H582 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
a man in general (singly or collectively) another, [idiom] (blood-) thirsty, certain, chap(-man); divers, fellow, [idiom] in the flower of their age, husband, (certain, mortal) man, people, person, servant, some ([idiom] of them), [phrase] stranger, those, [phrase] their trade. It is often unexpressed in the English versions, especially when used in apposition with another word. Compare H376 (אִישׁ). from H605 (אָנַשׁ); properly, a mortal (and thus differing from the more dignified H120 (אָדָם)); hence,

217 instances of the word אֱנוֹשׁ ʼĕnôwsh (H582)

  • Job 15:14 - What is man that he should be clean that he should be righteous and he which is born of a woman

  • Numbers 16:2 - And they rose up before Moses men of the children of Israel and fifty two hundred princes of the assembly famous in the congregation men of renown

  • Genesis 16:3 - took And Sarai to be his wife Abram Hagar the Egyptian her maid after ten years had dwelt Abram in the land of Canaan and gave Abram to be his wife

  • Exodus 16:20 - Notwithstanding they hearkened and Moses of them left but some of it until the morning and it bred worms and stank was wroth and Moses

  • Judges 16:27 - Now the house was full of men and women and all the lords of the Philistines were there and there were upon the roof about three thousand men and women that beheld made sport while Samson

  • Ezekiel 16:45 - daughter Thou art thy mother's that lotheth her husband and her children and thou art the sister and thou art the sister that lotheth their husbands and her children Thou art thy mother's was an Hittite and your father an Amorite

  • 2 Samuel 17:12 - So shall we come one place where he shall be found falleth upon him as the dew on the ground that are with him there shall not be left and of him and of all the men so much as one

  • 1 Samuel 17:19 - Now Saul of Israel were in the valley of Elah fighting with the Philistines

  • 1 Samuel 17:26 - by him saying And David to the men that stood by him saying What shall be done to the man that killeth Philistine this and taketh away the reproach from Israel Philistine for who is this uncircumcised that he should defy the armies God of the living

  • 1 Samuel 18:5 - went out And David sent and Saul him and behaved himself wisely set and Saul him over the men of war and he was accepted and also in the sight of all the people and also in the sight servants and Saul

  • Joshua 18:8 - arose And the men and walk charged and Joshua and walk and describe the land saying and walk and walk the land and describe it and come again to me that I may here cast lots for you before the LORD in Shiloh

  • Joshua 18:9 - And the men and passed through the land and described it by cities into seven parts in a book and came again to Joshua to the host at Shiloh

  • Judges 18:14 - Then answered the five men that went to spy out the country of Laish and said unto their brethren Do ye know that there is in these houses an ephod and teraphim and a graven image and a molten image Do ye know what ye have to do

  • Genesis 18:16 - rose up And the men from thence and looked toward Sodom and Abraham went with them to bring them on the way

  • Judges 18:22 - And when they were a good way from the house near to Micah's the men from the house from the house near to Micah's were gathered together and overtook the children of Dan

  • Exodus 18:25 - chose And Moses men able out of all Israel and made them heads over the people and rulers of thousands and rulers of hundreds and rulers of fifties and rulers of tens

  • Genesis 19:4 - But before they lay down even the men of the city even the men of Sodom compassed the house and young both old all the people from every quarter

  • 1 Chronicles 19:5 - certain and told David how the men were served And he sent to meet how the men ashamed were greatly said And the king Tarry at Jericho be grown until your beards and then return

  • Genesis 19:9 - And they said Stand back And they said again This one fellow came in to sojourn and he will needs and he will needs now will we deal worse with thee than with them And they pressed even Lot sore Stand to break the door

  • Jeremiah 19:10 - Then shalt thou break the bottle in the sight of the men that go

  • Judges 19:22 - merry Now as they were making their hearts behold the men of the city behold the men sons of Belial beset into thine house and beat at the door and spake man to the master into thine house the old and spake Bring forth man that came into thine house that we may know

  • Judges 19:25 - would But the men not hearken took to him so the man his concubine and brought her forth unto them and they knew her and abused her all the night until the morning they let her go began to spring and when the day

  • Ezekiel 20:1 - year And it came to pass in the seventh in the fifth month the tenth day of the month came that certain of the elders of Israel to enquire of the LORD and sat before

  • Jeremiah 20:10 - For I heard the defaming of many fear on every side Report Report it All my familiars watched saying Peradventure he will be enticed and we shall prevail against him and we shall take our revenge

  • Judges 20:12 - sent And the tribes of Israel men And the tribes of Benjamin saying What wickedness is this that is done

  • 1 Kings 20:17 - come out And the young men of the princes of the provinces first sent out and Benhadad and they told him saying There are men come out of Samaria

  • 1 Kings 21:10 - And set two men sons of Belial before him to bear witness against him saying Thou didst blaspheme God and the king And then carry him out and stone him that he may die

  • Exodus 21:22 - strive If men and hurt a woman with child depart so that her fruit from her and yet no mischief follow he shall be surely he shall be surely will lay husband a woman upon him and he shall pay as the judges

