
Again in the ninth year, in the tenth month, in the tenth day of the month, the word of the LORD came unto me, saying,

am 3414, bc 590
the ninth year: This was the ninth year of Zedekiah, about Thursday, January 30, am 3414, the very day in which Nebuchadnezzar began the siege of Jerusalem. Ezekiel 1:2, Ezekiel 8:1, Ezekiel 20:1, Ezekiel 26:1, Ezekiel 29:1, Ezekiel 29:17, Ezekiel 31:1, Ezekiel 32:1, Ezekiel 32:17, Ezekiel 33:21, Ezekiel 40:1, 2 Kings 24:12
Reciprocal: 2 Kings 25:1 - in the ninth Jeremiah 9:26 - Egypt Jeremiah 29:16 - General Jeremiah 39:1 - the ninth Jeremiah 52:4 - the ninth year Jeremiah 52:13 - the king's


Son of man, write thee the name of the day, even of this same day: the king of Babylon set himself against Jerusalem this same day.

write: Isaiah 8:1, Isaiah 30:8, Isaiah 30:9, Habakkuk 2:2, Habakkuk 2:3
of this: 2 Kings 25:1, Jeremiah 39:1, Jeremiah 52:4
Reciprocal: Micah 5:1 - he hath


And utter a parable unto the rebellious house, and say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Set on a pot, set it on, and also pour water into it:

utter: Ezekiel 17:2, Ezekiel 19:2-14, Ezekiel 20:49, Psalms 78:2, Micah 2:4, Mark 12:12, Luke 8:10
the rebellious: Ezekiel 2:3, Ezekiel 2:6, Ezekiel 2:8, Ezekiel 3:9, Ezekiel 12:2, Ezekiel 12:25, Ezekiel 17:12, Isaiah 1:2, Isaiah 30:1, Isaiah 30:9, Isaiah 63:10, Acts 7:51
Set: Ezekiel 24:6, Ezekiel 11:3, Jeremiah 50:13, Jeremiah 50:14
Reciprocal: Isaiah 29:2 - and it shall Jeremiah 1:13 - I see Jeremiah 8:13 - I will surely consume Jeremiah 27:2 - put Ezekiel 11:7 - Your Ezekiel 22:19 - I will Matthew 13:3 - in


Gather the pieces thereof into it, even every good piece, the thigh, and the shoulder; fill it with the choice bones.

Ezekiel 22:18-22, Micah 3:2, Micah 3:3, Matthew 7:2
Reciprocal: 1 Samuel 9:24 - the shoulder


Take the choice of the flock, and burn also the bones under it, and make it boil well, and let them seethe the bones of it therein.

the choice: Ezekiel 20:47, Ezekiel 34:16, Ezekiel 34:17, Ezekiel 34:20, Jeremiah 39:6, Jeremiah 52:10, Jeremiah 52:24-27, Revelation 19:20
burn: or, heap, Ezekiel 24:9, Ezekiel 24:10


Wherefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Woe to the bloody city, to the pot whose scum is therein, and whose scum is not gone out of it! bring it out piece by piece; let no lot fall up on it.

Woe: Ezekiel 24:9, Ezekiel 11:6, Ezekiel 11:7, Ezekiel 22:2, Ezekiel 22:6-9, Ezekiel 22:12, Ezekiel 22:27, Ezekiel 23:37-45, 2 Kings 21:16, 2 Kings 24:4, Micah 7:2, Nahum 3:1, Matthew 23:35, Revelation 11:7, Revelation 11:8, Revelation 17:6, Revelation 18:24
to the pot: Ezekiel 24:11-13, Jeremiah 6:29
bring: Ezekiel 9:5, Ezekiel 9:6, Ezekiel 11:7-9, Ezekiel 11:11, Joshua 10:22
let no: Joshua 7:16-18, 1 Samuel 14:40-42, 2 Samuel 8:2, Joel 3:3, Obadiah 1:11, Jonah 1:7, Nahum 3:10
Reciprocal: Deuteronomy 23:13 - cover that Isaiah 59:12 - our transgressions Jeremiah 13:27 - Woe Ezekiel 16:23 - woe Ezekiel 22:3 - sheddeth Ezekiel 22:15 - consume Ezekiel 23:47 - dispatch them Ezekiel 24:3 - Set Ezekiel 24:12 - her great


