
Come down, and sit in the dust, O virgin daughter of Babylon, sit on the ground: there is no throne, O daughter of the Chaldeans: for thou shalt no more be called tender and delicate.

down: Isaiah 3:26, Isaiah 26:5, Isaiah 52:2, Job 2:8, Job 2:13, Psalms 18:27, Jeremiah 13:18, Jeremiah 48:18, Lamentations 2:10, Lamentations 2:21, Ezekiel 26:16, Ezekiel 28:17, Obadiah 1:3, Obadiah 1:4, Jonah 3:6
O virgin: Isaiah 37:22, Jeremiah 46:11
daughter: Psalms 137:8, Jeremiah 50:42, Jeremiah 51:33, Zechariah 2:7
there is: Isaiah 14:13, Isaiah 14:14, Psalms 89:44, Haggai 2:22
thou shalt: Isaiah 47:7-9, Isaiah 32:9-11, Deuteronomy 28:56, Deuteronomy 28:57, Lamentations 4:5, Revelation 18:7
Reciprocal: 2 Kings 19:21 - The virgin Isaiah 13:1 - of Babylon Isaiah 14:6 - is persecuted Isaiah 23:7 - her own Isaiah 23:12 - thou oppressed Isaiah 32:11 - strip Jeremiah 25:12 - perpetual Jeremiah 25:26 - drink Jeremiah 27:7 - until Jeremiah 50:1 - against Babylon Jeremiah 51:29 - every Lamentations 1:1 - sit Lamentations 1:21 - thou wilt Daniel 5:20 - deposed Daniel 5:26 - God Nahum 3:18 - nobles 1 Timothy 5:6 - in pleasure


Take the millstones, and grind meal: uncover thy locks, make bare the leg, uncover the thigh, pass over the rivers.

the millstones: Exodus 11:5, Judges 16:21, Job 31:10, Jeremiah 27:7, Lamentations 5:13, Matthew 24:41, Luke 17:35
make bare: Isaiah 3:17, Isaiah 20:4, Jeremiah 13:22, Jeremiah 13:26, Ezekiel 16:37-39, Hosea 2:3, Micah 1:11, Nahum 3:5, Nahum 3:6
Reciprocal: 2 Samuel 10:4 - cut off 1 Chronicles 19:4 - and cut Isaiah 23:7 - her own Revelation 18:7 - much she


Thy nakedness shall be uncovered, yea, thy shame shall be seen: I will take vengeance, and I will not meet thee as a man.

I will take: Isaiah 34:1-8, Isaiah 59:17, Isaiah 59:18, Isaiah 63:4-6, Deuteronomy 32:35, Deuteronomy 32:41-43, Psalms 94:1, Psalms 94:2, Psalms 137:8, Psalms 137:9, Jeremiah 13:22, Jeremiah 13:26, Jeremiah 50:27, Jeremiah 50:28, Jeremiah 51:4, Jeremiah 51:11, Jeremiah 51:20-24, Jeremiah 51:34-36, Jeremiah 51:56, Romans 12:19, Hebrews 10:30, Hebrews 10:31, Nahum 3:5, Revelation 6:9, Revelation 6:10, Revelation 16:19, Revelation 18:5-8, Revelation 18:20
Reciprocal: Genesis 2:25 - ashamed Genesis 3:10 - because Exodus 32:25 - naked 2 Samuel 10:4 - cut off 1 Chronicles 19:4 - and cut Isaiah 3:17 - discover Lamentations 1:8 - they Hosea 2:3 - I strip Amos 4:12 - prepare Micah 1:11 - thou inhabitant of Saphir Habakkuk 2:16 - with shame for glory Revelation 3:18 - the shame Revelation 16:15 - lest


As for our redeemer, the LORD of hosts is his name, the Holy One of Israel.

our redeemer: Isaiah 41:14, Isaiah 43:3, Isaiah 43:14, Isaiah 44:6, Isaiah 49:26, Isaiah 54:5, Jeremiah 31:11, Jeremiah 50:33, Jeremiah 50:34
Reciprocal: Genesis 48:16 - Angel 2 Samuel 6:2 - whose name Psalms 19:14 - redeemer Isaiah 48:2 - The Lord Isaiah 51:15 - The Lord Jeremiah 10:16 - The Lord Jeremiah 46:18 - saith Jeremiah 51:19 - the Lord Amos 4:13 - The Lord Revelation 3:7 - he that is holy


