
And the whole congregation of the children of Israel assembled together at Shiloh, and set up the tabernacle of the congregation there. And the land was subdued before them.

Shiloh: Shiloh was situated on a hill in the tribe of Ephraim, though near the borders of Benjamin, about fifteen miles north of Jerusalem, and, according to Eusebius, twelve, or according to Jerome, ten miles - south from Shechem or Nablous. It was but a little north from Bethel or Ai, and near the road from Shechem to Jerusalem - Judges 21:19. In Jerome's time, Shiloh was ruined; and nothing remarkable was extant, but the foundations of the altar of burnt offerings which had been erected when the tabernacle stood there. Joshua 19:51, Joshua 21:2, Joshua 22:9
set up: Judges 18:31, 1 Samuel 1:3, 1 Samuel 1:24, 1 Samuel 4:3, 1 Samuel 4:4, 1 Kings 2:27, 1 Kings 14:2, 1 Kings 14:4, Psalms 78:66, Jeremiah 7:12-14, Jeremiah 26:6
Reciprocal: Exodus 26:30 - rear up the tabernacle Numbers 32:22 - land Deuteronomy 12:5 - But unto Deuteronomy 12:11 - a place Deuteronomy 26:2 - go unto Joshua 9:27 - in the place Joshua 16:6 - Taanathshiloh Joshua 22:19 - wherein Judges 19:18 - the house Judges 20:18 - house of Judges 20:27 - the ark Judges 21:2 - the house Judges 21:12 - virgins 1 Samuel 2:29 - habitation 2 Samuel 7:6 - I have not 1 Kings 11:29 - Shilonite Nehemiah 9:24 - thou subduedst Psalms 78:60 - General Jeremiah 41:5 - Shiloh Acts 7:44 - the tabernacle Acts 7:45 - Which


And there remained among the children of Israel seven tribes, which had not yet received their inheritance.


And Joshua said unto the children of Israel, How long are ye slack to go to possess the land, which the LORD God of your fathers hath given you?

How long are: Judges 18:9, Proverbs 2:2-6, Proverbs 10:4, Proverbs 13:4, Proverbs 15:19, Ecclesiastes 9:10, Zephaniah 3:16, Matthew 20:6, John 6:27, Philippians 3:13, Philippians 3:14, 2 Peter 1:10, 2 Peter 1:11
Reciprocal: Joshua 18:4 - three


Give out from among you three men for each tribe: and I will send them, and they shall rise, and go through the land, and describe it according to the inheritance of them; and they shall come again to me.

three: Joshua 18:3, Joshua 3:12, Joshua 4:2, Numbers 1:4, Numbers 13:2
describe: Joshua 18:6, Joshua 18:9
Reciprocal: Job 42:15 - gave Micah 2:5 - cast


And they shall divide it into seven parts: Judah shall abide in their coast on the south, and the house of Joseph shall abide in their coasts on the north.

Judah shall: Joshua 15:1-12, Joshua 19:1-9
the house: Joshua 16:1 - Joshua 17:18
Reciprocal: Genesis 13:1 - the south 1 Kings 11:28 - the house Proverbs 16:33 - General Jeremiah 13:19 - cities Amos 5:6 - the house


Ye shall therefore describe the land into seven parts, and bring the description hither to me, that I may cast lots for you here before the LORD our God.

that I may cast: Joshua 18:8, Joshua 18:10, Joshua 14:2, Numbers 26:54, Numbers 26:55, Numbers 33:54, Numbers 34:13, Psalms 105:11, Proverbs 16:33, Proverbs 18:18, Acts 13:19
Reciprocal: Joshua 18:4 - describe Joshua 19:1 - second lot Joshua 19:10 - third Joshua 21:8 - by lot


But the Levites have no part among you; for the priesthood of the LORD is their inheritance: and Gad, and Reuben, and half the tribe of Manasseh, have received their inheritance beyond Jordan on the east, which Moses the servant of the LORD gave them.

the Levites: Joshua 13:14, Joshua 13:33, Numbers 18:20, Numbers 18:23, Deuteronomy 10:9, Deuteronomy 18:1, Deuteronomy 18:2
and Gad: Joshua 13:8-31, Numbers 32:29-41, Deuteronomy 3:12-17, Deuteronomy 4:47, Deuteronomy 4:48


And the men arose, and went away: and Joshua charged them that went to describe the land, saying, Go and walk through the land, and describe it, and come again to me, that I may here cast lots for you before the LORD in Shiloh.