For her blood is in the midst of her; she set it upon the top of a rock; she poured it not upon the ground, to cover it with dust;

her blood: 1 Kings 21:19, Isaiah 3:9, Jeremiah 2:34, Jeremiah 6:15
she poured: Leviticus 17:13, Deuteronomy 12:16, Deuteronomy 12:24, Job 16:18, Isaiah 26:21
Reciprocal: Genesis 37:26 - conceal 2 Samuel 16:22 - went in 1 Kings 2:5 - put Isaiah 4:4 - have purged Jeremiah 6:7 - violence Ezekiel 3:7 - all the Ezekiel 21:24 - your transgressions Ezekiel 26:4 - make Hosea 12:14 - therefore Matthew 27:25 - His


That it might cause fury to come up to take vengeance; I have set her blood upon the top of a rock, that it should not be covered.

it might: Ezekiel 5:13, Ezekiel 8:17, Ezekiel 8:18, Ezekiel 22:30, Ezekiel 22:31, Deuteronomy 32:21, Deuteronomy 32:22, 2 Kings 22:17, 2 Chronicles 34:25, 2 Chronicles 36:16, 2 Chronicles 36:17, Jeremiah 7:18, Jeremiah 7:20, Jeremiah 15:1-4
I have set: Ezekiel 16:37, Ezekiel 16:38, Ezekiel 23:45, Deuteronomy 29:22-28, Jeremiah 22:8, Jeremiah 22:9, Matthew 7:2, 1 Corinthians 4:5, Revelation 17:1-6, Revelation 18:5-10, Revelation 18:16
Reciprocal: 1 Kings 2:5 - put Isaiah 26:21 - also Jeremiah 4:4 - lest Jeremiah 21:12 - lest Jeremiah 36:7 - for Jeremiah 44:6 - my fury Ezekiel 26:4 - make Hosea 12:14 - therefore


Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Woe to the bloody city! I will even make the pile for fire great.

Woe: Ezekiel 24:6, Nahum 3:1, Habakkuk 2:12, Luke 13:34, Luke 13:35, Revelation 14:20, Revelation 16:6, Revelation 16:19
I will: Ezekiel 22:19-22, Ezekiel 22:31, Isaiah 30:33, Isaiah 31:9, 2 Thessalonians 1:8, 2 Peter 3:7-12, Jude 1:7, Revelation 21:8
Reciprocal: Ezekiel 10:2 - scatter Ezekiel 22:2 - bloody city Ezekiel 24:5 - burn


Heap on wood, kindle the fire, consume the flesh, and spice it well, and let the bones be burned.

spice: Jeremiah 17:3, Jeremiah 20:5, Lamentations 1:10, Lamentations 2:16
Reciprocal: 2 Kings 21:13 - I will wipe Ezekiel 24:5 - burn


Then set it empty upon the coals thereof, that the brass of it may be hot, and may burn, and that the filthiness of it may be molten in it, that the scum of it may be consumed.

set it: Jeremiah 21:10, Jeremiah 32:29, Jeremiah 37:10, Jeremiah 38:18, Jeremiah 39:8, Jeremiah 52:13
that the filthiness: Ezekiel 20:38, Ezekiel 22:15-23, Ezekiel 23:26, Ezekiel 23:27, Ezekiel 23:47, Ezekiel 23:48, Ezekiel 36:25, Isaiah 1:25, Isaiah 4:4, Isaiah 27:9, Micah 5:11-14, Zechariah 13:1, Zechariah 13:2, Zechariah 13:8, Zechariah 13:9, Malachi 4:1, Matthew 3:12, 1 Corinthians 3:12, 1 Corinthians 3:13, The pot was Jerusalem; the flesh, the inhabitants in general: every good piece, the thigh and the shoulder, Zedekiah, his family, and princes; the bones, the soldiers; the fire and water, the calamities they were to suffer; and the setting on of the pot, the commencement of the siege.
Reciprocal: 2 Kings 21:13 - I will wipe Isaiah 24:1 - maketh the Isaiah 64:7 - consumed Ezekiel 24:6 - to the pot Ezekiel 24:13 - thy filthiness Revelation 17:4 - filthiness


She hath wearied herself with lies, and her great scum went not forth out of her: her scum shall be in the fire.

