
He cried also in mine ears with a loud voice, saying, Cause them that have charge over the city to draw near, even every man with his destroying weapon in his hand.

cried: Ezekiel 43:6, Ezekiel 43:7, Isaiah 6:8, Amos 3:7, Amos 3:8, Revelation 1:10, Revelation 1:11, Revelation 14:7
Cause: Exodus 12:23, 2 Kings 10:24, 1 Chronicles 21:15, Isaiah 10:6, Isaiah 10:7
Reciprocal: Jeremiah 22:7 - I Ezekiel 43:3 - to destroy the city


And, behold, six men came from the way of the higher gate, which lieth toward the north, and every man a slaughter weapon in his hand; and one man among them was clothed with linen, with a writer's inkhorn by his side: and they went in, and stood beside the brasen altar.

six: Jeremiah 1:15, Jeremiah 5:15-17, Jeremiah 8:16, Jeremiah 8:17, Jeremiah 25:9
the higher: 2 Kings 15:35, 2 Chronicles 27:3, Jeremiah 26:10
lieth: Heb. is turned
slaughter weapon: Heb. weapon of his breaking in pieces
and one: Ezekiel 10:2, Ezekiel 10:6, Ezekiel 10:7, Leviticus 16:4, Revelation 15:6
inkhorn: Keseth (in Chaldee, kista Syriac, kesto Ethiopic, kasut) denotes a bottle, or vessel to hold any fluid; and being here united to sophair a writer, is not improperly rendered as an ink-horn, so one of the editions of Aquila, לוכבםהןקויןם, and Vulgate, atramentarium. Dr. Shaw informs us, that among the Moors, "the Hojas i.e., writers or secretaries, suspend their ink-horns in their girdles."
by his side: Heb. upon his loins
beside: Exodus 27:1-7, Exodus 40:29, 2 Chronicles 4:1
Reciprocal: Daniel 10:5 - clothed Daniel 12:6 - man Amos 9:1 - upon


And the glory of the God of Israel was gone up from the cherub, whereupon he was, to the threshold of the house. And he called to the man clothed with linen, which had the writer's inkhorn by his side;

Ezekiel 3:23, Ezekiel 8:4, Ezekiel 10:4, Ezekiel 11:22, Ezekiel 11:23, Ezekiel 43:2-4
Reciprocal: 2 Samuel 22:11 - a cherub Psalms 51:17 - a broken spirit Isaiah 26:21 - Lord Ezekiel 3:12 - glory Ezekiel 10:2 - unto Ezekiel 10:3 - and the Ezekiel 43:3 - according to the appearance


And the LORD said unto him, Go through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem, and set a mark upon the foreheads of the men that sigh and that cry for all the abominations that be done in the midst thereof.

set a mark: Heb. mark a mark, Exodus 12:7, Exodus 12:13, Malachi 3:16, 2 Corinthians 1:22, Ephesians 4:30, 2 Timothy 2:19, Revelation 7:2, Revelation 7:3, Revelation 9:4, Revelation 13:6, Revelation 13:7, Revelation 14:1, Revelation 20:4
that sigh: Ezekiel 6:11, 2 Kings 22:13, 2 Kings 22:19, 2 Kings 22:20, Psalms 119:53, Psalms 119:136, Isaiah 57:15, Jeremiah 13:17, 2 Corinthians 12:21, 2 Peter 2:8, 2 Peter 2:9
Reciprocal: Genesis 4:15 - set a mark Genesis 7:1 - Come Exodus 12:23 - and will not Numbers 25:6 - weeping Deuteronomy 4:4 - General Joshua 2:12 - give me 2 Chronicles 34:27 - thine heart Ezra 9:4 - trembled Ezra 10:3 - of those that Psalms 51:17 - a broken spirit Psalms 55:10 - mischief Psalms 87:6 - when Psalms 119:158 - General Isaiah 3:10 - Say ye Isaiah 24:13 - there Isaiah 66:2 - to this Isaiah 66:10 - that mourn Jeremiah 23:9 - heart Jeremiah 44:10 - humbled Ezekiel 13:22 - with lies Ezekiel 21:6 - Sigh Joel 2:13 - rend Habakkuk 3:16 - that I Matthew 5:4 - General Luke 4:18 - to heal Luke 6:21 - ye that weep Luke 17:34 - two Luke 24:17 - and are John 11:38 - groaning Romans 7:24 - wretched Romans 9:2 - General 1 Corinthians 5:2 - mourned Revelation 13:16 - or


