
In the seventh month, in the one and twentieth day of the month, came the word of the LORD by the prophet Haggai, saying,

the seventh: Haggai 2:10, Haggai 2:20, Haggai 1:15
the prophet: Heb. the hand of the prophet, etc. Haggai 1:1, 2 Peter 1:21
Reciprocal: Ezra 3:13 - So that Zechariah 1:1 - the eighth Malachi 1:1 - by


Speak now to Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel, governor of Judah, and to Joshua the son of Josedech, the high priest, and to the residue of the people, saying,

governor: Haggai 1:14, Ezra 1:8, Ezra 2:63, Nehemiah 8:9
Reciprocal: Exodus 17:14 - memorial 1 Chronicles 3:19 - Zerubbabel 1 Chronicles 6:15 - Jehozadak Ezra 2:2 - Zerubbabel Ezra 3:2 - Jeshua Ezra 5:14 - whom Ezra 6:14 - through Nehemiah 12:1 - Zerubbabel Zephaniah 2:7 - the remnant Zechariah 4:6 - Not Matthew 1:12 - and


Who is left among you that saw this house in her first glory? and how do ye see it now? is it not in your eyes in comparison of it as nothing?

is left: Ezra 3:12, Zechariah 4:9, Zechariah 4:10
glory: Ezekiel 7:20, Luke 21:5, Luke 21:6
Reciprocal: Exodus 17:14 - memorial 1 Chronicles 22:5 - exceeding 2 Chronicles 24:13 - in his state 2 Corinthians 3:10 - had


Yet now be strong, O Zerubbabel, saith the LORD; and be strong, O Joshua, son of Josedech, the high priest; and be strong, all ye people of the land, saith the LORD, and work: for I am with you, saith the LORD of hosts:

now: Deuteronomy 31:23, Joshua 1:6, Joshua 1:9, 1 Chronicles 22:13, 1 Chronicles 28:20, Zechariah 8:9, 1 Corinthians 16:13, Ephesians 6:10, 2 Timothy 2:1
for: Haggai 1:13, Exodus 3:12, Judges 2:18, 1 Samuel 16:18, 2 Samuel 5:10, Mark 16:20, Acts 7:9, 2 Timothy 4:17
Reciprocal: Deuteronomy 31:6 - Be strong 1 Chronicles 3:19 - Zerubbabel Ezra 2:2 - Zerubbabel Ezra 5:2 - the prophets Isaiah 35:4 - Be strong Daniel 10:19 - be strong Zephaniah 3:16 - be said Zechariah 3:1 - Joshua Zechariah 6:11 - Joshua Romans 4:20 - but was


According to the word that I covenanted with you when ye came out of Egypt, so my spirit remaineth among you: fear ye not.

to the: Exodus 29:45, Exodus 29:46, Exodus 33:12-14, Exodus 34:8, Exodus 34:10
so: Numbers 11:25-29, Nehemiah 9:20, Nehemiah 9:30, Psalms 51:11, Psalms 51:12, Isaiah 63:11-14, Zechariah 4:6, John 14:16, John 14:17
fear: Joshua 8:1, 2 Chronicles 20:17, Isaiah 41:10, Isaiah 41:13, Zechariah 8:13, Zechariah 8:15, Matthew 28:5, Acts 27:24, Revelation 1:17
Reciprocal: Ezekiel 43:4 - the glory Zephaniah 3:16 - be said


For thus saith the LORD of hosts; Yet once, it is a little while, and I will shake the heavens, and the earth, and the sea, and the dry land;

