
In the LORD put I my trust: How say ye to my soul, Flee as a bird to your mountain?

am 2942, bc 1062
In the: Psalms 7:1, Psalms 9:10, Psalms 16:1, Psalms 25:2, Psalms 31:14, Psalms 56:11, 2 Chronicles 14:11, 2 Chronicles 16:8, Isaiah 26:3, Isaiah 26:4
how: 1 Samuel 19:11, 1 Samuel 20:38, 1 Samuel 21:10-12, 1 Samuel 22:3, 1 Samuel 23:14, 1 Samuel 27:1
Flee: Psalms 55:6, Psalms 55:7, Proverbs 6:5, Luke 13:31
Reciprocal: Deuteronomy 33:7 - and be thou Joshua 2:16 - Get you 1 Samuel 17:33 - Thou art not 1 Samuel 17:37 - The Lord 1 Samuel 22:4 - in the hold 1 Samuel 23:3 - Behold 1 Kings 22:13 - Behold now 2 Kings 6:16 - Fear not 2 Kings 18:30 - make you 2 Chronicles 32:11 - The Lord our God Nehemiah 4:10 - The strength Nehemiah 6:11 - Should such Psalms 10:6 - said Psalms 27:1 - of whom Isaiah 7:2 - And his heart Jeremiah 48:6 - Flee Jeremiah 48:9 - wings Jeremiah 48:14 - How Daniel 6:10 - as he John 11:8 - the Jews John 14:9 - how John 14:27 - afraid


For, lo, the wicked bend their bow, they make ready their arrow upon the string, that they may privily shoot at the upright in heart.

lo: Psalms 10:2, Psalms 37:14, Psalms 64:3, Psalms 64:4, Jeremiah 9:3
make: Psalms 21:12
that: Psalms 10:8, Psalms 10:9, Psalms 64:5, Psalms 142:3, 1 Samuel 18:21, 1 Samuel 23:9, Matthew 26:4, Acts 23:12-15
privily: Heb. in darkness
the upright: Psalms 7:10, Psalms 32:11, Psalms 64:10, Psalms 94:15, Psalms 97:11, Psalms 125:4
Reciprocal: Numbers 35:20 - by laying Nehemiah 4:10 - The strength Nehemiah 6:11 - Should such Psalms 7:13 - ordaineth Psalms 26:10 - In Daniel 6:10 - as he Luke 13:31 - Get Acts 24:1 - informed


If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?

If the: Psalms 75:3, Psalms 82:5, Isaiah 58:12, 2 Timothy 2:19
what: 2 Kings 19:13-18, 2 Kings 22:12-14, 2 Chronicles 32:13-15, Nehemiah 6:10-12, Jeremiah 26:11-15, Daniel 3:15-18, Daniel 6:10-28, John 11:8-10, Acts 4:5-12, Acts 4:24-33
Reciprocal: Ezekiel 13:14 - the foundation Habakkuk 1:4 - the law


The LORD is in his holy temple, the LORD's throne is in heaven: his eyes behold, his eyelids try, the children of men.

The Lord: Psalms 9:11, Psalms 18:6, Exodus 40:34, Exodus 40:35, 1 Chronicles 17:5, Habakkuk 2:20, Zechariah 2:13, 2 Thessalonians 2:4
the Lord's: Psalms 2:4, Psalms 103:19, Isaiah 66:1, Matthew 5:34, Matthew 23:21, Acts 7:49, Revelation 4:2
his eyes: Psalms 33:13, Psalms 44:21, Psalms 66:7, 2 Chronicles 16:9, Proverbs 15:3, Jeremiah 17:10, Jeremiah 23:24, Hebrews 4:13
Reciprocal: Genesis 11:5 - General Genesis 18:19 - For I Genesis 18:23 - Wilt Joshua 4:3 - twelve stones 1 Kings 8:39 - for thou 2 Chronicles 6:30 - thou only Job 24:23 - yet his eyes Job 33:27 - I have sinned Psalms 7:8 - The Lord Psalms 53:2 - looked Psalms 78:59 - God Psalms 94:9 - hear Psalms 113:6 - humbleth Psalms 123:1 - O thou Psalms 139:1 - thou hast Proverbs 5:21 - General Isaiah 26:7 - most Jeremiah 5:3 - are not thine Jeremiah 25:30 - his holy Amos 9:8 - the eyes Jonah 2:7 - holy Micah 1:2 - the Lord from Habakkuk 1:13 - of Matthew 23:22 - by the Luke 11:2 - which 1 Peter 3:12 - the eyes


