
How is the gold become dim! how is the most fine gold changed! the stones of the sanctuary are poured out in the top of every street.

How is the gold: 2 Kings 25:9, 2 Kings 25:10, Isaiah 1:21, Isaiah 14:12, Ezekiel 7:19-22
the stones: Lamentations 2:19, Jeremiah 52:13, Matthew 24:2, Mark 13:2, Luke 21:5, Luke 21:6
Reciprocal: Deuteronomy 28:16 - in the city 1 Kings 14:27 - made 2 Chronicles 12:10 - shields of brass 2 Chronicles 36:19 - they burnt Psalms 42:4 - When Psalms 89:44 - Thou Isaiah 1:22 - silver Isaiah 14:4 - golden city Isaiah 63:18 - our Jeremiah 2:21 - into the degenerate Jeremiah 7:14 - as Jeremiah 48:39 - How is it Lamentations 1:1 - How doth Lamentations 1:9 - came Lamentations 2:4 - he poured Lamentations 4:8 - they Ezekiel 22:18 - brass Micah 1:6 - and I will pour Nahum 3:10 - at Haggai 1:4 - and


The precious sons of Zion, comparable to fine gold, how are they esteemed as earthen pitchers, the work of the hands of the potter!

sons: Isaiah 51:18, Zechariah 9:13
how: Lamentations 2:21, Lamentations 5:12, Isaiah 30:14, Jeremiah 19:11, Jeremiah 22:28, Romans 9:21-23, 2 Corinthians 4:7, 2 Timothy 2:20
Reciprocal: 1 Kings 14:27 - made Ezra 8:27 - precious Psalms 89:44 - Thou Psalms 144:12 - as plants Isaiah 1:22 - silver Isaiah 51:20 - sons Lamentations 1:16 - my children Lamentations 4:8 - they Ezekiel 22:18 - brass Joel 2:23 - ye children


Even the sea monsters draw out the breast, they give suck to their young ones: the daughter of my people is become cruel, like the ostriches in the wilderness.

sea monsters: or, sea calves
the daughter: Lamentations 2:20, Lamentations 4:10, Leviticus 26:29, Deuteronomy 28:52-57, 2 Kings 6:26-29, Isaiah 49:15, Jeremiah 19:9, Ezekiel 5:10, Luke 23:28, Luke 23:29
like: Job 39:13-16, Romans 1:31
Reciprocal: Genesis 41:55 - famished Leviticus 26:26 - General Deuteronomy 28:56 - and delicate 1 Kings 3:21 - give Job 39:16 - hardened Isaiah 32:12 - lament Jeremiah 4:11 - daughter Jeremiah 6:26 - daughter Jeremiah 32:24 - because Jeremiah 47:3 - the fathers Lamentations 2:11 - because Ezekiel 16:5 - eye Matthew 24:19 - General Mark 13:17 - General


The tongue of the sucking child cleaveth to the roof of his mouth for thirst: the young children ask bread, and no man breaketh it unto them.

tongue: Psalms 22:15, Psalms 137:6
the young: Lamentations 1:11, Lamentations 2:11, Lamentations 2:12, Deuteronomy 32:24, Matthew 7:9-11
Reciprocal: Deuteronomy 32:25 - destroy 1 Kings 3:21 - give 2 Kings 25:3 - the famine Psalms 59:15 - for meat Isaiah 5:13 - honourable men are famished Isaiah 8:21 - hardly bestead Isaiah 32:12 - lament Isaiah 41:17 - their tongue Jeremiah 2:25 - Withhold Jeremiah 37:21 - until Jeremiah 47:3 - the fathers Jeremiah 52:6 - the famine Matthew 24:19 - General Mark 13:17 - General


They that did feed delicately are desolate in the streets: they that were brought up in scarlet embrace dunghills.

