
Then Job answered and said,


How long will ye vex my soul, and break me in pieces with words?

How long: Job 8:2, Job 18:2, Psalms 13:1, Revelation 6:10
vex: Job 27:2, Judges 16:16, Psalms 6:2, Psalms 6:3, Psalms 42:10, 2 Peter 2:7, 2 Peter 2:8
break me: Psalms 55:21, Psalms 59:7, Psalms 64:3, Proverbs 12:18, Proverbs 18:21, James 3:6-8
Reciprocal: 2 Samuel 2:26 - how long Job 13:5 - General Job 16:2 - heard Job 27:12 - altogether Job 34:24 - break Psalms 72:4 - break Psalms 109:16 - persecuted Psalms 119:22 - Remove


These ten times have ye reproached me: ye are not ashamed that ye make yourselves strange to me.

ten times: Genesis 31:7, Leviticus 26:26, Numbers 14:22, Nehemiah 4:12, Daniel 1:20
ye reproached: Job 4:6-11, Job 5:3, Job 5:4, Job 8:4-6, Job 11:3, Job 11:14, Job 15:4-6, Job 15:11, Job 15:12, Job 18:4-21
make yourselves strange to me: or, harden yourselves against me, Job 19:17, Genesis 42:7, Psalms 69:8
Reciprocal: Job 8:2 - How long Job 16:2 - heard Job 27:12 - altogether Psalms 109:16 - persecuted Psalms 119:22 - Remove Amos 1:3 - For Zechariah 8:23 - ten men


And be it indeed that I have erred, mine error remaineth with myself.

I have erred: Job 11:3-6
mine: 2 Samuel 24:17, Proverbs 9:12, Ezekiel 18:4, 2 Corinthians 5:10, Galatians 6:5
Reciprocal: Job 10:1 - I will leave


If indeed ye will magnify yourselves against me, and plead against me my reproach:

magnify: Psalms 35:26, Psalms 38:16, Psalms 41:11, Psalms 55:12, Micah 7:8, Zephaniah 2:10, Zechariah 12:7
plead: 1 Samuel 1:6, Nehemiah 1:3, Isaiah 4:1, Luke 1:25, Luke 13:2-4, John 9:2, John 9:34
Reciprocal: Job 13:19 - that will plead


Know now that God hath overthrown me, and hath compassed me with his net.

God: Job 7:20, Job 16:11-14, Psalms 44:9-14, Psalms 66:10-12
compassed: Job 18:8-10, Lamentations 1:12, Lamentations 1:13, Ezekiel 12:13, Ezekiel 32:3, Hosea 7:12
Reciprocal: Ruth 1:20 - dealt Job 10:17 - war Job 22:10 - snares Job 30:21 - become cruel Job 32:13 - God Job 35:2 - My Job 36:8 - if Job 40:2 - he that reproveth Psalms 66:11 - broughtest


Behold, I cry out of wrong, but I am not heard: I cry aloud, but there is no judgment.

I cry: Job 10:3, Job 10:15-17, Job 16:17-19, Job 21:27, Psalms 22:2, Jeremiah 20:8, Lamentations 3:8, Habakkuk 1:2, Habakkuk 1:3
wrong: or, violence
no judgment: Job 9:32, Job 13:15-23, Job 16:21, Job 23:3-7, Job 31:35, Job 31:36, Job 34:5, Job 40:8
Reciprocal: Job 8:3 - God Job 30:20 - I cry Job 35:2 - My Job 35:14 - yet Psalms 55:17 - cry


He hath fenced up my way that I cannot pass, and he hath set darkness in my paths.

fenced: Job 3:23, Psalms 88:8, Lamentations 3:7, Lamentations 3:9, Hosea 2:6
set: Joshua 24:7, Proverbs 4:19, Isaiah 50:10, Jeremiah 13:16, Jeremiah 23:12, John 8:12
Reciprocal: Genesis 31:7 - ten times Job 22:11 - darkness Job 23:17 - the darkness from Job 36:16 - a broad Psalms 107:14 - brought Lamentations 3:5 - builded


He hath stripped me of my glory, and taken the crown from my head.

stripped: Job 29:7-14, Job 29:20, Job 29:21, Job 30:1, Psalms 49:16, Psalms 49:17, Psalms 89:44, Isaiah 61:6, Hosea 9:11
Reciprocal: Job 1:18 - there came Lamentations 5:16 - The crown Colossians 2:19 - by


He hath destroyed me on every side, and I am gone: and mine hope hath he removed like a tree.

destroyed: Job 1:13-19, Job 2:7, Psalms 88:13-18, Lamentations 2:5, Lamentations 2:6, 2 Corinthians 4:8, 2 Corinthians 4:9
I am gone: Job 17:11, Psalms 102:11
mine hope: Job 6:11, Job 8:13-18, Job 17:15, Job 24:20, Psalms 37:35, Psalms 37:36
Reciprocal: Joshua 10:35 - utterly Job 1:18 - there came Job 14:7 - that it will sprout Job 14:19 - destroyest


He hath also kindled his wrath against me, and he counteth me unto him as one of his enemies.

kindled: Deuteronomy 32:22, Psalms 89:46, Psalms 90:7
he counteth: Job 13:24, Job 16:9, Job 33:10, Lamentations 2:5
Reciprocal: Genesis 42:14 - General Job 31:35 - mine Jeremiah 30:14 - I


His troops come together, and raise up their way against me, and encamp round about my tabernacle.

