
LORD, thou hast been favourable unto thy land: thou hast brought back the captivity of Jacob.

Lord: Leviticus 26:42, Joel 2:18, Zechariah 1:16
favourable unto: or, well pleased with, Psalms 77:7
thou hast: Psalms 14:7, Psalms 126:1, Psalms 126:2, Ezra 1:11, Ezra 2:1, Jeremiah 30:18, Jeremiah 31:23, Ezekiel 39:25, Joel 3:1
Reciprocal: Exodus 6:24 - Korah Leviticus 25:23 - for ever Numbers 16:32 - all the Deuteronomy 32:43 - will be 1 Chronicles 6:37 - Korah Psalms 42:1 - the sons Psalms 53:6 - bringeth Isaiah 12:1 - though Jeremiah 33:7 - will cause Ezekiel 16:53 - bring Zephaniah 2:7 - turn


Thou hast forgiven the iniquity of thy people, thou hast covered all their sin. Selah.

forgiven: Psalms 32:1, Psalms 79:8, Psalms 79:9, Jeremiah 50:20, Micah 7:18, Acts 13:39, Colossians 2:13
Reciprocal: Leviticus 26:42 - and I will 2 Chronicles 6:21 - forgive Isaiah 38:17 - thou hast cast Jeremiah 33:8 - General Romans 4:7 - General


Thou hast taken away all thy wrath: thou hast turned thyself from the fierceness of thine anger.

taken: Isaiah 6:7, Isaiah 12:1, Isaiah 54:7-10, John 1:29
turned: etc. or, turned thine anger from waxing hot, Exodus 32:11, Exodus 32:22, Deuteronomy 13:17
Reciprocal: Exodus 32:12 - Turn from Numbers 25:4 - that the fierce Judges 3:8 - was hot 2 Chronicles 6:21 - forgive Isaiah 27:4 - Fury Jeremiah 33:8 - General Zephaniah 3:15 - hath taken


Turn us, O God of our salvation, and cause thine anger toward us to cease.

turn us: The Israelites were not restored from their captivity all at once: afew returned with Zerubbabel, some more with Ezra and Nehemiah; but a great number still remained in Babylonia, Media, Assyria, etc.; and therefore the Psalmist prays for a complete restoration. Psalms 80:3, Psalms 80:7, Psalms 80:19, Jeremiah 31:18, Lamentations 5:21, Malachi 4:6
O God: Psalms 25:2, Psalms 27:1, Micah 7:7, Micah 7:18-20, John 4:22
cause: Psalms 78:38, Isaiah 10:25, Daniel 9:16
Reciprocal: Numbers 25:4 - that the fierce Psalms 7:12 - If Psalms 23:3 - restoreth Psalms 60:1 - O turn Psalms 126:4 - Turn again Isaiah 17:10 - the God Daniel 9:13 - that we Amos 7:5 - cease


Wilt thou be angry with us for ever? wilt thou draw out thine anger to all generations?

angry: Psalms 74:1, Psalms 77:9, Psalms 79:5, Psalms 80:4, Psalms 89:46, Isaiah 64:9-12, Micah 7:18
draw: Luke 21:24, Revelation 18:21-23
Reciprocal: Psalms 13:1 - How Psalms 77:7 - and will Isaiah 57:16 - I will not Jeremiah 3:5 - he reserve Lamentations 5:20 - dost Daniel 9:19 - defer Amos 1:11 - kept


Wilt thou not revive us again: that thy people may rejoice in thee?

revive: Psalms 80:18, Psalms 138:7, Ezra 9:8, Ezra 9:9, Isaiah 57:15, Hosea 6:2, Habakkuk 3:2
people: Psalms 53:6, Ezra 3:11-13, Jeremiah 33:11
Reciprocal: Genesis 45:27 - the spirit Psalms 51:12 - Restore Psalms 90:14 - that we Psalms 143:11 - Quicken Daniel 9:19 - defer Hosea 14:7 - revive Habakkuk 3:18 - I will rejoice Philippians 4:10 - hath flourished


Shew us thy mercy, O LORD, and grant us thy salvation.

Psalms 50:23, Psalms 91:16, Jeremiah 42:12
Reciprocal: Genesis 43:14 - And God Genesis 49:18 - General Isaiah 26:3 - wilt


I will hear what God the LORD will speak: for he will speak peace unto his people, and to his saints: but let them not turn again to folly.

hear: Habakkuk 2:1, Hebrews 12:25
for he: Psalms 29:11, Isaiah 57:19, Zechariah 9:10, John 14:27, John 20:19, John 20:26, Acts 10:36, 2 Corinthians 5:18-20, Ephesians 2:17, 2 Thessalonians 3:16
unto his: Psalms 50:5, Ephesians 1:1, Ephesians 1:2
but: Psalms 130:4, John 5:14, John 8:11, Acts 3:26, Galatians 4:9, 2 Timothy 2:19, Hebrews 10:26-29, 2 Peter 2:20-22, Revelation 2:4, Revelation 2:5, Revelation 3:19
folly: Genesis 34:7, 1 Samuel 25:25, Proverbs 25:11, Proverbs 27:22
Reciprocal: Numbers 9:8 - I will Judges 6:23 - Peace be 1 Samuel 3:9 - Speak Song of Solomon 2:10 - spake Isaiah 26:3 - wilt Isaiah 32:17 - the work Isaiah 40:1 - comfort Isaiah 51:3 - the Lord Haggai 2:9 - give John 16:33 - in me Romans 5:1 - we have Philippians 4:7 - the peace Hebrews 10:38 - but


Surely his salvation is nigh them that fear him; that glory may dwell in our land.

