
And I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the seven angels, Go your ways, and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth.

I heard: Revelation 14:15, Revelation 14:18, Revelation 15:5-8
the seven: Revelation 15:1, Revelation 15:6
and pour: Revelation 16:2-12, Revelation 16:17, Revelation 14:9-11, Revelation 15:7, 1 Samuel 15:3, 1 Samuel 15:18, Ezekiel 9:5-8, Ezekiel 10:2, Matthew 13:41, Matthew 13:42
Reciprocal: Genesis 19:13 - Lord hath Joshua 6:4 - seven times Psalms 69:24 - Pour Psalms 79:6 - Pour Isaiah 25:5 - shalt bring Isaiah 30:25 - in the day Isaiah 42:25 - he hath poured Jeremiah 6:11 - I will Jeremiah 7:20 - Behold Jeremiah 14:16 - for Ezekiel 20:21 - I would Ezekiel 22:22 - ye shall know Ezekiel 30:15 - I will pour Ezekiel 36:18 - I poured Ezekiel 43:6 - I heard Nahum 1:6 - his fury Zechariah 14:12 - the plague wherewith 1 Corinthians 10:10 - destroyer Revelation 8:2 - seven angels Revelation 8:5 - and filled Revelation 11:14 - General Revelation 11:18 - and thy Revelation 14:16 - thrust Revelation 14:17 - came Revelation 17:8 - go Revelation 21:9 - which Revelation 22:18 - God


And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image.

upon the earth: Revelation 8:7, Revelation 14:16
a noisome: Exodus 9:8-11, Deuteronomy 7:15, Deuteronomy 28:27, 1 Samuel 5:6, 1 Samuel 5:9, 2 Chronicles 21:15, 2 Chronicles 21:18, Job 2:7, Job 2:8, Psalms 78:26, Isaiah 1:5, Isaiah 1:6, Isaiah 3:17, Isaiah 3:24, Luke 16:20-22, Acts 12:23
had: Revelation 13:15-18
Reciprocal: Exodus 9:9 - a boil Exodus 9:11 - General Exodus 20:4 - General Leviticus 19:28 - print 2 Chronicles 12:7 - and my wrath Jeremiah 42:18 - As mine Ezekiel 7:8 - pour Ezekiel 9:11 - I have Revelation 13:14 - they Revelation 15:7 - seven Revelation 16:1 - and pour Revelation 16:11 - because


And the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea; and it became as the blood of a dead man: and every living soul died in the sea.

upon: Revelation 8:8, Revelation 10:2, Revelation 13:1
it became: Revelation 11:6, Exodus 7:17-21, Psalms 78:44, Psalms 105:29, Ezekiel 16:38
and every: Revelation 8:9, Genesis 7:22
Reciprocal: Psalms 78:45 - frogs Isaiah 34:3 - and the mountains Ezekiel 14:19 - and pour 1 Corinthians 15:45 - The first


And the third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of waters; and they became blood.

upon: Revelation 8:10, Revelation 8:11
and they: Revelation 16:5, Revelation 14:7, Exodus 7:20, Exodus 8:5, Isaiah 50:2, Ezekiel 35:8, Hosea 13:15
Reciprocal: Exodus 1:22 - Every son Proverbs 21:1 - as Isaiah 34:3 - and the mountains Jeremiah 51:48 - the heaven


And I heard the angel of the waters say, Thou art righteous, O Lord, which art, and wast, and shalt be, because thou hast judged thus.

the angel: Revelation 16:4
Thou art: Revelation 16:7, Revelation 15:3, Revelation 19:2, Genesis 18:25, Psalms 129:4, Psalms 145:17, Lamentations 1:18, Daniel 9:14, Romans 2:5, Romans 3:5, 2 Thessalonians 1:5, 2 Thessalonians 1:6
which art: Revelation 1:4, Revelation 1:8, Revelation 4:8, Revelation 11:17
Reciprocal: Genesis 2:4 - Lord Judges 5:2 - for the avenging 2 Kings 11:16 - there was she slain 2 Chronicles 23:15 - they slew her there Psalms 7:7 - So Psalms 21:13 - so will Psalms 48:11 - because Psalms 50:6 - heavens Psalms 51:4 - when Psalms 52:6 - righteous Psalms 65:5 - righteousness Isaiah 14:4 - How Isaiah 24:16 - glory Ezekiel 35:6 - I will Luke 6:38 - with Luke 7:29 - justified Luke 13:9 - if not Romans 2:2 - judgment Revelation 6:10 - dost Revelation 13:15 - cause Revelation 18:6 - Reward


