What is Calvinism?

Calvinism is a theological system rooted in the teachings of John Calvin, a 16th-century reformer. It emphasizes the sovereignty of God, predestination, and the total depravity of humanity. Calvinists believe in unconditional election, meaning God has predestined some for salvation while others are left to their sinful nature. This perspective strongly influences their views on salvation, asserting that it is solely a result of God’s grace and not human effort. These articles will help Bible believers debunk Calvinism as well as address the dangerous heresy that is pervasive today in modern churches.

Are people elected for salvation, or is it just the nation of Israel? (long article)

Argument against Golden chain for redemption (long article)

Bible proofs for no free will?

Calvinist “compatibilism” of James White (long article)

Calvinist election and the book of life (long article)

Calvinist proof text debunked

Calvinists misunderstand the sovereignty of God

Debunking replacement theology or supersessionism (long article)

Did God force you to get saved? (long article)

Do human beings really have free will? (long article)

Does free choice really exist? (long article)

Does God reveal Himself only to the elect? (long article)

Does John 6 say God draws only the elect?

Francis Chan does ritual with Catholic priests!

God made the wicked for the day of evil (long article)

God ordains who should be saved – debunking a Calvinist teaching (long article)

God will use our decisions for His glory (long article)

God’s foreknowledge and man’s free will (long article)

History of the two devils that’s destroying churches today – Calvinism, covenant theology, hyper-dispensationalism (long article)

Is Calvinism biblical?

Is God a sadist? (long article)

Man has the power to resist God’s will (long article)

Prayer debunks Calvinism (long article)

The anti-Calvinist argument (long article)

The Bible disproves God’s Calvinist sovereignty

Three easy proofs that debunk Calvinism

Ultimate Calvinist debunking – Romans 9 (long article)

Universal atonement vs limited atonement (long article)

What does “all men” mean? Don’t be a Calvinist dummy (long article)

Why did God create evil? (long article)

Why did God elect Jacob and hate Esau?

Why did God harden Pharaoh’s heart?

Why did God hate Esau? (long article)

Why do Christians suffer? (long article)

Why John 6 destroys Calvinism? (long article)