
And I turned, and lifted up mine eyes, and looked, and, behold, there came four chariots out from between two mountains; and the mountains were mountains of brass.

I turned: Zechariah 5:1
four: Zechariah 1:18, Zechariah 1:19, Daniel 2:38-40, Daniel 7:3-7, Daniel 8:22
and the: 1 Samuel 2:8, Job 34:29, Psalms 33:11, Psalms 36:6, Proverbs 21:30, Isaiah 14:26, Isaiah 14:27, Isaiah 43:13, Isaiah 46:10, Isaiah 46:11, Daniel 4:15, Daniel 4:35, Acts 4:28, Ephesians 1:11, Ephesians 3:11
Reciprocal: 2 Kings 2:11 - General 2 Kings 6:17 - full of horses Ezra 6:14 - through Ezekiel 1:20 - for the Daniel 8:3 - I lifted Revelation 7:1 - four angels


In the first chariot were red horses; and in the second chariot black horses;

red: Zechariah 1:8, Revelation 6:2-5, Revelation 12:3, Revelation 17:3
black: Zechariah 6:6, Revelation 6:5, Revelation 6:6
Reciprocal: Nahum 2:3 - made Revelation 6:4 - horse


And in the third chariot white horses; and in the fourth chariot grisled and bay horses.

white: Revelation 6:2, Revelation 19:11, Revelation 20:11
grisled: Zechariah 6:6, Zechariah 6:7, Zechariah 1:8, Daniel 2:33, Daniel 2:40, Daniel 2:41, Revelation 6:8
bay: or, strong
Reciprocal: Exodus 19:15 - come not Daniel 2:39 - another third


Then I answered and said unto the angel that talked with me, What are these, my lord?

unto: Zechariah 1:9, Zechariah 1:19-21, Zechariah 5:5, Zechariah 5:6, Zechariah 5:10
Reciprocal: Daniel 9:22 - he informed Zechariah 4:4 - What


And the angel answered and said unto me, These are the four spirits of the heavens, which go forth from standing before the Lord of all the earth.

These: Zechariah 1:10, Zechariah 1:11, Psalms 68:17, Psalms 104:3, Psalms 104:4, Ezekiel 1:5-28, Ezekiel 10:9-19, Ezekiel 11:22, Hebrews 1:7, Hebrews 1:14, Revelation 14:6-13
spirits: or, winds, 1 Kings 19:11, Psalms 148:8, Daniel 7:2
go: Zechariah 4:10, 1 Kings 22:19, 2 Chronicles 18:18, 2 Chronicles 18:19, Job 1:6, Job 2:1, Job 2:2, Daniel 7:10, Matthew 18:10, Luke 1:19
the Lord: Zechariah 4:14, Isaiah 54:5
Reciprocal: Joshua 3:11 - the Lord Daniel 9:22 - he informed Micah 4:13 - the Lord of Zechariah 1:9 - the angel Zechariah 3:7 - I will Revelation 1:4 - from the


The black horses which are therein go forth into the north country; and the white go forth after them; and the grisled go forth toward the south country.

the north: Jeremiah 1:14, Jeremiah 1:15, Jeremiah 4:6, Jeremiah 6:1, Jeremiah 25:9, Jeremiah 46:10, Jeremiah 51:48, Ezekiel 1:4
go forth after: Daniel 7:5, Daniel 7:6, Daniel 11:3, Daniel 11:4
toward: Daniel 11:5, Daniel 11:6, Daniel 11:9, Daniel 11:40
Reciprocal: Daniel 2:39 - another third Zechariah 1:8 - speckled Zechariah 6:2 - black Zechariah 6:3 - grisled Revelation 6:5 - a black


And the bay went forth, and sought to go that they might walk to and fro through the earth: and he said, Get you hence, walk to and fro through the earth. So they walked to and fro through the earth.

the bay: Zechariah 1:10, Genesis 13:17, 2 Chronicles 16:9, Job 1:6, Job 1:7, Job 2:1, Job 2:2, Daniel 7:19, Daniel 7:24
Reciprocal: Ezekiel 9:11 - I have Zechariah 1:8 - speckled Zechariah 1:11 - We Zechariah 6:3 - grisled