wearied: Isaiah 47:13, Isaiah 57:9, Isaiah 57:10, Jeremiah 2:13, Jeremiah 9:5, Jeremiah 10:14, Jeremiah 10:15, Jeremiah 51:58, Hosea 12:1, Habakkuk 2:13, Habakkuk 2:18, Habakkuk 2:19
her great: Ezekiel 24:6, Ezekiel 24:13, Genesis 6:5-7, Genesis 8:21, Isaiah 1:5, Jeremiah 5:3, Jeremiah 44:16, Jeremiah 44:17, Daniel 9:13, Daniel 9:14
her scum: The pot being polluted with the scum, must be heated, melted, and even burned with fire till purified; that is, Jerusalem shall be entirely levelled with the ground, as nothing short of this will purify it from the relics of its idolatrous abominations.
Reciprocal: Lamentations 1:9 - filthiness


In thy filthiness is lewdness: because I have purged thee, and thou wast not purged, thou shalt not be purged from thy filthiness any more, till I have caused my fury to rest upon thee.

thy filthiness: Ezekiel 24:11, Ezekiel 23:36-48, 2 Corinthians 7:1
because: Ezekiel 22:24, 2 Chronicles 36:14-16, Isaiah 5:4-6, Isaiah 9:13-17, Jeremiah 6:28-30, Jeremiah 25:3-7, Jeremiah 31:18, Hosea 7:1, Hosea 7:9-16, Amos 4:6-12, Zephaniah 3:2, Zephaniah 3:7, Matthew 23:37, Matthew 23:38, Luke 13:7-9, Revelation 22:11
till I: Ezekiel 5:13, Ezekiel 8:18, Ezekiel 16:42, Romans 2:8, Romans 2:9
Reciprocal: Leviticus 13:55 - after Leviticus 14:43 - General Leviticus 26:23 - General Deuteronomy 21:18 - will not 1 Samuel 3:14 - the iniquity Ezra 9:13 - after all Job 20:11 - which shall lie Proverbs 15:10 - and he Proverbs 15:32 - instruction Isaiah 1:5 - should Isaiah 10:3 - And what Isaiah 22:14 - Surely Isaiah 27:9 - this therefore Jeremiah 2:30 - In vain Jeremiah 4:4 - lest Jeremiah 5:3 - thou hast stricken Jeremiah 6:29 - in vain Jeremiah 13:27 - wilt Jeremiah 44:6 - my fury Lamentations 1:9 - filthiness Lamentations 3:42 - thou Ezekiel 16:36 - Because Ezekiel 22:9 - they commit Ezekiel 22:20 - in mine Ezekiel 24:12 - her great Amos 4:11 - yet Matthew 20:26 - minister Revelation 16:9 - blasphemed Revelation 17:4 - filthiness


I the LORD have spoken it: it shall come to pass, and I will do it; I will not go back, neither will I spare, neither will I repent; according to thy ways, and according to thy doings, shall they judge thee, saith the Lord GOD.

the Lord: Numbers 23:19, 1 Samuel 15:29, Psalms 33:9, Isaiah 55:11, Jeremiah 23:20, Matthew 24:35
neither will I spare: Ezekiel 5:11, Ezekiel 7:4, Ezekiel 7:9, Ezekiel 8:18, Ezekiel 9:10, Jeremiah 13:14
according to thy ways: Ezekiel 16:43, Ezekiel 18:30, Ezekiel 22:31, Ezekiel 23:24, Ezekiel 23:29, Isaiah 3:11, Jeremiah 4:18, Matthew 16:27, Romans 2:5, Romans 2:6
Reciprocal: Leviticus 26:23 - General Numbers 11:23 - thou shalt Deuteronomy 29:20 - will not spare 2 Kings 25:21 - So Judah Ezra 9:13 - after all Proverbs 15:10 - and he Proverbs 15:32 - instruction Isaiah 10:3 - And what Isaiah 30:14 - he shall not Jeremiah 1:16 - And I Jeremiah 4:28 - because Ezekiel 9:5 - Go Ezekiel 17:24 - I the Lord have spoken Ezekiel 22:14 - I the Ezekiel 36:36 - I the Lord have Zechariah 8:14 - I repented


