
And it came to pass at the end of twenty years, wherein Solomon had built the house of the LORD, and his own house,

at the end: 1 Kings 9:10
Reciprocal: 1 Kings 7:1 - thirteen years 1 Kings 9:15 - to build Ecclesiastes 2:4 - I builded


That the cities which Huram had restored to Solomon, Solomon built them, and caused the children of Israel to dwell there.

the cities: 1 Kings 9:11-18
Reciprocal: 2 Chronicles 11:5 - built 2 Chronicles 14:6 - And he built 2 Chronicles 17:12 - in Judah


And Solomon went to Hamath-zobah, and prevailed against it.

Hamathzobah: Numbers 13:21, Numbers 34:8, 2 Samuel 8:3, 1 Kings 11:23-25, 1 Chronicles 18:3
Reciprocal: 2 Samuel 8:5 - Zobah 2 Kings 14:28 - Damascus Jeremiah 52:9 - Hamath


And he built Tadmor in the wilderness, and all the store cities, which he built in Hamath.

he built: 1 Kings 9:17-19
Tadmor: Tadmor, the Palmyra of the Greeks, as we learn from Josephus, a celebrated city of Syria, situated in an oasis, or fertile spot of land, surrounded on all sides by a vast sandy desert, like an island in the midst of the ocean; according to Pliny, 337 miles from Seleucia and Tigrim, 203 from the nearest part of the Mediterranean, and 176 from Damascus; according to Josephus, one day's journey west of the Euphrates, and six from Babylon; and according to Ptolemy, in lat. 34 degrees north, or that of Tripoli, and about 4 degrees more easterly; and it is described by Mr. Wood as "situated under a barren ridge of hills to the west, and open on the other sides to the desert;" "about six days' journey from Aleppo, and as much from Damascus, and about twenty leagues west of the Euphrates." Palmyra attained the height of its splendour when the royal city of Zenobia was conquered by the emperor Aurelian; became a Roman colony after the victories of Trajan; and was probably reduced to its present miserable state in the wars of the Saracens. Its magnificent ruins, however, scattered over an extent of several miles, sufficiently attest its former splendour and riches.
Reciprocal: 1 Kings 9:18 - Tadmor 2 Kings 14:28 - Damascus 2 Chronicles 8:6 - the store cities


Also he built Beth-horon the upper, and Beth-horon the nether, fenced cities, with walls, gates, and bars;

Bethhoron: Joshua 16:3, Joshua 16:5, 1 Chronicles 7:24
Reciprocal: 1 Samuel 13:18 - Bethhoron 2 Chronicles 25:13 - Bethhoron


And Baalath, and all the store cities that Solomon had, and all the chariot cities, and the cities of the horsemen, and all that Solomon desired to build in Jerusalem, and in Lebanon, and throughout all the land of his dominion.

Baalath: Joshua 19:44, 1 Kings 9:18
the store cities: 2 Chronicles 8:4, 2 Chronicles 17:12, 1 Kings 9:19
chariot cities: 2 Chronicles 1:14, 1 Kings 10:26
all that Solomon desired to build: Heb. all the desire of Solomon which he desired to build, 1 Kings 9:19, Ecclesiastes 2:4, 10-26
and in Lebanon: 1 Kings 7:2, Song of Solomon 4:8
Reciprocal: 2 Chronicles 16:4 - the store cities Song of Solomon 7:4 - the tower


As for all the people that were left of the Hittites, and the Amorites, and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites, which were not of Israel,

As for all: 1 Kings 9:20-22
the Hittites: Genesis 15:19-21, Deuteronomy 7:1
Reciprocal: Genesis 9:25 - a servant Joshua 17:13 - put the 1 Kings 5:15 - threescore 1 Kings 9:17 - Bethhoron 1 Chronicles 22:2 - the strangers 2 Chronicles 2:17 - numbered


But of their children, who were left after them in the land, whom the children of Israel consumed not, them did Solomon make to pay tribute until this day.

whom the children: Judges 1:21-36, Psalms 106:34
to pay: 2 Chronicles 2:17, 2 Chronicles 2:18, Joshua 16:10, Joshua 17:13, 1 Kings 5:13, 1 Kings 5:14
Reciprocal: Genesis 9:25 - a servant 1 Kings 9:20 - left 1 Chronicles 22:2 - the strangers


But of the children of Israel did Solomon make no servants for his work; but they were men of war, and chief of his captains, and captains of his chariots and horsemen.

But of the: Exodus 19:5, Exodus 19:6, Leviticus 25:39-46, Galatians 4:26, Galatians 4:31
they were men: 1 Samuel 8:11, 1 Samuel 8:12
Reciprocal: 1 Kings 9:22 - but they were men


And these were the chief of king Solomon's officers, even two hundred and fifty, that bare rule over the people.

two hundred: 2 Chronicles 2:18, 1 Kings 5:16, 1 Kings 9:23
Reciprocal: 1 Kings 9:22 - but they were men 2 Chronicles 34:13 - the bearers


And Solomon brought up the daughter of Pharaoh out of the city of David unto the house that he had built for her: for he said, My wife shall not dwell in the house of David king of Israel, because the places are holy, whereunto the ark of the LORD hath come.