Yet: Haggai 2:21, Haggai 2:22, Hebrews 12:26-28
it is: Psalms 37:10, Isaiah 10:25, Isaiah 29:17, Jeremiah 51:33, Hebrews 10:37
and I: Isaiah 34:4, Jeremiah 4:23-26, Ezekiel 38:20, Joel 2:30-32, Joel 3:16, Matthew 24:29, Matthew 24:30, Mark 13:24-26, Luke 21:25-27, Acts 2:19, Hebrews 12:26, Revelation 6:12-17, Revelation 8:5-12, Revelation 11:9, Revelation 6:2-17
Reciprocal: Leviticus 11:29 - creeping things that creep Job 9:6 - shaketh Psalms 29:8 - shaketh Psalms 60:2 - broken Isaiah 2:19 - when he Isaiah 13:13 - I will Isaiah 42:15 - General Jeremiah 33:14 - General Ezekiel 36:11 - will do Ezekiel 38:19 - Surely Hosea 8:10 - sorrow a little Amos 8:8 - the land Zechariah 4:7 - O great Matthew 2:1 - Herod


And I will shake all nations, and the desire of all nations shall come: and I will fill this house with glory, saith the LORD of hosts.

I will shake: Ezekiel 21:27, Daniel 2:44, Daniel 2:45, Daniel 7:20-25, Joel 3:9-16, Luke 21:10, Luke 21:11
and the: Genesis 3:15, Genesis 22:18, Genesis 49:10, Zechariah 9:9, Zechariah 9:10, Luke 2:10, Luke 2:11, Luke 2:27, Luke 2:46, Romans 15:9-15, Galatians 3:8
I will fill: Exodus 40:34, Exodus 40:35, 1 Kings 8:11, 2 Chronicles 5:14, Psalms 80:1, Malachi 3:1, Luke 19:47, Luke 20:1, Luke 21:38, John 1:14, John 2:13-17, John 7:37-39, John 10:23-38, Colossians 2:9
Reciprocal: Exodus 29:43 - sanctified 2 Chronicles 7:1 - the glory Psalms 24:7 - King Psalms 60:2 - broken Psalms 85:9 - glory Song of Solomon 8:1 - that thou Isaiah 13:13 - I will Isaiah 23:11 - stretched Isaiah 60:2 - the Lord Isaiah 60:7 - I will Jeremiah 30:18 - the palace Ezekiel 31:16 - made Ezekiel 38:19 - Surely Ezekiel 43:5 - the glory Ezekiel 44:4 - the glory Amos 8:8 - the land Haggai 1:8 - I will be Haggai 2:21 - I will Zechariah 2:5 - the glory Zechariah 8:22 - General Matthew 11:3 - Art Matthew 12:6 - General Luke 7:19 - Art Luke 12:56 - that Luke 24:44 - in the prophets John 7:14 - the temple Acts 13:32 - how 2 Corinthians 3:10 - had Hebrews 12:26 - Yet once 1 Peter 1:10 - which 1 Peter 2:7 - you Revelation 6:12 - the sun


The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, saith the LORD of hosts.

1 Kings 6:20-35, 1 Chronicles 29:14-16, Psalms 24:1, Psalms 50:10-12, Isaiah 60:13, Isaiah 60:17
Reciprocal: Genesis 14:22 - the most Exodus 11:2 - borrow Exodus 38:24 - All the gold 2 Chronicles 25:8 - The Lord Ezra 6:8 - the king's Job 42:10 - the Lord Matthew 21:3 - The Lord 2 Corinthians 9:8 - God


The glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former, saith the LORD of hosts: and in this place will I give peace, saith the LORD of hosts.

