
Now these were the sons of David, which were born unto him in Hebron; the firstborn Amnon, of Ahinoam the Jezreelitess; the second Daniel, of Abigail the Carmelitess:

am 2951, etc. bc 1053, etc
the sons of David: 2 Samuel 3:2-5
Amnon: 2 Samuel 13:1, 2 Samuel 13:29
Ahinoam: 1 Samuel 25:42, 1 Samuel 25:43, 1 Samuel 27:3
Jezreelitess: Joshua 15:56
Daniel: It is probable this person had two names. The Targumist says he was "called Chileab, because he was in every respect like his father." 2 Samuel 3:3
of Abigail: 1 Samuel 25:39-42
Reciprocal: Genesis 46:12 - Judah 1 Chronicles 14:3 - took 1 Chronicles 28:5 - all my sons 2 Chronicles 11:21 - eighteen wives Ezra 8:2 - David


The third, Absalom the son of Maachah the daughter of Talmai king of Geshur: the fourth, Adonijah the son of Haggith:

Absalom: 2 Samuel 13:1, 2 Samuel 13:20-28, 2 Samuel 13:38, 2 Samuel 18:14, 2 Samuel 18:18, 2 Samuel 18:33, 2 Samuel 19:4-10
Geshur: 1 Chronicles 2:23, Joshua 13:13, 2 Samuel 14:23, 2 Samuel 14:32, 2 Samuel 15:8
Adonijah: 2 Samuel 3:4, 1 Kings 1:5, 1 Kings 2:24, 1 Kings 2:25
Reciprocal: 2 Samuel 13:37 - Talmai 1 Kings 1:6 - bare him


The fifth, Shephatiah of Abital: the sixth, Ithream by Eglah his wife.

Eglah: The Targumist, Jarchi, and others, maintain that this was Michal; and though it is stated - 2 Samuel 6:23 that "she had no child to the day of her death," yet she might have had a child before, at that time living. 2 Samuel 3:5


These six were born unto him in Hebron; and there he reigned seven years and six months: and in Jerusalem he reigned thirty and three years.

there he reigned: 2 Samuel 2:11, 2 Samuel 5:4, 2 Samuel 5:5, 1 Kings 2:11
and in Jerusalem: 2 Samuel 5:4, 2 Samuel 5:14-16
Reciprocal: 1 Chronicles 29:27 - forty years


And these were born unto him in Jerusalem; Shimea, and Shobab, and Nathan, and Solomon, four, of Bath-shua the daughter of Ammiel:

Shimea: 1 Chronicles 14:4, 2 Samuel 5:14, Shammuah
Nathan: 2 Samuel 7:2-4, 2 Samuel 12:1-15, Luke 3:31
Solomon: 1 Chronicles 28:5, 1 Chronicles 28:6, 2 Samuel 12:24, 2 Samuel 12:25
Bathshua: 2 Samuel 11:3, Bath-sheba, Matthew 1:6
Ammiel: 2 Samuel 11:3, Eliam
Reciprocal: Proverbs 4:3 - General


Ibhar also, and Elishama, and Eliphelet,

Elishama: 1 Chronicles 14:5, 2 Samuel 5:15, Elishua
Eliphelet: 1 Samuel 14:5, Elpalet


And Nogah, and Nepheg, and Japhia,

Nogah: 2 Samuel 5:15, 2 Samuel 5:16


And Elishama, and Eliada, and Eliphelet, nine.

Eliada: 1 Chronicles 14:7, Beeliada
Eliphelet: 1 Chronicles 14:7, 2 Samuel 5:14-16, Eliphalet
Reciprocal: 2 Samuel 5:16 - Eliphalet


These were all the sons of David, beside the sons of the concubines, and Tamar their sister.

of the concubines: 2 Samuel 5:13
Tamar: 2 Samuel 13:1-20
Reciprocal: 1 Kings 15:8 - Asa


And Solomon's son was Rehoboam, Abia his son, Asa his son, Jehoshaphat his son,

Rehoboam: 1 Kings 11:43, 1 Kings 14:31, 1 Kings 15:6, Matthew 1:7, Roboam
Abia: 1 Kings 15:1, Abijam, 2 Chronicles 13:1, Abijah
Asa: 1 Kings 15:8, 2 Chronicles 14:1
Jehoshaphat: 1 Kings 15:24, 2 Chronicles 17:1, Matthew 1:8, Josaphat
Reciprocal: 1 Kings 22:41 - Jehoshaphat 2 Chronicles 10:1 - Rehoboam 2 Chronicles 12:16 - Abijah


Joram his son, Ahaziah his son, Joash his son,

Joram: 1 Kings 22:50, 2 Chronicles 21:1, Jehoram
Ahaziah: 2 Kings 8:24, 2 Chronicles 21:17, Jehoahaz, 1 Chronicles 22:1-6, Azariah
Joash: 2 Kings 11:21, 2 Chronicles 24:1
Reciprocal: 2 Kings 12:1 - Jehoash 2 Chronicles 22:1 - Ahaziah Matthew 1:8 - Joram Matthew 1:9 - Joatham


Amaziah his son, Azariah his son, Jotham his son,

Amaziah: 2 Kings 14:1, 2 Chronicles 25:1
Azariah: 2 Kings 14:21, 2 Kings 15:30, 2 Chronicles 26:1, Uzziah, Matthew 1:8, Matthew 1:9, Ozias
Jotham: 2 Kings 15:5, 2 Kings 15:32, 2 Chronicles 27:1, Matthew 1:9, Joatham
Reciprocal: 2 Chronicles 24:27 - Amaziah


Ahaz his son, Hezekiah his son, Manasseh his son,

Ahaz: 2 Kings 16:1, 2 Chronicles 28:1-8, Matthew 1:9, Achaz
Hezekiah: 2 Kings 18:1, 2 Chronicles 29:1, Matthew 1:9, Ezekias
Manasseh: 2 Kings 21:1, 2 Chronicles 33:1, Matthew 1:10, Manasses
Reciprocal: 2 Kings 15:38 - Ahaz 2 Kings 16:20 - Hezekiah


Amon his son, Josiah his son.