brought up: 1 Kings 3:1, 1 Kings 7:8, 1 Kings 9:24
holy: Heb. holiness, Exodus 3:5, Exodus 29:43, Ezekiel 21:2, 2 Peter 1:18
Reciprocal: Exodus 25:10 - an ark 1 Chronicles 4:18 - Bithiah 2 Chronicles 35:3 - Put Ecclesiastes 2:4 - I builded


Then Solomon offered burnt offerings unto the LORD on the altar of the LORD, which he had built before the porch,

on the altar: 2 Chronicles 4:1, 1 Chronicles 28:17, Ezekiel 8:16, Joel 2:17
before the porch: John 10:23
Reciprocal: 1 Kings 9:25 - three times 1 Kings 9:26 - made a navy 2 Chronicles 15:8 - the altar of the Lord Ezekiel 45:17 - the prince's Malachi 3:4 - as


Even after a certain rate every day, offering according to the commandment of Moses, on the sabbaths, and on the new moons, and on the solemn feasts, three times in the year, even in the feast of unleavened bread, and in the feast of weeks, and in the feast of tabernacles.

every day: Exodus 29:38-42, Leviticus 23:1-17, Numbers 28:1 - Numbers 29:40, Ezekiel 45:17, Ezekiel 46:3-15
three times: Exodus 23:14-17, Deuteronomy 16:16, 1 Kings 9:25
Reciprocal: Genesis 45:21 - commandment Deuteronomy 16:9 - General Deuteronomy 16:13 - the feast 2 Chronicles 11:17 - three years Nehemiah 8:17 - had not Psalms 81:3 - solemn Zechariah 14:16 - and to


And he appointed, according to the order of David his father, the courses of the priests to their service, and the Levites to their charges, to praise and minister before the priests, as the duty of every day required: the porters also by their courses at every gate: for so had David the man of God commanded.

the courses: 2 Chronicles 5:11, 2 Chronicles 23:4, 2 Chronicles 31:2, 1 Chronicles 24:1-19, Luke 1:5, Luke 1:8
the Levites: 2 Chronicles 35:10, 1 Chronicles 6:31, 1 Chronicles 6:32-48, 1 Chronicles 15:16-22, 1 Chronicles 16:4-6, 1 Chronicles 16:42, 1 Chronicles 23:1-32, 1 Chronicles 24:20-31, 1 Chronicles 25:1-31, Ezra 6:18
the porters: 1 Chronicles 9:17, 1 Chronicles 26:1-19
so had David the man of God commanded: Heb. so was the commandment of David the man of God, Deuteronomy 33:1, 2 Samuel 23:2, 1 Kings 13:1, 1 Chronicles 28:19, Acts 13:22, Acts 13:36
Reciprocal: 2 Kings 22:4 - the keepers 1 Chronicles 16:37 - as every 1 Chronicles 23:5 - porters 1 Chronicles 23:6 - divided 1 Chronicles 26:17 - Eastward 2 Chronicles 11:2 - the man 2 Chronicles 29:25 - according 2 Chronicles 34:13 - porters 2 Chronicles 35:4 - and according Nehemiah 12:24 - the man Nehemiah 12:36 - musical instruments Isaiah 62:6 - set watchmen Jeremiah 35:4 - a man 1 Timothy 6:11 - O man 2 Peter 1:21 - in old time


And they departed not from the commandment of the king unto the priests and Levites concerning any matter, or concerning the treasures.

they departed: 2 Chronicles 30:12, Exodus 39:42, Exodus 39:43
the treasures: 1 Kings 7:51, 1 Chronicles 9:29, 1 Chronicles 26:20-26


Now all the work of Solomon was prepared unto the day of the foundation of the house of the LORD, and until it was finished. So the house of the LORD was perfected.

1 Kings 5:18, 1 Kings 6:7
Reciprocal: 1 Kings 9:25 - upon the altar that was before


Then went Solomon to Ezion-geber, and to Eloth, at the sea side in the land of Edom.

Eziongeber: 2 Chronicles 20:36, Numbers 33:35, 1 Kings 9:26, 1 Kings 9:27, 1 Kings 22:48
Eloth: Deuteronomy 2:8, 2 Kings 14:22, 2 Kings 16:6, Elath
Reciprocal: 2 Chronicles 26:2 - Eloth


And Huram sent him by the hands of his servants ships, and servants that had knowledge of the sea; and they went with the servants of Solomon to Ophir, and took thence four hundred and fifty talents of gold, and brought them to king Solomon.

1 Kings 9:27-28, 1 Kings 10:22, Hiram
Huram: 2 Chronicles 9:10, 2 Chronicles 9:13
Ophir: Conjectures respecting the situation of Ophir are endless. Grotius conjectures it to be a part of Arabia called Aphar by Arrian; while Bochart and others have placed it in the island of Ceylon. Calmet supposes it to have been situated in Armenia; but his late editor places it at the head of the Indus. Josephus says that Ophir is the Indies, called the Gold country; by which he is supposed to mean Chersonesus Aurea, now Malacca, opposite Sumatra; and Lev. Poivre observes that the inhabitants of these places call their gold mines ophirs.
took thence: Ecclesiastes 2:8
Reciprocal: 1 Kings 10:11 - from Ophir