that did: Deuteronomy 28:54-56, Isaiah 3:16-26, Isaiah 24:6-12, Isaiah 32:9-14, Jeremiah 6:2, Jeremiah 6:3, Amos 6:3-7, Luke 7:25, 1 Timothy 5:6, Revelation 18:7-9
brought: 2 Samuel 1:24, Proverbs 31:21, Luke 16:19
embrace: Job 24:8, Jeremiah 9:21, Jeremiah 9:22, Luke 15:16
Reciprocal: 2 Kings 18:27 - eat Psalms 44:25 - General Psalms 59:15 - for meat Isaiah 5:13 - honourable men are famished Isaiah 8:21 - hardly bestead Isaiah 47:1 - thou shalt Jeremiah 37:21 - until Lamentations 2:10 - elders Micah 1:16 - thy delicate Revelation 18:3 - her delicacies


For the punishment of the iniquity of the daughter of my people is greater than the punishment of the sin of Sodom, that was overthrown as in a moment, and no hands stayed on her.

punishment of the iniquity of the daughter: or, iniquity of the daughter, etc. Isaiah 1:9, Isaiah 1:10, Ezekiel 16:48-50, Matthew 11:23, Matthew 11:24, Luke 10:12, Luke 12:47
the punishment: Lamentations 4:9, Genesis 19:25, Daniel 9:12, Matthew 24:21
Reciprocal: Genesis 19:24 - the Lord Exodus 33:5 - in a moment Deuteronomy 32:32 - of the vine of Sodom Jeremiah 4:11 - daughter Jeremiah 6:26 - daughter Jeremiah 30:7 - so Lamentations 1:12 - if Lamentations 4:22 - The punishment of thine iniquity Ezekiel 5:9 - that which Ezekiel 16:46 - thy younger sister Ezekiel 16:50 - therefore Daniel 8:25 - but Mark 13:19 - in those Romans 9:29 - we had been Revelation 18:17 - in one


Her Nazarites were purer than snow, they were whiter than milk, they were more ruddy in body than rubies, their polishing was of sapphire:

Nazarites: Numbers 6:2-21, Judges 13:5, Judges 13:7, Judges 16:17, Amos 2:11, Amos 2:12, Luke 1:15
purer: 1 Samuel 16:12, Psalms 51:7, Psalms 144:12, Song of Solomon 5:10, Daniel 1:15
their polishing: Gizrathom rendered by Dr. Blayney, "their veining," from gazar to divide, intersect, as the blue veins do the surface of the body. This is approved by Dr. A. Clarke, who remarks, "Milk will most certainly well apply to the whiteness of the skin; the beautiful ruby to the ruddiness of the flesh; and the sapphire, in its clear, transcendent purple, to the veins in a fine complexion.
Reciprocal: Exodus 28:17 - a sardius Numbers 6:3 - General Numbers 6:5 - razor Job 2:12 - knew him Job 28:18 - rubies Lamentations 1:19 - my priests


Their visage is blacker than a coal; they are not known in the streets: their skin cleaveth to their bones; it is withered, it is become like a stick.

visage: Lamentations 5:10, Job 30:17-19, Job 30:30, Joel 2:6, Nahum 2:10
blacker than a coal: Heb. darker than blackness. Or, as Dr. Blayney renders, "duskier than the dawn;" shachar signifying "the dawn of the day, when it is neither light nor dark, but between both, at which time objects are not easily distinguished."
they: Lamentations 4:1, Lamentations 4:2, Ruth 1:19, Ruth 1:20, Job 2:12, Isaiah 52:14
their skin: Job 19:20, Job 33:21, Psalms 32:4, Psalms 38:3, Psalms 102:3-5, Psalms 102:11, Psalms 119:83
Reciprocal: Numbers 6:5 - razor Job 14:20 - changest Psalms 102:5 - the voice Song of Solomon 1:6 - because Jeremiah 14:2 - they


They that be slain with the sword are better than they that be slain with hunger: for these pine away, stricken through for want of the fruits of the field.

