
Ask ye of the LORD rain in the time of the latter rain; so the LORD shall make bright clouds, and give them showers of rain, to every one grass in the field.

ye: Ezekiel 36:37, Matthew 7:7, Matthew 7:8, John 16:23, James 5:16-18
rain in: Deuteronomy 11:13, Deuteronomy 28:23, 1 Kings 17:1, 1 Kings 18:41-45, Isaiah 5:6, Isaiah 30:23, Jeremiah 14:22, Amos 4:7
the time: Deuteronomy 11:14, Job 29:23, Proverbs 16:15, Hosea 6:3, Joel 2:23, Joel 2:24, James 5:7
bright clouds: or, lightnings, Job 36:27-31, Job 37:1-6, Jeremiah 10:13, Jeremiah 51:16
and give: Psalms 65:9, Psalms 72:6, Psalms 104:13, Isaiah 44:3, Ezekiel 34:26, Hosea 10:12, Micah 5:7, 1 Corinthians 3:6
Reciprocal: Deuteronomy 32:2 - as the showers 2 Samuel 21:10 - until water 2 Chronicles 6:27 - send rain Job 28:26 - he made Job 38:34 - General Psalms 135:7 - He causeth Jeremiah 5:24 - that giveth


For the idols have spoken vanity, and the diviners have seen a lie, and have told false dreams; they comfort in vain: therefore they went their way as a flock, they were troubled, because there was no shepherd.

the idols: Heb. the teraphims, Genesis 31:19, Judges 18:14, Isaiah 44:9, Isaiah 46:5, Jeremiah 10:8, Jeremiah 14:22, Hosea 3:4, Habakkuk 2:18
the diviners: Jeremiah 23:25-27, Jeremiah 27:9, Jeremiah 29:8, Jeremiah 29:21, Jeremiah 29:22, Lamentations 2:14, Ezekiel 13:6-16, Ezekiel 13:22, Ezekiel 13:23, Ezekiel 21:29, Micah 3:6-11
they comfort: Job 13:4, Job 21:34, Jeremiah 6:14, Jeremiah 8:11, Jeremiah 14:13, Jeremiah 23:17, Jeremiah 28:4-6, Jeremiah 28:15, Jeremiah 37:19
therefore: Jeremiah 13:17-20, Jeremiah 50:17, Jeremiah 51:23, Micah 2:12
troubled, because there: or, answered that there, Numbers 27:17, 1 Kings 22:17, Ezekiel 34:5, Ezekiel 34:8, Matthew 9:36
Reciprocal: Deuteronomy 13:1 - a dreamer 2 Chronicles 18:16 - as sheep Isaiah 58:9 - speaking Jeremiah 14:14 - divination Ezekiel 21:21 - images Mark 6:34 - because


Mine anger was kindled against the shepherds, and I punished the goats: for the LORD of hosts hath visited his flock the house of Judah, and hath made them as his goodly horse in the battle.

anger: Zechariah 11:5-8, Zechariah 11:17, Isaiah 56:9-12, Jeremiah 10:21, Jeremiah 23:1, Jeremiah 23:2, Jeremiah 50:6, Ezekiel 34:2, Ezekiel 34:7-10
and I: Ezekiel 34:16, Ezekiel 34:17, Ezekiel 34:20, Ezekiel 34:21, Matthew 25:32, Matthew 25:33
punished: Heb. visited upon, Isaiah 10:12, Isaiah 24:21, Jeremiah 11:22, Jeremiah 25:12, Zephaniah 1:8, *marg.
visited: Exodus 4:31, Ruth 1:6, Zephaniah 2:7, Luke 1:68, 1 Peter 2:12
as: Proverbs 21:31, Song of Solomon 1:9
Reciprocal: Numbers 18:5 - no wrath Ezekiel 34:5 - because there is no shepherd Ezekiel 34:10 - I am Daniel 11:32 - shall be Micah 5:5 - then Zechariah 1:20 - four Zechariah 9:13 - bent Zechariah 12:3 - in that


