
Sing aloud unto God our strength: make a joyful noise unto the God of Jacob.

A Psalm: Some suppose this Psalm to have been composed to be sung at the feast of Trumpets, before the time of David; and others think it was written at the removal of the ark to Mount Zion; but the most probable opinion is, that it was sung at the dedication of the second temple.
of Asaph: or, for Asaph
Sing: Psalms 67:4, Jeremiah 31:7
our strength: Psalms 18:1, Psalms 18:2, Psalms 28:7, Psalms 52:7, Philippians 4:13
make: Psalms 33:1-3, Psalms 46:1-7, Psalms 66:1, Psalms 100:1, Psalms 100:2
the God: Psalms 46:11, Genesis 50:17, Matthew 22:32
Reciprocal: Leviticus 23:24 - In the seventh 1 Chronicles 6:39 - Asaph 1 Chronicles 15:16 - lifting up 1 Chronicles 15:21 - harps 1 Chronicles 23:31 - in the sabbaths 1 Chronicles 25:2 - Asaph 2 Chronicles 15:14 - trumpets 2 Chronicles 20:19 - a loud 2 Chronicles 31:3 - for the new moons Nehemiah 12:27 - thanksgivings Nehemiah 12:42 - sang loud Psalms 27:6 - I will Psalms 42:4 - with the voice Psalms 95:1 - sing Psalms 144:9 - upon Isaiah 30:29 - in the night Isaiah 30:32 - every place Daniel 3:10 - the cornet Zephaniah 3:14 - shout Matthew 26:30 - when


Take a psalm, and bring hither the timbrel, the pleasant harp with the psaltery.

Psalms 92:3, Psalms 95:1, Psalms 95:2, Psalms 149:1-3, Mark 14:26, Ephesians 5:19, Colossians 3:16, James 5:13
Reciprocal: Exodus 15:20 - all the 1 Chronicles 15:21 - harps 1 Chronicles 25:1 - harps Psalms 33:2 - Praise Psalms 43:4 - upon Psalms 98:6 - trumpets Psalms 108:2 - Awake Psalms 137:2 - we hanged Psalms 149:3 - with the timbrel Psalms 150:3 - with the sound Isaiah 30:32 - every place Revelation 5:8 - having


Blow up the trumpet in the new moon, in the time appointed, on our solemn feast day.

Blow: Psalms 98:6, Numbers 10:1-9, 1 Chronicles 15:24, 1 Chronicles 16:6, 1 Chronicles 16:42, 2 Chronicles 5:12, 2 Chronicles 13:12, 2 Chronicles 13:14
new: Leviticus 23:24, Leviticus 23:25, Numbers 10:10, Numbers 28:11, 2 Kings 4:23, Colossians 2:16
solemn: Numbers 15:3, Deuteronomy 16:15, 2 Chronicles 2:4, 2 Chronicles 8:13, Lamentations 2:6, Nahum 1:15
Reciprocal: Genesis 1:14 - and let Numbers 10:2 - the calling Numbers 28:2 - General Numbers 29:1 - blowing Judges 21:19 - a feast 1 Samuel 20:5 - the new moon 2 Chronicles 29:26 - the priests Psalms 33:2 - Praise Psalms 47:5 - sound Psalms 92:3 - instrument Psalms 150:3 - with the sound Isaiah 27:13 - the great Isaiah 66:23 - that from Amos 8:5 - When Matthew 24:31 - with


For this was a statute for Israel, and a law of the God of Jacob.

Reciprocal: Isaiah 66:23 - that from Amos 8:5 - When


This he ordained in Joseph for a testimony, when he went out through the land of Egypt: where I heard a language that I understood not.

in Joseph: Psalms 77:15, Psalms 80:1, Psalms 80:2, Amos 6:6
for a: Psalms 78:6, Exodus 13:8, Exodus 13:9, Exodus 13:14-16, Deuteronomy 4:45, Ezekiel 20:20
through: or, against, Exodus 12:12, Exodus 12:27, Exodus 12:29
where: Psalms 114:1, Deuteronomy 28:49, Isaiah 28:11, Jeremiah 5:15, 1 Corinthians 14:21, 1 Corinthians 14:22
Reciprocal: Deuteronomy 5:6 - brought Psalms 78:5 - For he Ezekiel 3:5 - of a strange speech and of an hard language


I removed his shoulder from the burden: his hands were delivered from the pots.

