
At that time Abijah the son of Jeroboam fell sick.

that time: 1 Kings 13:33, 1 Kings 13:34
the son: 1 Kings 14:12, 1 Kings 14:13, Exodus 20:5, 1 Samuel 4:19, 1 Samuel 4:20, 1 Samuel 31:2, 2 Samuel 12:15
Reciprocal: 1 Kings 14:27 - guard 1 Kings 15:8 - Abijam 2 Kings 8:8 - inquire Jeremiah 37:17 - asked


And Jeroboam said to his wife, Arise, I pray thee, and disguise thyself, that thou be not known to be the wife of Jeroboam; and get thee to Shiloh: behold, there is Ahijah the prophet, which told me that I should be king over this people.

disguise thyself: 1 Kings 14:5, 1 Kings 14:6, 1 Kings 22:30, 1 Samuel 28:8, 2 Samuel 14:2, 2 Chronicles 18:29, Luke 12:2
Ahijah: 1 Kings 11:29-38
Reciprocal: Genesis 27:19 - I am Joshua 18:1 - set up 1 Kings 20:38 - disguised 2 Chronicles 9:29 - Ahijah 2 Chronicles 35:22 - but disguised Jeremiah 21:2 - Inquire Ezekiel 20:1 - that certain Daniel 4:18 - but Luke 20:20 - feign


And take with thee ten loaves, and cracknels, and a cruse of honey, and go to him: he shall tell thee what shall become of the child.

And take: 1 Kings 13:7, 1 Samuel 9:7, 1 Samuel 9:8, 2 Kings 4:42, 2 Kings 5:5, 2 Kings 5:15, 2 Kings 8:7-9
with thee: Heb. in thine hand
cracknels: or, cakes, Nikkoodim, spotted, or perforated cakes; either, as some suppose, thin cakes pierced through with holes, the same as is called Jews' bread to the present day, and used by them at the passover; or, as Mr. Harmer imagines, cakes spotted with seeds, as with sesamum, Roman coriander, etc., such as he proves from Rauwolff, Russell, and Hanway, are still used in the East. This was certainly not a present that proclaimed royalty; but it does not appear to have been, in the estimation of the East, a present only fit for a country woman to have made, as Bp. Patrick supposes: for D'Arvieux informs us, that when he waited on an Arab emir, his mother and sisters sent him a present of pastry, honey, and fresh butter, with a bason of sweetmeats of Damascus.
cruse: or, bottle
he shall tell: 2 Kings 1:2, 2 Kings 8:8, Luke 7:2, Luke 7:3, John 4:47, John 4:48, John 11:3
Reciprocal: 1 Samuel 28:8 - disguised 1 Kings 14:12 - when thy feet Jeremiah 21:2 - Inquire Daniel 4:18 - but


And Jeroboam's wife did so, and arose, and went to Shiloh, and came to the house of Ahijah. But Ahijah could not see; for his eyes were set by reason of his age.

Shiloh: 1 Kings 11:29, Joshua 18:1, 1 Samuel 4:3, 1 Samuel 4:4, Jeremiah 7:12-14
for his eyes: Genesis 27:1, Genesis 48:10, Deuteronomy 34:7, 1 Samuel 3:2, 1 Samuel 4:15, Psalms 90:10, Ecclesiastes 12:3
were set by reason of his age: Heb. stood for his hoariness
Reciprocal: Ezekiel 14:2 - General


And the LORD said unto Ahijah, Behold, the wife of Jeroboam cometh to ask a thing of thee for her son; for he is sick: thus and thus shalt thou say unto her: for it shall be, when she cometh in, that she shall feign herself to be another woman.

the Lord: 2 Kings 4:27, 2 Kings 6:8-12, Psalms 139:1-4, Proverbs 21:30, Amos 3:7, Acts 10:19, Acts 10:20
Reciprocal: 1 Samuel 28:12 - thou art Saul 1 Kings 14:2 - disguise thyself 1 Kings 14:6 - why feignest 1 Kings 14:27 - guard 2 Kings 3:14 - I would not look Jeremiah 32:7 - Behold


And it was so, when Ahijah heard the sound of her feet as she came in at the door, that he said, Come in, thou wife of Jeroboam; why feignest thou thyself to be another? for I am sent to thee with heavy tidings.

