
And now, O ye priests, this commandment is for you.

Malachi 1:6, Jeremiah 13:13, Lamentations 4:13, Hosea 5:1
Reciprocal: Leviticus 21:1 - Speak Leviticus 21:24 - Aaron 1 Samuel 2:12 - the sons Ezekiel 22:26 - priests Ezekiel 34:7 - General Hosea 4:6 - I will also reject Hosea 4:10 - they shall eat Malachi 3:3 - the sons


If ye will not hear, and if ye will not lay it to heart, to give glory unto my name, saith the LORD of hosts, I will even send a curse upon you, and I will curse your blessings: yea, I have cursed them already, because ye do not lay it to heart.

ye will not hear: Leviticus 26:14-46, Deuteronomy 28:15-68, Deuteronomy 30:17, Deuteronomy 30:18, Psalms 81:11, Psalms 81:12, Isaiah 30:8-13, Jeremiah 6:16-20, Jeremiah 13:17, Jeremiah 25:4-9, Jeremiah 34:17, Ezekiel 3:7, Zechariah 1:3-6, Zechariah 7:11-14
if ye will not lay: Isaiah 42:25, Isaiah 47:7, Isaiah 57:11
to give: Joshua 7:19, Jeremiah 13:16, Luke 17:18, 1 Peter 4:11, Revelation 14:7, Revelation 16:9
and I: Deuteronomy 28:16-18, Deuteronomy 28:53-57, Psalms 69:22, Psalms 109:7-15, Hosea 4:7-10, Hosea 9:11-14, Haggai 1:6, Haggai 1:9, Haggai 2:16, Haggai 2:17, Luke 23:28-30
I have cursed: By sending them unfruitful seasons, Malachi 3:9
Reciprocal: Exodus 7:23 - neither Numbers 31:23 - abide Deuteronomy 28:17 - General Deuteronomy 28:20 - send 1 Samuel 6:5 - give glory 1 Samuel 25:25 - regard Nehemiah 5:2 - our sons Job 20:14 - his meat Job 20:23 - he is about Job 24:18 - their portion Psalms 79:9 - for the Psalms 111:9 - holy Psalms 132:15 - bless her provision Proverbs 3:33 - curse Proverbs 20:21 - but Ecclesiastes 2:24 - that it Ecclesiastes 7:2 - living Isaiah 24:6 - hath Jeremiah 12:11 - layeth Daniel 1:15 - their Nahum 3:6 - I will cast John 2:11 - beginning Revelation 11:13 - gave


Behold, I will corrupt your seed, and spread dung upon your faces, even the dung of your solemn feasts; and one shall take you away with it.

I will: Joel 1:17
corrupt: or reprove
spread: Heb. scatter, Malachi 2:9, 1 Samuel 2:29, 1 Samuel 2:30, 1 Kings 14:10, 2 Kings 9:36, 2 Kings 9:37, Job 20:7, Psalms 83:10, Jeremiah 8:2, Nahum 3:6, Luke 14:35, 1 Corinthians 4:13
one shall take you away with it: or, it shall take you away to it
Reciprocal: Leviticus 21:9 - the daughter Numbers 31:23 - abide Deuteronomy 28:18 - the fruit of thy body 2 Kings 5:27 - leprosy Psalms 7:16 - General Philippians 3:8 - but dung 1 Peter 1:23 - not


And ye shall know that I have sent this commandment unto you, that my covenant might be with Levi, saith the LORD of hosts.

ye: 1 Kings 22:25, Isaiah 26:11, Jeremiah 28:9, Ezekiel 33:33, Ezekiel 38:23, Luke 10:11
that my: Isaiah 1:24-28, Isaiah 27:9, Ezekiel 20:38-41, Ezekiel 44:9-16, Matthew 3:12, John 15:2
Reciprocal: Exodus 32:28 - children Leviticus 21:1 - Speak Numbers 3:6 - General Numbers 25:12 - General 2 Kings 5:27 - leprosy Nehemiah 13:29 - the covenant Isaiah 43:27 - and thy Ezekiel 40:45 - the keepers Zechariah 12:13 - Levi Matthew 21:33 - husbandmen


My covenant was with him of life and peace; and I gave them to him for the fear wherewith he feared me, and was afraid before my name.