For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and thou hast given them blood to drink; for they are worthy.

they have: Revelation 6:10, Revelation 6:11, Revelation 13:10, Revelation 13:15, Revelation 17:6, Revelation 17:7, Revelation 18:24, Revelation 19:2, Deuteronomy 32:42, Deuteronomy 32:43, 2 Kings 24:4, Isaiah 49:26, Isaiah 51:22, Isaiah 51:23, Jeremiah 2:30, Lamentations 4:13, Matthew 7:2, Matthew 21:35-41, Matthew 23:30-37
for they are: Revelation 11:18, Revelation 18:20, Jeremiah 26:11, Jeremiah 26:16, Luke 12:48, Hebrews 10:29
Reciprocal: Exodus 14:26 - the waters Exodus 21:24 - General Judges 1:7 - as I have Judges 5:2 - for the avenging 1 Samuel 15:33 - As thy sword 2 Samuel 3:29 - rest 2 Samuel 16:8 - returned 2 Kings 10:25 - let 2 Chronicles 24:25 - for the blood Psalms 7:13 - persecutors Psalms 9:12 - When Psalms 79:3 - Their Psalms 109:17 - General Proverbs 13:2 - the soul Isaiah 14:4 - How Isaiah 26:21 - also Isaiah 33:1 - when thou shalt cease Isaiah 63:6 - make Jeremiah 19:4 - filled Jeremiah 26:15 - ye shall Jeremiah 26:19 - Thus Jeremiah 34:17 - behold Jeremiah 50:15 - as she Jeremiah 50:29 - recompense Jeremiah 50:42 - they are cruel Jeremiah 51:35 - The violence Ezekiel 14:23 - that I have not Ezekiel 16:38 - shed Ezekiel 24:9 - Woe Ezekiel 32:6 - water Daniel 7:25 - shall wear out Daniel 8:24 - shall destroy Joel 3:2 - will plead Joel 3:7 - and will Matthew 14:11 - and given Matthew 24:49 - to smite Matthew 26:52 - they Mark 9:42 - it Luke 3:20 - General Luke 6:38 - with Luke 12:45 - to beat Romans 6:21 - for the 2 Thessalonians 1:6 - General 2 Timothy 3:3 - fierce Revelation 9:21 - their murders Revelation 18:6 - Reward


And I heard another out of the altar say, Even so, Lord God Almighty, true and righteous are thy judgments.

out: Revelation 6:9, Revelation 8:3-5, Revelation 14:18, Isaiah 6:6, Ezekiel 10:2, Ezekiel 10:7
Even: Revelation 15:3, Revelation 15:4
true: Revelation 13:10, Revelation 14:10, Revelation 19:2
Reciprocal: Exodus 7:4 - by great 2 Kings 10:25 - let 1 Chronicles 16:12 - the judgments Job 8:3 - Almighty Psalms 19:9 - judgments Psalms 105:5 - the judgments Psalms 119:137 - General Daniel 4:31 - fell Daniel 4:37 - all Mark 9:42 - it Romans 9:14 - Is there unrighteousness 2 Thessalonians 1:5 - righteous Revelation 3:7 - he that is true Revelation 4:8 - Lord God Almighty Revelation 11:17 - Lord God Almighty Revelation 16:5 - Thou art Revelation 16:14 - God Almighty Revelation 21:22 - the Lord


And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire.

upon: Revelation 6:12, Revelation 8:12, Revelation 9:2, Isaiah 24:23, Luke 21:25, Acts 2:20
and power: Revelation 7:16, Revelation 9:17, Revelation 9:18, Revelation 14:18, Jonah 4:8, Matthew 13:6
Reciprocal: Genesis 1:16 - to rule Joshua 10:13 - So the sun Psalms 140:10 - burning coals Psalms 148:8 - Fire Isaiah 1:5 - ye will Nahum 1:6 - his fury Revelation 9:20 - yet Revelation 22:11 - that is unjust


And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory.

