
How long wilt thou forget me, O LORD? for ever? how long wilt thou hide thy face from me?

am 3464, bc 540 - Title chief. or, overseer.
How: Psalms 6:3, Psalms 35:17, Psalms 74:1, Psalms 80:4, Psalms 85:5, Psalms 89:46, Psalms 90:14, Psalms 94:3, Psalms 94:4
forget: Psalms 10:12, Lamentations 5:20
wilt thou hide: Psalms 22:1, Psalms 22:2, Deuteronomy 31:17, Job 13:24, Isaiah 59:2
Reciprocal: Job 7:19 - How long Job 19:2 - How long Job 23:8 - General Job 34:29 - when he hideth Psalms 22:11 - Be not Psalms 27:9 - Hide Psalms 30:7 - thou Psalms 42:9 - Why hast Psalms 44:24 - Wherefore Psalms 55:2 - I mourn Psalms 69:3 - I am Psalms 69:17 - hide Psalms 70:5 - O Lord Psalms 74:10 - General Psalms 74:23 - Forget Psalms 77:7 - the Lord Psalms 79:5 - How long Psalms 88:14 - hidest Psalms 102:2 - Hide Psalms 139:6 - knowledge Psalms 143:7 - Hear me Isaiah 26:8 - desire Isaiah 49:14 - my Lord Isaiah 54:8 - I hid Jeremiah 15:18 - my pain Habakkuk 1:2 - how Matthew 5:4 - General Luke 18:7 - though Revelation 6:10 - How


How long shall I take counsel in my soul, having sorrow in my heart daily? how long shall mine enemy be exalted over me?

take: Psalms 77:2-12, Psalms 94:18, Psalms 94:19, Psalms 142:4-7, Job 7:12-15, Job 9:19-21, Job 9:27, Job 9:28, Job 10:15, Job 23:8-10, Jeremiah 15:18
sorrow: Psalms 38:17, Psalms 116:3, Nehemiah 2:2, Proverbs 15:13, Ecclesiastes 5:17, Jeremiah 8:18, Jeremiah 45:3, Matthew 26:38, John 16:6, Romans 9:2, Philippians 2:27
enemy: Psalms 7:2, Psalms 7:4, Psalms 7:5, Psalms 8:2, Psalms 9:6, Psalms 10:18, Psalms 17:9, Psalms 74:10, Psalms 74:18, 1 Samuel 18:29, 1 Samuel 24:19, Esther 7:6, Lamentations 1:9, Micah 7:8-10
exalted: Psalms 22:7, Psalms 22:8, Psalms 31:18, Psalms 42:10, Psalms 44:14-16, Psalms 123:3, Psalms 123:4, Psalms 143:3, Psalms 143:4, Lamentations 1:5, Luke 22:53
Reciprocal: Psalms 6:3 - how Psalms 25:2 - let not Psalms 30:7 - thou Psalms 35:17 - how Psalms 55:2 - I mourn Psalms 70:5 - O Lord Psalms 77:7 - the Lord Psalms 79:5 - How long Psalms 89:46 - How Isaiah 26:8 - desire Habakkuk 1:2 - how Luke 18:7 - though


Consider and hear me, O LORD my God: lighten mine eyes, lest I sleep the sleep of death;

Consider: Psalms 9:13, Psalms 25:19, Psalms 31:7, Psalms 119:153, Lamentations 5:1
lighten: Psalms 18:28, 1 Samuel 14:27, 1 Samuel 14:29, Ezra 9:8, Luke 2:32, Revelation 21:23
lest: Jeremiah 51:39, Jeremiah 51:57, Ephesians 5:14
Reciprocal: 2 Chronicles 6:40 - my God Psalms 7:1 - O Psalms 17:6 - incline Psalms 19:8 - enlightening Psalms 21:4 - asked Psalms 34:5 - and were Psalms 38:16 - For I said Psalms 54:2 - General Psalms 76:5 - they Psalms 94:17 - dwelt Proverbs 29:13 - Lord


Lest mine enemy say, I have prevailed against him; and those that trouble me rejoice when I am moved.

Lest: Psalms 10:11, Psalms 25:2, Psalms 35:19, Psalms 35:25, Psalms 38:16, Joshua 7:9, Ezekiel 35:12-15
I have: Psalms 9:19, Jeremiah 1:19, Lamentations 1:16
when: Psalms 55:22, Psalms 62:2, Psalms 62:6, Psalms 112:6, Psalms 121:1-3, Proverbs 12:3
Reciprocal: Psalms 17:6 - incline Psalms 30:1 - hast not Psalms 41:11 - because Psalms 119:153 - Consider Micah 7:8 - Rejoice Revelation 11:10 - rejoice Revelation 12:8 - prevailed not


But I have trusted in thy mercy; my heart shall rejoice in thy salvation.

But: Psalms 32:10, Psalms 33:18, Psalms 33:21, Psalms 33:22, Psalms 36:7, Psalms 52:8, Psalms 147:11, Isaiah 12:2, Jude 1:21
my heart: Psalms 9:14, Psalms 43:4, Psalms 43:5, Psalms 51:12, Psalms 119:81, 1 Samuel 2:1, Habakkuk 3:18, Luke 1:47, Luke 2:20
Reciprocal: 2 Kings 18:5 - trusted Psalms 7:1 - O Psalms 20:5 - rejoice Psalms 21:7 - For the Psalms 28:7 - heart Psalms 31:7 - I will Psalms 35:9 - General Psalms 51:8 - Make Psalms 57:1 - soul Psalms 71:5 - For thou Psalms 86:2 - trusteth Zechariah 10:7 - their heart


I will sing unto the LORD, because he hath dealt bountifully with me.

I: Psalms 21:13
he: Psalms 116:7, Psalms 119:7
Reciprocal: 1 Kings 3:6 - mercy Psalms 30:12 - I will Psalms 119:17 - Deal Psalms 119:65 - dealt well Psalms 142:7 - thou shalt Joel 2:26 - that