Go: Genesis 13:17
that I may here: Joshua 18:6, Joshua 18:10, Joshua 7:16-18, Joshua 13:7, Joshua 14:1, Joshua 14:2, Joshua 15:1, 1 Samuel 14:41, Acts 1:24-26, Romans 14:19
Reciprocal: Isaiah 34:17 - he hath cast


And the men went and passed through the land, and described it by cities into seven parts in a book, and came again to Joshua to the host at Shiloh.

described: The surveyors seem to have formed some kind of map of the country, as well as a description of it in writing. The Egyptians, from the situation of their fields, as annually overflowed by the Nile, acquired great skill in mensuration and land surveying; and some of the Israelites had, no doubt, learned these from them, without a knowledge of which they could not properly have divided the land. This is probably the first act of surveying on record.
into seven: Acts 13:19
Reciprocal: Joshua 18:4 - describe 1 Samuel 17:31 - sent for him Jeremiah 32:10 - subscribed the evidence


And Joshua cast lots for them in Shiloh before the LORD: and there Joshua divided the land unto the children of Israel according to their divisions.

cast lots: Joshua 18:6, Joshua 18:8, Proverbs 18:18, Ezekiel 47:22, Ezekiel 48:29, Matthew 27:35, Acts 13:19
before the Lord: Psalms 16:5, Psalms 16:6, Psalms 47:4, Psalms 61:5, John 17:2, Acts 26:18, Colossians 1:12
Reciprocal: Leviticus 16:8 - cast lots Numbers 26:55 - by lot Joshua 19:51 - in Shiloh Joshua 23:4 - Behold 1 Chronicles 24:5 - they divided by lot Nehemiah 11:1 - cast lots Proverbs 16:33 - General Micah 2:5 - cast Acts 1:26 - they


And the lot of the tribe of the children of Benjamin came up according to their families: and the coast of their lot came forth between the children of Judah and the children of Joseph.

between the children: Joshua 15:1-8, Joshua 16:1-10, Deuteronomy 10:1-22, Deuteronomy 13:12
Reciprocal: Leviticus 16:8 - cast lots Numbers 26:55 - by lot Numbers 33:54 - give the less inheritance Numbers 34:17 - are the names Deuteronomy 33:12 - The beloved Joshua 18:20 - General Joshua 19:10 - third Judges 1:21 - General


And their border on the north side was from Jordan; and the border went up to the side of Jericho on the north side, and went up through the mountains westward; and the goings out thereof were at the wilderness of Beth-aven.

Jericho: Joshua 2:1, Joshua 3:16, Joshua 6:1, Joshua 16:1
the wilderness: Joshua 7:2, Hosea 4:15, Hosea 5:8, Hosea 10:5
Reciprocal: Joshua 8:15 - by the way Joshua 18:21 - Jericho 1 Samuel 13:5 - Bethaven John 11:54 - Ephraim


And the border went over from thence toward Luz, to the side of Luz, which is Bethel, southward; and the border descended to Ataroth-adar, near the hill that lieth on the south side of the nether Beth-horon.

side of Luz: Joshua 16:2, Genesis 28:19, Judges 1:22-26
Bethhoron: Joshua 10:11, Joshua 16:3, Joshua 21:22
Reciprocal: Joshua 16:5 - Atarothaddar 1 Samuel 13:18 - Bethhoron Nehemiah 11:31 - Aija


And the border was drawn thence, and compassed the corner of the sea southward, from the hill that lieth before Beth-horon southward; and the goings out thereof were at Kirjath-baal, which is Kirjath-jearim, a city of the children of Judah: this was the west quarter.