scorched: or, burned
blasphemed: Revelation 16:10, Revelation 16:11, Revelation 16:21, 2 Kings 6:33, 2 Chronicles 28:22, Isaiah 1:5, Isaiah 8:21, Jeremiah 5:3, Jeremiah 6:29, Jeremiah 6:30, Ezekiel 24:13
and they: Revelation 16:11, Revelation 2:21, Revelation 9:20, Daniel 5:22, Daniel 5:23, Luke 13:3, Luke 13:5, 2 Corinthians 12:21
to give: Revelation 11:13, Revelation 14:7, Joshua 7:19, Jeremiah 13:6, Amos 4:6-12
Reciprocal: Genesis 1:16 - to rule Genesis 4:13 - General Genesis 42:22 - his blood Exodus 8:15 - he hardened Exodus 9:2 - General Exodus 11:1 - Yet will Joshua 10:13 - So the sun 1 Samuel 6:5 - give glory Job 1:11 - and he will curse thee Psalms 140:10 - burning coals Psalms 148:8 - Fire Proverbs 19:3 - fretteth Isaiah 3:24 - burning Isaiah 42:25 - he knew Isaiah 51:20 - a wild Jeremiah 2:30 - In vain Jeremiah 25:16 - General Lamentations 3:39 - a man Malachi 2:2 - to give Matthew 11:20 - because Luke 16:30 - repent Colossians 3:8 - blasphemy 2 Timothy 3:2 - blasphemers Revelation 2:5 - and repent Revelation 2:16 - Repent Revelation 8:12 - and the third part of the sun


And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seat of the beast; and his kingdom was full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues for pain,

upon: Revelation 11:2, Revelation 11:8, Revelation 13:2-4, Revelation 17:9, Revelation 17:17, Revelation 18:2, Revelation 18:21, Revelation 18:23
full: Revelation 9:2, Revelation 18:11-19, Exodus 10:21-23, Psalms 78:49, Isaiah 8:21, Isaiah 8:22, Matthew 8:12, Matthew 22:13, 1 Peter 2:17
they: Revelation 11:10, Matthew 13:42, Matthew 13:50, Matthew 24:51, Luke 13:28
Reciprocal: Exodus 9:12 - General Exodus 10:22 - thick darkness Exodus 10:27 - General Deuteronomy 28:34 - General Job 3:4 - darkness Psalms 44:19 - in the Psalms 112:10 - gnash Proverbs 27:22 - General Isaiah 5:30 - if one look Amos 4:6 - yet Amos 5:20 - darkness Zechariah 14:12 - Their flesh Matthew 12:26 - his Revelation 11:13 - and the tenth Revelation 16:9 - blasphemed


And blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, and repented not of their deeds.

blasphemed: Revelation 16:9, Revelation 16:21
the God: 2 Chronicles 36:23, Ezra 1:2, Ezra 5:11, Ezra 5:12, Ezra 6:10, Ezra 7:12, Ezra 7:21, Ezra 7:23, Nehemiah 1:4, Nehemiah 2:4, Psalms 136:26, Daniel 2:18, Daniel 2:19, Daniel 2:44, Jonah 1:9
because: Revelation 16:2, Revelation 16:9
and repented not: Revelation 16:9, 2 Timothy 3:13
Reciprocal: Genesis 4:13 - General Exodus 9:12 - General Exodus 10:21 - darkness Exodus 10:27 - General Leviticus 24:11 - blasphemed Deuteronomy 28:34 - General Job 1:11 - and he will curse thee Job 2:7 - sore boils Psalms 112:10 - gnash Proverbs 27:22 - General Isaiah 5:30 - if one look Daniel 12:10 - but the wicked Amos 4:6 - yet Zechariah 14:12 - Their flesh Matthew 11:20 - because Matthew 13:50 - wailing Luke 23:40 - seeing Acts 26:20 - repent 2 Timothy 3:2 - blasphemers


And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared.

upon: Revelation 9:14, Revelation 11:14, Isaiah 8:7
and the water: Revelation 17:15, Isaiah 11:15, Isaiah 42:15, Isaiah 44:27, Jeremiah 50:38-40, Jeremiah 51:36
that the: Isaiah 41:2, Isaiah 41:3, Isaiah 41:25, Ezekiel 38:1 - Ezekiel 39:29, Daniel 11:43-45
Reciprocal: Joshua 4:22 - General 2 Kings 2:8 - were Psalms 74:15 - flood Proverbs 21:1 - as Isaiah 43:16 - maketh Ezekiel 30:12 - I will make Daniel 11:40 - with horsemen Daniel 11:44 - east Habakkuk 3:8 - the Lord Habakkuk 3:10 - the overflowing Zechariah 10:11 - smite Revelation 17:16 - these