for: Leviticus 26:39, Ezekiel 24:23, Ezekiel 33:10
pine away: Heb. flow out
Reciprocal: Genesis 47:13 - so that Exodus 16:3 - Would Numbers 20:3 - when 1 Kings 17:12 - that we may eat it 2 Kings 7:13 - they are even 1 Chronicles 21:12 - three years' famine Psalms 59:15 - for meat Isaiah 5:13 - honourable men are famished Isaiah 8:21 - hardly bestead Isaiah 22:2 - thy slain Isaiah 36:12 - that they may Jeremiah 14:2 - they Jeremiah 14:18 - go forth Jeremiah 22:10 - Weep ye Jeremiah 37:21 - until Lamentations 1:20 - abroad Lamentations 2:11 - because Lamentations 4:6 - the punishment Ezekiel 4:16 - eat Ezekiel 5:9 - that which Ezekiel 6:7 - slain Ezekiel 14:13 - break


The hands of the pitiful women have sodden their own children: they were their meat in the destruction of the daughter of my people.

hands: Lamentations 4:3, Lamentations 2:20, 2 Kings 6:26-29
pitiful: Isaiah 49:15
in: Lamentations 3:48, Deuteronomy 28:56, Deuteronomy 28:57, 2 Kings 6:29
Reciprocal: Leviticus 26:29 - General Deuteronomy 28:53 - the fruit 2 Kings 6:28 - Give thy son Psalms 59:15 - for meat Isaiah 8:21 - hardly bestead Isaiah 9:20 - And he Isaiah 22:2 - thy slain Isaiah 36:12 - that they may Jeremiah 4:11 - daughter Jeremiah 6:26 - daughter Jeremiah 15:9 - She that hath Jeremiah 19:9 - eat the Jeremiah 37:21 - until Lamentations 1:20 - abroad Lamentations 2:11 - for Ezekiel 4:16 - eat Ezekiel 5:10 - the fathers Ezekiel 14:13 - break Ezekiel 16:5 - eye Matthew 24:19 - General Mark 13:17 - General Luke 21:23 - woe


The LORD hath accomplished his fury; he hath poured out his fierce anger, and hath kindled a fire in Zion, and it hath devoured the foundations thereof.

Lord: Lamentations 4:22, Lamentations 2:8, Lamentations 2:17, Deuteronomy 32:21-25, Jeremiah 6:11, Jeremiah 6:12, Jeremiah 7:20, Jeremiah 9:9-11, Jeremiah 13:14, Jeremiah 14:15, Jeremiah 14:16, Jeremiah 15:1-4, Jeremiah 19:3-11, Jeremiah 23:19, Jeremiah 23:20, Jeremiah 24:8-10, Ezekiel 20:47, Ezekiel 20:48, Ezekiel 22:31, Daniel 9:12, Zechariah 1:6, Luke 21:22
kindled: Deuteronomy 32:22, Jeremiah 21:14
Reciprocal: 1 Chronicles 11:5 - the castle 2 Chronicles 34:25 - my wrath Psalms 78:49 - cast Isaiah 59:18 - fury Jeremiah 4:4 - lest Jeremiah 17:27 - then Jeremiah 21:12 - lest Jeremiah 32:29 - and set Jeremiah 36:7 - for Jeremiah 42:18 - As mine Ezekiel 5:13 - shall mine Ezekiel 6:12 - thus Ezekiel 7:8 - pour Ezekiel 20:21 - accomplish Ezekiel 30:8 - when I Ezekiel 36:18 - I poured Nahum 1:2 - is furious Nahum 1:6 - his fury Zephaniah 2:2 - before the fierce


The kings of the earth, and all the inhabitants of the world, would not have believed that the adversary and the enemy should have entered into the gates of Jerusalem.