thou wife: Job 5:13, Psalms 33:10
why feignest: 1 Kings 14:2, 1 Kings 14:5, Ezekiel 14:3-5, Ezekiel 14:7, Ezekiel 14:8, Luke 20:20-23, Acts 5:3-5, Acts 5:9, Acts 5:10, Hebrews 4:13
for I am: 1 Kings 14:10, 1 Kings 14:11, 1 Kings 13:20-22, 1 Kings 20:42, 1 Kings 21:18-24, 1 Kings 22:8, 1 Samuel 15:16, 1 Samuel 15:26, 1 Samuel 28:18, Jeremiah 21:2-7, Ezekiel 2:4, Ezekiel 2:5, Daniel 4:19-25, Daniel 4:19-25, Daniel 5:17-28, Mark 14:21
heavy tidings: Heb. hard tidings
Reciprocal: 1 Kings 1:45 - This is 2 Kings 1:16 - Forasmuch 2 Kings 6:32 - the sound Hosea 6:5 - have I


Go, tell Jeroboam, Thus saith the LORD God of Israel, Forasmuch as I exalted thee from among the people, and made thee prince over my people Israel,

Forasmuch: 1 Kings 12:24, 1 Kings 16:2, 1 Samuel 2:27-30, 1 Samuel 15:16, 2 Samuel 12:7, 2 Samuel 12:8
Reciprocal: 1 Kings 11:38 - build the 2 Kings 9:6 - over the people 1 Chronicles 11:2 - ruler Job 34:24 - set Jeremiah 28:8 - prophesied Hosea 5:1 - O house Hosea 12:10 - have also Hosea 13:11 - General


And rent the kingdom away from the house of David, and gave it thee: and yet thou hast not been as my servant David, who kept my commandments, and who followed me with all his heart, to do that only which was right in mine eyes;

rent: 1 Kings 11:30, 1 Kings 11:31
my servant David: 1 Kings 3:14, 1 Kings 11:33-38, 1 Kings 15:5, 2 Chronicles 17:3, 2 Chronicles 28:1, Acts 13:22, Acts 13:36
Reciprocal: 1 Kings 9:4 - And if thou 1 Kings 11:39 - afflict 2 Kings 17:21 - For he rent 2 Chronicles 34:2 - right in the sight Job 34:24 - set Mark 8:34 - follow


But hast done evil above all that were before thee: for thou hast gone and made thee other gods, and molten images, to provoke me to anger, and hast cast me behind thy back:

hast done: 1 Kings 14:16, 1 Kings 12:28, 1 Kings 13:33, 1 Kings 13:34, 1 Kings 15:34, 1 Kings 16:31
thou hast gone: Deuteronomy 32:16, Deuteronomy 32:17, Deuteronomy 32:21, Judges 5:8, 2 Chronicles 11:15, Psalms 106:19, Psalms 106:20, Psalms 115:4-8, Isaiah 44:9-20, Jeremiah 10:14-16
to provoke: 1 Kings 14:22, Deuteronomy 9:8-16, Deuteronomy 9:24, 2 Kings 21:3, 2 Kings 23:26, 2 Chronicles 33:6, Psalms 78:40, Psalms 78:56, Psalms 106:29, Jeremiah 7:9, Jeremiah 7:10, Ezekiel 8:3, Ezekiel 8:17, 1 Corinthians 10:22
cast me: Nehemiah 9:26, Psalms 50:17, Ezekiel 23:35
Reciprocal: 1 Kings 14:15 - provoking 1 Kings 15:29 - he left not 1 Kings 15:30 - the sins 1 Kings 16:25 - did worse 1 Kings 16:30 - above 1 Kings 22:52 - and in the way 2 Chronicles 13:8 - with you golden 2 Chronicles 21:11 - caused 2 Chronicles 24:18 - And they left Jeremiah 32:18 - recompensest Ezekiel 23:5 - Aholah


Therefore, behold, I will bring evil upon the house of Jeroboam, and will cut off from Jeroboam him that pisseth against the wall, and him that is shut up and left in Israel, and will take away the remnant of the house of Jeroboam, as a man taketh away dung, till it be all gone.

