
And when they were escaped, then they knew that the island was called Melita.

the island: Acts 27:26, Acts 27:44
Reciprocal: Philippians 1:12 - that


And the barbarous people shewed us no little kindness: for they kindled a fire, and received us every one, because of the present rain, and because of the cold.

barbarous: Acts 28:4, Romans 1:14, 1 Corinthians 14:11, Colossians 3:11
showed: Acts 27:3, Leviticus 19:18, Leviticus 19:34, Proverbs 24:11, Proverbs 24:12, Matthew 10:42, Luke 10:30-37, Romans 2:14, Romans 2:15, Romans 2:27, Hebrews 13:2
because: Ezra 10:9, John 18:18, 2 Corinthians 11:27
Reciprocal: Acts 27:2 - with us Acts 28:7 - who Ephesians 4:32 - kind


And when Paul had gathered a bundle of sticks, and laid them on the fire, there came a viper out of the heat, and fastened on his hand.

came: Job 20:16, Isaiah 30:6, Isaiah 41:24, Isaiah 59:5, Matthew 3:7, Matthew 12:34, Matthew 23:33
fastened: Acts 28:4, Amos 5:19, 2 Corinthians 6:9, 2 Corinthians 11:23
Reciprocal: Genesis 3:15 - enmity Exodus 4:4 - put forth Psalms 91:13 - adder Mark 16:18 - shall take


And when the barbarians saw the venomous beast hang on his hand, they said among themselves, No doubt this man is a murderer, whom, though he hath escaped the sea, yet vengeance suffereth not to live.

barbarians: Acts 28:2
beast: Acts 28:5, Genesis 3:1, Isaiah 13:21, Isaiah 13:22, Isaiah 43:20, Zephaniah 2:15
No doubt: Luke 13:2, Luke 13:4, John 7:24, John 9:1, John 9:2
a murderer: Genesis 4:8-11, Genesis 9:5, Genesis 9:6, Genesis 42:21, Genesis 42:22, Numbers 35:31-34, Proverbs 28:17, Isaiah 26:21, Matthew 23:35, Matthew 27:25, Revelation 21:8
Reciprocal: Genesis 27:45 - why Genesis 31:55 - returned Exodus 20:13 - General Deuteronomy 21:1 - General Judges 9:56 - God rendered 1 Samuel 17:35 - smote him 2 Samuel 3:29 - rest 2 Samuel 3:30 - slew Abner 2 Samuel 16:8 - returned 1 Kings 2:31 - that thou Job 1:19 - it fell Job 4:7 - who ever Proverbs 13:21 - pursueth Jeremiah 41:15 - escaped Amos 5:19 - As if Jonah 1:14 - let John 9:3 - Neither Acts 28:3 - fastened Romans 1:14 - Greeks 1 Corinthians 14:11 - I shall 2 Corinthians 6:8 - honour Colossians 3:11 - Barbarian


And he shook off the beast into the fire, and felt no harm.

felt: Numbers 21:6-9, Psalms 91:13, Mark 16:18, Luke 10:19, John 3:14, John 3:15, Romans 16:20, Revelation 9:3, Revelation 9:4
Reciprocal: Genesis 31:55 - returned 2 Samuel 16:8 - returned 2 Kings 4:41 - there Psalms 104:25 - beasts Daniel 3:25 - they have no hurt Acts 28:4 - beast


Howbeit they looked when he should have swollen, or fallen down dead suddenly: but after they had looked a great while, and saw no harm come to him, they changed their minds, and said that he was a god.

said: Acts 12:22, Acts 14:11-13, Matthew 21:9, Matthew 27:22
Reciprocal: Daniel 2:46 - fell


In the same quarters were possessions of the chief man of the island, whose name was Publius; who received us, and lodged us three days courteously.

the chief: Acts 13:7, Acts 18:12, Acts 23:24
who: Acts 28:2, Matthew 10:40, Matthew 10:41, Luke 19:6-9
Reciprocal: Luke 10:9 - heal Acts 13:12 - the deputy 1 Peter 3:8 - courteous


And it came to pass, that the father of Publius lay sick of a fever and of a bloody flux: to whom Paul entered in, and prayed, and laid his hands on him, and healed him.

the father: Mark 1:30, Mark 1:31
prayed: Acts 9:40, 1 Kings 17:20-22, James 5:14-16
laid: Acts 9:17, Acts 9:18, Acts 19:11, Acts 19:12, Matthew 9:18, Mark 6:5, Mark 7:32, Mark 16:18, Luke 4:40, Luke 13:13
and healed: Matthew 10:1, Matthew 10:8, Luke 9:1-3, Luke 10:8, Luke 10:9, 1 Corinthians 12:9, 1 Corinthians 12:28
Reciprocal: Esther 6:3 - What honour Matthew 21:41 - and will let out Matthew 25:36 - was sick Mark 5:23 - lay thy hands