Deuteronomy 29:24-28, 1 Kings 9:8, 1 Kings 9:9, Psalms 48:4-6
Reciprocal: Leviticus 26:32 - and your Deuteronomy 28:59 - General 2 Kings 25:8 - Nebuzaradan 1 Chronicles 11:5 - the castle Psalms 125:2 - As the mountains Psalms 147:13 - he hath Isaiah 5:5 - I will take Jeremiah 20:5 - I will deliver Jeremiah 21:13 - Who Jeremiah 22:8 - General Ezekiel 21:20 - the defenced Habakkuk 1:5 - and regard Zechariah 1:6 - Like


For the sins of her prophets, and the iniquities of her priests, that have shed the blood of the just in the midst of her,

the sins: Lamentations 2:14, Jeremiah 5:31, Jeremiah 6:13, Jeremiah 14:14, Jeremiah 23:11-21, Ezekiel 22:26-28, Micah 3:11, Micah 3:12, Zephaniah 3:3, Zephaniah 3:4
that: Jeremiah 2:20, Jeremiah 26:8, Jeremiah 26:9, Matthew 23:31, Matthew 23:33-37, Luke 11:47-51, Acts 7:52, 1 Thessalonians 2:15, 1 Thessalonians 2:16
Reciprocal: 1 Kings 9:9 - Because 2 Chronicles 7:22 - Because they forsook Isaiah 24:2 - as with the people Isaiah 43:27 - and thy Isaiah 59:7 - and they Jeremiah 7:6 - and shed Jeremiah 8:10 - from the prophet Jeremiah 14:18 - yea Jeremiah 19:4 - filled Jeremiah 26:19 - Thus Jeremiah 30:15 - for the Jeremiah 44:3 - of their Lamentations 2:20 - shall the priest Lamentations 5:16 - woe Ezekiel 9:9 - and the land Ezekiel 11:6 - General Ezekiel 13:2 - prophesy against Ezekiel 22:25 - a conspiracy Ezekiel 34:3 - ye kill Hosea 4:2 - toucheth Hosea 9:8 - but Zephaniah 1:17 - because Malachi 2:1 - General Matthew 23:35 - upon Luke 13:34 - killest Hebrews 11:37 - were slain Revelation 16:6 - they have


They have wandered as blind men in the streets, they have polluted themselves with blood, so that men could not touch their garments.

have wandered: Deuteronomy 28:28, Deuteronomy 28:29, Isaiah 29:10-12, Isaiah 56:10, Isaiah 59:9-11, Micah 3:6, Micah 3:7, Matthew 15:14, Ephesians 4:18
they have polluted: Numbers 35:33, Isaiah 1:15, Jeremiah 2:34
so that men could not touch: or, in that they could not but touch, Numbers 19:16, Hosea 4:2
Reciprocal: Numbers 19:11 - toucheth the dead Isaiah 43:27 - and thy Isaiah 59:10 - grope Jeremiah 26:8 - the priests Jeremiah 26:19 - Thus Lamentations 3:45 - as Ezekiel 9:9 - and the land Zephaniah 1:17 - they shall Matthew 23:35 - upon Hebrews 11:37 - were slain


They cried unto them, Depart ye; it is unclean; depart, depart, touch not: when they fled away and wandered, they said among the heathen, They shall no more sojourn there.

Reciprocal: Leviticus 13:45 - Unclean Leviticus 26:33 - General Isaiah 23:12 - there also Jeremiah 9:19 - our Jeremiah 33:24 - thus Lamentations 1:8 - all Lamentations 1:17 - Jerusalem Lamentations 2:9 - her king Lamentations 3:45 - as Zechariah 8:13 - a curse


The anger of the LORD hath divided them; he will no more regard them: they respected not the persons of the priests, they favoured not the elders.

anger: or, face
hath: Genesis 49:7, Leviticus 26:33-39, Deuteronomy 28:25, Deuteronomy 28:64, Deuteronomy 28:65, Deuteronomy 32:26, Jeremiah 15:4, Jeremiah 24:9
he will: Psalms 106:44, Hebrews 8:9
they respected: Lamentations 5:12, 2 Kings 25:18-21, 2 Chronicles 36:17, Isaiah 9:14-16
Reciprocal: 2 Kings 25:20 - and brought Lamentations 1:8 - all Lamentations 2:6 - the king Lamentations 2:10 - elders Lamentations 2:20 - shall the priest


