the word of the LORD. First occurance of this expression is with the preposition. el , unto, implying action of a person; or, at least, articulate speech.
a vision = the vision. Occurs only 4 times (here, Numbers 24:4 , Numbers 24:16 ; Ezr 13:7 ).
I am thy shield. Manifested in Genesis 14:13-16 and Genesis 14:17-24 . Compare John 8:56 . The Incarnate Christ is Faith's shield (Ephesians 6:16 ).

Lord GOD. Hebrew. Adonai Jehovah. See App-4 . First occ, relating to blessing in the earth.
go = am going on.

Behold . . . lo. Figure of speech Asterismos ( App-6 ).
heir. Hebrew. inherits me. Figure of speech Metonymy (of Subject). This was strictly in accordance with 191 of the Code of Kharnmurabi. See App-15 .

Look. See note on Genesis 13:14 .
now = steadfastly.
stars. See on Genesis 13:16 = the heavenly calling in Israel (Hebrews 3:1 ; Hebrews 11:9-16 ). Figure of speech Paroemia.
number them. Hence Joahs objection in 2 Samuel 24:3 .

believed: i.e. believed Jehovah = believed what he "heard" (Romans 10:17 ).
counted = reckoned or imputed. righteousness. No art. = as righteousness. This was positive imputed righteousness (because he believed concerning Christ). It was more than forensic righteousness, which was negative or nonimputation of sin (Psalms 32:1 , Psalms 32:2 ). This was the consequence of the Gospel preached to Abram. (Compare Galatians 3:8 , and read Rom 4 and Galatians 3 ).

Lord GOD. Hebrew. Adonai Jehovah. See Genesis 15:2 and App-4 .

Take me = take for me: i.e. an offering for me, heifer. See App-15 .

these. Five, the No. of Grace, because Covenant was unconditional. See App-10 .
divided. So Covenants were made (Jeremiah 34:18-20 ), midst, i.e. in half.

Abram. Put to sleep so that he should have no part in it, and that the Covenant should be unconditional, in which "God was the one" and only contracting party (Galatians 1:3 , Galatians 1:20 ). Compare Genesis 15:17 . Contrast "both", Genesis 21:27 .
lo. Figure of speech Asterismos. See App-6 .

Know of a surety. Hebrew. knowing thou shalt know. Figure of speech Polyptoton , and note on Genesis 26:28 .
thy seed , i.e. Isaac. See note on Genesis 21:12 . The 400 years date from Isaac's birth (Acts 7:6 ). The 430 from the "promise" or Covenant here made (compare Galatians 1:3 , Galatians 1:17 ), and include the whole "sojourning" (Exodus 12:40 ). and shall serve, &c. Figure of speech Epitrechon. See App-6 . This is shown by the Structure ( Introversion ). a | Thy seed shall be a stranger, &c. b | and shall serve them b | and they shall afflict them a | four hundred years. In a and a we have the whole sojourning and duration. In b and b the servitude in Egypt (215 years).

judge. Put by Metonymy (of Cause), for punish.

go to thy fathers = die and be buried. Abram's fathers were idolaters. Joshua 24:2 . Figure of speech Euphemism ( App-6 ).

fourth = Levi, Kohath, Amram, Moses; (or Levi), Jochebed (born in Egypt).
iniquity. Hebrew. 'avon. See App-44 .
not yet. Another mark of the corruption of the Canaanite nations through the Nephilim and Rephaim.

furnace. Symbolic of the affliction of Israel (Deuteronomy 4:20 . 1 Kings 8:51 .Isaiah 31:9 . Ezekiel 22:18-22 .Jeremiah 11:4; Jeremiah 11:4 ).
lamp. Symbolic of Israel's deliverance (1 Kings 11:36 ; 1 Kings 15:4 .Isaiah 62:1 . 2 Samuel 21:17 ).

the LORD. Not Abram (Galatians 1:3 , Galatians 1:17 ). See note on Genesis 15:12 .
have. Before this it was "I will". From now it is "I have".
this land. Never yet possessed with these boundaries.

Ten nations. See App-10 .

Hittites. First occurance. See Exodus 32:2 .Joshua 3:10 , &c.
Rephaim. Another link in the chain from Genesis 6:4 . Compare Genesis 12:6 ; Genesis 13:7 ; Genesis 14:5 ; and see App-23 .