So when this was done, others also, which had diseases in the island, came, and were healed:

others: Acts 5:12, Acts 5:15, Matthew 4:24, Mark 6:54-56
Reciprocal: Matthew 25:36 - was sick Mark 16:18 - they shall lay


Who also honoured us with many honours; and when we departed, they laded us with such things as were necessary.

honoured: Matthew 15:5, Matthew 15:6, 1 Thessalonians 2:6, 1 Timothy 5:3, 1 Timothy 5:4, 1 Timothy 5:17, 1 Timothy 5:18
laded: 2 Kings 8:9, Ezra 7:27, Matthew 6:31-34, Matthew 10:8-10, 2 Corinthians 8:2-6, 2 Corinthians 9:5-11, Philippians 4:11, Philippians 4:12, Philippians 4:19
Reciprocal: Jeremiah 40:5 - gave him Acts 27:2 - with us 2 Corinthians 11:26 - in perils by mine Philippians 2:29 - hold such in reputation Titus 3:13 - on


And after three months we departed in a ship of Alexandria, which had wintered in the isle, whose sign was Castor and Pollux.

Cir, am 4067, ad 63
a ship: Acts 6:9, Acts 27:6
whose: Isaiah 45:20, Jonah 1:5, Jonah 1:16, 1 Corinthians 8:4
Reciprocal: Acts 21:8 - we that 1 Corinthians 16:6 - winter 2 Corinthians 11:26 - in perils by mine


And landing at Syracuse, we tarried there three days.

Syracuse: Syracuse was the capital of Sicily, situated on the eastern side of the island, 72 miles s by e of Messina, and about 112 of Palermo. In its ancient state of splendour it was 22+ in extent, according to Strabo; and such was its opulence, that when the Romans took it, they found more riches than they did at Carthage. Acts 28:12
Reciprocal: Acts 21:7 - abode Acts 27:2 - with us


And from thence we fetched a compass, and came to Rhegium: and after one day the south wind blew, and we came the next day to Puteoli:

Rhegium: Rhegium, now Reggio, was a maritime city and promontory in Italy, opposite Messina.
the south: Acts 27:13
Puteoli: Puteoli, now Puzzuoli, is an ancient sea-port of Campania, in the kingdom of Naples, about eight miles sw of that city, standing upon a hill in a creek opposite to Baiae.
Reciprocal: Job 9:9 - General


Where we found brethren, and were desired to tarry with them seven days: and so we went toward Rome.

we found: Acts 9:42, Acts 9:43, Acts 19:1, Acts 21:4, Acts 21:7, Acts 21:8, Psalms 119:63, Matthew 10:11
and were: Acts 20:6, Genesis 7:4, Genesis 8:10-12


And from thence, when the brethren heard of us, they came to meet us as far as Appiiforum, and The three taverns: whom when Paul saw, he thanked God, and took courage.

when: Acts 10:25, Acts 21:5, Exodus 4:14, John 12:13, Romans 15:24, Galatians 4:14, Hebrews 13:3, 3 John 1:6-8
Appii forum: Appii Forum, now Borgo Longo, was an ancient city of the Volsci, fifty miles s of Rome.
The three taverns: The Three Taverns was a place in the Appian Way, thirty miles from Rome.
he thanked: Joshua 1:6, Joshua 1:7, Joshua 1:9, 1 Samuel 30:6, Psalms 27:14, 1 Corinthians 12:21, 1 Corinthians 12:22, 2 Corinthians 2:14, 2 Corinthians 7:5-7, 1 Thessalonians 3:7
Reciprocal: Exodus 18:7 - went Numbers 22:36 - went 2 Chronicles 15:8 - took courage Proverbs 27:9 - so John 11:20 - as soon Acts 2:10 - strangers Acts 15:3 - brought Romans 6:17 - But Romans 15:32 - I may


And when we came to Rome, the centurion delivered the prisoners to the captain of the guard: but Paul was suffered to dwell by himself with a soldier that kept him.