And to the others he said in mine hearing, Go ye after him through the city, and smite: let not your eye spare, neither have ye pity:

hearing: Heb. ears, 1 Samuel 9:15, Isaiah 5:9, Isaiah 22:14
Go: Ezekiel 9:10, Ezekiel 5:11, Ezekiel 7:4, Ezekiel 7:9, Ezekiel 8:18, Ezekiel 24:14, Exodus 32:27, Numbers 25:7, Numbers 25:8, Deuteronomy 32:39-42, 1 Kings 18:40
Reciprocal: Genesis 19:13 - Lord hath Genesis 45:20 - regard not Deuteronomy 13:8 - shall thine 2 Kings 10:25 - Go in 2 Chronicles 36:17 - in the house Job 27:22 - not spare Isaiah 3:2 - the ancient Isaiah 9:19 - no man Isaiah 13:18 - their eye Jeremiah 4:31 - because Jeremiah 5:10 - ye up Jeremiah 6:21 - fathers Jeremiah 7:14 - as Jeremiah 9:21 - General Jeremiah 13:14 - I will not Jeremiah 16:6 - the great Jeremiah 21:7 - he shall Jeremiah 25:18 - Jerusalem Lamentations 2:20 - shall the priest Lamentations 2:21 - thou hast killed Ezekiel 21:3 - the righteous Ezekiel 24:6 - bring Ezekiel 43:3 - to destroy the city Luke 13:1 - mingled Revelation 16:1 - and pour


Slay utterly old and young, both maids, and little children, and women: but come not near any man upon whom is the mark; and begin at my sanctuary. Then they began at the ancient men which were before the house.

utterly: Heb. to destruction
old: Numbers 31:15-17, Deuteronomy 2:34, Deuteronomy 3:6, Joshua 6:17-21, 1 Samuel 15:3, 2 Chronicles 36:17
but: Exodus 12:23, Joshua 2:18, Joshua 2:19, Joshua 6:22-25, 2 Timothy 2:19, Revelation 7:3, Revelation 9:4, Revelation 14:4
and begin: Ezekiel 8:5-16, Jeremiah 25:29, Amos 3:2, Luke 12:47, 1 Peter 4:17, 1 Peter 4:18
at the: Ezekiel 8:11, Ezekiel 8:16, Ezekiel 11:1
Reciprocal: Genesis 4:15 - set a mark Genesis 19:13 - Lord hath Leviticus 19:30 - reverence Leviticus 21:9 - the daughter Leviticus 26:31 - and bring Deuteronomy 13:8 - shall thine 1 Kings 2:29 - he is by 1 Kings 13:26 - the man Job 27:22 - not spare Psalms 51:17 - a broken spirit Psalms 71:3 - thou hast Isaiah 13:18 - their eye Jeremiah 4:31 - because Jeremiah 6:11 - for even Jeremiah 9:21 - General Jeremiah 16:6 - the great Jeremiah 19:1 - the ancients of the people Jeremiah 21:7 - he shall Jeremiah 23:9 - heart Jeremiah 23:39 - and I Jeremiah 51:22 - General Jeremiah 52:10 - he slew Lamentations 2:20 - shall the priest Lamentations 2:21 - young Ezekiel 21:3 - the righteous Ezekiel 23:47 - the company Ezekiel 24:6 - bring 1 Corinthians 5:2 - mourned 2 Peter 2:8 - in seeing


And he said unto them, Defile the house, and fill the courts with the slain: go ye forth. And they went forth, and slew in the city.

Ezekiel 7:20-22, 2 Chronicles 36:17, Psalms 79:1-3, Lamentations 2:4-7, Luke 13:1
Reciprocal: 2 Kings 11:15 - Let 2 Chronicles 23:14 - Slay her not Jeremiah 51:51 - for strangers Lamentations 1:10 - seen Ezekiel 6:7 - slain Ezekiel 24:21 - I will Daniel 11:31 - they shall pollute


And it came to pass, while they were slaying them, and I was left, that I fell upon my face, and cried, and said, Ah Lord GOD! wilt thou destroy all the residue of Israel in thy pouring out of thy fury upon Jerusalem?

