
Remember, O LORD, what is come upon us: consider, and behold our reproach.

Remember: Lamentations 1:20, Lamentations 2:20, Lamentations 3:19, Nehemiah 1:8, Job 7:7, Job 10:9, Jeremiah 15:15, Habakkuk 3:2, Luke 23:42
behold: Lamentations 2:15, Lamentations 3:61, Nehemiah 1:3, Nehemiah 4:4, Psalms 44:13-16, Psalms 74:10, Psalms 74:11, Psalms 79:4, Psalms 79:12, Psalms 89:50, Psalms 89:51, Psalms 123:3, Psalms 123:4
Reciprocal: Job 10:15 - see Psalms 13:3 - Consider Psalms 25:18 - Look Psalms 31:7 - for Psalms 42:9 - because Psalms 89:41 - he is Psalms 119:153 - Consider Psalms 132:1 - remember Jeremiah 51:51 - are confounded Lamentations 3:50 - General Micah 6:16 - therefore Acts 4:29 - behold


Our inheritance is turned to strangers, our houses to aliens.

Deuteronomy 28:30-68, Psalms 79:1, Psalms 79:2, Isaiah 1:7, Isaiah 5:17, Isaiah 63:18, Jeremiah 6:12, Ezekiel 7:21, Ezekiel 7:24, Zephaniah 1:13
Reciprocal: Deuteronomy 28:48 - in hunger Ecclesiastes 6:2 - but Jeremiah 9:19 - we are


We are orphans and fatherless, our mothers are as widows.

Exodus 22:24, Jeremiah 18:21, Hosea 14:3
Reciprocal: Psalms 109:9 - General Jeremiah 6:12 - And their John 14:18 - comfortless


We have drunken our water for money; our wood is sold unto us.

have: Deuteronomy 28:48, Isaiah 3:1, Ezekiel 4:9-17
is sold: Heb. cometh for price
Reciprocal: Judges 5:11 - the noise


Our necks are under persecution: we labour, and have no rest.

Our necks are under persecution: Heb. On our necks are we persecuted, Lamentations 1:14, Lamentations 4:19, Deuteronomy 28:48, Deuteronomy 28:65, Deuteronomy 28:66, Jeremiah 27:2, Jeremiah 27:8, Jeremiah 27:11, Jeremiah 27:12, Jeremiah 28:14, Matthew 11:29, Acts 15:10
labour: Nehemiah 9:36, Nehemiah 9:37
Reciprocal: Psalms 18:39 - subdued Psalms 107:12 - he brought Jeremiah 13:9 - After Lamentations 3:7 - made Micah 2:3 - necks


We have given the hand to the Egyptians, and to the Assyrians, to be satisfied with bread.

given: Genesis 24:2, 2 Kings 10:15, Jeremiah 50:15, Ezekiel 17:18
to the Egyptians: Isaiah 30:1-6, Isaiah 31:1-3, Isaiah 57:9, Jeremiah 2:18, Jeremiah 2:36, Jeremiah 44:12-14, Hosea 5:13, Hosea 7:11, Hosea 9:3, Hosea 12:1
Reciprocal: Genesis 47:19 - buy us Ezra 10:19 - gave their hands Job 15:23 - wandereth Psalms 107:12 - he brought


Our fathers have sinned, and are not; and we have borne their iniquities.

fathers: Exodus 20:5, Jeremiah 16:12, Jeremiah 31:29, Ezekiel 18:2, Matthew 23:32-36
and are: Genesis 42:13, Genesis 42:36, Job 7:8, Job 7:21, Jeremiah 31:15, Zechariah 1:5
Reciprocal: 2 Kings 22:13 - because our fathers 2 Chronicles 29:6 - For our fathers 2 Chronicles 29:9 - our fathers Ezra 9:7 - Since the days Nehemiah 1:6 - both I Jeremiah 3:25 - we and our Ezekiel 16:58 - hast Ezekiel 18:19 - Why Zechariah 1:2 - Lord


Servants have ruled over us: there is none that doth deliver us out of their hand.

Servants: Genesis 9:25, Deuteronomy 28:43, Nehemiah 2:19, Nehemiah 5:15, Proverbs 30:22
there: Job 5:4, Job 10:7, Psalms 7:2, Psalms 50:22, Isaiah 43:13, Hosea 2:10, Zechariah 11:6
Reciprocal: Deuteronomy 28:29 - thou shalt be Jeremiah 5:19 - Like as


We gat our bread with the peril of our lives because of the sword of the wilderness.