  • 1 Samuel 22:6 - heard When Saul was discovered that David and the men When Saul abode in Gibeah under a tree in Ramah having his spear in his hand and all his servants were standing

  • Ezekiel 22:9 - In thee are men that carry tales to shed blood upon the mountains and in thee they eat lewdness of thee they commit in the midst

  • Numbers 22:9 - came And God unto Balaam and said What men

  • Genesis 23:6 - Hear us my lord prince thou art a mighty among us in the choice from thee his sepulchre bury thy dead from thee his sepulchre none of us shall withhold bury thy dead

  • 2 Samuel 23:17 - And he said Be it far from me O LORD it These things did this is not this the blood of the men that went in jeopardy of their lives therefore he would not drink it These things did these three mighty men

  • 1 Samuel 24:6 - And he said unto his men forbid The LORD that I should do this thing unto my master against him seeing he is the anointed The LORD to stretch forth mine hand against him seeing he is the anointed The LORD

  • Isaiah 24:6 - Therefore hath the curse devoured of the earth therein are desolate and they that dwell are burned and they that dwell of the earth left men and few

  • 2 Kings 24:16 - And all the men of might even seven a thousand and craftsmen and smiths a thousand all that were strong and apt for war brought even them the king of Babylon captive of Babylon

  • 2 Chronicles 24:24 - with a small company of men came For the army of the Syrians and the LORD delivered into their hand For the army great a very because they had forsaken and the LORD God of their fathers against Joash So they executed judgment

  • Genesis 24:32 - came And the man into the house and he ungirded for the camels and gave straw and provender for the camels and water to wash feet feet and the men's

  • Deuteronomy 25:1 - If there be a controversy between men and they come unto judgment that the judges may judge them then they shall justify the righteous and condemn the wicked

  • Job 25:4 - be justified How then can man with God or how can he be clean that is born of a woman

  • Numbers 25:5 - said And Moses unto the judges of Israel Slay one his men that were joined unto Baalpeor

  • Job 25:6 - How much less man that is a worm and the son of man which is a worm

  • 1 Samuel 25:15 - But the men good were very unto us and we were not hurt neither missed we any thing as long as we were conversant with them when we were in the fields

  • 2 Kings 25:19 - And out of the city he took officer an that was set men of war and five men of them that were presence in the king's that were found And out of the city scribe and the principal of the host which mustered of the people of the land and threescore men of the people of the land that were found And out of the city

  • Jeremiah 26:17 - Then rose up certain of the elders of the land and spake to all the assembly of the people and spake

  • 1 Samuel 27:8 - went up And David and his men and invaded the Geshurites and the Gezrites and the Amalekites for those the inhabitants even unto the land nations were of old as thou goest to Shur even unto the land of Egypt

  • Job 28:4 - breaketh out The flood from the inhabitant even the waters forgotten of the foot they are dried up from men they are gone away

  • Proverbs 28:5 - men Evil understand not judgment but they that seek the LORD understand

  • 1 Samuel 28:8 - disguised And Saul himself and put on raiment other and two men with him and they came to the woman by night and he said I pray thee divine unto me by the familiar spirit and bring me him up and he said

  • Job 28:13 - knoweth Man not the price thereof neither is it found in the land of the living

  • 1 Samuel 29:4 - were wroth And the princes of the Philistines said And the princes of the Philistines return this fellow return to his place which thou hast appointed him and let him not go down lest in the battle he be an adversary lest in the battle to us for wherewith should he reconcile himself unto his master should it not be with the heads of these men

  • Jeremiah 29:6 - Take wives and beget and daughters and daughters Take and daughters wives and daughters and give to husbands and beget and daughters and daughters that ye may be increased there and not diminished

  • Proverbs 29:10 - The bloodthirsty hate the upright but the just seek his soul

  • 1 Samuel 29:11 - rose up early So David and his men in the morning to return into the land And the Philistines And the Philistines went up to Jezreel

  • Genesis 29:19 - said And Laban It is better her to thee than that I should give her to thee than that I should give her to another abide

  • Genesis 29:22 - gathered together And Laban all the men of the place and made a feast

  • 2 Chronicles 30:11 - Nevertheless divers of Asher and Manasseh and of Zebulun humbled themselves and came to Jerusalem

  • Genesis 30:15 - And she said unto her Is it a small matter and wouldest thou take away and wouldest thou take away mandrakes my son's And she said also And Rachel Therefore he shall lie with thee to night for mandrakes my son's

  • 1 Samuel 30:22 - Then answered men all the wicked and men of Belial of those Because they went with David and said Because they went not with us we will not give them ought of the spoil that we have recovered men his wife and his children that they may lead them away Because they went

  • 1 Samuel 31:3 - went sore And the battle against Saul hit and the archers wounded him and he was sore and the archers

  • Numbers 31:21 - said And Eleazar the priest unto the men of war which went to the battle This is the ordinance of the law commanded which the LORD Moses

  • Genesis 31:49 - And Mizpah for he said watch The LORD between me and thee when we are absent from another

  • Job 32:1 - ceased So these three men to answer Job because he was righteous in his own eyes