Then cried he upon me, and spake unto me, saying, Behold, these that go toward the north country have quieted my spirit in the north country.

quieted: Zechariah 1:15, Judges 8:3, Judges 15:7, Ecclesiastes 10:4, Isaiah 1:24, Isaiah 18:3, Isaiah 18:4, Isaiah 42:13-15, Isaiah 48:14, Isaiah 51:22, Isaiah 51:23, Jeremiah 51:48, Jeremiah 51:49, Ezekiel 5:13, Ezekiel 16:42, Ezekiel 16:63, Revelation 18:21, Revelation 18:22
Reciprocal: Joshua 7:26 - So the Lord 2 Samuel 21:14 - God Esther 7:10 - Then was the king's Ezekiel 9:11 - I have Ezekiel 21:17 - and I


And the word of the LORD came unto me, saying,

Zechariah 1:1, Zechariah 7:1, Zechariah 8:1


Take of them of the captivity, even of Heldai, of Tobijah, and of Jedaiah, which are come from Babylon, and come thou the same day, and go into the house of Josiah the son of Zephaniah;

which: Ezra 7:14-16, Ezra 8:26-30, Isaiah 66:20, Acts 24:17, Romans 15:25, Romans 15:26
the son: Zechariah 6:14
Reciprocal: Zechariah 7:2 - they


Then take silver and gold, and make crowns, and set them upon the head of Joshua the son of Josedech, the high priest;

make: Zechariah 3:5, Exodus 28:36-38, Exodus 29:6, Exodus 39:30, Leviticus 8:9, Psalms 21:3, Song of Solomon 3:11, Hebrews 2:9, Revelation 19:12
Joshua: Zechariah 3:1, Haggai 1:1, Haggai 1:14, Haggai 2:4
Reciprocal: 1 Chronicles 6:14 - Seraiah Ezra 3:2 - Jeshua Ezra 5:2 - Jeshua Nehemiah 12:1 - Jeshua Zechariah 6:13 - a priest Revelation 6:2 - and a


And speak unto him, saying, Thus speaketh the LORD of hosts, saying, Behold the man whose name is The BRANCH; and he shall grow up out of his place, and he shall build the temple of the LORD:

behold: Zechariah 13:7, Isaiah 32:1, Isaiah 32:2, Micah 5:5, Mark 15:39, John 19:5, Acts 13:38, Acts 17:31, Hebrews 7:4, Hebrews 7:24, Hebrews 8:3, Hebrews 10:12
whose: Zechariah 3:8, Psalms 80:15-17, Isaiah 4:2, Isaiah 11:1, Isaiah 53:2, Jeremiah 23:5, Jeremiah 33:15, Luke 1:78, *marg. John 1:45
grow up out of his place: or, branch up from under him
he shall build: Zechariah 4:6-9, Zechariah 8:9, Matthew 16:18, Matthew 26:61, Mark 14:58, Mark 15:29, John 2:19-21, 1 Corinthians 3:9, Ephesians 2:20-22, Hebrews 3:3, Hebrews 3:4, 1 Peter 2:4, 1 Peter 2:5
Reciprocal: Deuteronomy 18:18 - like unto 1 Kings 5:5 - as the Lord 1 Kings 6:1 - build 1 Chronicles 17:12 - He shall 1 Chronicles 22:10 - He shall build 1 Chronicles 28:6 - he shall Song of Solomon 8:9 - we will Isaiah 9:6 - the government Jeremiah 30:21 - and I Ezekiel 17:22 - highest Ezekiel 21:27 - until Ezekiel 34:29 - I will Ezekiel 37:25 - and my Ezekiel 41:1 - to the temple Ezekiel 44:3 - the prince Zechariah 4:9 - his hands Zechariah 6:15 - and ye Matthew 21:5 - thy King Luke 2:14 - and Luke 24:44 - in the prophets John 1:49 - the King Acts 5:24 - this Acts 7:47 - General Acts 13:32 - how Acts 26:6 - the promise Galatians 4:4 - made 1 Peter 1:10 - which Revelation 22:16 - I am


