
God be merciful unto us, and bless us; and cause his face to shine upon us; Selah.

God: Numbers 6:24-27, Deuteronomy 21:8, 2 Corinthians 13:14
bless us: Psalms 28:9, Ephesians 1:3
cause: Psalms 4:6, Psalms 31:16, Psalms 80:1-3, Psalms 80:7, Psalms 80:19, Psalms 119:135, 2 Corinthians 4:6
upon us: Heb. with us
Reciprocal: Genesis 32:26 - thou bless Numbers 6:25 - The Lord 1 Kings 18:36 - let it 2 Kings 19:19 - O Lord 1 Chronicles 16:11 - seek his Job 33:26 - and he shall Psalms 4:1 - Neginoth Psalms 35:18 - praise Psalms 80:3 - cause Isaiah 12:1 - O Lord Isaiah 37:20 - that all Isaiah 60:3 - the Gentiles Isaiah 64:2 - to make Jeremiah 31:7 - Sing Daniel 2:35 - and filled Daniel 9:17 - cause Habakkuk 2:14 - the earth Habakkuk 3:19 - stringed instruments Zechariah 8:20 - there Malachi 4:2 - the Sun Mark 16:15 - into Luke 2:10 - to John 7:35 - teach Acts 15:17 - the residue 1 Timothy 2:1 - supplications


That thy way may be known upon earth, thy saving health among all nations.

That: Psalms 98:2, Psalms 98:3, Esther 8:15-17, Zechariah 8:20-23, Acts 9:31
thy way: Acts 13:10, Acts 18:25, Acts 22:4
saving: Psalms 43:5, Psalms 66:1-4, Psalms 117:2, Isaiah 49:6, Matthew 28:19, Luke 2:30, Luke 2:31, Luke 3:6, Titus 2:11
Reciprocal: 1 Kings 8:43 - General 1 Kings 18:36 - let it 2 Kings 19:19 - O Lord 1 Chronicles 16:8 - make 2 Chronicles 6:33 - that all people Psalms 66:4 - General Psalms 68:32 - ye kingdoms Psalms 102:15 - General Isaiah 19:21 - Lord shall Isaiah 37:20 - that all Isaiah 64:2 - to make Isaiah 66:18 - that I Jeremiah 16:19 - Gentiles Jeremiah 33:6 - I will bring Daniel 2:35 - and filled Habakkuk 2:14 - the earth Malachi 1:11 - my name Mark 16:15 - into Luke 2:10 - to Luke 24:47 - among John 7:35 - teach Acts 13:47 - that thou Romans 3:29 - General Hebrews 3:10 - they have


Let the people praise thee, O God; let all the people praise thee.

Psalms 67:5, Psalms 45:17, Psalms 74:21, Psalms 119:175, Psalms 142:7, Isaiah 38:18, Isaiah 38:19
Reciprocal: Psalms 66:4 - General Psalms 96:1 - sing unto Psalms 96:7 - O ye kindreds Psalms 117:1 - O praise Psalms 145:21 - let all flesh Isaiah 54:1 - break Isaiah 65:18 - General Romans 15:10 - General


O let the nations be glad and sing for joy: for thou shalt judge the people righteously, and govern the nations upon earth. Selah.

O let: Psalms 97:1, Psalms 138:4, Psalms 138:5, Deuteronomy 32:43, Isaiah 24:14-16, Isaiah 42:10-12, Isaiah 54:1, Romans 15:10, Romans 15:11, Galatians 4:27
for thou: Psalms 9:8, Psalms 96:10-13, Psalms 98:9, Genesis 18:25, Acts 17:31, Romans 2:5
govern: Heb. lead, Psalms 2:8, Psalms 82:6, Isaiah 55:4, Revelation 11:15-17
Reciprocal: 1 Chronicles 16:28 - ye kindreds Job 29:13 - sing Psalms 58:11 - verily he Psalms 68:4 - Sing unto God Psalms 81:1 - Sing Psalms 96:7 - O ye kindreds Psalms 96:13 - judge Psalms 97:6 - all the Psalms 98:4 - General Psalms 100:1 - all ye lands Psalms 145:21 - let all flesh Isaiah 49:22 - Behold Isaiah 51:5 - mine Zechariah 14:9 - the Lord Matthew 2:10 - they rejoiced


Let the people praise thee, O God; let all the people praise thee.

Psalms 67:3, Matthew 6:9, Matthew 6:10


Then shall the earth yield her increase; and God, even our own God, shall bless us.

Then: Psalms 85:9-12, Leviticus 26:4, Isaiah 1:19, Isaiah 30:23, Isaiah 30:24, Ezekiel 34:26, Ezekiel 34:27, Hosea 2:21, Hosea 2:22, 1 Corinthians 3:6-9
our own: Psalms 48:14, Genesis 17:7, Exodus 3:15, Jeremiah 31:1, Jeremiah 31:33
Reciprocal: Genesis 26:12 - an hundredfold Genesis 32:26 - thou bless Leviticus 25:19 - General Psalms 24:5 - receive Psalms 85:12 - our land Psalms 91:2 - my God Psalms 95:7 - For he Isaiah 4:2 - the fruit Isaiah 19:25 - the Lord Ezekiel 36:8 - ye shall Joel 2:22 - for the tree Zechariah 8:12 - the seed Acts 3:26 - sent


God shall bless us; and all the ends of the earth shall fear him.

God: Psalms 29:11, Psalms 72:17, Genesis 12:2, Genesis 12:3, Acts 2:28, Galatians 3:9, Galatians 3:14
all the: Psalms 22:27, Psalms 65:5, Psalms 98:3, Isaiah 43:6, Isaiah 45:22, Isaiah 52:10, Micah 5:4, Zechariah 9:10, Malachi 1:11, Acts 13:47, Revelation 15:4
fear: Malachi 4:2, Acts 13:26
Reciprocal: Genesis 32:26 - thou bless Numbers 6:27 - and I will 1 Chronicles 16:28 - ye kindreds Psalms 24:5 - receive Psalms 86:9 - All Psalms 91:2 - my God Psalms 115:12 - the house of Israel Isaiah 19:25 - the Lord Isaiah 24:16 - uttermost part Isaiah 41:5 - the ends Zechariah 8:12 - the seed Matthew 24:31 - from Luke 24:47 - among Acts 3:26 - sent Acts 13:16 - and ye