covenant: Numbers 3:45, Numbers 8:15, Numbers 16:9, Numbers 16:10, Numbers 18:8-24, Numbers 25:12, Numbers 25:13, Deuteronomy 33:8-10, Psalms 106:30, Psalms 106:31, Ezekiel 34:25, Ezekiel 37:26
I gave: Exodus 32:26-29, Deuteronomy 33:8-11
Reciprocal: Deuteronomy 33:9 - for they Proverbs 14:2 - that walketh Isaiah 8:13 - and let him Isaiah 54:10 - the covenant Zechariah 3:7 - judge Malachi 2:8 - ye have corrupted Mark 4:41 - feared


The law of truth was in his mouth, and iniquity was not found in his lips: he walked with me in peace and equity, and did turn many away from iniquity.

law: Psalms 37:30, Ezekiel 44:23, Ezekiel 44:24, Hosea 4:6, Matthew 22:16, Mark 12:14, Luke 20:21, 2 Timothy 2:15, 2 Timothy 2:16, Titus 1:7-9, Revelation 14:5
he walked: Genesis 5:21-24, Genesis 6:9, Genesis 17:1, Luke 1:6
and did: Jeremiah 23:22, Daniel 12:3, Luke 1:16, Luke 1:17, Acts 26:18, 1 Thessalonians 1:9, 1 Thessalonians 1:10, James 5:19, James 5:20
Reciprocal: Genesis 5:22 - General Deuteronomy 33:10 - They shall teach Psalms 86:11 - I will Proverbs 3:3 - mercy Proverbs 5:2 - thy lips Proverbs 14:2 - that walketh Proverbs 31:26 - in her Isaiah 33:15 - that walketh Jeremiah 2:8 - and they that Matthew 21:27 - We cannot tell 2 John 1:4 - walking


For the priest's lips should keep knowledge, and they should seek the law at his mouth: for he is the messenger of the LORD of hosts.

the priest's: Leviticus 10:11, Deuteronomy 17:8-11, Deuteronomy 21:5, Deuteronomy 24:8, 2 Chronicles 17:8, 2 Chronicles 17:9, 2 Chronicles 30:22, Ezra 7:10, Nehemiah 8:2-8, Jeremiah 15:19, Jeremiah 18:18, Haggai 2:11-13, 2 Timothy 2:24, 2 Timothy 2:25
the messenger: Malachi 3:1, Isaiah 42:19, Isaiah 44:26, Haggai 1:13, John 13:20, John 20:21, Acts 16:17, 2 Corinthians 5:20, Galatians 4:14, 1 Thessalonians 4:8
Reciprocal: Exodus 27:21 - Aaron Leviticus 13:2 - he shall Leviticus 13:3 - shall look Deuteronomy 17:9 - the priests Deuteronomy 19:17 - General Deuteronomy 27:14 - General Deuteronomy 31:9 - the priests 1 Samuel 14:36 - Then said the priest 2 Kings 16:11 - built an altar 1 Chronicles 23:4 - officers and judges 2 Chronicles 15:3 - a teaching 2 Chronicles 19:11 - all matters 2 Chronicles 31:4 - the law 2 Chronicles 35:3 - the Levites Ezra 7:25 - teach ye Nehemiah 8:7 - caused Job 33:23 - a messenger Proverbs 5:2 - thy lips Proverbs 22:18 - fitted Ecclesiastes 5:6 - before Jeremiah 5:5 - get me Ezekiel 8:1 - and the Daniel 11:33 - understand Hosea 4:6 - because Zechariah 7:3 - speak Matthew 2:4 - he demanded Matthew 15:6 - Thus Matthew 23:2 - General Mark 11:33 - We Luke 11:52 - for Luke 20:7 - that Revelation 1:20 - The seven stars


But ye are departed out of the way; ye have caused many to stumble at the law; ye have corrupted the covenant of Levi, saith the LORD of hosts.