Rome: Rome, the capital of Italy, and once of the whole world, is situated on the banks of the Tiber, about sixteen miles from the sea; 410 miles sse of Vienna, 600 se of Paris, 730 e by n of Madrid, 760 w of Constantinople, and 780 se of London. Acts 2:10, Acts 18:2, Acts 19:21, Acts 23:11, Romans 1:7-15, Romans 15:22-29, Revelation 17:9, Revelation 17:18
the centurion: Acts 27:3, Acts 27:31, Acts 27:43
captain: Genesis 37:36, 2 Kings 25:8, Jeremiah 40:2
but: Acts 28:30, Acts 28:31, Acts 24:23, Acts 27:3, Genesis 39:21-23
Reciprocal: 1 Samuel 23:17 - I shall be Jeremiah 37:21 - Thus Jeremiah 38:13 - Jeremiah Acts 21:8 - we that Acts 23:33 - presented Acts 25:12 - unto Caesar shalt Acts 27:1 - a centurion Acts 27:2 - with us Acts 28:20 - this chain Romans 15:32 - I may 2 Corinthians 6:5 - imprisonments 2 Corinthians 11:23 - in prisons 2 Timothy 4:2 - in


And it came to pass, that after three days Paul called the chief of the Jews together: and when they were come together, he said unto them, Men and brethren, though I have committed nothing against the people, or customs of our fathers, yet was I delivered prisoner from Jerusalem into the hands of the Romans.

though: Acts 23:1-11, Acts 24:10-16, Acts 25:8, Acts 25:10, Genesis 40:15
was: Acts 21:33-40, Acts 23:33
Reciprocal: Matthew 13:54 - he taught Matthew 22:4 - other Acts 1:16 - Men Acts 9:2 - the synagogues Acts 9:15 - the children Acts 21:11 - and shall Acts 21:21 - that thou Acts 22:1 - brethren Acts 23:18 - Paul Acts 24:12 - General Acts 26:3 - because Acts 28:20 - this cause Romans 2:9 - of the Jew 2 Corinthians 6:5 - imprisonments Ephesians 3:1 - the Philippians 1:13 - General


Who, when they had examined me, would have let me go, because there was no cause of death in me.

Acts 22:24, Acts 22:25, Acts 22:30, Acts 24:10, Acts 24:22, Acts 25:7, Acts 25:8, Acts 26:31
Reciprocal: Jeremiah 37:20 - lest Acts 25:10 - as thou Acts 26:32 - appealed


But when the Jews spake against it, I was constrained to appeal unto Caesar; not that I had ought to accuse my nation of.

I was: Acts 25:10-12, Acts 25:21, Acts 25:25, Acts 26:32
not: Romans 12:19-21, 1 Peter 2:22, 1 Peter 2:23
Reciprocal: Jeremiah 37:20 - lest Acts 25:11 - I appeal


For this cause therefore have I called for you, to see you, and to speak with you: because that for the hope of Israel I am bound with this chain.

this cause: Acts 28:17, Acts 10:29, Acts 10:33
for the: Acts 23:6, Acts 24:15, Acts 26:6, Acts 26:7
this chain: That is, the chain with which he was bound to the "soldier that kept him" (Acts 28:16); a mode of custody which Dr. Lardner has shown was in use among the Romans. It is in exact conformity, therefore, with the truth of St. Paul's situation at this time, that he declares himself to be "an ambassador in a chain," ום [Strong's G1722], בכץףוי [Strong's G254], (Ephesians 6:20); and the exactness is the more remarkable, as בכץףיע [Strong's G254], a chain is no where used in the singular number to express any other kind of custody. Acts 26:29, Ephesians 3:1, Ephesians 4:1, Ephesians 6:20, Philippians 1:13, Colossians 4:18, 2 Timothy 1:10, 2 Timothy 2:9, Philemon 1:10, Philemon 1:13
Reciprocal: Jeremiah 14:8 - the hope Jeremiah 17:13 - the hope Jeremiah 40:1 - bound Matthew 27:2 - bound Acts 12:6 - bound Acts 21:11 - So shall Acts 21:33 - be Acts 24:21 - Touching Ephesians 2:12 - having 2 Timothy 1:16 - my Hebrews 10:34 - in my


And they said unto him, We neither received letters out of Judaea concerning thee, neither any of the brethren that came shewed or spake any harm of thee.