glory: Psalms 24:7-10, John 1:14, 2 Corinthians 3:9, 2 Corinthians 3:10, 1 Timothy 3:16, James 2:1
saith: Whoever compares the description of the temple of Solomon, in the first book of Kings, with the most splendid accounts of the second temple, however adorned with costly stones and other magnificent decorations in after ages, must perceive that the former, being wholly overlaid with pure gold, was incomparably more glorious than the latter in its greatest magnificence; and the Jews themselves allow that the ark of the covenant, fire from heaven, the Urim and Thummim the anointing oil, the Shechinah or visible glory, and the spirit of prophecy, which distinguished the former temple, were wanting in this. In nothing, in fact, could the second temple excel the first in glory, except in the personal presence of "the Desire of all nations," He who is "the glory of the Lord," and the true temple, "in whom dwells all the fulness of the Godhead bodily," and who was the true Shechinah of which that of Solomon's temple was merely a type. And if it be admitted that the presence of the promised Messiah was intended, then it will follow that "Jesus of Nazareth" was He; for the second temple, in which as the "Prince of peace" he preached peace and reconciliation with God, has been utterly destroyed for upwards of seventeen hundred years.
give: Psalms 85:8, Psalms 85:9, Isaiah 9:6, Isaiah 9:7, Isaiah 57:18-21, Micah 5:5, Luke 2:14, John 14:27, Acts 10:36, Ephesians 2:14-17, Colossians 1:19-21
Reciprocal: Exodus 40:34 - a cloud Leviticus 26:6 - I will 1 Chronicles 22:5 - exceeding 1 Chronicles 22:9 - I will give peace Proverbs 1:13 - General Isaiah 11:10 - his rest Ezekiel 10:4 - and the house Matthew 21:3 - The Lord Luke 6:24 - woe 2 Thessalonians 3:16 - give


In the four and twentieth day of the ninth month, in the second year of Darius, came the word of the LORD by Haggai the prophet, saying,

Haggai 2:1, Haggai 2:20, Haggai 1:1, Haggai 1:15
Reciprocal: Zechariah 1:1 - the eighth Zechariah 7:1 - the fourth


Thus saith the LORD of hosts; Ask now the priests concerning the law, saying,

Leviticus 10:10, Leviticus 10:11, Deuteronomy 33:10, Ezekiel 44:23, Ezekiel 44:24, Malachi 2:7, Titus 1:9
Reciprocal: Leviticus 13:3 - shall look Deuteronomy 17:8 - arise Deuteronomy 17:9 - the priests Ezekiel 22:26 - put no Zechariah 7:3 - speak


If one bear holy flesh in the skirt of his garment, and with his skirt do touch bread, or pottage, or wine, or oil, or any meat, shall it be holy? And the priests answered and said, No.

Exodus 29:37, Leviticus 6:27, Leviticus 6:29, Leviticus 7:6, Ezekiel 44:19, Matthew 23:19
Reciprocal: Leviticus 6:18 - every one Jeremiah 11:15 - the holy


Then said Haggai, If one that is unclean by a dead body touch any of these, shall it be unclean? And the priests answered and said, It shall be unclean.

Numbers 5:2, Numbers 5:3, Numbers 9:6-10, Numbers 19:11-22
Reciprocal: Leviticus 5:2 - touch Leviticus 12:4 - General Leviticus 22:6 - General Numbers 19:22 - whatsoever Joshua 7:12 - they were Isaiah 52:11 - touch Titus 1:15 - but


Then answered Haggai, and said, So is this people, and so is this nation before me, saith the LORD; and so is every work of their hands; and that which they offer there is unclean.

So is this people: Haggai 1:4-11, Proverbs 15:8, Proverbs 21:4, Proverbs 21:27, Proverbs 28:9, Isaiah 1:11-15, Titus 1:15, Jude 1:23
and that: Ezra 3:2, Ezra 3:3
Reciprocal: Numbers 5:3 - defile not Joshua 7:12 - they were Ecclesiastes 5:6 - destroy Isaiah 52:11 - touch Malachi 3:9 - General


And now, I pray you, consider from this day and upward, from before a stone was laid upon a stone in the temple of the LORD:

consider: Haggai 2:18, Haggai 1:5, Haggai 1:7, Psalms 107:43, Isaiah 5:12, Hosea 14:9, Malachi 3:8-11, Romans 6:21, 1 Corinthians 11:31
from before: Ezra 3:10, Ezra 4:24
Reciprocal: Deuteronomy 16:10 - according Job 34:27 - would Proverbs 21:29 - he directeth Hebrews 3:1 - consider