ye are: Psalms 18:21, Psalms 119:102, Isaiah 30:11, Isaiah 59:13, Jeremiah 17:5, Jeremiah 17:13, Ezekiel 44:10, Daniel 9:5, Daniel 9:6, Hebrews 3:12
ye have caused: Malachi 2:9, 1 Samuel 2:17, 1 Samuel 2:24, 1 Samuel 2:30, Isaiah 9:16, Jeremiah 18:15, Jeremiah 23:11-15, Matthew 15:2-5, Luke 11:45, Luke 11:46, Romans 2:19-24, Romans 14:21
stumble at: or, fall in
ye have corrupted: Malachi 2:5, Malachi 2:10, Leviticus 21:15, Nehemiah 13:29
Reciprocal: Deuteronomy 17:11 - According to 2 Kings 5:27 - leprosy 2 Kings 23:9 - the priests Ezra 10:18 - the sons Psalms 73:15 - offend Psalms 119:126 - they Proverbs 12:8 - he Ezekiel 22:26 - priests Ezekiel 44:12 - they ministered Hosea 4:6 - because Micah 3:5 - concerning Zephaniah 3:4 - her priests Malachi 1:6 - O priests Malachi 1:12 - ye have Matthew 5:19 - shall teach Matthew 15:14 - they Mark 11:33 - We


Therefore have I also made you contemptible and base before all the people, according as ye have not kept my ways, but have been partial in the law.

made: Malachi 2:3, 1 Samuel 2:30, Proverbs 10:7, Daniel 12:2, Daniel 12:3, Micah 3:6, Micah 3:7
before: 1 Kings 22:28, Jeremiah 28:15, Jeremiah 28:16, Jeremiah 29:20-22, Jeremiah 29:31, Jeremiah 29:32, Ezekiel 13:12-16, Ezekiel 13:21, Mark 7:13, Mark 7:14, Luke 20:45-47
but: Malachi 2:8, Matthew 5:21, Matthew 5:22, Matthew 5:27, Matthew 5:28, Matthew 5:33-37, Matthew 5:43, Matthew 5:44, Matthew 19:17, Matthew 19:18, Matthew 23:16-24, Mark 7:8-13, Luke 10:29, Luke 11:42, Romans 7:7-10
have been partial in: or, lifted up the face against, Heb. accepted faces. Deuteronomy 1:17, *marg. Galatians 2:6
Reciprocal: Deuteronomy 17:11 - According to 2 Kings 5:27 - leprosy 2 Kings 23:9 - the priests Ezra 10:18 - the sons Job 13:8 - General Proverbs 6:35 - regard Proverbs 12:8 - he Isaiah 9:15 - the prophet Lamentations 2:6 - the king Ezekiel 44:12 - they ministered Hosea 4:6 - I will also reject Hosea 4:7 - therefore Nahum 3:6 - make Malachi 1:6 - if then Matthew 5:19 - shall teach Matthew 22:16 - neither Luke 15:15 - to feed 1 Timothy 5:21 - partiality James 2:4 - partial James 3:17 - without


Have we not all one father? hath not one God created us? why do we deal treacherously every man against his brother, by profaning the covenant of our fathers?

all: Malachi 1:6, Joshua 24:3, Isaiah 51:2, Isaiah 63:16, Isaiah 64:8, Ezekiel 33:24, Matthew 3:9, Luke 1:73, Luke 3:8, John 8:39, John 8:53, John 8:56, Acts 7:2, Romans 4:1, Romans 9:10, 1 Corinthians 8:6, Ephesians 4:6, Hebrews 12:9
hath: Job 31:15, Psalms 100:3, Isaiah 43:1, Isaiah 43:7, Isaiah 43:15, Isaiah 44:2, John 8:41, Acts 17:25
why: Malachi 2:11, Malachi 2:14, Malachi 2:15, Jeremiah 9:4, Jeremiah 9:5, Micah 7:2-6, Matthew 10:21, Matthew 22:16, Acts 7:26, 1 Corinthians 6:6-8, Ephesians 4:25, 1 Thessalonians 4:6
by: Malachi 2:8, Malachi 2:11, Exodus 34:10-16, Joshua 23:12-16, Ezra 9:11-14, Ezra 10:2, Ezra 10:3, Nehemiah 13:29
Reciprocal: Genesis 27:35 - General Malachi 2:12 - and him Acts 17:26 - hath made


Judah hath dealt treacherously, and an abomination is committed in Israel and in Jerusalem; for Judah hath profaned the holiness of the LORD which he loved, and hath married the daughter of a strange god.