Also the word of the LORD came unto me, saying,


Son of man, behold, I take away from thee the desire of thine eyes with a stroke: yet neither shalt thou mourn nor weep, neither shall thy tears run down.

the desire: Ezekiel 24:18, Ezekiel 24:21, Ezekiel 24:25, Proverbs 5:19, Song of Solomon 7:10
with a: Job 36:18
yet: Ezekiel 24:21-24, Leviticus 10:2, Leviticus 10:3, Jeremiah 22:10, Jeremiah 22:18, 1 Thessalonians 4:13
thy tears: Jeremiah 9:1, Jeremiah 9:18, Jeremiah 13:17, Lamentations 2:18
run: Heb. go
Reciprocal: Genesis 3:6 - pleasant Genesis 23:2 - mourn Leviticus 10:6 - Uncover Leviticus 21:4 - General Numbers 6:6 - he shall come 2 Kings 4:20 - and then died 2 Chronicles 13:20 - Lord Jeremiah 16:5 - Enter Ezekiel 7:11 - neither Ezekiel 24:22 - General Daniel 9:23 - greatly beloved Daniel 11:37 - the desire Luke 8:42 - and she


Forbear to cry, make no mourning for the dead, bind the tire of thine head upon thee, and put on thy shoes upon thy feet, and cover not thy lips, and eat not the bread of men.

Forbear to cry: Heb. Be silent, Psalms 37:7, *marg. Psalms 39:9, Psalms 46:10, Amos 8:3, Habakkuk 2:20
make: Jeremiah 16:4-7
bind: Ezekiel 24:23, Leviticus 10:6, Leviticus 21:10
put: 2 Samuel 15:30
cover: Ezekiel 24:22, Leviticus 13:45, Micah 3:7
lips: Heb. upper lip, and so Ezekiel 24:22
eat: Hosea 9:4
the bread of men: Lechem anoshim not "the bread of mourners," as some render, but "the bread of other men," i.e., such as was commonly sent to mourners on such occasions by their friends. Jeremiah 16:7
Reciprocal: Exodus 33:4 - and no Leviticus 21:4 - General Deuteronomy 26:14 - the dead 2 Samuel 3:35 - cause 2 Kings 9:30 - tired Isaiah 20:2 - put


So I spake unto the people in the morning: and at even my wife died; and I did in the morning as I was commanded.

and at: 1 Corinthians 7:29, 1 Corinthians 7:30
Reciprocal: Ezekiel 12:7 - I did so Ezekiel 24:16 - the desire


And the people said unto me, Wilt thou not tell us what these things are to us, that thou doest so?

Ezekiel 12:9, Ezekiel 17:12, Ezekiel 20:49, Ezekiel 21:7, Ezekiel 37:18, Malachi 3:7, Malachi 3:8, Malachi 3:13
Reciprocal: Jeremiah 13:12 - and they shall John 13:12 - Know Acts 21:11 - he took


Then I answered them, The word of the LORD came unto me, saying,


Speak unto the house of Israel, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I will profane my sanctuary, the excellency of your strength, the desire of your eyes, and that which your soul pitieth; and your sons and your daughters whom ye have left shall fall by the sword.

I will: Ezekiel 7:20-22, Ezekiel 9:7, Psalms 74:7, Psalms 79:1, Isaiah 65:11, Jeremiah 7:14, Lamentations 1:10, Lamentations 2:6, Lamentations 2:7, Daniel 11:31, Acts 6:13, Acts 6:14
the excellency: Psalms 96:6, Psalms 105:4, Psalms 132:8
the desire: Ezekiel 24:16, Psalms 27:4, Psalms 84:1
that which your soul pitieth: Heb. the pity of your soul, your sons. Ezekiel 23:25, Ezekiel 23:47, Jeremiah 6:11, Jeremiah 9:21, Jeremiah 16:3, Jeremiah 16:4
Reciprocal: Genesis 3:6 - pleasant Leviticus 26:31 - and bring 1 Kings 9:7 - this house Isaiah 47:6 - I have polluted Isaiah 64:11 - holy Jeremiah 12:7 - I have given Jeremiah 14:21 - disgrace Jeremiah 15:7 - children Jeremiah 25:27 - because Jeremiah 51:51 - for strangers Jeremiah 52:13 - burned Lamentations 1:6 - all Lamentations 2:1 - the beauty Ezekiel 16:40 - and thrust Ezekiel 24:25 - their strength Ezekiel 33:28 - and the pomp Hosea 9:16 - the beloved fruit Amos 6:8 - the excellency Amos 6:10 - Hold Zephaniah 3:11 - that rejoice Haggai 1:4 - and Zechariah 11:3 - for their Zechariah 11:10 - Beauty Matthew 12:5 - profane


And ye shall do as I have done: ye shall not cover your lips, nor eat the bread of men.