Judges 6:11, 2 Samuel 23:17, Jeremiah 40:9-12, Jeremiah 41:1-10, Jeremiah 41:18, Jeremiah 42:14, Jeremiah 42:16, Ezekiel 4:16, Ezekiel 4:17, Ezekiel 12:18, Ezekiel 12:19
Reciprocal: Genesis 47:19 - buy us Judges 5:11 - the noise Job 15:23 - wandereth Psalms 59:15 - for meat


Our skin was black like an oven because of the terrible famine.

skin: Lamentations 3:4, Lamentations 4:8, Job 30:30, Psalms 119:83
terrible famine: or, terrors, or storms, of famine
Reciprocal: Genesis 43:1 - General Deuteronomy 28:16 - in the field Deuteronomy 32:24 - burnt Job 19:20 - and I am Psalms 32:4 - moisture Jeremiah 14:2 - they Jeremiah 37:21 - until Jeremiah 52:6 - the famine Ezekiel 17:14 - the kingdom Revelation 6:5 - had


They ravished the women in Zion, and the maids in the cities of Judah.

Deuteronomy 28:30, Isaiah 13:16, Zechariah 14:2
Reciprocal: Jeremiah 1:15 - and against Jeremiah 6:12 - And their Jeremiah 38:22 - all Lamentations 3:51 - the daughters Amos 7:17 - Thy wife Zechariah 8:4 - There


Princes are hanged up by their hand: the faces of elders were not honoured.

Lamentations 2:10, Lamentations 2:20, Lamentations 4:16, Isaiah 47:6, Jeremiah 39:6, Jeremiah 39:7, Jeremiah 52:10, Jeremiah 52:11, Jeremiah 52:25-27
Reciprocal: Leviticus 19:32 - General Isaiah 3:2 - mighty Isaiah 24:2 - as with the people Lamentations 1:8 - all Lamentations 1:19 - my priests Lamentations 2:6 - the king Lamentations 4:2 - how Ezekiel 19:1 - the princes Zechariah 14:2 - the houses


They took the young men to grind, and the children fell under the wood.

the young: Exodus 11:5, Judges 16:21, Job 31:10, Isaiah 47:2
fell: Exodus 1:11, Exodus 2:11, Exodus 23:5, Nehemiah 5:1-5, Isaiah 58:6, Matthew 23:4
Reciprocal: Isaiah 51:20 - sons Isaiah 52:5 - make Lamentations 1:4 - ways


The elders have ceased from the gate, the young men from their musick.

elders: Lamentations 1:4, Lamentations 1:19, Lamentations 2:10, Deuteronomy 16:18, Job 29:7-17, Job 30:1, Isaiah 3:2, Isaiah 3:3
the young: Job 30:31, Isaiah 24:7-11, Jeremiah 7:34, Jeremiah 16:9, Jeremiah 25:10, Ezekiel 26:13, Revelation 18:22
Reciprocal: Ruth 4:2 - the elders Psalms 137:4 - How shall Isaiah 24:11 - all joy


The joy of our heart is ceased; our dance is turned into mourning.

our dance: Psalms 30:11, Amos 6:4-7, Amos 8:10, James 4:9, James 4:10
Reciprocal: Exodus 32:19 - the dancing 2 Chronicles 12:2 - because Job 30:31 - General Psalms 107:11 - Because Psalms 137:4 - How shall Isaiah 24:11 - all joy


The crown is fallen from our head: woe unto us, that we have sinned!

The crown: Lamentations 1:1, Job 19:9, Psalms 89:39, Jeremiah 13:18, Ezekiel 21:26, Revelation 2:10, Revelation 3:11
is fallen from our head: Heb. of our head is fallen
woe: Lamentations 1:8, Lamentations 1:18, Lamentations 2:1, Lamentations 4:13, Proverbs 14:34, Isaiah 3:9-11, Jeremiah 2:17, Jeremiah 2:19, Jeremiah 4:18, Ezekiel 7:17-22, Ezekiel 22:12-16, 2 Peter 2:4-6
Reciprocal: 2 Samuel 1:10 - crown 2 Samuel 1:19 - how are 2 Samuel 1:25 - How Job 10:2 - show me Psalms 38:10 - the light Psalms 102:10 - Because Isaiah 3:8 - Jerusalem Isaiah 59:9 - is judgment Jeremiah 3:25 - lie down Jeremiah 30:15 - for the Jeremiah 32:23 - therefore Lamentations 3:42 - transgressed Ezekiel 16:11 - and a Ezekiel 28:15 - till iniquity Daniel 9:8 - because Hosea 7:13 - Woe Hosea 14:1 - thou Micah 1:5 - the transgression of Jacob Zephaniah 1:17 - because