I removed: Exodus 1:14, Exodus 6:6, Isaiah 9:4, Isaiah 10:27, Matthew 11:29
were delivered: Heb. passed away
from the pots: Or rather, as dood also signifies (see 2 Kings 10:7; Jeremiah 24:2, the basket, so LXX, and Symmachus, ךןציםןϚ, and Vulgate and Jerome, cophino; and Diodati, le sue mani si non dipartite dalle corbe, "his hands were removed from the baskets," i.e., says he in a note, de portar la terra da far mattoni, "from carrying earth to make bricks," Exodus 1:14. Psalms 68:13
Reciprocal: Genesis 49:15 - bowed Exodus 1:11 - burdens Exodus 2:23 - cry Exodus 6:7 - from under Leviticus 26:13 - General 1 Chronicles 4:23 - General


Thou calledst in trouble, and I delivered thee; I answered thee in the secret place of thunder: I proved thee at the waters of Meribah. Selah.

calledst: Psalms 50:15, Psalms 91:14, Psalms 91:15, Exodus 2:23, Exodus 14:10, Exodus 14:30, Exodus 14:31, Exodus 17:2-7
secret: Exodus 14:24, Exodus 19:19, Exodus 20:18-21
proved: Exodus 17:6, Exodus 17:7, Numbers 20:13, Numbers 20:24, Deuteronomy 33:8
Meribah: or, strife
Reciprocal: Exodus 15:25 - proved Exodus 18:8 - how the Lord Exodus 19:20 - the Lord came Deuteronomy 8:2 - prove thee Deuteronomy 13:3 - proveth Psalms 18:11 - secret Psalms 106:32 - angered Ezekiel 47:19 - strife Matthew 17:5 - a voice


Hear, O my people, and I will testify unto thee: O Israel, if thou wilt hearken unto me;

Hear: Psalms 50:7, Deuteronomy 32:46, Isaiah 55:3, Isaiah 55:4, John 3:11, John 3:32, John 3:33, Acts 20:21, 1 John 5:9
if thou wilt: Psalms 81:13, Exodus 15:26, Deuteronomy 5:27, Isaiah 1:19
Reciprocal: 2 Kings 17:13 - testified Nehemiah 9:16 - hearkened Isaiah 46:3 - Hearken Micah 6:3 - O my Zechariah 7:13 - as Malachi 3:5 - a swift Matthew 23:37 - how


There shall no strange god be in thee; neither shalt thou worship any strange god.

There shall: Exodus 20:3-5, 1 Corinthians 8:5, 1 Corinthians 8:6
strange: Deuteronomy 6:14, Deuteronomy 32:12, Isaiah 43:12, Malachi 2:11
Reciprocal: 2 Kings 17:13 - testified Ezekiel 20:19 - the Lord Hosea 13:4 - I am


I am the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt: open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it.

I am: Exodus 20:2, Jeremiah 11:4, Jeremiah 31:31-33
open: Psalms 37:3, Psalms 37:4, John 7:37, John 15:7, John 16:23, Ephesians 3:19, Ephesians 3:20, Revelation 21:6, Revelation 22:17
Reciprocal: Genesis 17:7 - God 2 Kings 4:3 - borrow not a few 2 Kings 21:9 - they hearkened Psalms 50:7 - O my Song of Solomon 5:2 - Open Isaiah 43:12 - no strange Ezekiel 20:19 - the Lord Hosea 8:3 - cast Hosea 12:9 - I that Hosea 13:4 - I am Matthew 7:8 - General Matthew 22:3 - and they would not Luke 13:34 - how 2 Corinthians 6:13 - be


But my people would not hearken to my voice; and Israel would none of me.

people: Psalms 106:12, Psalms 106:13, Jeremiah 2:11-13, Jeremiah 7:23, Jeremiah 7:24, Zechariah 7:11
would none: Exodus 32:1, Deuteronomy 32:15, Deuteronomy 32:18, Proverbs 1:30, Hebrews 10:29
Reciprocal: Exodus 9:12 - General Numbers 14:25 - turn you 1 Samuel 8:7 - Hearken 1 Samuel 8:19 - refused to obey 2 Kings 21:8 - only if they 2 Chronicles 25:20 - it came of God Nehemiah 9:16 - hearkened Proverbs 1:25 - would Proverbs 8:33 - refuse Proverbs 17:16 - seeing Isaiah 28:12 - yet Isaiah 44:1 - now Jeremiah 2:13 - For my Jeremiah 13:11 - but Jeremiah 44:5 - they Ezekiel 14:9 - if the Hosea 8:3 - cast Hosea 9:17 - because Hosea 11:7 - are bent Malachi 2:2 - ye will not hear Matthew 11:20 - upbraid Matthew 12:44 - he findeth Matthew 21:32 - repented Luke 11:25 - he findeth Luke 13:34 - and ye John 5:40 - ye will not Acts 7:42 - and gave Acts 28:26 - Hearing Romans 1:24 - God 2 Thessalonians 2:11 - for Hebrews 3:7 - hear Revelation 3:15 - I would


So I gave them up unto their own hearts' lust: and they walked in their own counsels.