Kirjathbaal: Joshua 15:9, Joshua 15:60, 1 Samuel 7:1, 1 Samuel 7:2, 2 Samuel 6:2, 1 Chronicles 13:5, 1 Chronicles 13:6
Reciprocal: Joshua 9:17 - Kirjathjearim Joshua 18:19 - this was the Joshua 21:22 - Bethhoron 1 Samuel 6:21 - Kirjathjearim 1 Samuel 13:18 - Bethhoron Jeremiah 26:20 - Kirjathjearim


And the south quarter was from the end of Kirjath-jearim, and the border went out on the west, and went out to the well of waters of Nephtoah:

Nephtoah: Joshua 15:9


And the border came down to the end of the mountain that lieth before the valley of the son of Hinnom, and which is in the valley of the giants on the north, and descended to the valley of Hinnom, to the side of Jebusi on the south, and descended to En-rogel,

the valley of the son: Joshua 15:8, 2 Kings 23:10, 2 Chronicles 28:3, 2 Chronicles 33:6, Isaiah 30:33, Jeremiah 7:31, Jeremiah 7:32, Jeremiah 19:2, Jeremiah 19:6, Jeremiah 19:11, Jeremiah 32:35
the valley of the giants: See note on Joshua 15:8. Joshua 18:16, 1 Chronicles 14:9
Jebusi: Mount zion, south of Jerusalem; for Jebusi or Jebus was the ancient name of that city. Joshua 18:28, Joshua 15:63, Judges 1:8, Judges 1:21, Judges 19:10
Enrogel: Joshua 15:7, 2 Samuel 17:17, 1 Kings 1:9
Reciprocal: Nehemiah 11:30 - the valley Isaiah 17:5 - the valley


And was drawn from the north, and went forth to En-shemesh, and went forth toward Geliloth, which is over against the going up of Adummim, and descended to the stone of Bohan the son of Reuben,

Enshemesh: The fountain of the Sun; whether a town, or simply a fountain, is uncertain.
Geliloth: Geliloth is probably the same as Gilgal; though as the word may signify border or limits, some think that it is probably not the proper name of a place: "And went forth towards the borders which are over against the ascent to Adummim." Others render Geliloth circuits or roundings, or the hills about Jordan, tumuli Jordanis. Vulgate: pertransit usque ad tumulos.
the stone: Joshua 15:6
Reciprocal: Joshua 15:7 - Adummim


And passed along toward the side over against Arabah northward, and went down unto Arabah:

Arabah: or, the plain, Joshua 15:6, Joshua 15:61
Reciprocal: Joshua 18:22 - Betharabah 2 Kings 23:34 - Eliakim


And the border passed along to the side of Beth-hoglah northward: and the outgoings of the border were at the north bay of the salt sea at the south end of Jordan: this was the south coast.

bay: Heb. tongue, Joshua 15:2, *marg. Isaiah 11:15
the salt: Joshua 3:16, Joshua 12:3, Genesis 14:3, Genesis 19:25, Numbers 34:3, Deuteronomy 3:17
this was the: The borders of this tribe on the north were the same as those of Ephraim on the south, and his southern boundaries the same as the northern borders of Judah; but drawn from west to east, instead of from east to west - Joshua 15:1-12, Joshua 16:1. As the inheritance of Benjamin did not extend to the Mediterranean sea, and no other sea or lake is known to have been in those parts, perhaps this depression, "compassed the corner of the sea southward," - Joshua 18:14, should be rendered, "made a circuit on the side next the sea towards the south;" for it seems to connect the northern border, in the preceding verses, with the southern which follows.
Reciprocal: Joshua 15:6 - Bethhogla Joshua 18:21 - Bethhoglah


And Jordan was the border of it on the east side. This was the inheritance of the children of Benjamin, by the coasts thereof round about, according to their families.