Even he shall build the temple of the LORD; and he shall bear the glory, and shall sit and rule upon his throne; and he shall be a priest upon his throne: and the counsel of peace shall be between them both.

bear: Psalms 21:5, Psalms 45:3, Psalms 45:4, Psalms 72:17-19, Isaiah 9:6, Isaiah 11:10, Isaiah 22:24, Isaiah 49:5, Isaiah 49:6, Jeremiah 23:6, Daniel 7:13, Daniel 7:14, John 13:31, John 13:32, John 17:1-5, Ephesians 1:20-23, Philippians 2:7-11, Hebrews 2:7-9, 1 Peter 3:22, Revelation 3:21, Revelation 5:9-13, Revelation 19:11-16
a priest: Zechariah 6:11, Genesis 14:18, Psalms 110:4, Hebrews 3:1, Hebrews 4:14-16, Hebrews 6:20, Hebrews 7:1, Hebrews 7:24, Hebrews 7:25-28, Hebrews 10:12, Hebrews 10:13
and the: Zechariah 4:14, Psalms 85:9-11, Isaiah 54:10, Daniel 9:25-27, Micah 5:4, Acts 10:36-43, Romans 5:1, Ephesians 2:13-18, Colossians 1:2, Colossians 1:18-20, Hebrews 7:1-3
Reciprocal: Exodus 28:12 - the shoulders Exodus 28:30 - bear the judgment Numbers 11:14 - General Deuteronomy 18:18 - like unto 2 Samuel 7:13 - He shall 1 Kings 5:5 - as the Lord 1 Kings 6:1 - build 1 Kings 6:38 - finished 1 Chronicles 17:12 - He shall 1 Chronicles 22:10 - He shall build 1 Chronicles 28:6 - he shall Proverbs 12:20 - but Isaiah 28:5 - shall the Jeremiah 23:5 - Branch Jeremiah 30:21 - and I Jeremiah 33:15 - the Branch Ezekiel 1:26 - the likeness of a Ezekiel 17:22 - highest Ezekiel 21:27 - until Ezekiel 34:25 - I will make Ezekiel 37:25 - and my Ezekiel 41:1 - to the temple Ezekiel 44:3 - the prince Zechariah 4:9 - his hands Matthew 16:18 - I will Matthew 21:5 - thy King Luke 2:14 - and John 1:49 - the King John 14:27 - Peace I leave Acts 5:24 - this Acts 7:47 - General 1 Corinthians 3:9 - ye are God's building Ephesians 1:11 - the counsel Ephesians 2:14 - our 2 Thessalonians 3:16 - the Lord of Hebrews 3:3 - who


And the crowns shall be to Helem, and to Tobijah, and to Jedaiah, and to Hen the son of Zephaniah, for a memorial in the temple of the LORD.

Helem: Zechariah 6:10
a memorial: Exodus 12:14, Exodus 28:12, Exodus 28:29, Numbers 16:40, Numbers 31:54, Joshua 4:7, 1 Samuel 2:30, Matthew 26:13, Mark 14:9, Acts 10:4, 1 Corinthians 11:23-26
Reciprocal: Nehemiah 2:20 - memorial Esther 9:28 - the memorial


And they that are far off shall come and build in the temple of the LORD, and ye shall know that the LORD of hosts hath sent me unto you. And this shall come to pass, if ye will diligently obey the voice of the LORD your God.

they: Isaiah 56:6-8, Isaiah 57:19, Isaiah 60:10, Acts 2:39, 1 Corinthians 3:10-15, Ephesians 2:13-22, 1 Peter 2:4, 1 Peter 2:5
and ye: Zechariah 6:12, Zechariah 2:8-11, Zechariah 4:8, Zechariah 4:9, John 17:20, John 17:21
And this: Zechariah 3:7, Isaiah 3:10, Isaiah 58:10-14, Romans 16:26, 2 Peter 1:5-10
Reciprocal: Deuteronomy 4:30 - obedient 1 Kings 6:1 - build Isaiah 19:19 - General Jeremiah 11:4 - Obey Jeremiah 17:24 - if Zechariah 2:9 - and ye Hebrews 5:9 - unto