Sit thou silent, and get thee into darkness, O daughter of the Chaldeans: for thou shalt no more be called, The lady of kingdoms.

silent: Isaiah 13:20, Isaiah 14:23, 1 Samuel 2:9, Psalms 31:17, Psalms 46:10, Jeremiah 25:10, Lamentations 1:1, Habakkuk 2:20, Zechariah 2:13, Matthew 22:12, Matthew 22:13, Jude 1:13, Revelation 18:21-24
for: After Babylon was taken by Cyrus, instead of being "the lady of kingdoms," the metropolis of a great empire, and mistress of all the East, it became subject to the Persians; and the imperial seat being removed to Susa, instead of having a king, it had only a deputy residing there, who governed it as a province of the Persian empire. Isaiah 47:7, Isaiah 13:19, Isaiah 14:4, Daniel 2:37, Daniel 2:38, Revelation 17:3-5, Revelation 17:18, Revelation 18:7, Revelation 18:16-19
Reciprocal: 2 Kings 19:21 - the daughter Isaiah 23:2 - still Isaiah 23:12 - thou oppressed Jeremiah 30:16 - General Jeremiah 51:53 - mount Jeremiah 51:55 - destroyed Lamentations 2:10 - elders Micah 7:10 - she that


I was wroth with my people, I have polluted mine inheritance, and given them into thine hand: thou didst shew them no mercy; upon the ancient hast thou very heavily laid thy yoke.

wroth: Isaiah 10:6, Isaiah 42:24, Isaiah 42:25, 2 Samuel 24:14, 2 Chronicles 28:9, Psalms 69:26, Zechariah 1:15
I have polluted: Isaiah 43:28, Lamentations 2:2, Ezekiel 24:21, Ezekiel 28:16
thou didst: Isaiah 13:16, Isaiah 14:17, Obadiah 1:10, Obadiah 1:16, Matthew 7:2, James 2:13
upon: Deuteronomy 28:50
Reciprocal: Leviticus 25:43 - rule Deuteronomy 28:48 - a yoke Deuteronomy 29:25 - Because Joshua 9:25 - we are 1 Kings 12:10 - My little finger 1 Chronicles 21:13 - but let me 2 Chronicles 10:4 - Thy father 2 Chronicles 10:11 - I will put Psalms 79:1 - into Isaiah 9:4 - For thou hast broken Isaiah 14:6 - who smote Isaiah 21:2 - all the Isaiah 52:5 - make Isaiah 54:8 - a little Isaiah 58:3 - labours Jeremiah 2:3 - all that Jeremiah 10:16 - Israel Jeremiah 21:7 - he shall Jeremiah 30:16 - General Jeremiah 50:7 - We offend Jeremiah 50:11 - ye destroyers Jeremiah 50:17 - this Jeremiah 50:33 - and all Jeremiah 50:42 - they are cruel Jeremiah 51:24 - General Jeremiah 51:36 - I will plead Lamentations 1:14 - yoke Lamentations 5:12 - General Ezekiel 22:16 - take thine inheritance in thyself Habakkuk 2:8 - the violence Ephesians 6:9 - ye 1 Timothy 6:1 - servants


And thou saidst, I shall be a lady for ever: so that thou didst not lay these things to thy heart, neither didst remember the latter end of it.

thou saidst: Isaiah 47:5, Ezekiel 28:2, Ezekiel 28:12-14, Ezekiel 29:3, Daniel 4:29, Daniel 5:18-23
so that: Isaiah 46:8, Isaiah 46:9, Deuteronomy 32:29, Jeremiah 5:31, Ezekiel 7:3-9
Reciprocal: Deuteronomy 32:27 - lest their 2 Samuel 2:27 - unless Psalms 10:6 - not Psalms 30:6 - And Ecclesiastes 7:2 - living Isaiah 14:13 - thou Isaiah 32:9 - ye women Isaiah 47:1 - thou shalt Isaiah 57:1 - no man Jeremiah 49:4 - gloriest Jeremiah 51:53 - mount Lamentations 1:9 - she remembereth Daniel 4:4 - was Amos 6:3 - put Obadiah 1:3 - saith Habakkuk 2:9 - set Zephaniah 2:15 - the rejoicing Zechariah 1:15 - General Malachi 2:2 - if ye will not lay James 4:16 - General Revelation 18:7 - much she