His: Job 16:11, Isaiah 10:5, Isaiah 10:6, Isaiah 51:23
raise: Job 30:12
Reciprocal: Psalms 88:18 - Lover


He hath put my brethren far from me, and mine acquaintance are verily estranged from me.

put my brethren: Psalms 31:11, Psalms 38:11, Psalms 69:8, Psalms 69:20, Psalms 88:8, Psalms 88:18, Matthew 26:56, 2 Timothy 4:16
estranged: Job 6:21-23
Reciprocal: Job 18:20 - were affrighted Job 30:1 - they that are Job 30:10 - flee far Job 42:11 - all his brethren Psalms 54:3 - strangers Psalms 142:4 - but there was Proverbs 14:20 - poor Proverbs 19:4 - the poor Lamentations 1:2 - all her friends Lamentations 1:19 - for Matthew 10:36 - General Matthew 26:31 - and the Mark 14:50 - General Luke 23:49 - acquaintance


My kinsfolk have failed, and my familiar friends have forgotten me.

kinsfolk: Psalms 38:11, Proverbs 18:24, Micah 7:5, Micah 7:6, Matthew 10:21
familiar: 2 Samuel 16:23, Psalms 55:12-14, Jeremiah 20:10, John 13:18
Reciprocal: Genesis 40:23 - but forgat him Job 2:8 - took him Job 2:12 - knew him Job 30:10 - flee far Job 42:11 - all his brethren Psalms 31:11 - especially Proverbs 14:20 - poor Lamentations 1:2 - all her friends Mark 14:50 - General


They that dwell in mine house, and my maids, count me for a stranger: I am an alien in their sight.

dwell: Job 19:16-19
count me: Job 31:31, Job 31:32, Psalms 123:3


I called my servant, and he gave me no answer; I intreated him with my mouth.

my servant: Job 1:15, Job 1:16, Job 1:17, Job 1:19
Reciprocal: Deuteronomy 19:18 - diligent 2 Samuel 19:29 - Why speakest Job 19:15 - dwell Proverbs 29:19 - though


My breath is strange to my wife, though I intreated for the children's sake of mine own body.

breath: Job 2:9, Job 2:10, Job 17:1
body: Heb. belly
Reciprocal: Deuteronomy 28:11 - body 2 Samuel 19:29 - Why speakest Job 19:3 - make yourselves strange to me


Yea, young children despised me; I arose, and they spake against me.

Yea: Job 30:1, Job 30:12, 2 Kings 2:23, Isaiah 3:5
young children: or, the wicked


All my inward friends abhorred me: and they whom I loved are turned against me.

my inward friends: Heb. the men of my secret, Psalms 41:9, Psalms 55:12-14, Psalms 55:20
they whom: Job 6:14, Job 6:15, Psalms 109:4, Psalms 109:5, Luke 22:48
Reciprocal: Job 2:11 - friends Job 30:10 - abhor me Jeremiah 20:10 - All my familiars Matthew 10:21 - the children Luke 22:21 - General


My bone cleaveth to my skin and to my flesh, and I am escaped with the skin of my teeth.

bone: Job 30:30, Job 33:19-22, Psalms 22:14-17, Psalms 32:3, Psalms 32:4, Psalms 38:3, Psalms 102:3, Psalms 102:5, Lamentations 4:8
and to: or, as
and I am: Job 2:4-6, Job 7:5, Lamentations 3:4, Lamentations 5:10
Reciprocal: Job 2:5 - put forth Job 14:22 - his flesh Job 20:11 - bones Job 21:5 - be astonished Job 30:18 - By the great Job 33:21 - His flesh Psalms 109:24 - my flesh


Have pity upon me, have pity upon me, O ye my friends; for the hand of God hath touched me.

have pity: Job 6:14, Romans 12:15, 1 Corinthians 12:26, Hebrews 13:3
the hand: Job 1:11, Job 2:5, Job 2:10, Job 6:4, Psalms 38:2
Reciprocal: Genesis 3:3 - touch Ruth 1:13 - the hand Ruth 2:9 - touch thee Job 2:11 - friends Job 4:5 - it toucheth Job 6:9 - that he would Job 21:5 - be astonished Job 32:13 - God Psalms 6:2 - my Psalms 69:20 - comforters Psalms 69:26 - For Psalms 109:16 - persecuted Ecclesiastes 4:1 - they had Jeremiah 15:5 - For who Lamentations 3:1 - the man Acts 13:11 - hand


Why do ye persecute me as God, and are not satisfied with my flesh?

persecute: Job 10:16, Job 16:13, Job 16:14, Psalms 69:26
and are not: Job 2:5, Job 31:31, Isaiah 51:23, Micah 3:3
Reciprocal: Job 14:22 - his flesh Job 19:28 - Why Psalms 27:2 - to Psalms 69:20 - comforters Psalms 109:16 - persecuted Ecclesiastes 4:1 - they had


Oh that my words were now written! oh that they were printed in a book!