I will bring: 1 Kings 15:25-30, Amos 3:6
him that pisseth: 1 Kings 16:11, 1 Kings 21:21, 1 Samuel 25:22, 1 Samuel 25:34, 2 Kings 9:8, 2 Kings 9:9
him that is shut up: Deuteronomy 32:36, 2 Kings 14:26
as a man taketh: 1 Samuel 2:30, 2 Kings 9:37, 2 Kings 21:13, Job 20:7, Psalms 83:10, Isaiah 5:25, Isaiah 14:19, Isaiah 14:23, Jeremiah 8:2, Ezekiel 26:4, Zephaniah 1:17, Malachi 2:3, Luke 14:34, Luke 14:35
Reciprocal: 1 Kings 13:34 - to cut it off 1 Kings 14:6 - for I am 1 Kings 16:3 - will make thy house 2 Kings 10:11 - he left 1 Chronicles 12:1 - while he yet Job 27:15 - Those Isaiah 14:22 - remnant Jeremiah 16:4 - as dung Jeremiah 22:19 - General Jeremiah 32:18 - recompensest Philippians 3:8 - but dung


Him that dieth of Jeroboam in the city shall the dogs eat; and him that dieth in the field shall the fowls of the air eat: for the LORD hath spoken it.

that dieth: 1 Kings 16:4, 1 Kings 21:19, 1 Kings 21:23, 1 Kings 21:24, Isaiah 66:24, Jeremiah 15:3, Ezekiel 39:17-19, Revelation 19:17, Revelation 19:18
Reciprocal: 1 Kings 14:6 - for I am 2 Kings 9:8 - I will cut off 2 Kings 9:9 - like the house Job 27:15 - Those Isaiah 5:25 - torn Jeremiah 16:4 - as dung Jeremiah 34:20 - and their


Arise thou therefore, get thee to thine own house: and when thy feet enter into the city, the child shall die.

when thy feet: 1 Kings 14:3, 1 Kings 14:16, 1 Kings 14:17, 2 Kings 1:6, 2 Kings 1:16, John 4:50-52
Reciprocal: 1 Samuel 2:34 - a sign 1 Kings 15:25 - Nadab 2 Kings 1:4 - but shalt Hebrews 11:38 - whom


And all Israel shall mourn for him, and bury him: for he only of Jeroboam shall come to the grave, because in him there is found some good thing toward the LORD God of Israel in the house of Jeroboam.

shall mourn: Numbers 20:29, Jeremiah 22:10, Jeremiah 22:18
there is found: 2 Chronicles 12:12, 2 Chronicles 19:3, Job 19:28, Ezekiel 18:14-32, Philemon 1:6, 2 Peter 2:8, 2 Peter 2:9
Reciprocal: 1 Kings 13:22 - carcase 1 Kings 13:30 - mourned over 1 Kings 14:1 - the son 1 Kings 14:17 - when she came 2 Kings 13:9 - buried him 2 Chronicles 22:9 - Because Ecclesiastes 12:1 - Remember Isaiah 57:1 - the righteous Ezekiel 18:20 - soul that Hebrews 11:38 - whom


Moreover the LORD shall raise him up a king over Israel, who shall cut off the house of Jeroboam that day: but what? even now.

the Lord: 1 Kings 15:27-29
but what: Ecclesiastes 8:11, Ezekiel 7:2-7, Ezekiel 12:22-28, James 5:9, 2 Peter 2:3
Reciprocal: 1 Kings 16:7 - because he killed him Job 34:24 - set Hosea 5:3 - thou


For the LORD shall smite Israel, as a reed is shaken in the water, and he shall root up Israel out of this good land, which he gave to their fathers, and shall scatter them beyond the river, because they have made their groves, provoking the LORD to anger.

the Lord: 1 Samuel 12:25, 2 Kings 17:6, 2 Kings 17:7
as a reed: Matthew 11:7, Luke 7:24
root up Israel: Deuteronomy 29:28, Psalms 52:5, Proverbs 2:22, Amos 2:9, Zephaniah 2:4, Matthew 15:13
this good land: Leviticus 26:32-34, Leviticus 26:43, Deuteronomy 4:26, Deuteronomy 4:27, Deuteronomy 28:36, Deuteronomy 28:63-68, Deuteronomy 29:24-28, Joshua 23:15, Joshua 23:16
shall scatter: 2 Kings 15:29, 2 Kings 17:6, 2 Kings 17:23, 2 Kings 18:11, 2 Kings 18:12, Amos 5:27, Acts 7:43
beyond the river: i.e. Beyond the river Euphrates, because. Exodus 34:13, Exodus 34:14, Deuteronomy 12:3, Deuteronomy 12:4, Isaiah 1:28, Isaiah 1:29
provoking: 1 Kings 14:9, 1 Kings 14:23, 1 Kings 14:24
Reciprocal: Deuteronomy 16:21 - General 2 Kings 17:16 - a grove 2 Kings 21:16 - beside his sin Hosea 9:17 - because