Surely: Psalms 24:4, Psalms 24:5, Psalms 50:23, Psalms 119:155, Isaiah 46:13, Mark 12:32-34, John 7:17, Acts 10:2-4, Acts 11:13, Acts 11:14, Acts 13:16
glory: Isaiah 4:5, Ezekiel 26:20, Haggai 2:7-9, Zechariah 2:5, Zechariah 2:8, Luke 2:32, John 1:14
Reciprocal: Exodus 1:20 - God Psalms 34:18 - is nigh Psalms 67:6 - Then Proverbs 19:23 - fear Isaiah 42:21 - well Isaiah 45:8 - Drop down Isaiah 51:5 - righteousness Isaiah 56:1 - for Isaiah 59:11 - for salvation Haggai 2:9 - give Zechariah 6:13 - and the Zechariah 9:9 - he is Malachi 4:2 - that fear Luke 1:50 - General Luke 2:14 - Glory Acts 10:35 - feareth Acts 10:36 - preaching Revelation 11:18 - and them


Mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other.

Mercy: Psalms 89:14, Psalms 100:5, Exodus 34:6, Exodus 34:7, Micah 7:20, Luke 1:54, Luke 1:55, John 1:17
righteousness: Psalms 72:3, Isaiah 32:16-18, Isaiah 45:24, Jeremiah 23:5, Jeremiah 23:6, Luke 2:14, Romans 3:25, Romans 3:26, Romans 5:1, Romans 5:21, Hebrews 7:2
Reciprocal: Genesis 32:10 - truth 2 Samuel 15:20 - mercy Psalms 25:10 - mercy Psalms 26:3 - For Psalms 29:11 - give Psalms 33:4 - all his Psalms 40:11 - let thy Psalms 57:10 - For Psalms 86:15 - mercy Psalms 108:4 - thy mercy Psalms 111:7 - works Psalms 117:2 - General Psalms 138:2 - and praise Proverbs 16:6 - mercy Isaiah 9:6 - The Prince of Peace Isaiah 16:5 - in mercy Isaiah 53:10 - the pleasure Jeremiah 33:6 - and will Hosea 2:19 - in righteousness Luke 1:79 - to guide John 14:27 - Peace I leave Acts 10:36 - preaching Ephesians 2:17 - and preached Ephesians 4:21 - as Colossians 1:20 - having made peace James 2:13 - and Revelation 15:3 - just


Truth shall spring out of the earth; and righteousness shall look down from heaven.

Truth: Isaiah 4:2, Isaiah 45:8, Isaiah 53:2, John 14:6, 1 John 5:20, 1 John 5:21
righteousness: Isaiah 42:21, Matthew 3:17, Matthew 17:5, Luke 2:14, 2 Corinthians 5:21, Ephesians 1:6
Reciprocal: Psalms 33:4 - all his Psalms 57:10 - For Psalms 72:3 - by righteousness Song of Solomon 2:1 - the rose Isaiah 61:11 - so Romans 3:26 - that he Ephesians 4:21 - as Colossians 1:20 - having made peace Hebrews 7:2 - King of righteousness Revelation 15:3 - just


Yea, the LORD shall give that which is good; and our land shall yield her increase.

the Lord: Psalms 84:11, Micah 6:8, 1 Corinthians 1:30, Ephesians 1:3, James 1:17
our land: Psalms 67:6, Psalms 72:16, Isaiah 30:23, Isaiah 30:24, Isaiah 32:15, Matthew 13:8, Matthew 13:23, Acts 2:41, Acts 21:20,*Gr: 1 Corinthians 3:6-9
Reciprocal: Genesis 49:25 - with blessings Leviticus 25:19 - General Leviticus 26:4 - the land Isaiah 4:2 - the fruit Ezekiel 34:27 - the tree Ezekiel 36:8 - ye shall Matthew 7:11 - good


Righteousness shall go before him; and shall set us in the way of his steps.

Righteousness: Psalms 72:2, Psalms 72:3, Psalms 89:14, Isaiah 58:8
shall set: Psalms 119:35, Matthew 20:27, Matthew 20:28, John 13:14-16, John 13:34, 2 Corinthians 3:18, Galatians 2:20, Ephesians 5:1, Ephesians 5:2, Philippians 2:5-8, Hebrews 12:1, Hebrews 12:2, 1 Peter 2:18-24, 1 Peter 4:1, 1 John 2:6
Reciprocal: Psalms 37:23 - steps 1 Peter 2:21 - leaving Revelation 14:13 - and their