And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.

three: Revelation 16:14, 2 Thessalonians 2:9-11, 1 Timothy 4:1-3, 2 Timothy 3:1-6, 2 Peter 2:1-3, 1 John 4:1-3
like: Exodus 8:2-7, Psalms 78:45, Psalms 105:30
come out of: Revelation 12:3, Revelation 12:4, Revelation 12:9-13, Revelation 13:1-7, Revelation 13:11-18
the false: Revelation 19:20, Revelation 20:10
Reciprocal: Exodus 8:6 - and the frogs 1 Kings 22:22 - a lying spirit 2 Chronicles 18:11 - all the prophets Job 24:22 - draweth Job 26:4 - whose spirit Isaiah 27:1 - the dragon Ezekiel 29:3 - the great Micah 2:11 - a man Zechariah 13:2 - unclean


For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.

the spirits: Revelation 12:9, 1 Kings 22:19-23, 2 Chronicles 18:18-22, Ezekiel 14:9, John 8:44, 2 Corinthians 11:13-15, 1 Timothy 4:1, James 3:15
working: Revelation 13:13, Revelation 13:14, Revelation 19:20, Deuteronomy 13:1, Deuteronomy 13:2, Matthew 24:24, Mark 13:22, 2 Thessalonians 2:9
which: 1 Kings 22:6, 1 Kings 22:10, 1 Kings 22:11, 1 Kings 22:19-22, Acts 13:8-10
the whole: Revelation 3:10, Revelation 12:9, Revelation 13:3, Luke 2:1, Romans 1:8, 1 John 5:19
to gather: Revelation 16:16, Revelation 17:14, Revelation 19:19, Revelation 20:8, Isaiah 34:1-8, Isaiah 63:1-6, Ezekiel 38:8-12, Joel 3:11-14
God Almighty: Revelation 16:7
Reciprocal: Exodus 8:2 - frogs Joshua 8:16 - drawn away Joshua 9:2 - gathered Joshua 10:4 - and help Joshua 11:5 - all these 1 Kings 22:22 - a lying spirit 2 Chronicles 11:15 - for the devils 2 Chronicles 14:9 - Zerah 2 Chronicles 18:11 - all the prophets Job 24:22 - draweth Job 26:4 - whose spirit Psalms 56:2 - many Psalms 105:30 - brought Isaiah 54:15 - they shall Ezekiel 13:5 - to stand Ezekiel 38:15 - and many Joel 3:2 - also Joel 3:14 - multitudes Micah 2:11 - a man Zephaniah 3:8 - to gather Zechariah 12:3 - though Zechariah 13:2 - unclean Zechariah 14:1 - General 1 Timothy 4:2 - lies Revelation 1:8 - the Almighty Revelation 4:8 - Lord God Almighty Revelation 6:17 - the great Revelation 11:17 - Lord God Almighty Revelation 16:13 - three Revelation 20:3 - should deceive Revelation 21:22 - the Lord


Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame.

I come: Revelation 3:3, Matthew 24:43, 1 Thessalonians 5:2, 1 Thessalonians 5:3, 2 Peter 3:10
Blessed: Matthew 24:42, Matthew 25:13, Matthew 26:41, Mark 13:33-37, Mark 14:38, Luke 12:37-43, Luke 21:36, Acts 20:31, 1 Thessalonians 5:6, 1 Peter 4:7
lest: Revelation 3:4, Revelation 3:18, Exodus 32:25, Isaiah 47:3, Ezekiel 16:37, Hosea 2:3, Habakkuk 2:15, 2 Corinthians 5:3
Reciprocal: Genesis 3:10 - because Genesis 38:23 - lest we Judges 7:19 - in the beginning 2 Chronicles 28:19 - made Judah Ecclesiastes 9:8 - thy garments Lamentations 4:21 - and shalt Matthew 22:11 - which Matthew 24:36 - General Matthew 24:46 - General Matthew 25:6 - at Luke 12:39 - General Luke 12:46 - lord Luke 21:35 - as 1 Corinthians 16:13 - Watch Revelation 3:2 - watchful Revelation 3:17 - naked


And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.