Out of him came forth the corner, out of him the nail, out of him the battle bow, out of him every oppressor together.

of him came forth: Zechariah 1:20, Zechariah 1:21, Zechariah 9:13-16, Zechariah 12:6-8, Numbers 24:17, Isaiah 41:14-16, Isaiah 49:2, Isaiah 54:16, Jeremiah 1:18, Micah 5:5-8, Matthew 9:38, 2 Corinthians 10:4, 2 Corinthians 10:5, Ephesians 4:8-11, Ephesians 6:10-17, 2 Timothy 2:4, Revelation 17:14, Revelation 19:13-15
the corner: 1 Samuel 14:38, Isaiah 19:13
the nail: Ezra 9:8, Isaiah 22:23-25
the battle: Zechariah 9:8, Zechariah 9:10, Genesis 49:24
Reciprocal: Exodus 27:19 - all the pins thereof Numbers 23:24 - he shall Jeremiah 48:45 - devour Zechariah 14:3 - General Zechariah 14:14 - Judah also shall 1 Peter 2:6 - Behold


And they shall be as mighty men, which tread down their enemies in the mire of the streets in the battle: and they shall fight, because the LORD is with them, and the riders on horses shall be confounded.

as: Zechariah 9:13, Zechariah 12:8, 1 Samuel 16:18, 2 Samuel 22:8, Psalms 45:3, Luke 24:19, Acts 7:22, Acts 18:24, 2 Corinthians 10:4
tread: Psalms 18:42, Isaiah 10:6, Isaiah 25:10, Micah 7:10, Matthew 4:3
because: Zechariah 14:3, Zechariah 14:13, Deuteronomy 20:1, Joshua 10:14, Joshua 10:42, Isaiah 8:9, Isaiah 41:12, Joel 3:12-17, Matthew 28:20, Romans 8:31-37, 2 Timothy 4:7, 2 Timothy 4:17, Revelation 19:13-15
and the riders on horses shall be confounded: or, they shall make the riders on horses ashamed, Zechariah 12:4, Psalms 20:7, Psalms 33:16, Ezekiel 38:15, Haggai 2:22, Revelation 19:17
Reciprocal: Numbers 23:24 - he shall 2 Samuel 22:43 - as the mire 2 Chronicles 13:12 - God Job 40:12 - tread Psalms 7:5 - tread Psalms 44:5 - tread Psalms 60:12 - tread Isaiah 16:4 - oppressors Isaiah 41:25 - come upon Isaiah 63:3 - and trample Jeremiah 51:21 - General Obadiah 1:21 - saviours Micah 2:13 - they have Micah 4:7 - I will Micah 5:8 - as a lion Zechariah 9:10 - the battle Zechariah 9:15 - they shall devour Zechariah 14:14 - Judah also shall Malachi 4:3 - tread down Romans 16:20 - bruise 1 Timothy 6:12 - Fight


And I will strengthen the house of Judah, and I will save the house of Joseph, and I will bring them again to place them; for I have mercy upon them: and they shall be as though I had not cast them off: for I am the LORD their God, and will hear them.