and an: Leviticus 18:24-30, Jeremiah 7:10, Ezekiel 18:13, Ezekiel 22:11, Revelation 21:8
profaned: Exodus 19:5, Exodus 19:6, Leviticus 20:26, Deuteronomy 7:3-6, Deuteronomy 14:2, Deuteronomy 33:26-29, Psalms 106:28, Psalms 106:34-39, Jeremiah 2:3, Jeremiah 2:7, Jeremiah 2:8, Jeremiah 2:21, Jeremiah 2:22
loved: or, ought to love
and hath: Genesis 6:1, Genesis 6:2, Judges 3:6, 1 Kings 11:1-8, Ezra 9:1, Ezra 9:2, Ezra 9:12, Ezra 10:2, Nehemiah 13:23-29, Hosea 6:7, 2 Corinthians 6:14-18
Reciprocal: Exodus 21:8 - seeing Leviticus 21:15 - profane 1 Kings 11:2 - Ye shall not go in Psalms 26:6 - so will Psalms 81:9 - strange Psalms 144:7 - the hand Isaiah 48:8 - I knew Jeremiah 3:20 - so have Jeremiah 9:2 - an assembly Hosea 5:7 - begotten Hosea 7:8 - he hath Malachi 2:10 - why John 8:41 - We be 1 Corinthians 7:39 - only


The LORD will cut off the man that doeth this, the master and the scholar, out of the tabernacles of Jacob, and him that offereth an offering unto the LORD of hosts.

cut: Leviticus 18:29, Leviticus 20:3, Numbers 15:30, Numbers 15:31, Joshua 23:12, Joshua 23:13, 1 Samuel 2:31-34
the master and the scholar: or, him that waketh, and him that answereth, 1 Chronicles 25:8, Ezra 10:18, Ezra 10:19, Nehemiah 13:28, Nehemiah 13:29, Isaiah 9:14-16, Isaiah 24:1, Isaiah 24:2, Ezekiel 14:10, Hosea 4:4, Hosea 4:5, Matthew 15:14, 2 Timothy 3:13, Revelation 19:20
out: Numbers 24:5, Zechariah 12:7
and him: Malachi 2:10, Genesis 4:3-5, 1 Samuel 3:14, 1 Samuel 15:22, 1 Samuel 15:23, Isaiah 61:8, Isaiah 66:3, Amos 5:22
Reciprocal: Exodus 12:15 - that soul James 3:1 - be


And this have ye done again, covering the altar of the LORD with tears, with weeping, and with crying out, insomuch that he regardeth not the offering any more, or receiveth it with good will at your hand.

covering: Deuteronomy 15:9, 1 Samuel 1:9, 1 Samuel 1:10, 2 Samuel 13:19, 2 Samuel 13:20, Psalms 78:34-37, Ecclesiastes 4:1
insomuch: Deuteronomy 26:14, Nehemiah 8:9-12, Proverbs 15:8, Proverbs 21:27, Isaiah 1:11-15, Jeremiah 6:20
Reciprocal: Leviticus 10:19 - should Deuteronomy 12:7 - ye shall 1 Samuel 2:17 - abhorred Isaiah 43:24 - filled me Hosea 9:4 - as Malachi 1:13 - should I accept Matthew 19:8 - because Hebrews 8:9 - regarded


Yet ye say, Wherefore? Because the LORD hath been witness between thee and the wife of thy youth, against whom thou hast dealt treacherously: yet is she thy companion, and the wife of thy covenant.

Wherefore: Malachi 1:6, Malachi 1:7, Malachi 3:8, Proverbs 30:20, Isaiah 58:3, Jeremiah 8:12
the Lord: Malachi 3:5, Genesis 31:50, Judges 11:10, 1 Samuel 12:5, Jeremiah 42:5, Micah 1:2
the wife: Malachi 2:15, Proverbs 5:18, Proverbs 5:19, Ecclesiastes 9:9, Isaiah 54:6
thy companion: Genesis 2:18, Proverbs 2:17, Song of Solomon 1:15, *marg. Ezekiel 16:8
Reciprocal: Genesis 2:24 - and they shall be one flesh Ruth 4:10 - ye are witnesses 1 Chronicles 14:3 - took Jeremiah 3:4 - the guide Jeremiah 29:23 - even I Malachi 2:10 - why Malachi 2:17 - Wherein Malachi 3:13 - What Matthew 5:32 - whosoever Matthew 19:3 - Is it Matthew 19:6 - God Matthew 19:8 - because Mark 10:6 - God 1 Corinthians 7:2 - let 1 Corinthians 7:10 - Let Colossians 3:19 - love 1 Peter 3:7 - ye