And he shall give Israel up because of the sins of Jeroboam, who did sin, and who made Israel to sin.

he shall give Israel: Psalms 81:12, Isaiah 40:24, Hosea 9:11, Hosea 9:12, Hosea 9:16, Hosea 9:17
who did sin: 1 Kings 12:30, 1 Kings 13:34, 1 Kings 15:30, 1 Kings 15:34, 1 Kings 16:2, Exodus 32:21, Exodus 32:35, Jeremiah 5:31, Hosea 5:11, Hosea 5:12, Micah 6:16, Matthew 18:7, Romans 14:13
Reciprocal: Exodus 23:33 - they make Joshua 22:25 - make 1 Kings 11:26 - Jeroboam 1 Kings 14:9 - hast done 1 Kings 14:12 - when thy feet 1 Kings 15:26 - in his sin 1 Kings 16:19 - in his 1 Kings 21:22 - made Israel to sin 2 Kings 3:3 - which made 2 Kings 10:29 - the sins 2 Kings 10:31 - he departed 2 Kings 13:2 - followed 2 Kings 17:6 - carried 2 Kings 17:21 - Jeroboam drave 2 Kings 17:23 - as he had said 2 Kings 21:9 - seduced 2 Kings 21:11 - made Judah 2 Kings 21:16 - beside his sin 2 Kings 23:15 - the altar 1 Chronicles 21:3 - why will 2 Chronicles 21:11 - caused 2 Chronicles 33:9 - made Judah Jeremiah 32:35 - to cause Ezekiel 23:5 - Aholah Hosea 10:8 - the sin Amos 8:14 - sin Micah 1:13 - she Micah 5:3 - give Acts 4:19 - to hearken Hebrews 12:15 - and thereby


And Jeroboam's wife arose, and departed, and came to Tirzah: and when she came to the threshold of the door, the child died;

Tirzah: Tirzah was a city of Ephraim, to which tribe Jeroboam belonged; and appears to have been pleasantly situated, as it is said in Song of Solomon 6:4, "Thou art beautiful, O my love, as Tirzah," though its precise situation cannot now be ascertained. It seems to have been the royal city, and the seat of government for a long time after the revolt of the ten tribes, till Omri built Samaria. 1 Kings 15:21, 1 Kings 15:33, 1 Kings 16:6, 1 Kings 16:8, 1 Kings 16:9, 1 Kings 16:15, 1 Kings 16:23, Joshua 12:24, Song of Solomon 6:4
when she came: 1 Kings 14:12, 1 Kings 14:13, 1 Samuel 2:20-34, 1 Samuel 4:18-20
Reciprocal: 2 Kings 15:14 - Tirzah


And they buried him; and all Israel mourned for him, according to the word of the LORD, which he spake by the hand of his servant Ahijah the prophet.

Reciprocal: 1 Kings 16:12 - by Jehu the prophet Jeremiah 37:2 - the prophet Haggai 1:1 - by Haggai


And the rest of the acts of Jeroboam, how he warred, and how he reigned, behold, they are written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel.

am 3029-3050, bc 975-954
how he warred: 1 Kings 14:30, 2 Chronicles 13:2-20
book: 1 Kings 14:29, 1 Kings 15:31, 1 Kings 16:5, 1 Kings 16:14, 1 Kings 16:20, 1 Kings 16:27, 1 Kings 22:39, 1 Chronicles 27:24, Esther 6:1
Reciprocal: 2 Kings 1:18 - in the book 2 Kings 10:34 - General 2 Kings 12:19 - the rest 2 Kings 13:8 - General 2 Kings 14:15 - the rest 2 Kings 15:15 - General 2 Kings 20:20 - the book 2 Chronicles 33:18 - in the book Esther 10:2 - in the book


And the days which Jeroboam reigned were two and twenty years: and he slept with this fathers, and Nadab his son reigned in his stead.

slept: Heb. lay down, 1 Kings 2:10, 1 Kings 11:43, Job 14:12, Psalms 3:5, Psalms 4:8
Nadab: 1 Kings 15:25-31
Reciprocal: 1 Kings 14:31 - Rehoboam 1 Kings 16:6 - Baasha 2 Kings 8:24 - slept 2 Kings 10:35 - Jehu slept 2 Kings 13:8 - General 2 Kings 14:15 - the rest 2 Kings 15:38 - Jotham 2 Chronicles 13:20 - he died


And Rehoboam the son of Solomon reigned in Judah. Rehoboam was forty and one years old when he began to reign, and he reigned seventeen years in Jerusalem, the city which the LORD did choose out of all the tribes of Israel, to put his name there. And his mother's name was Naamah an Ammonitess.

