This discipleship will be a combination of soul winning and apologetics specifically aimed
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While defending our faith, all Christians need to provide proof, and we also need to be
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Why God is not a Mormon? God the Father is not in service to another God, “If I’m
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What is wrong about Mormonism? Mormon false teachings of baptism for the dead and polygamy
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If you focus on Ellen G. White who is a false teacher, you would be able to debunk the Seventh-Day
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How Christians defend against the critics – This lesson is about Christian apologetics.
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This article will go through 3 false arguments that the Seventh Day Adventists would use
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The beliefs and non-beliefs of Seventh-day Adventism are of the following: Sabbath, Soul
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What The Bible Says About Seventh Day Adventists? Not everyone has to observe the Sabbath.
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For this lesson, as well as nearly every other class, we will use a map called the World
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Jehovah’s Witness believes that only the 144,000 can go to heaven and have everlasting life.
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The Jehovah witnesses do not have correct understanding about the Bible and they believe
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