  • Job 32:8 - But there is a spirit in man and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding

  • Numbers 32:14 - And behold ye are risen up in your fathers stead an increase men of sinful to augment yet the fierce anger of the LORD toward Israel

  • Genesis 32:24 - was left And Jacob alone and there wrestled with him until the breaking of the day

  • Deuteronomy 32:26 - I said I would scatter them into corners of them to cease from among men I would make the remembrance

  • Job 33:12 - Behold in this thou art not just I will answer is greater thee that God than man

  • Job 33:16 - Then he openeth the ears of men their instruction and sealeth

  • Job 33:26 - He shall pray unto God and he will be favourable unto him and he shall see his face with joy for he will render unto man his righteousness

  • Job 33:27 - He looketh upon men and if any say I have sinned that which was right and perverted and it profited

  • 2 Chronicles 34:12 - And the men did faithfully the work to set it forward of them were Jahath and Obadiah and other of the Levites of the sons of Merari and Zechariah and Meshullam of the sons of the sons of the Kohathites and the overseers and other of the Levites all that could skill of instruments of musick

  • Genesis 34:14 - And they said unto them We cannot do this thing to give our sister that is uncircumcised for that were a reproach

  • Numbers 34:19 - And the names of the men are these Of the tribe of Judah Caleb the son of Jephunneh

  • Genesis 34:20 - came And Hamor his son unto the gate of their city and communed with the men of their city saying

  • Job 34:34 - Let men of understanding tell man me and let a wise hearken

  • Exodus 35:22 - And they came men both and women as many as were willing hearted And they came bracelets and earrings and rings and tablets as many as all jewels of gold as many as and every man that offered offered an offering of gold unto the LORD

  • Job 36:25 - Every man may see it man may behold it afar off

  • Genesis 37:15 - found him and behold he was wandering in the field asked him saying What seekest

  • Job 37:24 - do therefore fear Men him he respecteth not any that are wise of heart

  • Genesis 38:21 - Then he asked the men of that place And they said There was no harlot by the way side And they said in this There was no harlot

  • Genesis 38:25 - When she was brought forth she sent to her father in law and she said whose these are am I with child and she said Discern I pray thee whose are these the signet and bracelets and staff

  • Genesis 39:2 - And the LORD was with Joseph and he was a prosperous and he was in the house of his master the Egyptian

  • Isaiah 39:3 - Then came Isaiah the prophet unto king Hezekiah and said and said these men and from whence Then came and said Hezekiah country from a far Then came unto me even from Babylon

  • Jeremiah 39:4 - saw And it came to pass that when Zedekiah of the king's of Judah them and all the men of war then they fled and he went out by night out of the city by the way garden of the king's by the gate betwixt the two walls and he went out by the way of the plain

  • Genesis 40:5 - And they dreamed a dream both of them a dream night in one according to the interpretation a dream and the baker of the king of Egypt which were bound in the prison

  • Jeremiah 40:8 - Then they came to Gedaliah to Mizpah even Ishmael and the sons of Nethaniah and Johanan and Jonathan and the sons of Kareah and Seraiah and the sons of Tanhumeth and the sons of Ephai the Netophathite and Jezaniah and the sons of a Maachathite they and their men

  • Jeremiah 41:3 - all the Jews that were with him even with Gedaliah at Mizpah and the Chaldeans that were found there and the men of war also slew Ishmael

  • Genesis 41:12 - And there was there with us a young man an Hebrew servant to the captain of the guard and we told he did interpret according to his dream according to his dream he did interpret

  • Genesis 42:30 - spake who is the lord of the country roughly to us and took us for spies of the country

  • Jeremiah 43:9 - Take in thine hand stones great and hide them in the clay in the brickkiln which is at the entry house of Pharaoh's in Tahpanhes in the sight of the men of Judah

  • Genesis 43:11 - said Israel And their father unto them If it must be so now do this take of the best fruits in the land in your vessels and carry down a present a little balm a little honey spices and myrrh nuts and almonds

  • Genesis 43:16 - saw And when Joseph with Benjamin them he said home Bring for these men home and slay and make ready with shall dine for these men with me at noon

  • Genesis 44:3 - As soon as the morning was light the men were sent away they and their asses

  • Jeremiah 44:19 - And when we burned incense to the queen of heaven and poured out drink offerings unto her without our men unto her did we make her cakes to worship and poured out drink offerings

  • Genesis 45:22 - To all of them he gave changes of raiment but to Benjamin To all of them he gave three hundred pieces of silver and five changes of raiment

  • Genesis 46:32 - And the men are shepherds their flocks And the men for their trade hath been to feed cattle their flocks and their herds and they have brought

  • Genesis 46:34 - That ye shall say trade hath been about cattle Thy servants from our youth even until now both we and also our fathers that ye may dwell in the land of Goshen is an abomination unto the Egyptians for every shepherd

  • Genesis 47:2 - some of his brethren And he took even five men and presented them unto Pharaoh

  • Genesis 47:20 - bought And Joseph all the land for the Egyptians became Pharaoh's sold his field prevailed because the famine over them so the land became Pharaoh's