Ezekiel 24:16, Ezekiel 24:17, Job 27:15, Psalms 78:64, Jeremiah 16:4-7, Jeremiah 47:3, Amos 6:9, Amos 6:10
Reciprocal: Leviticus 13:45 - put 2 Samuel 3:35 - cause Isaiah 30:20 - the bread Daniel 11:31 - they shall pollute Hosea 9:4 - as Micah 3:7 - cover


And your tires shall be upon your heads, and your shoes upon your feet: ye shall not mourn nor weep; but ye shall pine away for your iniquities, and mourn one toward another.

but: Ezekiel 4:17, Ezekiel 33:10, Leviticus 26:39
and mourn: Isaiah 59:11
Reciprocal: Exodus 33:4 - and no 2 Samuel 15:30 - barefoot Psalms 78:64 - widows Isaiah 20:2 - put Isaiah 30:20 - the bread Lamentations 4:9 - for Ezekiel 24:17 - bind


Thus Ezekiel is unto you a sign: according to all that he hath done shall ye do: and when this cometh, ye shall know that I am the Lord GOD.

Ezekiel: Ezekiel 4:3, Ezekiel 12:6, Ezekiel 12:11, Isaiah 8:18, Isaiah 20:3, Hosea 1:2-9, Hosea 3:1-4, Luke 11:29, Luke 11:30
when: 1 Samuel 10:2-7, Jeremiah 17:15, Luke 21:13, John 13:19, John 14:29, John 16:4
ye shall: Ezekiel 6:7, Ezekiel 7:9, Ezekiel 7:27, Ezekiel 17:24, Ezekiel 25:5, Ezekiel 25:7, Ezekiel 25:11, Ezekiel 25:14, Ezekiel 25:17
Reciprocal: Jeremiah 16:21 - I will this Ezekiel 20:42 - ye shall Ezekiel 20:44 - And ye shall Ezekiel 24:27 - shalt be Zechariah 3:8 - wondered at John 13:12 - Know


Also, thou son of man, shall it not be in the day when I take from them their strength, the joy of their glory, the desire of their eyes, and that whereupon they set their minds, their sons and their daughters,

their strength: Ezekiel 24:21, Psalms 48:2, Psalms 50:2, Psalms 122:1-9, Jeremiah 7:4
that whereupon they set their minds: Heb. the lifting up of their soul
their sons: Deuteronomy 28:32, Jeremiah 11:22, Jeremiah 52:10
Reciprocal: Genesis 3:6 - pleasant 1 Chronicles 16:29 - the beauty Isaiah 64:11 - holy Jeremiah 15:7 - children Lamentations 1:6 - all Lamentations 2:4 - that were pleasant to the eye Ezekiel 24:16 - the desire Luke 8:42 - and she


That he that escapeth in that day shall come unto thee, to cause thee to hear it with thine ears?

Ezekiel 33:21, Ezekiel 33:22, 1 Samuel 4:12-18, Job 1:15-19
Reciprocal: Nehemiah 1:2 - that had escaped


In that day shall thy mouth be opened to him which is escaped, and thou shalt speak, and be no more dumb: and thou shalt be a sign unto them; and they shall know that I am the LORD.

thy: Ezekiel 3:26, Ezekiel 3:27, Ezekiel 29:21, Ezekiel 33:22, Exodus 6:11, Exodus 6:12, Psalms 51:15, Luke 21:15, Ephesians 6:19
shalt be: Ezekiel 24:24
Reciprocal: Nehemiah 1:2 - that had escaped Jeremiah 16:21 - I will this Ezekiel 6:7 - and ye Ezekiel 12:15 - General Ezekiel 33:21 - one Daniel 10:15 - I set Luke 1:20 - thou shalt