We: Exodus 11:7, Isaiah 41:11, Isaiah 50:8, Isaiah 54:17
Reciprocal: Acts 25:8 - Neither


But we desire to hear of thee what thou thinkest: for as concerning this sect, we know that every where it is spoken against.

for: Acts 16:20, Acts 16:21, Acts 17:6, Acts 17:7, Acts 24:5, Acts 24:6, Acts 24:14, Luke 2:34, 1 Peter 2:12, 1 Peter 3:16, 1 Peter 4:14-16
sect: Acts 5:17, Acts 15:5, Acts 26:5, 1 Corinthians 11:19, *marg.
Reciprocal: Esther 3:8 - their laws Isaiah 42:20 - opening Jeremiah 15:10 - a man Jeremiah 38:4 - thus Daniel 3:8 - and accused Matthew 22:17 - What Matthew 24:9 - shall they Acts 9:2 - of this way Acts 10:37 - ye know Acts 19:9 - but spake Acts 26:30 - the king 2 Corinthians 6:8 - evil


And when they had appointed him a day, there came many to him into his lodging; to whom he expounded and testified the kingdom of God, persuading them concerning Jesus, both out of the law of Moses, and out of the prophets, from morning till evening.

there came: Philemon 1:2
he expounded: Acts 17:2, Acts 17:3, Acts 18:4, Acts 18:28, Acts 19:8, Acts 26:22, Acts 26:23
both: Acts 26:6, Acts 26:22, Luke 24:26, Luke 24:27, Luke 24:44
from: Acts 20:9-11, John 4:34
Reciprocal: Deuteronomy 30:14 - very 2 Chronicles 17:9 - the book Nehemiah 8:3 - morning Nehemiah 8:8 - and gave the sense Psalms 119:139 - because Ezekiel 33:9 - if thou Matthew 13:19 - the word Matthew 26:24 - Son of man goeth Mark 1:14 - preaching Mark 12:9 - and will Luke 11:20 - the kingdom Luke 16:31 - be persuaded Luke 24:32 - opened John 1:17 - the law John 3:11 - ye Acts 2:40 - with Acts 3:18 - those Acts 3:26 - first Acts 8:25 - when they had Acts 8:35 - began Acts 9:22 - proving Acts 13:27 - they have Acts 13:43 - persuaded Acts 13:48 - ordained Acts 18:26 - expounded Acts 20:7 - and continued Acts 20:21 - Testifying Acts 23:11 - for Acts 24:14 - believing Acts 28:31 - Preaching Romans 3:21 - and the Romans 10:18 - Have they 1 Corinthians 1:6 - the 2 Corinthians 5:11 - we persuade Philemon 1:22 - prepare Hebrews 1:1 - at Hebrews 3:5 - for 1 Peter 1:10 - which 2 Peter 3:2 - ye may


And some believed the things which were spoken, and some believed not.

Acts 13:48-50, Acts 14:4, Acts 17:4, Acts 17:5, Acts 18:6-8, Acts 19:8, Acts 19:9, Romans 3:3, Romans 11:4-6
Reciprocal: Luke 12:52 - General Acts 4:4 - many Romans 10:16 - But they Romans 11:11 - but rather 2 Thessalonians 3:2 - for


And when they agreed not among themselves, they departed, after that Paul had spoken one word, Well spake the Holy Ghost by Esaias the prophet unto our fathers,

agreed: Acts 28:29
well: Matthew 15:7, Mark 7:6, 2 Peter 1:21
Reciprocal: 2 Chronicles 25:20 - it came of God Nehemiah 9:30 - by thy spirit Proverbs 23:9 - Speak Isaiah 6:8 - I heard Matthew 10:6 - go Matthew 10:20 - but Matthew 11:21 - for Matthew 13:14 - the prophecy Mark 4:12 - That seeing Mark 12:36 - by Luke 1:70 - spake Luke 10:13 - for Luke 14:18 - all Luke 19:42 - but John 14:26 - Holy Ghost John 15:21 - because Acts 1:16 - which the Acts 8:28 - Esaias Acts 21:11 - Thus 1 Timothy 4:1 - the Spirit 2 Timothy 3:16 - All Hebrews 3:7 - as Hebrews 4:7 - saying Hebrews 9:8 - Holy Ghost Hebrews 10:15 - General


Saying, Go unto this people, and say, Hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see, and not perceive:

Go: Isaiah 6:9, Isaiah 6:10, Ezekiel 12:2, Matthew 13:14, Matthew 13:15, Mark 4:12, Luke 8:10, John 12:38-40, Romans 11:8-10
Hearing: Deuteronomy 29:4, Psalms 81:11, Psalms 81:12, Isaiah 29:10, Isaiah 29:14, Isaiah 42:19, Isaiah 42:20, Isaiah 66:4, Jeremiah 5:21, Ezekiel 3:6, Ezekiel 3:7, Ezekiel 12:2, Mark 8:17, Mark 8:18, Luke 24:25, Luke 24:45, 2 Corinthians 4:4-6
Reciprocal: Exodus 8:32 - General Psalms 69:23 - Their eyes Proverbs 17:16 - seeing Isaiah 19:22 - they shall Zechariah 11:9 - I will John 12:40 - hath Romans 9:18 - will he 2 Corinthians 3:14 - their


For the heart of this people is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes have they closed; lest they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them.