As for us, our eyes as yet failed for our vain help: in our watching we have watched for a nation that could not save us.

our eyes: Lamentations 1:19, 2 Kings 24:7, Isaiah 20:5, Isaiah 30:1-7, Isaiah 31:1-3, Jeremiah 2:18, Jeremiah 2:36, Jeremiah 8:20, Jeremiah 37:7-10, Ezekiel 29:6, Ezekiel 29:7, Ezekiel 29:16
for a: For the Egyptians, who were their pretended allies; but who were neither able nor willing to help them.
Reciprocal: Deuteronomy 28:32 - fail 2 Kings 16:7 - and save Job 11:20 - the eyes Job 17:5 - the eyes Job 31:16 - the eyes Psalms 31:9 - mine Psalms 108:12 - for vain Psalms 119:123 - General Isaiah 38:14 - mine eyes Jeremiah 4:30 - in vain Jeremiah 13:16 - while Jeremiah 14:6 - their Jeremiah 14:19 - we Lamentations 1:13 - he hath spread Ezekiel 7:25 - and they Ezekiel 17:17 - shall


They hunt our steps, that we cannot go in our streets: our end is near, our days are fulfilled; for our end is come.

hunt: Lamentations 3:52, 1 Samuel 24:14, 2 Kings 25:4, 2 Kings 25:5, Job 10:16, Psalms 140:11, Jeremiah 16:16, Jeremiah 39:4, Jeremiah 39:5, Jeremiah 52:7-9
our end is near: Jeremiah 1:12, Jeremiah 51:33, Ezekiel 7:2-12, Ezekiel 12:22, Ezekiel 12:23, Ezekiel 12:27, Amos 8:2
Reciprocal: Judges 5:6 - the highways 1 Samuel 24:11 - thou huntest Jeremiah 51:13 - thine Lamentations 1:3 - all Ezekiel 7:25 - and they Micah 7:2 - hunt


Our persecutors are swifter than the eagles of the heaven: they pursued us upon the mountains, they laid wait for us in the wilderness.

persecutors: Deuteronomy 28:49, Isaiah 5:26-28, Isaiah 30:16, Isaiah 30:17, Jeremiah 4:13, Hosea 8:1, Habakkuk 1:8, Matthew 24:27, Matthew 24:28
the eagles: The eagle, whose wings are of an extraordinary length, darts with amazing rapidity through the voids of heaven.
they pursued: Amos 2:14, Amos 9:1-3
Reciprocal: Leviticus 11:13 - the eagle 2 Samuel 1:23 - swifter 2 Kings 25:6 - they took Job 9:26 - as the eagle Jeremiah 48:40 - he shall Jeremiah 52:8 - General Lamentations 1:3 - all Lamentations 5:5 - Our necks are under persecution Ezekiel 12:13 - My net Ezekiel 17:3 - A great Daniel 7:4 - like Hosea 8:3 - the enemy


The breath of our nostrils, the anointed of the LORD, was taken in their pits, of whom we said, Under his shadow we shall live among the heathen.

breath: Lamentations 2:9, Genesis 2:7, Genesis 44:30, 2 Samuel 18:3
the anointed: 1 Samuel 12:3, 1 Samuel 12:5, 1 Samuel 16:6, 1 Samuel 24:6, 1 Samuel 24:10, 1 Samuel 26:9, 1 Samuel 26:16, 2 Samuel 1:14, 2 Samuel 1:21, 2 Samuel 19:21, Psalms 89:20, Psalms 89:21
was taken: Jeremiah 39:5, Jeremiah 52:8, Ezekiel 12:13, Ezekiel 17:18, Ezekiel 19:4-8
Reciprocal: Genesis 37:24 - and cast Deuteronomy 28:36 - bring thee 2 Kings 11:12 - anointed him 2 Kings 25:6 - they took 2 Chronicles 35:25 - Jeremiah Psalms 89:38 - wroth Psalms 91:1 - under Psalms 146:4 - his thoughts Ecclesiastes 4:14 - also Isaiah 30:2 - the shadow Isaiah 43:28 - I have Jeremiah 34:5 - and they Jeremiah 34:21 - Zedekiah Lamentations 2:6 - the king Ezekiel 17:20 - I will spread Ezekiel 19:1 - the princes Ezekiel 19:8 - and spread Ezekiel 19:14 - This is Ezekiel 31:17 - dwelt Daniel 4:12 - shadow Micah 4:9 - is there Matthew 26:56 - that Mark 4:32 - lodge Mark 14:46 - General