For this our heart is faint; for these things our eyes are dim.

our heart: Lamentations 1:13, Lamentations 1:22, Leviticus 26:36, Isaiah 1:5, Jeremiah 8:18, Jeremiah 46:5, Ezekiel 21:7, Ezekiel 21:15, Micah 6:13
our eyes: Lamentations 2:11, Deuteronomy 28:65, Job 17:7, Psalms 6:7, Psalms 31:9, Psalms 69:3, Isaiah 38:14
Reciprocal: Deuteronomy 28:29 - grope Deuteronomy 28:32 - fail Job 10:2 - show me Psalms 38:10 - the light Isaiah 3:8 - Jerusalem Isaiah 59:9 - is judgment Jeremiah 14:6 - their Jeremiah 17:3 - my Jeremiah 30:15 - for the Jeremiah 32:23 - therefore Zephaniah 1:17 - because


Because of the mountain of Zion, which is desolate, the foxes walk upon it.

of the: Lamentations 2:8, Lamentations 2:9, 1 Kings 9:7, 1 Kings 9:8, Psalms 74:2, Psalms 74:3, Jeremiah 17:3, Jeremiah 26:9, Jeremiah 52:13, Micah 3:12
the foxes: Isaiah 32:13, Isaiah 32:14, Jeremiah 9:11
Reciprocal: Leviticus 26:32 - And I Judges 15:4 - caught three Isaiah 24:12 - General Isaiah 27:10 - the defenced Isaiah 64:10 - General Jeremiah 44:2 - a desolation Ezekiel 5:14 - I will Ezekiel 12:20 - General Daniel 9:17 - thy sanctuary Luke 21:6 - there


Thou, O LORD, remainest for ever; thy throne from generation to generation.

remainest: Deuteronomy 33:27, Psalms 9:7, Psalms 10:16, Psalms 29:10, Psalms 90:2, Psalms 102:12, Psalms 102:25-27, Habakkuk 1:12, 1 Timothy 1:17, 1 Timothy 6:15, 1 Timothy 6:16, Hebrews 1:10-12, Hebrews 13:8, Revelation 1:4, Revelation 1:8, Revelation 1:17, Revelation 1:18
thy throne: Psalms 45:6, Psalms 145:13, Psalms 146:10, Daniel 2:44, Daniel 7:14, Daniel 7:27, Hebrews 1:8, Hebrews 1:9


Wherefore dost thou forget us for ever, and forsake us so long time?

dost: Psalms 13:1, Psalms 44:24, Psalms 74:1, Psalms 77:7-10, Psalms 79:5, Psalms 85:5, Psalms 89:46, Psalms 94:3, Psalms 94:4, Isaiah 64:9-12, Jeremiah 14:19-21
so long time: Heb. for length of days
Reciprocal: 1 Samuel 12:22 - the Lord 2 Kings 21:14 - And I will Job 7:21 - why dost Isaiah 2:6 - Therefore Isaiah 6:12 - a great Isaiah 49:14 - my Lord Jeremiah 23:39 - and I Mark 15:34 - why


Turn thou us unto thee, O LORD, and we shall be turned; renew our days as of old.

Turn: 1 Kings 18:37, Psalms 80:3, Psalms 80:7, Psalms 80:19, Psalms 85:4, Jeremiah 31:18, Jeremiah 32:39, Jeremiah 32:40, Ezekiel 11:19, Ezekiel 11:20, Ezekiel 36:25-27, Ezekiel 36:37, Habakkuk 3:2
renew: Jeremiah 31:4, Jeremiah 31:23-25, Jeremiah 33:10, Jeremiah 33:13, Zechariah 8:3-6, Malachi 3:4
Reciprocal: 2 Chronicles 30:6 - turn again Daniel 9:13 - that we Amos 9:11 - as in Micah 7:14 - as Acts 3:19 - be


But thou hast utterly rejected us; thou art very wroth against us.

But thou hast utterly rejected us: or, For wilt thou utterly reject us, Psalms 44:9, Psalms 60:1, Psalms 60:2, Jeremiah 15:1-5, Ezekiel 37:11, Hosea 1:6
Reciprocal: Isaiah 5:25 - the anger Jeremiah 6:30 - the Lord Jeremiah 12:11 - it mourneth Jeremiah 14:19 - utterly Ezekiel 36:3 - they have made Micah 2:4 - a doleful lamentation Matthew 22:11 - which