Joshua 18:11
Reciprocal: Joshua 15:6 - Bethhogla 1 Kings 4:18 - Benjamin


Now the cities of the tribe of the children of Benjamin according to their families were Jericho, and Beth-hoglah, and the valley of Keziz,

Jericho: Joshua 18:12, Joshua 2:1, Joshua 6:1, Luke 10:30, Luke 19:1
Bethhoglah: Joshua 18:19, Joshua 15:6
Reciprocal: Joshua 10:40 - all the country Jeremiah 6:1 - O ye Ezekiel 48:23 - Benjamin Obadiah 1:19 - Benjamin


And Beth-arabah, and Zemaraim, and Bethel,

Betharabah: Joshua 18:18, Joshua 15:6
Zemaraim: Genesis 10:18, 2 Chronicles 13:4
Bethel: 1 Kings 12:29-32
Reciprocal: Genesis 12:8 - of Bethel Judges 4:5 - between


And Avim, and Parah, and Ophrah,

Ophrah: Situated, according to Eusebius, five miles east of Bethel. 1 Samuel 13:17
Reciprocal: Judges 6:11 - an angel Micah 1:10 - Aphrah


And Chephar-haammonai, and Ophni, and Gaba; twelve cities with their villages:

Ophni: Probably the same as Gophna (ע being often pronounced as G); which, according to Josephus, was about fifteen miles from Jerusalem, towards Shechem, says Eusebius (Onom. in צבסבדמ גןפסןץע.)
Gaba: Gaba or Geba, according to Josephus, was not far from Rama, forty stadia from Jerusalem, and, according to Eusebius, five miles from Gophna, towards Shechem. Joshua 21:17, Ezra 2:26, Nehemiah 7:30
Reciprocal: 1 Samuel 13:3 - Geba 1 Kings 15:22 - Geba 1 Chronicles 6:60 - Geba 2 Chronicles 16:6 - Geba Nehemiah 11:31 - from Geba Isaiah 10:29 - Ramah


Gibeon, and Ramah, and Beeroth,

Gibeon: Joshua 9:17, Joshua 10:2, 1 Kings 3:4, 1 Kings 3:5, 1 Kings 9:2, Isaiah 28:21
Ramah: Situated, according to Eusebius, six miles from Jerusalem towards Bethel; though Jerome places it near Gaba, seven miles from Jerusalem. 1 Samuel 1:1, Ramathaim-zophim, Joshua 7:17, Joshua 15:34, Jeremiah 31:15, Matthew 27:57, Arimathea
Beeroth: Eusebius says Beeroth was seven miles from Jerusalem, towards Nicopolis or Emmaus. Jerome, however, reads Neapolis or Shechem; but Reland prefers the former.
Reciprocal: Joshua 21:17 - Gibeon Judges 4:5 - between Judges 19:13 - Gibeah 2 Samuel 2:12 - Gibeon 2 Samuel 4:2 - Beeroth 2 Samuel 20:14 - Berites 1 Kings 15:17 - Ramah Ezra 2:26 - Ramah Nehemiah 7:29 - Kirjathjearim Nehemiah 7:30 - Ramah Nehemiah 11:33 - Ramah Isaiah 10:29 - Ramah Jeremiah 40:1 - Ramah


And Mizpeh, and Chephirah, and Mozah,

Mizpeh: Situated not far from Rama, forty stadia from Jerusalem. Judges 10:17
Chephirah: Joshua 9:17, Ezra 2:25
Reciprocal: Joshua 11:3 - land Judges 19:13 - Gibeah Judges 20:1 - in Mizpeh 1 Kings 15:22 - Mizpah 2 Chronicles 16:6 - Mizpah


And Rekem, and Irpeel, and Taralah,


And Zelah, Eleph, and Jebusi, which is Jerusalem, Gibeath, and Kirjath; fourteen cities with their villages. This is the inheritance of the children of Benjamin according to their families.

Zelah: 2 Samuel 21:14
Jebusi: Joshua 18:16, Joshua 15:8, Joshua 15:63, 2 Samuel 5:8
Gibeath: Judges 19:12-15, Judges 20:4, Judges 20:5, 1 Samuel 10:26, 1 Samuel 13:15, 1 Samuel 13:16, Isaiah 10:29, Hosea 10:9, Gibeah
according: Numbers 26:54, Numbers 33:54
Reciprocal: Joshua 10:3 - king of Jerusalem Judges 19:10 - Jebus Judges 19:13 - Gibeah 1 Samuel 13:2 - in Gibeah 2 Samuel 5:6 - the Jebusites 1 Chronicles 8:28 - dwelt 1 Chronicles 11:4 - Jebus 2 Chronicles 13:2 - Gibeah