Rehoboam: 1 Kings 11:43, 2 Chronicles 12:13, 2 Chronicles 13:7
the city: 1 Kings 8:16, 1 Kings 8:44, 1 Kings 11:36, Psalms 78:68, Psalms 78:69, Psalms 87:1, Psalms 87:2, Psalms 132:13, Psalms 132:14, Isaiah 12:6
to put his name: Exodus 20:24, Deuteronomy 12:5, Deuteronomy 12:21
Naamah: 1 Kings 14:31, Deuteronomy 23:3, 2 Chronicles 12:13
Reciprocal: 1 Kings 15:3 - all the sins 1 Kings 22:42 - And his mother's Ecclesiastes 2:8 - silver


And Judah did evil in the sight of the LORD, and they provoked him to jealousy with their sins which they had committed, above all that their fathers had done.

Judah: Judges 3:7, Judges 3:12, Judges 4:1, 2 Kings 17:19, 2 Chronicles 12:1, Jeremiah 3:7-11
they provoked: 1 Kings 14:9, Deuteronomy 4:24, Deuteronomy 29:28, Deuteronomy 32:16-21, Psalms 78:58, Isaiah 65:3, Isaiah 65:4, 1 Corinthians 10:22
all: 1 Kings 16:30, 2 Kings 21:11, Ezekiel 16:47, Ezekiel 16:48
Reciprocal: Numbers 25:11 - that I 1 Kings 15:3 - all the sins 1 Kings 15:30 - by his provocation 2 Chronicles 14:3 - For he took Ecclesiastes 2:8 - silver Jeremiah 25:6 - General Jeremiah 52:2 - he did Zephaniah 1:18 - the fire


For they also built them high places, and images, and groves, on every high hill, and under every green tree.

built: 1 Kings 3:2, Deuteronomy 12:2, Isaiah 57:5, Ezekiel 16:24, Ezekiel 16:25, Ezekiel 20:28, Ezekiel 20:29
images: or, standing images, or statues, Leviticus 26:1
groves: Micah 5:14, Deuteronomy 12:2, 2 Kings 17:9, 2 Kings 17:10, 2 Kings 21:3-7, 2 Chronicles 28:4, Jeremiah 17:2
under every: Isaiah 57:5, Jeremiah 3:13
Reciprocal: Leviticus 17:5 - in the open 1 Kings 14:15 - provoking 1 Kings 15:12 - all the idols 1 Kings 20:23 - Their gods 1 Kings 22:43 - the high 2 Kings 10:26 - images 2 Kings 16:4 - on the hills 2 Kings 17:16 - a grove 2 Kings 17:19 - Also Judah 2 Kings 23:6 - the grove 2 Chronicles 24:18 - And they left 2 Chronicles 33:3 - made groves Jeremiah 3:6 - she is Ezekiel 6:13 - upon Hosea 4:14 - and they Hosea 10:1 - images


And there were also sodomites in the land: and they did according to all the abominations of the nations which the LORD cast out before the children of Israel.

And there: 1 Kings 15:12, 1 Kings 22:46, Genesis 19:5, Deuteronomy 23:17, Judges 19:22, 2 Kings 23:7, Romans 1:24-27, 1 Corinthians 6:9
Reciprocal: Leviticus 18:22 - General Leviticus 18:27 - General 1 Kings 14:15 - provoking 2 Kings 16:3 - according 2 Chronicles 12:2 - Shishak Psalms 53:1 - have done Hosea 4:14 - and they Revelation 17:4 - abominations


And it came to pass in the fifth year of king Rehoboam, that Shishak king of Egypt came up against Jerusalem:

am 3034, bc 970
Shishak: 1 Kings 11:40, 2 Chronicles 12:2-4
Reciprocal: 1 Kings 11:39 - afflict 2 Chronicles 12:9 - Shishak Psalms 89:44 - Thou Ecclesiastes 2:19 - who knoweth


And he took away the treasures of the house of the LORD, and the treasures of the king's house; he even took away all: and he took away all the shields of gold which Solomon had made.