Reciprocal: Exodus 8:32 - General Leviticus 7:23 - fat Deuteronomy 29:4 - General Deuteronomy 32:15 - waxen fat Psalms 17:10 - They are Psalms 69:23 - Their eyes Psalms 119:70 - heart is as fat Proverbs 17:16 - seeing Isaiah 6:9 - Hear ye Isaiah 6:10 - lest Isaiah 19:22 - they shall Isaiah 26:11 - will Isaiah 29:10 - the Lord Isaiah 29:14 - for the wisdom Jeremiah 36:3 - that I Ezekiel 12:2 - which Zechariah 7:12 - lest Matthew 18:3 - Except Mark 8:18 - see Luke 8:10 - that seeing Acts 3:19 - be 2 Corinthians 3:14 - their Hebrews 5:11 - dull


Be it known therefore unto you, that the salvation of God is sent unto the Gentiles, and that they will hear it.

it known: Acts 2:14, Acts 4:10, Acts 13:38, Ezekiel 36:32
the salvation: Psalms 98:2, Psalms 98:3, Isaiah 49:6, Isaiah 52:10, Lamentations 3:26, Luke 2:30-32, Luke 3:6
sent: Acts 11:18, Acts 13:46, Acts 13:47, Acts 14:27, Acts 15:14, Acts 15:17, Acts 18:6, Acts 22:21, Acts 26:17, Acts 26:18, Matthew 21:41-43, Romans 3:29, Romans 3:30, Romans 4:11, Romans 11:11, Romans 15:8-16
Reciprocal: Judges 6:39 - dry Isaiah 11:10 - to it shall Isaiah 42:1 - he shall Zechariah 2:11 - many Matthew 28:19 - ye therefore Luke 2:32 - light Luke 10:9 - The kingdom Luke 13:29 - General Luke 14:23 - Go Luke 24:47 - among John 4:30 - General Acts 8:25 - when they had Acts 10:33 - are we Acts 13:26 - to you Acts 13:42 - the Gentiles Romans 2:9 - of the Jew Galatians 2:7 - the gospel of the uncircumcision Philippians 1:28 - and that Hebrews 4:6 - some


And when he had said these words, the Jews departed, and had great reasoning among themselves.

great reasoning: Acts 28:25, Matthew 10:34-36, Luke 12:51, John 7:40-53


And Paul dwelt two whole years in his own hired house, and received all that came in unto him,

Paul: St. Paul, after his release, is supposed to have visited Judea, in the way to which he left Titus at Crete - Titus 1:5, and then returned through Syria, Cilicia, Asia Minor, and Greece, to Rome; where, according to primitive tradition, he was beheaded by order of Nero, ad 66, at Aquae Saiviae, three miles from Rome, and interred in the Via Ostensis, two miles from the city, where Constantine erected a church.
dwelt: Acts 28:16
Reciprocal: Jeremiah 37:21 - Thus Jeremiah 38:13 - Jeremiah John 1:39 - abode Acts 19:21 - I must Acts 23:11 - must Acts 24:27 - two Romans 15:32 - I may 2 Corinthians 6:5 - imprisonments 2 Corinthians 11:23 - in prisons 2 Timothy 1:17 - General 2 Timothy 4:2 - in


Preaching the kingdom of God, and teaching those things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ, with all confidence, no man forbidding him.

Cir, am 4069, ad 65
Preaching: Acts 28:23, Acts 8:12, Acts 20:25, Matthew 4:23, Mark 1:14, Luke 8:1
and teaching: Acts 5:42, Acts 23:11
with: Acts 4:29, Acts 4:31, Ephesians 6:19, Ephesians 6:20, Philippians 1:14, Colossians 4:3, Colossians 4:4, 2 Timothy 4:17
Reciprocal: Psalms 107:23 - go down Matthew 6:33 - the kingdom Matthew 10:7 - The Mark 16:20 - they went Luke 9:11 - the kingdom Luke 10:9 - The kingdom John 1:39 - abode Acts 1:3 - speaking Acts 8:25 - when they had Acts 15:35 - teaching Acts 19:21 - I must Acts 24:23 - and to Acts 28:16 - but Romans 1:10 - a prosperous Romans 15:32 - I may 2 Timothy 1:17 - General 2 Timothy 2:9 - even 2 Timothy 4:2 - in