I will strengthen: Zechariah 10:12, Psalms 89:21, Isaiah 41:10, Ezekiel 37:16, Obadiah 1:18, Micah 4:6, Micah 4:13, Micah 5:8, Micah 7:16, Zephaniah 3:19, Zephaniah 3:20
I will save: Zechariah 8:7, Jeremiah 3:18, Jeremiah 23:6, Jeremiah 31:1, Jeremiah 31:31, Ezekiel 39:25, Hosea 1:11, Romans 11:25, Romans 11:26
for I have: Isaiah 14:1, Jeremiah 31:20, Hosea 1:7, Hosea 2:23, Micah 7:18-20
as: Zechariah 8:11, Isaiah 49:17-21, Jeremiah 30:18, Ezekiel 36:11
for I am: Zechariah 13:9, Isaiah 41:17-20, Jeremiah 33:2, Jeremiah 33:3, Ezekiel 36:37
Reciprocal: 1 Kings 11:28 - the house Psalms 29:11 - give Psalms 60:1 - O turn Isaiah 45:24 - strength Isaiah 65:9 - I will Jeremiah 12:14 - and pluck Jeremiah 33:26 - and have Ezekiel 37:19 - Behold Joel 2:25 - that Joel 3:7 - I will Joel 3:16 - and the strength Amos 5:6 - the house Obadiah 1:20 - the captivity of this Micah 2:12 - they Zephaniah 3:15 - hath taken Zechariah 8:13 - O house Zechariah 12:5 - The inhabitants 1 Peter 5:10 - strengthen


And they of Ephraim shall be like a mighty man, and their heart shall rejoice as through wine: yea, their children shall see it, and be glad; their heart shall rejoice in the LORD.

and their: Zechariah 9:15, Zechariah 9:17, Genesis 43:34, Psalms 104:15, Proverbs 31:6, Proverbs 31:7, Acts 2:13-18, Ephesians 5:18, Ephesians 5:19
yea: Genesis 18:19, Psalms 90:16, Psalms 102:28, Isaiah 38:19, Jeremiah 32:39, Acts 2:39, Acts 13:33
their heart: 1 Samuel 2:1, Psalms 13:5, Psalms 28:7, Isaiah 66:14, Habakkuk 3:18, Zephaniah 3:14, Luke 1:47, John 16:22, Acts 2:26, Philippians 4:4, 1 Peter 1:8
Reciprocal: Numbers 6:20 - and after Psalms 33:21 - For Isaiah 35:2 - and rejoice Isaiah 55:1 - buy wine Isaiah 61:10 - will greatly Jeremiah 3:16 - when Jeremiah 31:1 - of Jeremiah 33:11 - the voice of them Joel 2:23 - rejoice Zephaniah 3:15 - hath taken Luke 14:16 - A certain Philippians 3:1 - rejoice


I will hiss for them, and gather them; for I have redeemed them: and they shall increase as they have increased.

hiss: Isaiah 5:26, Isaiah 7:18, Isaiah 11:11, Isaiah 11:12, Isaiah 27:12, Isaiah 27:13, Isaiah 55:1-3, Matthew 11:28, Revelation 22:17
for: Zechariah 9:11, Isaiah 44:22, Isaiah 51:11, Isaiah 52:1-3, Jeremiah 31:10, Jeremiah 31:11, 1 Timothy 2:4-6
and they: Exodus 1:7, 1 Kings 4:20, Isaiah 49:19-22, Jeremiah 30:19, Jeremiah 30:20, Jeremiah 33:22, Ezekiel 36:10, Ezekiel 36:11, Ezekiel 36:37, Ezekiel 36:38, Hosea 1:10
Reciprocal: Genesis 47:27 - grew Job 12:23 - increaseth Psalms 115:14 - Lord Isaiah 9:3 - hast multiplied Isaiah 27:6 - General Isaiah 56:8 - which Isaiah 65:23 - for Jeremiah 23:3 - General Ezekiel 38:12 - and upon Matthew 13:38 - the good


And I will sow them among the people: and they shall remember me in far countries; and they shall live with their children, and turn again.