Rejoice and be glad, O daughter of Edom, that dwellest in the land of Uz; the cup also shall pass through unto thee: thou shalt be drunken, and shalt make thyself naked.

be glad: Psalms 83:3-12, Psalms 137:7, Ecclesiastes 11:9, Ezekiel 25:6, Ezekiel 25:8, Ezekiel 26:2, Ezekiel 35:11-15, Obadiah 1:10-16
the land: Genesis 36:28, Job 1:1
the cup: Isaiah 34:1-17, Isaiah 63:1-6, Jeremiah 25:15-29, Jeremiah 49:12, Ezekiel 25:12-14, Ezekiel 35:3-9, Amos 1:11, Obadiah 1:1, Obadiah 1:10-14, Malachi 1:2-4
and shalt: 2 Chronicles 28:19, Micah 1:11, Revelation 16:15
Reciprocal: Deuteronomy 30:7 - General 2 Kings 19:21 - the daughter 1 Chronicles 1:42 - Jakan 2 Chronicles 18:14 - Go ye up Psalms 60:3 - to drink Proverbs 24:18 - and he Isaiah 29:9 - they are Jeremiah 25:16 - General Jeremiah 25:20 - Uz Jeremiah 25:21 - Edom Jeremiah 25:27 - Drink Jeremiah 25:34 - the days of your Jeremiah 30:16 - General Jeremiah 48:26 - ye him Jeremiah 49:8 - for Jeremiah 50:11 - ye were Lamentations 1:8 - they Lamentations 1:21 - they are Lamentations 4:22 - he will visit Ezekiel 25:3 - thou saidst Ezekiel 25:13 - I will also Ezekiel 35:2 - and prophesy Ezekiel 35:15 - didst Ezekiel 36:5 - against all Hosea 9:1 - Rejoice Joel 3:19 - Edom Obadiah 1:12 - rejoiced Obadiah 1:15 - the day Micah 7:8 - Rejoice Malachi 1:4 - The people Revelation 14:10 - into


The punishment of thine iniquity is accomplished, O daughter of Zion; he will no more carry thee away into captivity: he will visit thine iniquity, O daughter of Edom; he will discover thy sins.

The punishment of thine iniquity: or, Thine iniquity, Lamentations 4:6, *marg. Isaiah 40:2, Jeremiah 46:27, Jeremiah 46:28, Jeremiah 50:20
he will no: Isaiah 52:1, Isaiah 60:18, Jeremiah 32:40, Ezekiel 37:28
he will visit: Lamentations 4:21, Psalms 137:7
discover thy sins: or, carry thee captive for thy sins
Reciprocal: Numbers 16:29 - visited Deuteronomy 30:7 - General Ezra 2:1 - whom Nebuchadnezzar Proverbs 24:18 - and he Jeremiah 5:9 - I not visit Jeremiah 5:25 - General Jeremiah 25:21 - Edom Jeremiah 30:16 - General Jeremiah 49:8 - for Jeremiah 49:12 - they whose Jeremiah 50:11 - ye were Lamentations 1:21 - they are Lamentations 4:11 - Lord Ezekiel 5:13 - shall mine Ezekiel 6:12 - thus Ezekiel 16:57 - thy wickedness Ezekiel 25:13 - I will also Ezekiel 35:2 - and prophesy Ezekiel 38:8 - thou shalt be Daniel 9:24 - and to Amos 1:11 - because Obadiah 1:1 - concerning Obadiah 1:15 - the day Micah 7:8 - Rejoice Malachi 1:4 - The people