Therefore hear now this, thou that art given to pleasures, that dwellest carelessly, that sayest in thine heart, I am, and none else beside me; I shall not sit as a widow, neither shall I know the loss of children:

given: Isaiah 21:4, Isaiah 21:5, Isaiah 22:12, Isaiah 22:13, Isaiah 32:9, Judges 18:7, Judges 18:27, Jeremiah 50:11, Daniel 5:1-4, Daniel 5:30, Zephaniah 2:15, Revelation 18:3-8
I am: Isaiah 47:10, Jeremiah 50:31, Jeremiah 50:32, Jeremiah 51:53, Daniel 4:22, Daniel 4:30, Daniel 5:23, Daniel 11:36, Habakkuk 2:5-8, 2 Thessalonians 2:4
I shall not: Psalms 10:5, Psalms 10:6, Nahum 1:10, Luke 12:18-20, Luke 17:27-29, Revelation 18:7
Reciprocal: Deuteronomy 7:17 - thou shalt Isaiah 14:14 - I will be Jeremiah 13:22 - if Jeremiah 49:4 - gloriest Jeremiah 49:31 - that Lamentations 1:1 - as a Ezekiel 30:9 - careless Daniel 4:4 - was Obadiah 1:3 - saith Hebrews 11:25 - the pleasures James 4:16 - General James 5:5 - have lived


But these two things shall come to thee in a moment in one day, the loss of children, and widowhood: they shall come upon thee in their perfection for the multitude of thy sorceries, and for the great abundance of thine enchantments.

these two: Isaiah 51:18, Isaiah 51:19, Ruth 1:5, Ruth 1:20, Luke 7:12, Luke 7:13
in a moment: Isaiah 13:19, Psalms 73:19, 1 Thessalonians 5:3, Revelation 18:8-10
they shall come: Isaiah 13:20-22, Isaiah 14:22, Isaiah 14:23, Jeremiah 51:29, Jeremiah 51:62-64, Revelation 18:21-23
for the multitude: Isaiah 47:12, Isaiah 47:13, Daniel 2:2, Daniel 4:7, Daniel 5:7, Nahum 3:4, 2 Thessalonians 2:9, 2 Thessalonians 2:10, Revelation 9:20, Revelation 9:21, Revelation 18:23, Revelation 21:8, Revelation 22:15
Reciprocal: 2 Kings 17:17 - used 2 Chronicles 33:6 - he observed Isaiah 13:15 - General Jeremiah 4:20 - in Jeremiah 15:9 - She that hath Jeremiah 51:8 - suddenly Lamentations 1:1 - as a Daniel 5:8 - but Daniel 5:30 - General Amos 5:12 - manifold Acts 8:11 - he had Hebrews 11:25 - the pleasures Revelation 18:17 - in one


For thou hast trusted in thy wickedness: thou hast said, None seeth me. Thy wisdom and thy knowledge, it hath perverted thee; and thou hast said in thine heart, I am, and none else beside me.

thou hast trusted: Isaiah 28:15, Isaiah 59:4, Psalms 52:7, Psalms 62:9
thou hast said: Isaiah 29:15, Job 22:13, Job 22:14, Psalms 10:11, Psalms 64:5, Psalms 94:7-9, Ecclesiastes 8:8, Jeremiah 23:24, Ezekiel 8:12, Ezekiel 9:9
Thy wisdom: Isaiah 5:21, Ezekiel 28:2-6, Romans 1:22, 1 Corinthians 1:19-21, 1 Corinthians 3:19
perverted thee: or, caused thee to turn away
I am: Isaiah 47:8
Reciprocal: Genesis 2:9 - tree of knowledge Psalms 62:10 - Trust Isaiah 13:9 - cruel Isaiah 19:12 - where are thy Isaiah 19:14 - hath mingled Isaiah 30:12 - and trust Isaiah 47:12 - General Jeremiah 50:29 - for she hath Jeremiah 50:36 - dote 1 Corinthians 8:1 - Knowledge James 4:16 - General


Therefore shall evil come upon thee; thou shalt not know from whence it riseth: and mischief shall fall upon thee; thou shalt not be able to put it off: and desolation shall come upon thee suddenly, which thou shalt not know.

thou shalt not know: Isaiah 37:36, Exodus 12:29, Exodus 12:30, Nehemiah 4:11, Revelation 3:3
from whence it riseth: Heb. the morning thereof
thou shalt not be: Psalms 50:22, Jeremiah 51:39-42, Daniel 5:25-30, 1 Thessalonians 5:3, Revelation 18:9, Revelation 18:10
put it off: Heb. expiate, Matthew 18:34, Luke 12:59
Reciprocal: Judges 20:34 - knew not Isaiah 19:14 - hath mingled Jeremiah 51:31 - to show Habakkuk 2:7 - they


Stand now with thine enchantments, and with the multitude of thy sorceries, wherein thou hast laboured from thy youth; if so be thou shalt be able to profit, if so be thou mayest prevail.