sow: Esther 8:17, Jeremiah 31:27, Daniel 3:1 - Daniel 6:28, Hosea 2:23, Amos 9:9, Micah 5:7, Acts 8:1, Acts 8:4, Acts 11:19-21, Acts 13:1-38, Acts 14:1 - Acts 21:16, Romans 11:11-15
remember: Deuteronomy 30:1-4, 1 Kings 8:47, 1 Kings 8:48, Nehemiah 1:9, Jeremiah 51:50, Ezekiel 6:9
live: Isaiah 65:9, Isaiah 65:23, Acts 2:38, Acts 2:39, Acts 3:25, Acts 3:26, Acts 13:32, Acts 13:33, Romans 11:16, Romans 11:17, Romans 11:24
Reciprocal: Leviticus 26:39 - shall pine Isaiah 24:15 - isles Isaiah 27:6 - General Isaiah 52:6 - my people Jeremiah 31:21 - O Ezekiel 36:37 - I will yet Matthew 13:38 - the good 2 Corinthians 5:15 - that they


I will bring them again also out of the land of Egypt, and gather them out of Assyria; and I will bring them into the land of Gilead and Labanon; and place shall not be found for them.

out of the: Zechariah 8:7, Isaiah 11:11-16, Isaiah 19:23-25, Isaiah 27:12, Isaiah 27:13, Hosea 11:11, Micah 7:11, Micah 7:12
into: Jeremiah 22:6, Ezekiel 47:18-21, Obadiah 1:20, Micah 7:14
place: Isaiah 49:19-21, Isaiah 54:2, Isaiah 54:3, Isaiah 60:22
Reciprocal: Ezra 6:22 - the king Daniel 11:42 - and Hosea 9:6 - Egypt Joel 3:19 - Egypt Zephaniah 2:13 - will make Zechariah 11:1 - O Lebanon


And he shall pass through the sea with affliction, and shall smite the waves in the sea, and all the deeps of the river shall dry up: and the pride of Assyria shall be brought down, and the sceptre of Egypt shall depart away.

he shall: Psalms 66:10-12, Isaiah 11:15, Isaiah 11:16, Isaiah 42:15, Isaiah 42:16, Isaiah 43:2
smite: Exodus 14:21, Exodus 14:22, Exodus 14:27, Exodus 14:28, Joshua 3:15-17, 2 Kings 2:8, 2 Kings 2:14, Psalms 77:16-20, Psalms 114:3, Psalms 114:5, Isaiah 11:15, Revelation 16:12
the pride: Ezra 6:22, Isaiah 14:25, Micah 5:5, Micah 5:6
the sceptre: Ezekiel 29:14-16, Ezekiel 30:13
Reciprocal: Genesis 49:10 - sceptre Isaiah 19:1 - Egypt Isaiah 19:5 - General Ezekiel 29:15 - the basest Ezekiel 30:24 - I will Daniel 11:42 - and Hosea 9:6 - Egypt Zephaniah 2:13 - will make Haggai 2:22 - overthrow


And I will strengthen them in the LORD; and they shall walk up and down in his name, saith the LORD.

I will: Zechariah 10:6, Zechariah 12:5, Psalms 68:34, Psalms 68:35, Isaiah 41:10, Isaiah 45:24, Ephesians 6:10, Philippians 4:13, 2 Timothy 2:1
walk: Genesis 5:24, Genesis 24:40, Isaiah 2:5, Micah 4:5, Colossians 2:6, Colossians 3:17, 1 Thessalonians 2:12, 1 Thessalonians 4:1, 1 John 1:6, 1 John 1:7
Reciprocal: Genesis 49:24 - were made 2 Samuel 22:33 - strength Nehemiah 6:9 - Now therefore Psalms 29:11 - give Psalms 43:2 - the God Psalms 71:16 - I will go Psalms 84:5 - strength Psalms 86:16 - give Psalms 89:21 - mine Psalms 119:28 - strengthen Psalms 138:3 - strengthenedst Proverbs 3:23 - General Proverbs 10:29 - way Isaiah 40:29 - General Isaiah 40:31 - mount Ezekiel 30:24 - I will Daniel 11:32 - shall be Hosea 11:10 - walk Joel 3:16 - and the strength Micah 2:13 - they have Habakkuk 3:19 - my strength John 10:9 - and shall Ephesians 3:16 - to be 1 Peter 5:10 - strengthen