Oh: Heb. Who will give, etc
my words: Job 31:35, Isaiah 8:1, Isaiah 30:8
oh that they were: Rather, "Oh that they were described yuchakoo in a book, with an iron stile and lead! Were graven on a rock for ever!" Pliny observes, "At first men wrote on palm leaves, and afterwards on the bark or rind of other trees. In process of time, public monuments were written on rolls of lead (plumbeis voluminibus); and those of a private nature on linen books, or tables covered with wax.
Reciprocal: Exodus 17:14 - memorial Deuteronomy 6:9 - General Psalms 102:18 - This Jeremiah 17:1 - written Jeremiah 30:2 - General Malachi 3:16 - a book 1 Thessalonians 5:8 - the hope


That they were graven with an iron pen and lead in the rock for ever!

graven: Exodus 28:11, Exodus 28:12, Exodus 28:21, Exodus 32:16, Deuteronomy 27:2, Deuteronomy 27:3, Deuteronomy 27:8, Jeremiah 17:1
Reciprocal: Job 31:35 - mine Psalms 102:18 - This Isaiah 8:1 - write Isaiah 30:8 - write Jeremiah 30:2 - General


For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth:

I know: Job 33:23, Job 33:24, Psalms 19:14, Isaiah 54:5, Isaiah 59:20, Isaiah 59:21, Ephesians 1:7
he shall: Genesis 3:15, Genesis 22:18, John 5:22-29, Jude 1:14
Reciprocal: Numbers 24:17 - I shall see him Deuteronomy 31:29 - the latter days Joshua 2:9 - I know Ruth 2:20 - one of our 2 Samuel 22:47 - Lord Job 13:15 - he slay me Job 14:12 - till the heavens Job 14:14 - shall he live Psalms 138:7 - Though I walk Proverbs 14:32 - the righteous Isaiah 2:2 - in the last Isaiah 30:8 - the time to come Isaiah 41:14 - saith Jeremiah 48:47 - in the latter Daniel 12:2 - many Hosea 13:14 - ransom Matthew 22:29 - not Mark 12:24 - because John 5:28 - for John 11:25 - he that Acts 2:27 - to see Acts 24:15 - that Acts 26:6 - the promise Romans 5:2 - and rejoice 2 Corinthians 5:1 - we know 1 Thessalonians 1:10 - wait 1 Thessalonians 4:13 - which have Titus 2:13 - the glorious Hebrews 9:27 - but Hebrews 11:13 - but 1 Peter 1:5 - in Revelation 1:18 - that liveth


And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God:

And though: etc. Or, After I shall awake, though this body be destroyed, yet out of my flesh shall I see God. Psalms 17:15
in my flesh: Psalms 16:9, Psalms 16:11, Matthew 5:8, 1 Corinthians 13:12, 1 Corinthians 15:53, Philippians 3:21, 1 John 3:2, Revelation 1:7
Reciprocal: Genesis 3:19 - and Job 7:5 - flesh Job 14:10 - where is he Job 14:14 - shall he live Job 14:22 - his flesh Job 17:14 - to the worm Job 21:26 - the worms Job 24:20 - the worm Psalms 138:7 - Though I walk John 5:28 - for Acts 12:23 - and he Acts 13:36 - and saw Acts 24:15 - that 2 Corinthians 4:16 - though 2 Corinthians 5:1 - we know Philippians 1:23 - with Hebrews 12:14 - no man


Whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold, and not another; though my reins be consumed within me.

I shall: Numbers 24:17, Isaiah 26:19
another: Heb. a stranger, though my reins, etc. or, my reins within me are consumed with earnest desire for that day. Psalms 119:81, Philippians 1:23
within me: Heb. in my bosom
Reciprocal: Job 16:13 - he cleaveth Psalms 16:9 - my flesh Psalms 17:15 - I will Matthew 5:8 - for Acts 13:36 - and saw 2 Corinthians 4:16 - though Revelation 1:7 - and every


But ye should say, Why persecute we him, seeing the root of the matter is found in me?

Why: Job 19:22, Psalms 69:26
seeing: etc. or, and what root of matter is found in me, the root. 1 Kings 14:13
in me: Instead of bee, "in me," bo, "in him," is the reading of more than 100 manuscripts.
Reciprocal: Job 6:13 - Is not my Matthew 13:21 - root Mark 4:17 - have Luke 8:13 - and these 1 John 3:9 - for


Be ye afraid of the sword: for wrath bringeth the punishments of the sword, that ye may know there is a judgment.

ye afraid: Job 13:7-11, Romans 13:1-4
that ye may: Psalms 58:10, Psalms 58:11, Ecclesiastes 11:9, Matthew 7:1, Matthew 7:2, James 4:11, James 4:12
Reciprocal: Job 20:3 - the check