire in a lawful assembly it shall be determined

  • John 19:39 - came And also Nicodemus which came to which Jesus by night which and brought a mixture of myrrh also aloes about pound an hundred

  • Luke 19:39 - And some of the Pharisees from among the multitude said unto him Master rebuke disciples thy

  • Acts 19:40 - For we are in danger to be called in question uproar for this day's no cause there being for we may give an account concourse

  • John 19:40 - took they Then the body of Jesus and wound it in linen clothes with the spices as the manner is of the Jews to bury

  • Luke 19:40 - And he answered and said unto them I tell you that if these should hold their peace the stones would immediately cry out

  • Acts 19:41 - And thus spoken he dismissed the assembly

  • John 19:41 - there was Now in the place where he was crucified a garden and in a garden sepulchre a new in never man laid

  • Luke 19:41 - And when he was come near he beheld the city and wept over it

  • John 19:42 - There therefore because preparation of the Jews day for nigh at hand was the sepulchre laid they Jesus

  • Luke 19:42 - Saying If thou hadst known even thou even at least in the things day thine the things which belong unto peace thine now ! but they are hid from eyes thine

  • Luke 19:43 - For shall come the days upon thee and about enemies thine a trench thee and compass thee and in thee on every side

  • Luke 19:44 - And even with the ground thee And children of thy in thee And not leave in thee another upon another because not thou knewest the time visitation of thy

  • Luke 19:45 - And he went into the temple and began to cast out them that sold therein And them that bought

  • Luke 19:46 - Saying it It is written house My house of prayer is ye but it have made a den of thieves

  • Luke 19:47 - And he taught daily in the temple But the chief priests And the scribes sought him to destroy And the chief of the people

  • Luke 19:48 - And not could what they might do the people for all were very attentive him to hear

  • Acts 20:1 - after And was ceased the uproar called Paul unto him the disciples and embraced them and departed for to go into Macedonia

  • John 20:1 - day of the week Mary Magdalene cometh early dark yet when it was unto the sepulchre and seeth the stone taken away from the sepulchre

  • Luke 20:1 - And it came to pass in days of those as he taught the people in the temple And preached the gospel came upon the chief priests And the scribes him with the elders

  • Matthew 20:1 - like For is the kingdom of heaven unto a man that is an householder which went out early in the morning to hire labourers into vineyard

  • Revelation 20:1 - And I saw an angel come down from heaven having the key of the bottomless pit And chain a great in hand

  • Acts 20:2 - when he had gone over And parts those and exhortation them had given he came into Greece

  • John 20:2 - she runneth Then and cometh to Simon Peter and to the other disciple whom loved Jesus and saith him They have taken away the Lord out of the sepulchre and not we know where they have laid him

  • Luke 20:2 - And Tell unto him saying Tell us by what authority these things doest thou or who is he that gave thee authority

  • Matthew 20:2 - when he had agreed And with the labourers for a penny a day he sent them into vineyard them

  • Revelation 20:2 - And he laid hold on the dragon serpent that old which is the Devil And Satan And bound him a thousand years

  • Acts 20:3 - there abode And months three he purposed for him wait And when the Jews as he was about to sail into Syria he purposed to return through Macedonia

  • John 20:3 - went forth therefore Peter and that other disciple and came to the sepulchre

  • Matthew 20:3 - And he went out about the third hour and saw others standing in the marketplace idle

  • Revelation 20:3 - And cast he into the bottomless pit And shut he And set a seal upon he he should deceive the nations more till should be fulfilled the thousand years And after that must he be loosed a little season

  • Acts 20:4 - there accompanied And him into Asia Sopater of Berea of the Thessalonians And Aristarchus and Secundus and Gaius of Derbe and Timotheus of Asia And Tychicus and Trophimus

  • John 20:4 - they ran So both together and the other disciple did outrun Peter and came first to the sepulchre

  • Luke 20:4 - The baptism of John from heaven was it or from men

  • Matthew 20:4 - unto them And said Go also ye into the vineyard also whatsoever is right I will give you And they went their way