The LORD trieth the righteous: but the wicked and him that loveth violence his soul hateth.

trieth: Psalms 7:9, Psalms 17:3, Psalms 26:2, Psalms 139:1, Psalms 139:23, Psalms 139:24, Genesis 22:1, Zechariah 13:9, Malachi 3:3, James 1:12, 1 Peter 1:7, 1 Peter 4:12
wicked: Psalms 5:4, Psalms 5:5, Psalms 10:3, Psalms 21:8, Proverbs 6:16-19, Jeremiah 12:8, Zechariah 11:8
Reciprocal: Genesis 6:11 - filled Genesis 18:25 - Shall Genesis 19:13 - Lord hath Exodus 34:7 - that will by no means clear the guilty 1 Kings 8:39 - for thou 2 Chronicles 6:30 - thou only Job 20:29 - the portion Job 24:23 - yet his eyes Psalms 25:19 - cruel hatred Ecclesiastes 8:13 - it shall Isaiah 3:11 - Woe Jeremiah 20:12 - that Luke 12:46 - and will appoint Romans 2:2 - judgment Romans 3:6 - for then 2 Thessalonians 2:12 - but Hebrews 1:9 - loved Revelation 8:7 - hail


Upon the wicked he shall rain snares, fire and brimstone, and an horrible tempest: this shall be the portion of their cup.

Upon: Psalms 105:32, Genesis 19:24, Exodus 9:23, Exodus 9:24, Job 18:15, Job 20:23, Isaiah 24:17, Isaiah 24:18, Ezekiel 13:13, Ezekiel 38:22, Luke 17:29
snares: or, quick burning coals
an horrible: or, a burning
portion: Psalms 16:5, Genesis 43:34, 1 Samuel 1:4, 1 Samuel 9:23, Job 27:13-23
their: Psalms 75:8, Isaiah 51:17, Isaiah 51:22, Jeremiah 25:15-17, Habakkuk 2:16, John 18:11
Reciprocal: Genesis 19:13 - Lord hath Exodus 34:7 - that will by no means clear the guilty Joshua 10:11 - the Lord Judges 9:56 - God rendered 2 Kings 19:7 - a blast Job 18:10 - snare Job 20:29 - the portion Job 22:10 - snares Job 27:21 - a storm Psalms 9:16 - wicked Psalms 18:8 - went Psalms 78:49 - cast Psalms 83:15 - General Psalms 119:53 - horror Psalms 140:10 - burning coals Proverbs 22:5 - Thorns Proverbs 24:20 - there Proverbs 29:6 - the transgression Ecclesiastes 9:12 - the sons Isaiah 3:11 - Woe Isaiah 8:14 - a snare Isaiah 33:14 - Who among us shall dwell with the Isaiah 34:9 - General Isaiah 66:15 - the Lord Jeremiah 13:25 - thy lot Jeremiah 48:43 - General Jeremiah 49:18 - in the Ezekiel 12:13 - My net Ezekiel 13:11 - there shall Ezekiel 30:15 - I will pour Luke 21:35 - as 1 Timothy 6:9 - snare Revelation 8:7 - hail Revelation 9:17 - brimstone Revelation 14:10 - drink Revelation 19:20 - burning


For the righteous LORD loveth righteousness; his countenance doth behold the upright.

For: Psalms 45:7, Psalms 99:4, Psalms 146:8, Isaiah 61:8
his: Psalms 5:12, Psalms 21:6, Psalms 33:18, Psalms 34:15, Psalms 42:5, Job 36:7, 1 Peter 3:12
Reciprocal: Deuteronomy 7:13 - he will love Job 34:12 - surely Job 36:3 - ascribe Psalms 4:1 - O Psalms 18:23 - upright Psalms 19:13 - upright Psalms 33:5 - He Psalms 37:28 - loveth Psalms 48:10 - thy right Proverbs 11:20 - upright Isaiah 26:7 - most Acts 24:25 - righteousness