And did not he make one? Yet had he the residue of the spirit. And wherefore one? That he might seek a godly seed. Therefore take heed to your spirit, and let none deal treacherously against the wife of his youth.

did: Genesis 1:27, Genesis 2:20-24, Matthew 19:4-6, Mark 10:6-8, 1 Corinthians 7:2
residue: or, excellency
the spirit: Genesis 2:7, Job 27:3, Ecclesiastes 12:7, John 20:22
That he: Genesis 24:3-7, Genesis 24:44, Genesis 26:34, Genesis 26:35, Genesis 27:46, Genesis 28:2-4, Deuteronomy 7:4, Ezra 9:4, Nehemiah 13:24, Jeremiah 2:21, 1 Corinthians 7:14, Ephesians 6:4, 1 Timothy 3:4, 1 Timothy 3:5, 1 Timothy 3:11, 1 Timothy 3:12, Titus 1:6
godly seed: Heb. seed of God, Genesis 6:2, Hosea 1:10, Acts 3:25, 2 Corinthians 6:18
take: Malachi 2:14, Proverbs 4:23, Proverbs 6:25, Proverbs 7:25, Matthew 5:28, Matthew 5:29, Matthew 15:19, James 1:14, James 1:15
treacherously: or, unfaithfully
Reciprocal: Genesis 5:2 - Male Genesis 29:27 - week Leviticus 18:18 - to vex her Leviticus 21:15 - profane Deuteronomy 4:15 - Take ye Deuteronomy 17:17 - multiply wives Judges 8:30 - many wives Judges 19:1 - a concubine 2 Chronicles 22:3 - his mother Ezra 9:2 - the holy seed Proverbs 5:18 - rejoice Ecclesiastes 9:9 - with the wife Isaiah 6:13 - so the holy Joel 1:8 - the husband Malachi 2:10 - why 2 Corinthians 6:14 - unequally


For the LORD, the God of Israel, saith that he hateth putting away: for one covereth violence with his garment, saith the LORD of hosts: therefore take heed to your spirit, that ye deal not treacherously.

the Lord: Deuteronomy 24:1-4, Isaiah 50:1, Matthew 5:31, Matthew 5:32, Matthew 19:3-9, Mark 10:2-12, Luke 16:18
that he hateth putting away: or, if he hate her, put her away, Heb. to put away
covereth: Proverbs 28:13, Isaiah 28:20, Isaiah 59:6, Micah 7:2, Micah 7:3
Reciprocal: Isaiah 46:4 - even to your Matthew 19:7 - and to 1 Corinthians 7:14 - else


Ye have wearied the LORD with your words. Yet ye say, Wherein have we wearied him? When ye say, Every one that doeth evil is good in the sight of the LORD, and he delighteth in them; or, Where is the God of judgment?

wearied: Psalms 95:9, Psalms 95:10, Isaiah 1:14, Isaiah 7:13, Isaiah 43:24, Jeremiah 15:6, Ezekiel 16:43, Amos 2:13
Wherein: Malachi 2:14, Malachi 1:6, Malachi 1:7, Malachi 3:8
Every: Malachi 3:13-15, Job 34:5-9, Job 34:17, Job 34:36, Job 36:17, Psalms 73:3-15, Matthew 11:18, Matthew 11:19
Where: Deuteronomy 32:4, 1 Samuel 2:3, Psalms 10:11-13, Ecclesiastes 8:11, Isaiah 5:18, Isaiah 5:19, Isaiah 30:18, Ezekiel 8:12, Ezekiel 9:9, Zephaniah 1:12, 2 Peter 3:3, 2 Peter 3:4
Reciprocal: Job 22:3 - any pleasure Job 24:12 - yet God Psalms 5:4 - God Psalms 58:11 - verily he Isaiah 5:20 - them Isaiah 29:15 - Who seeth Isaiah 40:27 - my judgment Jeremiah 44:22 - could Ezekiel 18:25 - way Hosea 12:8 - they Malachi 1:2 - Wherein Malachi 3:5 - I will come Malachi 3:15 - yea Matthew 25:44 - when Luke 11:42 - and pass