came to pass in the days of. Hebrew v'yahi bemeyi : occurs 6 times (see App-10 ); always marks a time of trouble ending in blessing. Compare Ruth 1:1 .Isaiah 7:1 .Jeremiah 1:3 .Esther 1:1 . 2 Samuel 21:1 (Compare Genesis 14:14 ).
in the days. Dated in the reign of a king of Babylon: the united forces led by a king of Elam. The Assyrian tablets show that Elam had conquered and overrun Babylonia. Amraphel reigned in N. (Shinar); Eri-Aku (Arioch), an Elamite prince, in the S. at Larsa (Ellasar), All the names here are found on one tablet.
Amraphel = Khammurabi of the Tablets. Ammurapi is Amraphel transliterated.
Arioch = Eri-aku of the Tablets, in which it is found that his mother was sister to Chedorlaomer.
nations. The Tablet says "lie assembled the Umman-manda ", or the barbarian tribes of the Kurdish mountains, and that he "did evil" to the land of Bel. The Assyrian tablets are therefore shown to be correct by their agreement with Genesis.

Zoar. Compare Genesis 14:8 with Genesis 19:22 .

vale. Afterward, the Salt (or Dead Sea), when Moses wrote.
Siddim = the Siddim.

Twelve. The No. of Government. See App-10 .
served = had served, Genesis 14:4 goes back to the events leading up to the present war with Sodom.
thirteenth. The first occurance. Hence the number of Rebellion. See App-10 .

Rephaim = a branch of the Nephilim. See App-25 . Superhuman beings, so called after one Rapha: as the Anakim after Anak. See Genesis 15:20 . Deuteronomy 2:11 , Deuteronomy 2:20 , Deuteronomy 2:21 ; Deuteronomy 3:11 , Deuteronomy 3:13 .Joshua 12:4 ; Joshua 13:12 ; Joshua 15:8 ; Joshua 17:15 ; Joshua 18:16 . See notes on Genesis 6:4 ; Genesis 12:6 ; Genesis 13:7 ; Genesis 14:5 ; Genesis 15:20 , Genesis 15:21 .
Zuzims in Ham, same as Zam-zummim in Cuneiform writing. Compare Deuteronomy 2:20 .
Emim. Compare Deuteronomy 2:10 .

Horites. Deuteronomy 2:12 .

En-mishpat = the spring of judgment. Not yet Kadesh = the Sanctuary.
all the country. Hebrew "the whole field", put by Synecdoche (of the Part), App-6 , for country.

takes up the present war with Sodom.
Zoar. Compare Genesis 14:2 with Genesis 19:22 .

four kings with five. See the No. 9, the number of Judgment. See App-10 .

slime pits = pits of bitumen, still a feature of the shores of the Dead Sea.

who dwelt: emphasis to call attention to Genesis 13:12 . See note. Hebrew. HE (Lot), being a dweller in Sodom.

Hebrew. So called from 'Eber (Genesis 11:14 . Compare Genesis 10:21 ; Genesis 39:14 ; Genesis 41:12 .Numbers 24:24; Numbers 24:24 ), from 'abar, "to pass on" = "he who passed over from beyond" (Greek. hyper), i.e. beyond the Euphrates (Joshua 24:2 ).
he: emph. in contrast with Lot.
these: emph. = these also having a covenant with Abrarn. See Genesis 13:17 .

trained = initiated or instructed, probably in the worship of Jehovah. Compare Genesis 12:5 ; Genesis 15:2 ; Genesis 18:19 ; Genesis 24:12-29 ; and Proverbs 22:6 (same word). 318 = a multiple of 6, the No. of "man". See App-10 .
Dan. Not the Dan of Judges 18:29 , but a city in N. of Palestine long before the Danites changed the name of Laish.

he and his servants. Note the emphasis on "he".

and. Note the Figure of speech Polysyndeton. See App-6 .

king's dale = the king of Salem mentioned in next verse. The name still retained in 2 Samuel 18:18 .

Note the parenthetical clause Genesis 14:18-20 , which interrupts in order to interpret.
Melchizedek = King of righteousness, or by Figure of Speech Enallage , ( App-6 ), righteous king. In History, Genesis 14 . In Prophecy, Psalms 110 . In Fulfilment, Hebrews 7 . This might be Shem in type, Christ in antitype.

Salem. Called, on the bricks of the ruins of an ancient city in S. of Palestine, Uru-Salim = the city of Salim. The Tablets show that Palestine was at this time in possession of Egypt, and the Tablets are letters to the Pharaohs Amenophis III and IV. One is from Ebed-Tob, the successor of Melchizedek. Three times he says "not my father, not my mother installed me in this place but the Mighty King" (Compare Hebrews 7:1-4 ), i.e. he did not inherit by succession, but by the gift and "the arm of the Mighty King" (the deity).
wine. Same as Genesis 9:20-24 . See App-27 .
priest. Yet no sacrifices. Hence a type of Him to Whom all shall bow (Psalms 110:4 , and pay their tithes and bring their gifts (Psalms 72 ). See note on Genesis 9:27 .
MOST HIGH GOD. Hebrew. El Elyon, so verses: Genesis 14:19 , Genesis 14:20 , Genesis 14:22 . See App-4 . First occurance of this title. Compare first occurance in N.T. (Luke 1:76 ) "Highest", in relation to the earth. See also Deuteronomy 32:8 (compare Acts 17:26 ). Psaalm 8; Psalms 9:18 , Psa 9:27 ; and note on Numbers 24:16 .

he. Figure of speech Ellipsis = Abram.
him = Melchizedek.

persons = Hebrew. nephesh, souls. App-13 . Figure of speech Syne cdoche (of the Part).

lift up mine hand = I swear. Compare Exodus 6:8 . Psalms 106:26 . Isaiah 3:7 margin. Figure of speech Metonymy (of Adjunct). See App-6 .

I will not take. The blessing of Melchizedek, and the bread and wine, prepared him for this great renunciation.