The Bible forces victims to marry rapists? Deuteronomy 22:28-29 (NIV) says, “If a
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How are Christians supporting the Antichrist agenda? Christians will support the Antichrist
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The most ancient Bible manuscripts are called Papyri. They were made from watergrass in
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Text that draws from multiple sources is said to be eclectic text. Scholarly thinking says
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We see here that many of the first churches were founded in ANTIOCH! The word of God was
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One of the common arguments against the King James Bible is that the word associations were
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The King James Bible is a translation. We’re not claiming that it’s not. We’re
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Acts 19:37: “For ye have brought hither these men, which are neither robbers of churches,
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The greatest verse concerning the Trinity has been CUT OFF by modern Bible translators.
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Modern Bible translators weaken the deity of Jesus Christ. The multitude of modern Bible
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Many detractors of the King James Bible will point to Acts 12 and argue that it should be
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The King James Bible is superior to the Textus Receptus, Sinaiticus, Vaticanus, Papyri,
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