  • Revelation 20:4 - And I saw thrones And they sat in his And judgment was given his And I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus And for the word of God And which neither had the beast neither image his And neither had received his mark in foreheads his And in hands his And they lived And reigned with Christ a thousand years

  • John 20:5 - And he stooping down and looking in saw lying the linen clothes not yet in

  • Luke 20:5 - And they reasoned with themselves saying If we shall say From heaven he will say Why then not believed ye him

  • Revelation 20:5 - But the rest of the dead not again until were finished the thousand years This resurrection is the first

  • Acts 20:6 - we And sailed away after days of unleavened bread from Philippi and came unto them to Troas in days five where we abode days seven

  • John 20:6 - cometh Then Simon Peter following him and went into the sepulchre and seeth the linen clothes lie

  • Luke 20:6 - if But and we say Of men all the people will stone us persuaded for they be that John a prophet was

  • Matthew 20:6 - about And the eleventh hour he went out and found others stand ye idle and saith unto them Why here stand ye all the day idle

  • Revelation 20:6 - Blessed and holy hath part in resurrection the first on such death the second no hath power but they shall be priests of God and of Christ and shall reign with him a thousand years

  • Acts 20:7 - upon And day of the week came together when the disciples to break bread Paul preached unto them ready to depart on the morrow continued and his speech until midnight

  • John 20:7 - And the napkin that was about his head not with the linen clothes lying but wrapped together in by itself a place

  • Matthew 20:7 - He saith unto him Because no man us hath hired He saith unto him Go also ye into the vineyard also whatsoever is right that shall ye receive

  • Revelation 20:7 - And when are expired the thousand years shall be loosed Satan out of prison

  • Acts 20:8 - there were And lights many in the upper chamber where there were gathered together

  • John 20:8 - Then went in also which that other disciple which came first to which the sepulchre also he saw also believed

  • Luke 20:8 - And Jesus said unto them Neither I tell you by what authority these things I do

  • Matthew 20:8 - when even So was come saith the lord of the vineyard steward them Call the labourers and give them their hire beginning from the last unto the first

  • Revelation 20:8 - And shall go out to deceive which the nations which are in which the four quarters which of the earth which Gog And which Magog to gather them to battle of whom which the number is as which the sand which of the sea

  • Acts 20:9 - there sat And a certain young man named Eutychus in a window being fallen sleep into a deep preaching and as Paul in being fallen from sleep from the third loft and fell down and was taken up dead

  • John 20:9 - as yet For they knew the scripture that he must from the dead rise again

  • Luke 20:9 - began he Then to the people to speak parable man A certain planted a vineyard and forth it to husbandmen and went into a far country time for a long

  • Matthew 20:9 - And when they came that were hired about the eleventh hour they received every man a penny

  • Revelation 20:9 - And they went up on the breadth of the earth And about the camp of the saints And city the beloved And came down fire from God out of heaven And devoured them

  • Acts 20:10 - went down And Paul and fell on him and embracing him said not Trouble for life him in him is

  • John 20:10 - went away Then again unto their own home the disciples

  • Luke 20:10 - And at the season he sent to the husbandmen a servant that of the fruit of the vineyard they should give him but the husbandmen beat him and sent him away empty

  • Matthew 20:10 - came But when the first they supposed that more received and received and every man a penny

  • Revelation 20:10 - And the devil that deceived them was cast for the lake of fire And brimstone where the beast And the false prophet And shall be tormented day And night for and ever and ever

  • John 20:11 - Mary But stood at the sepulchre she wept without as and she wept she stooped down and looked into the sepulchre

  • Luke 20:11 - And again he sent another servant and him also they beat And entreated him shamefully and sent him away empty

  • Matthew 20:11 - when they had received And it they murmured against the goodman of the house

  • Revelation 20:11 - And I saw throne white a great And him that sat on for them whose from face fled away the earth And the heaven And place no there was found for them

  • Acts 20:12 - they brought And the young man alive and comforted not a little

  • John 20:12 - And seeth two angels in white sitting the one at the head And the one at the feet where had lain the body of Jesus