Amon: 2 Kings 21:19, 2 Chronicles 33:20, 2 Chronicles 33:21
Josiah: 2 Kings 22:1, 2 Chronicles 34:1, Matthew 1:10, Matthew 1:11, Josias, Johanan, or, Jehoahaz, 2 Kings 23:30, Jehoiakim, 2 Kings 23:34, Eliakim, 2 Chronicles 36:5, Jeremiah 22:18, Zedekiah, 2 Kings 24:17, 2 Kings 24:18, Mattaniah, 2 Chronicles 36:11, Shallum, The Targumist says he was called Shallum, "because the kingdom departed from the house of David in his days." 2 Kings 23:30, 2 Chronicles 36:1, Jehoahaz, Jeremiah 22:11


And the sons of Josiah were, the firstborn Johanan, the second Jehoiakim, the third Zedekiah, the fourth Shallum.

Reciprocal: 2 Kings 23:31 - Jehoahaz 2 Kings 23:34 - the son 2 Kings 23:36 - Jehoiakim 2 Kings 24:17 - his father's brother 1 Chronicles 3:16 - Zedekiah 2 Chronicles 34:1 - Josiah 2 Chronicles 36:1 - Jehoahaz 2 Chronicles 36:4 - made Eliakim 2 Chronicles 36:10 - Zedekiah Jeremiah 21:1 - when Jeremiah 22:11 - Shallum Jeremiah 22:15 - thy Jeremiah 37:1 - Zedekiah Matthew 1:11 - Jechonias


And the sons of Jehoiakim: Jeconiah his son, Zedekiah his son.

Jeconiah: 2 Kings 24:6, 2 Kings 24:8, 2 Kings 25:27, 2 Chronicles 36:9, Jehoiachin, Jeremiah 22:24, Jeremiah 22:28, Coniah, Matthew 1:11, Jechonias
Zedekiah: As the sons of Jeconiah are enumerated in the succeeding verse, and as Zedekiah is no where else mentioned as the son of Jeconiah, but as the son of Josiah, it is highly probable that son here means successor. 1 Chronicles 3:15, 2 Kings 24:17, being his uncle
Reciprocal: 2 Chronicles 36:8 - Jehoiachin 2 Chronicles 36:10 - Zedekiah Jeremiah 22:30 - Write Jeremiah 37:1 - Coniah


And the sons of Jeconiah; Assir, Salathiel his son,

Assir: As Salathiel was not the son of Assir, but of Jeconiah, it is probable that the word assir, which signifies a prisoner, is an ephithet applied to Jeconiah, who was a long time prisoner at Babylon.
Salathiel: Ezra 3:2, Ezra 3:8, Ezra 5:2, Shealtiel, Matthew 1:12
Reciprocal: 2 Chronicles 36:8 - Jehoiachin Nehemiah 12:1 - Zerubbabel Jeremiah 22:28 - his seed Jeremiah 22:30 - Write Haggai 1:1 - unto


Malchiram also, and Pedaiah, and Shenazar, Jecamiah, Hoshama, and Nedabiah.

Reciprocal: Genesis 49:19 - General 1 Chronicles 2:41 - Jekamiah


And the sons of Pedaiah were, Zerubbabel, and Shimei: and the sons of Zerubbabel; Meshullam, and Hananiah, and Shelomith their sister:

the sons of Pedaiah: As St. Matthew states that Zerubbabel was the son of Salathiel, Houbigant thinks these words should be omitted; and Pedaiah is wanting in the Arabic and Syriac.
Zerubbabel: Ezra 2:2, Ezra 3:2, Haggai 1:12-14, Haggai 2:2, Haggai 2:4, Zechariah 4:6-9, Matthew 1:12, Zorobabel
Reciprocal: Haggai 2:21 - Zerubbabel Zechariah 12:13 - Shimei


And Hashubah, and Ohel, and Berechiah, and Hasadiah, Jushab-hesed, five.


And the sons of Hananiah; Pelatiah, and Jesaiah: the sons of Rephaiah, the sons of Arnan, the sons of Obadiah, the sons of Shechaniah.

Nehemiah 10:22


And the sons of Shechaniah; Shemaiah; and the sons of Shemaiah; Hattush, and Igeal, and Bariah, and Neariah, and Shaphat, six.

Hattush: Ezra 8:2
six: Five only are enumerated in the text, which Houbigant would substitute as the true reading; but probably the father is reckoned with his sons.
Reciprocal: 1 Chronicles 5:12 - Jaanai


And the sons of Neariah; Elioenai, and Hezekiah, and Azrikam, three.

Hezekiah: or, Hiskijahu, 1 Chronicles 3:23


And the sons of Elioenai were, Hodaiah, and Eliashib, and Pelaiah, and Akkub, and Johanan, and Dalaiah, and Anani, seven.