he took away: 1 Kings 7:51, 1 Kings 15:18, 2 Kings 24:13, 2 Chronicles 12:9-11, Psalms 39:6, Psalms 89:35-45
the shields of gold: 1 Kings 10:16, 1 Kings 10:17, 2 Chronicles 9:15, 2 Chronicles 9:16, Proverbs 23:5, Ecclesiastes 2:18, Ecclesiastes 2:19
Reciprocal: Joshua 6:19 - the treasury 2 Samuel 8:7 - shields 1 Kings 11:39 - afflict 1 Kings 11:40 - Shishak 2 Kings 14:14 - all the gold 1 Chronicles 18:7 - shields 1 Chronicles 26:20 - treasures 1 Chronicles 28:12 - the treasuries Ecclesiastes 4:14 - also Ecclesiastes 5:14 - and he Luke 21:1 - the treasury


And king Rehoboam made in their stead brasen shields, and committed them unto the hands of the chief of the guard, which kept the door of the king's house.

made: Lamentations 4:1, Lamentations 4:2
guard: Heb. runners, 1 Kings 14:1, 1 Kings 14:5, 1 Kings 18:46, 1 Samuel 8:11, 1 Samuel 22:17, 2 Samuel 15:1
Reciprocal: 2 Samuel 8:7 - shields 2 Chronicles 12:10 - shields of brass Nehemiah 3:16 - the house Ecclesiastes 2:8 - silver Ecclesiastes 4:14 - also Song of Solomon 3:7 - threescore Isaiah 22:8 - the armour


And it was so, when the king went into the house of the LORD, that the guard bare them, and brought them back into the guard chamber.

the guard chamber: 2 Chronicles 12:11
Reciprocal: Nehemiah 3:16 - the house Isaiah 22:8 - the armour


Now the rest of the acts of Rehoboam, and all that he did, are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah?

am 3029-3046, bc 975-958
are they not written: 1 Kings 14:19, 1 Kings 11:41, 1 Kings 15:23, 1 Kings 22:45, 2 Chronicles 12:15
Reciprocal: 1 Kings 15:7 - the rest 2 Kings 8:23 - General 2 Kings 10:34 - General 2 Kings 12:19 - the rest 2 Kings 13:8 - General 2 Kings 14:18 - General 2 Kings 15:15 - General 2 Kings 16:19 - General 1 Chronicles 29:29 - the acts 2 Chronicles 12:16 - slept


And there was war between Rehoboam and Jeroboam all their days.

1 Kings 12:24, 1 Kings 15:6, 1 Kings 15:7, 2 Chronicles 12:15
Reciprocal: 2 Samuel 3:1 - long war 1 Kings 14:19 - how he warred 1 Kings 15:16 - General


And Rehoboam slept with his fathers, and was buried with his fathers in the city of David. And his mother's name was Naamah an Ammonitess. And Abijam his son reigned in his stead.

am 3046, bc 958
Rehoboam: 1 Kings 14:20, 1 Kings 11:43, 1 Kings 15:3, 1 Kings 15:24, 1 Kings 22:50, 2 Chronicles 12:16
his mother's: 1 Kings 14:21
Abijam: Dr. Kennicott observes, that the name of this king of Judah is now expressed three ways; here and in four other places, it is Abijam; in two others (2 Chronicles 13:20-21) it is Abijahu; but in eleven others it is Abijah or Abiah, as it is expressed by St. Matthew (Matthew 1:7), גיב; and this is the reading of thirteen of Kennicott's and De Rossi's manuscripts, and of thirteen respectable editions of the Hebrew Bible. The Syriac is the same. The Septuagint in the London Polyglott has גיןץ, Abihu; but in the Complutensian and Antwerp Polyglotts it has גיב, Abiah; and the Editio Princeps of the Vulgate, some manuscripts and the text in these two Polyglotts, instead of Abiam, have Abia. 1 Chronicles 3:10, Abia, 2 Chronicles 12:16, Abijah, Matthew 1:7, Abia
Reciprocal: 1 Kings 15:1 - General 1 Kings 15:8 - Abijam 1 Kings 22:40 - slept 2 Kings 8:24 - slept 2 Kings 10:35 - Jehu slept 2 Kings 13:8 - General 2 Kings 15:38 - Jotham 2 Kings 20:21 - slept 2 Chronicles 14:1 - slept