that I: Numbers 14:5, Numbers 16:4, Numbers 16:21, Numbers 16:22, Numbers 16:45, Deuteronomy 9:18, Joshua 7:6, 1 Chronicles 21:16, Ezra 9:5
Ah: Ezekiel 4:14, Ezekiel 11:13, Genesis 18:23, Jeremiah 4:10, Jeremiah 14:13, Jeremiah 14:19, Amos 7:2-5
Reciprocal: Genesis 17:3 - General Jeremiah 5:18 - I will not make Jeremiah 30:14 - because Jeremiah 32:17 - Ah Ezekiel 7:8 - pour Ezekiel 14:23 - that I have not Ezekiel 21:12 - howl


Then said he unto me, The iniquity of the house of Israel and Judah is exceeding great, and the land is full of blood, and the city full of perverseness: for they say, The LORD hath forsaken the earth, and the LORD seeth not.

The iniquity: Ezekiel 7:23, Ezekiel 22:2-12, Ezekiel 22:25-31, Deuteronomy 31:29, Deuteronomy 32:5, Deuteronomy 32:15-22, 2 Kings 17:7-23, 2 Chronicles 36:14-16, Isaiah 1:4, Isaiah 59:2-8, Isaiah 59:12-15, Jeremiah 5:1-9, Jeremiah 7:8, Jeremiah 7:9, Micah 3:9-12, Zephaniah 3:1-4
and the land: Ezekiel 8:17, 2 Kings 21:16, 2 Kings 24:4, Jeremiah 2:34, Jeremiah 22:17, Lamentations 4:13, Lamentations 4:14, Matthew 23:35-37, Luke 11:50
full of: Heb. filled with
perverseness: or, wresting of judgment, Ezekiel 22:27-29, Micah 3:1-3, Micah 7:3, Micah 7:4
The Lord hath: Ezekiel 8:12, Job 22:13, Psalms 10:11, Psalms 94:7, Isaiah 29:15
Reciprocal: Exodus 23:2 - to decline Job 18:4 - shall the Job 24:15 - No eye Psalms 86:14 - and have Isaiah 3:8 - because Isaiah 47:10 - thou hast said Isaiah 59:3 - your hands Isaiah 59:7 - and they Jeremiah 16:17 - General Jeremiah 23:24 - hide Jeremiah 44:3 - of their Jeremiah 51:5 - though Lamentations 1:5 - for Ezekiel 11:6 - General Ezekiel 14:13 - when Ezekiel 14:23 - that I have not Ezekiel 33:25 - and shed Habakkuk 1:4 - wrong Zephaniah 1:12 - The Lord Malachi 2:17 - Where


And as for me also, mine eye shall not spare, neither will I have pity, but I will recompense their way upon their head.

mine: Ezekiel 9:5, Ezekiel 5:11, Ezekiel 7:4, Ezekiel 8:18, Ezekiel 21:31, Ezekiel 21:32
but: Ezekiel 7:8, Ezekiel 7:9, Ezekiel 11:21, Ezekiel 22:31, Deuteronomy 32:41, 2 Chronicles 6:23, Isaiah 65:6, Hosea 9:7, Joel 3:4, Hebrews 10:30
Reciprocal: Deuteronomy 29:20 - will not spare Psalms 78:50 - he spared Isaiah 13:18 - their eye Isaiah 27:11 - therefore Isaiah 30:14 - he shall not Jeremiah 13:14 - I will not Jeremiah 21:7 - he shall Lamentations 2:2 - swallowed Lamentations 2:17 - he hath thrown Lamentations 2:21 - thou hast killed Lamentations 3:43 - thou hast slain Ezekiel 16:43 - I also Ezekiel 20:17 - mine Ezekiel 23:49 - they shall Ezekiel 24:14 - neither will I spare Hosea 2:4 - I will not Zechariah 11:6 - I will no 2 Peter 2:15 - forsaken


And, behold, the man clothed with linen, which had the inkhorn by his side, reported the matter, saying, I have done as thou hast commanded me.

reported the matter: Heb. returned the word
I have: Psalms 103:20, Isaiah 46:10, Isaiah 46:11, Zechariah 1:10, Zechariah 1:11, Zechariah 6:7, Zechariah 6:8, Revelation 16:2, Revelation 16:17
Reciprocal: Jeremiah 29:16 - General Ezekiel 10:2 - unto