Since those days were, when one came to an heap of twenty measures, there were but ten: when one came to the pressfat for to draw out fifty vessels out of the press, there were but twenty.

when one came to an: Haggai 1:6, Haggai 1:9-11, Proverbs 3:9, Proverbs 3:10, Zechariah 8:10-12, Malachi 2:2
Reciprocal: Leviticus 26:20 - for your land Deuteronomy 28:16 - in the field Psalms 107:37 - which may Psalms 132:15 - bless her provision Proverbs 11:24 - but Ecclesiastes 5:14 - those Jeremiah 12:13 - sown Jeremiah 48:33 - caused Hosea 2:9 - take Hosea 9:2 - floor Joel 2:19 - I will send Joel 2:22 - for the tree Micah 6:14 - eat Habakkuk 3:17 - the fig tree Matthew 4:4 - but Matthew 6:33 - seek Acts 12:20 - because 1 Corinthians 16:2 - as God


I smote you with blasting and with mildew and with hail in all the labours of your hands; yet ye turned not to me, saith the LORD.

with blasting: Haggai 1:9, Genesis 42:6, Genesis 42:23, Genesis 42:27, Deuteronomy 28:22, 1 Kings 8:37, 2 Chronicles 6:28, Isaiah 37:27, Amos 4:9
with hail: Exodus 9:18-29, Isaiah 28:2
in all: Haggai 1:11, Psalms 78:46, Isaiah 62:8, Jeremiah 3:24
yet: 2 Chronicles 28:22, Job 36:13, Isaiah 9:13, Isaiah 42:25, Jeremiah 5:3, Jeremiah 6:16, Jeremiah 6:17, Jeremiah 8:4-7, Hosea 7:9, Hosea 7:10, Amos 4:8-11, Zechariah 1:2-4, Zechariah 7:9-13, Revelation 2:21, Revelation 9:20, Revelation 9:21
Reciprocal: Deuteronomy 28:16 - in the field Psalms 105:16 - Moreover Ecclesiastes 5:14 - those Ecclesiastes 11:6 - thou knowest Jeremiah 8:13 - there Jeremiah 12:13 - sown Ezekiel 13:13 - and great Hosea 2:9 - take Amos 4:6 - yet Habakkuk 3:17 - the fig tree Malachi 2:2 - and I Malachi 3:11 - rebuke Acts 12:20 - because


Consider now from this day and upward, from the four and twentieth day of the ninth month, even from the day that the foundation of the LORD's temple was laid, consider it.

Consider: Haggai 2:15, Deuteronomy 32:29, Luke 15:17-20
even: Haggai 1:14, Haggai 1:15, Ezra 5:1, Ezra 5:2, Zechariah 8:9, Zechariah 8:12
Reciprocal: Leviticus 19:4 - molten gods Leviticus 19:25 - General Leviticus 26:4 - the land 2 Chronicles 31:10 - Since Ezra 5:16 - laid Proverbs 21:29 - he directeth Ezekiel 18:14 - considereth


Is the seed yet in the barn? yea, as yet the vine, and the fig tree, and the pomegranate, and the olive tree, hath not brought forth: from this day will I bless you.

as: Habakkuk 3:17, Habakkuk 3:18
from: Genesis 26:12, Leviticus 26:3-13, Deuteronomy 15:10, Deuteronomy 28:2-15, Psalms 84:12, Psalms 128:1-5, Psalms 133:3, Proverbs 3:9, Proverbs 3:10, Zechariah 8:11-15, Malachi 3:10, Matthew 6:33
Reciprocal: Leviticus 19:25 - General Leviticus 26:4 - the land Deuteronomy 28:3 - in the field Deuteronomy 28:8 - storehouses Job 39:12 - gather Psalms 65:11 - thy paths Proverbs 21:29 - he directeth Song of Solomon 2:13 - fig tree Isaiah 65:23 - shall Ezekiel 36:9 - General Joel 2:14 - and leave Zechariah 8:12 - the seed Zechariah 8:13 - ye shall