he: Revelation 17:14, Revelation 19:17-21, Judges 4:7, Joel 3:9-14, Zechariah 14:2, Zechariah 14:3
the Hebrew: Revelation 9:11, John 5:2, John 19:13, John 19:17, Acts 26:14
Armageddon: Judges 5:19, 2 Kings 23:29, 2 Kings 23:30, Zechariah 12:11
Reciprocal: 2 Kings 10:21 - And they came 1 Chronicles 7:29 - Megiddo 2 Chronicles 35:22 - Megiddo Ezekiel 38:15 - and many Joel 3:2 - also John 19:20 - in Acts 21:40 - Hebrew Revelation 16:14 - to gather Revelation 19:19 - I saw


And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done.

into: Revelation 20:1-3, Ephesians 2:2, Ephesians 6:12
there: Revelation 16:1, Revelation 11:19, Revelation 14:17, Revelation 15:5, Revelation 15:6
It is: Revelation 10:6, Revelation 10:7, Revelation 21:6, Daniel 12:7-13, John 19:30
Reciprocal: Jeremiah 50:27 - their day Ezekiel 9:11 - I have Ezekiel 39:8 - it is come Daniel 12:1 - there shall Haggai 2:21 - I will Revelation 4:1 - the first Revelation 4:5 - proceeded Revelation 10:5 - lifted Revelation 11:15 - and there Revelation 14:13 - a voice Revelation 14:15 - came Revelation 15:1 - last Revelation 19:5 - a voice


And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great.

were: Revelation 4:5, Revelation 8:5, Revelation 11:19
a: Revelation 11:13, Daniel 12:1
Reciprocal: Exodus 9:23 - the Lord sent 1 Samuel 7:10 - thundered 1 Kings 19:11 - an earthquake Job 9:5 - which overturneth Psalms 29:3 - thundereth Isaiah 2:19 - when he Isaiah 29:6 - General Isaiah 30:30 - the flame Isaiah 42:15 - General Ezekiel 38:19 - Surely Joel 3:16 - and the heavens Zechariah 14:5 - the mountains John 9:32 - the world Revelation 6:12 - there


And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell: and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath.

the great: Revelation 14:8, Revelation 17:18, Revelation 18:2, Revelation 18:10, Revelation 18:16-19, Revelation 18:21
great: Revelation 17:5, Daniel 4:30
in: Revelation 14:8-10, Revelation 18:5, Isaiah 49:26, Isaiah 51:17-23, Jeremiah 25:15, Jeremiah 25:16, Jeremiah 25:26
Reciprocal: Genesis 8:1 - God remembered Psalms 60:3 - to drink Psalms 74:18 - Remember Psalms 75:8 - For in Isaiah 47:3 - I will take Isaiah 59:18 - fury Isaiah 63:6 - make Jeremiah 27:7 - until Jeremiah 44:21 - did Jeremiah 48:26 - ye him Jeremiah 51:6 - for this Ezekiel 21:23 - call Ezekiel 23:32 - drink Ezekiel 24:9 - Woe Ezekiel 29:16 - bringeth Hosea 8:13 - now Hosea 9:7 - days of visitation Zechariah 12:2 - a cup Zechariah 13:8 - two Matthew 12:25 - Every kingdom Romans 2:8 - indignation Revelation 11:8 - the great Revelation 11:13 - and the tenth Revelation 14:10 - drink Revelation 15:1 - is filled Revelation 18:6 - the cup


And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found.

Revelation 6:14, Revelation 20:11, Isaiah 2:14-17, Jeremiah 4:23-25
Reciprocal: Psalms 46:3 - mountains Ezekiel 38:19 - Surely Zechariah 4:7 - O great Revelation 18:21 - and shall


And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent: and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail; for the plague thereof was exceeding great.

there fell: Revelation 8:7, Revelation 11:19, Exodus 9:23-26, Joshua 10:11, Isaiah 30:30, Ezekiel 13:11, Ezekiel 13:13, Ezekiel 38:21, Ezekiel 38:22
blasphemed: Revelation 16:9, Revelation 16:11, Isaiah 8:21
Reciprocal: Genesis 4:13 - General Exodus 9:22 - General Leviticus 24:11 - blasphemed Job 1:11 - and he will curse thee Job 38:23 - General Psalms 18:12 - hail Psalms 105:32 - them hail for rain Psalms 148:8 - Fire Isaiah 28:17 - and the hail Zechariah 14:12 - Their flesh 2 Timothy 3:2 - blasphemers Revelation 22:11 - that is unjust