I gave: Genesis 6:3, Acts 7:42, Acts 14:16, Romans 1:24, Romans 1:26, Romans 1:27, 2 Thessalonians 2:9-11
their own hearts' lust: or, the hardness of their hearts, or imaginations
they walked: Exodus 11:9, Isaiah 30:1, Jeremiah 7:24, Jeremiah 44:16, Jeremiah 44:17
Reciprocal: Genesis 20:6 - sinning Exodus 9:12 - General Leviticus 26:3 - General Numbers 22:20 - If the men Numbers 22:35 - Go Deuteronomy 32:28 - General 1 Samuel 8:7 - Hearken 1 Samuel 12:14 - If ye will 1 Kings 14:16 - he shall give Israel 2 Chronicles 25:20 - it came of God Psalms 1:1 - walketh Psalms 69:27 - Add Psalms 106:43 - with their Proverbs 2:19 - None Proverbs 5:23 - in the Proverbs 8:33 - refuse Proverbs 22:14 - abhorred Ecclesiastes 11:9 - walk Isaiah 44:18 - for he hath Isaiah 65:2 - after Isaiah 66:4 - will choose Jeremiah 16:13 - and Ezekiel 14:9 - if the Ezekiel 20:25 - I gave Ezekiel 20:39 - Go ye Hosea 4:17 - let Hosea 9:10 - and their Amos 4:5 - for Malachi 2:2 - ye will not hear Matthew 12:44 - he findeth Matthew 21:32 - repented Mark 8:13 - General Luke 11:25 - he findeth Luke 11:34 - but Acts 28:26 - Hearing Romans 1:21 - but became 2 Thessalonians 2:11 - for Revelation 22:11 - that is unjust


Oh that my people had hearkened unto me, and Israel had walked in my ways!

Oh that: Deuteronomy 5:29, Deuteronomy 10:12, Deuteronomy 10:13, Deuteronomy 32:29, Isaiah 48:18, Matthew 23:37, Luke 19:41, Luke 19:42
Reciprocal: Genesis 6:6 - grieved Exodus 16:28 - General 1 Chronicles 15:24 - the priests Psalms 81:8 - if thou wilt Psalms 107:8 - Oh that men Psalms 128:1 - walketh Proverbs 1:33 - whoso Jeremiah 25:3 - rising Jeremiah 42:6 - that it Ezekiel 12:3 - it may Micah 6:3 - O my Luke 13:34 - how Ephesians 2:10 - walk Hebrews 3:7 - hear


I should soon have subdued their enemies, and turned my hand against their adversaries.

I should: Numbers 14:9, Numbers 14:45, Joshua 23:13, Judges 2:20-23
turned: Amos 1:8, Zechariah 13:7
Reciprocal: Exodus 16:28 - General Leviticus 26:8 - General Judges 4:23 - General Psalms 47:3 - subdue Jeremiah 2:3 - all that


The haters of the LORD should have submitted themselves unto him: but their time should have endured for ever.

The haters: Psalms 18:45, Psalms 83:2-18, Exodus 20:5, Deuteronomy 7:10, John 15:22, John 15:23, Romans 1:30, Romans 8:7
submitted themselves: or yielded feigned obedience, Heb. lied. Psalms 18:44, Psalms 63:3, *marg.
time: Psalms 102:28, Isaiah 65:22, Joel 3:20
Reciprocal: Leviticus 26:8 - General Deuteronomy 33:29 - found liars 2 Samuel 19:18 - fell down 2 Samuel 22:45 - submit themselves Psalms 66:3 - through Jeremiah 2:3 - all that Luke 20:20 - feign John 15:24 - hated 2 Timothy 1:5 - unfeigned 2 Peter 2:3 - with


He should have fed them also with the finest of the wheat: and with honey out of the rock should I have satisfied thee.

fed: Psalms 147:14, Deuteronomy 32:13, Deuteronomy 32:14, Joel 2:24
finest of the wheat: Heb. fat of wheat
honey: Judges 14:8, Judges 14:9, Judges 14:18, 1 Samuel 14:25, 1 Samuel 14:26, Job 29:6
Reciprocal: Genesis 45:18 - the fat Deuteronomy 8:8 - wheat Job 20:17 - of honey Ezekiel 16:13 - thou didst Matthew 7:8 - General John 6:9 - barley