And again the word of the LORD came unto Haggai in the four and twentieth day of the month, saying,

in the: Haggai 2:10
Reciprocal: Ezra 5:2 - the prophets Haggai 1:1 - second Haggai 1:15 - General Zechariah 1:1 - the eighth Zechariah 7:1 - the fourth


Speak to Zerubbabel, governor of Judah, saying, I will shake the heavens and the earth;

Zerubbabel: Haggai 1:1, Haggai 1:14, 1 Chronicles 3:19, Ezra 2:2, Ezra 5:2, Zechariah 4:6-10
I will: Haggai 2:6, Haggai 2:7, Psalms 46:6, Ezekiel 26:15, Ezekiel 38:19, Ezekiel 38:20, Joel 3:16, Hebrews 12:26, Hebrews 12:27, Revelation 16:17-19
Reciprocal: Ezra 3:2 - Zerubbabel Ezra 5:14 - whom Nehemiah 12:1 - Zerubbabel Job 9:6 - shaketh Job 26:11 - pillars Psalms 29:8 - shaketh Isaiah 2:19 - when he Isaiah 13:13 - I will Isaiah 24:21 - the Lord Ezekiel 21:27 - General Zechariah 4:7 - O great Zechariah 8:9 - the prophets Zechariah 14:3 - General Matthew 24:7 - nation shall Luke 21:10 - Nation shall Revelation 6:12 - the sun


And I will overthrow the throne of kingdoms, and I will destroy the strength of the kingdoms of the heathen; and I will overthrow the chariots, and those that ride in them; and the horses and their riders shall come down, every one by the sword of his brother.

overthrow: Isaiah 60:12, Ezekiel 21:27, Daniel 2:34, Daniel 2:35, Daniel 2:44, Daniel 2:45, Daniel 7:25-27, Daniel 8:25, Micah 5:8, Micah 5:15, Zephaniah 3:8, Zechariah 10:11, Zechariah 12:2-5, Zechariah 14:3, Matthew 24:7, Revelation 11:15
and I will overthrow the chariots: Exodus 14:17, Exodus 14:28, Exodus 15:4, Exodus 15:19, Psalms 46:9, Psalms 76:6, Ezekiel 39:20, Micah 5:10, Zechariah 4:6, Zechariah 9:10
every: Judges 7:22, 1 Samuel 14:16, 2 Chronicles 20:22, Isaiah 9:19, Isaiah 19:2
Reciprocal: 1 Kings 1:46 - General Isaiah 2:19 - when he Isaiah 13:13 - I will Isaiah 23:10 - no more Isaiah 24:21 - the Lord Isaiah 47:1 - there is Jeremiah 50:37 - their horses Jeremiah 51:21 - General Ezekiel 38:19 - Surely Ezekiel 38:21 - every Haggai 2:6 - Yet Zechariah 10:5 - and the riders on horses shall be confounded Zechariah 11:6 - deliver Zechariah 12:3 - in that Zechariah 12:9 - I will Mark 13:8 - nation shall Luke 21:10 - Nation shall Hebrews 12:26 - Yet once Revelation 6:12 - the sun


In that day, saith the LORD of hosts, will I take thee, O Zerubbabel, my servant, the son of Shealtiel, saith the LORD, and will make thee as a signet: for I have chosen thee, saith the LORD of hosts.

O Zerubbabel: It seems evident that the Messiah is here described under the name of Zerubbabel, as elsewhere under that of David, whose kingdom, after these mighty convulsions, should supersede all others.
and will: Song of Solomon 8:6, Jeremiah 22:24, John 6:27, 2 Timothy 2:19
for: Isaiah 42:1, Isaiah 43:10, Isaiah 49:1-3, Zechariah 4:6-14, Matthew 12:18, 1 Peter 2:4
Reciprocal: Ezra 3:2 - Zerubbabel Isaiah 49:16 - I have Zechariah 9:16 - as Matthew 1:12 - and