Isaiah 47:9, Isaiah 47:10, Isaiah 8:19, Isaiah 19:3, Isaiah 44:25, Exodus 7:11, Exodus 8:7, Exodus 8:18, Exodus 8:19, Exodus 9:11, Jeremiah 2:28, Daniel 5:7-9, Nahum 3:4, Acts 13:8-12, 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12, Revelation 17:4-6
Reciprocal: Genesis 3:22 - as one Genesis 8:21 - the imagination Genesis 41:8 - the magicians of Egypt Numbers 22:6 - I wot Numbers 22:25 - crushed Balaam's Numbers 22:38 - have I Numbers 23:8 - General 1 Samuel 6:2 - called 2 Kings 17:17 - used Ecclesiastes 10:15 - labour Isaiah 2:6 - and are Jeremiah 10:2 - be Jeremiah 27:9 - dreamers Daniel 1:20 - the magicians Daniel 2:2 - General Daniel 2:27 - cannot Daniel 4:6 - to bring Daniel 4:18 - forasmuch Daniel 5:8 - but Daniel 5:15 - General Micah 3:7 - the seers Acts 19:19 - used Revelation 9:21 - their sorceries Revelation 22:15 - sorcerers


Thou art wearied in the multitude of thy counsels. Let now the astrologers, the stargazers, the monthly prognosticators, stand up, and save thee from these things that shall come upon thee.

wearied: Isaiah 57:10, Ezekiel 24:12, Habakkuk 2:13
Let now: Isaiah 44:25, Daniel 2:2-10, Daniel 5:7, Daniel 5:8, Daniel 5:15, Daniel 5:16, Daniel 5:30
astrologers, the stargazers: Heb. viewers of the heavens, the monthly prognosticators. Heb. that gave knowledge concerning the months.
Reciprocal: Genesis 3:22 - as one Genesis 41:8 - the magicians of Egypt Exodus 7:11 - wise men Exodus 8:18 - they could Leviticus 19:31 - General Numbers 22:6 - I wot Numbers 23:8 - General Deuteronomy 18:10 - that useth divination 1 Samuel 6:2 - called 2 Kings 17:17 - used Ecclesiastes 10:15 - labour Isaiah 2:6 - and are Isaiah 16:12 - but Isaiah 47:9 - for the multitude Jeremiah 50:35 - her wise men Ezekiel 21:29 - they see Nahum 2:8 - Stand Nahum 3:4 - the mistress Acts 19:19 - used


Behold, they shall be as stubble; the fire shall burn them; they shall not deliver themselves from the power of the flame: there shall not be a coal to warm at, nor fire to sit before it.

they shall: Isaiah 40:24, Isaiah 41:2, Ezekiel 15:7, Psalms 83:13-15, Joel 2:5, Obadiah 1:18, Nahum 1:10, Malachi 4:1, themselves Heb. their souls, Matthew 10:28, Matthew 16:26
there shall: Isaiah 30:14, Jeremiah 51:25, Jeremiah 51:26, Revelation 18:21
Reciprocal: Exodus 5:12 - stubble Exodus 15:7 - consumed Isaiah 5:24 - devoureth Jeremiah 50:35 - her wise men


Thus shall they be unto thee with whom thou hast laboured, even thy merchants, from thy youth: they shall wander every one to his quarter; none shall save thee.

thy merchants: Isaiah 56:11, Ezekiel 27:12-25, Revelation 18:11-19
they shall: Babylon was replenished from all nations, by a concourse of people, whom Jeremiah - Jeremiah 50:37 calls "the mingled people." All these, at the approach of Cyrus, sought to escape to their several countries. Jeremiah 51:6-9, Revelation 18:15-17
Reciprocal: Genesis 8:21 - the imagination Isaiah 13:14 - they shall Jeremiah 25:12 - that I Jeremiah 51:9 - forsake Ezekiel 17:4 - into Revelation 18:3 - the merchants