
Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them;

Remember: Ecclesiastes 11:10, Genesis 39:2, Genesis 39:8, Genesis 39:9, Genesis 39:23, 1 Samuel 1:28, 1 Samuel 2:18, 1 Samuel 2:26, 1 Samuel 3:19-21, 1 Samuel 16:7, 1 Samuel 16:12, 1 Samuel 16:13, 1 Samuel 17:36, 1 Samuel 17:37, 1 Kings 3:6-12, 1 Kings 14:13, 1 Kings 18:12, 2 Chronicles 34:2, 2 Chronicles 34:3, Psalms 22:9, Psalms 22:10, Psalms 34:11, Psalms 71:17, Psalms 71:18, Proverbs 8:17, Proverbs 22:6, Isaiah 26:8, Lamentations 3:27, Daniel 1:8, Daniel 1:9, Daniel 1:17, Luke 1:15, Luke 2:40-52, Luke 18:16, Ephesians 6:4, 2 Timothy 3:15
while: Ecclesiastes 11:8, Job 30:2, Psalms 90:10, Hosea 7:9
when: 2 Samuel 19:35
Reciprocal: Genesis 1:1 - God Genesis 5:1 - in the likeness Exodus 10:9 - We will go Exodus 16:21 - General Judges 8:34 - remembered 2 Samuel 19:37 - Let thy Job 35:10 - Where Psalms 41:1 - time of trouble Psalms 71:5 - my trust Psalms 71:9 - when Psalms 95:6 - our Psalms 100:3 - it is he Psalms 119:9 - shall Proverbs 1:4 - to the Ecclesiastes 8:6 - therefore Ecclesiastes 11:9 - in thy youth Jeremiah 13:16 - before Matthew 20:2 - he sent Ephesians 5:16 - the days Ephesians 6:13 - in the Titus 2:6 - Young


While the sun, or the light, or the moon, or the stars, be not darkened, nor the clouds return after the rain:

the sun: Ecclesiastes 11:7, Ecclesiastes 11:8, Genesis 27:1, Genesis 48:10, 1 Samuel 3:2, 1 Samuel 4:15, 1 Samuel 4:18
nor: Psalms 42:7, Psalms 71:20, Psalms 77:16
Reciprocal: Psalms 90:10 - yet Ecclesiastes 12:3 - and those Jeremiah 13:16 - before Jeremiah 25:10 - the sound


In the day when the keepers of the house shall tremble, and the strong men shall bow themselves, and the grinders cease because they are few, and those that look out of the windows be darkened,

strong: 2 Samuel 21:15-17, Psalms 90:9, Psalms 90:10, Psalms 102:23, Zechariah 8:4
and those: Ecclesiastes 12:2
Reciprocal: Genesis 27:1 - dim 1 Samuel 3:2 - his eyes 1 Kings 14:4 - for his eyes Luke 16:9 - when


And the doors shall be shut in the streets, when the sound of the grinding is low, and he shall rise up at the voice of the bird, and all the daughters of musick shall be brought low;

all: 2 Samuel 19:35
Reciprocal: Job 41:14 - the


Also when they shall be afraid of that which is high, and fears shall be in the way, and the almond tree shall flourish, and the grasshopper shall be a burden, and desire shall fail: because man goeth to his long home, and the mourners go about the streets:

the almond: Genesis 42:38, Genesis 44:29, Genesis 44:31, Leviticus 19:32, Job 15:10, Psalms 71:18, Proverbs 16:31, Proverbs 20:29, Isaiah 46:4, Jeremiah 1:11
because: Ecclesiastes 9:10, Job 17:13, Job 30:23, Psalms 49:10-14, Hebrews 9:27
the mourners: Genesis 50:3-10, Jeremiah 9:17-20, Mark 5:38, Mark 5:39
Reciprocal: Genesis 5:5 - and he died Genesis 23:4 - burying place Genesis 23:19 - General Genesis 35:29 - Isaac Genesis 50:5 - bury me Genesis 50:24 - I die Exodus 37:20 - almonds Joshua 23:14 - I am going 2 Chronicles 35:25 - all the singing Job 3:19 - The small Job 14:12 - So man Job 16:22 - whence Isaiah 14:18 - house Zechariah 1:5 - General


Or ever the silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern.

Reciprocal: Leviticus 17:11 - the life


Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.

dust: Ecclesiastes 3:20, Genesis 3:19, Genesis 18:27, Job 4:19, Job 4:20, Job 7:21, Job 20:11, Job 34:14, Job 34:15, Psalms 90:3, Psalms 146:4, Daniel 12:2
the spirit: Ecclesiastes 3:21
God: Genesis 2:7, Numbers 16:22, Numbers 27:16, Isaiah 57:16, Jeremiah 38:16, Zechariah 12:1, Hebrews 12:9, Hebrews 12:23
Reciprocal: Genesis 5:5 - and he died Genesis 15:15 - And thou Genesis 23:4 - burying place Genesis 23:19 - General Genesis 49:33 - and yielded Genesis 50:5 - bury me Genesis 50:24 - I die Job 1:21 - Naked came Job 3:19 - The small Job 10:9 - into dust again Job 21:33 - every man Job 26:4 - whose spirit Psalms 49:14 - they Psalms 49:19 - He Psalms 89:48 - What Psalms 103:14 - we are dust Psalms 104:29 - thou takest Ecclesiastes 6:6 - do Ecclesiastes 9:3 - after Isaiah 57:2 - He shall Zechariah 1:5 - General Malachi 2:15 - the spirit Luke 24:39 - for 1 Corinthians 7:29 - that both Hebrews 9:27 - as James 2:26 - as


Vanity of vanities, saith the preacher; all is vanity.

Ecclesiastes 1:2, Ecclesiastes 1:14, Ecclesiastes 2:17, Ecclesiastes 4:4, Ecclesiastes 6:12, Ecclesiastes 8:8, Psalms 62:9
Reciprocal: Psalms 39:6 - surely Psalms 78:33 - years Psalms 119:96 - I have seen Psalms 144:4 - Man Proverbs 23:5 - that which Ecclesiastes 7:14 - set Ecclesiastes 7:27 - saith Jeremiah 2:13 - broken cisterns Matthew 13:45 - seeking 1 Corinthians 7:29 - that both 1 Timothy 2:7 - a preacher


And moreover, because the preacher was wise, he still taught the people knowledge; yea, he gave good heed, and sought out, and set in order many proverbs.

moreover, because the Preacher was wise: or, the more wise the Preacher was, etc
he still: 1 Kings 8:12-21, 1 Kings 10:8
he gave: 1 Kings 4:32, Proverbs 1:1, Proverbs 10:1, Proverbs 25:1
Reciprocal: 1 Kings 10:4 - Solomon's 2 Chronicles 17:7 - he sent 2 Chronicles 34:30 - he read Job 32:11 - whilst Proverbs 4:11 - taught Proverbs 10:21 - feed Proverbs 15:7 - lips Proverbs 19:2 - that the Proverbs 20:15 - but Ecclesiastes 9:1 - considered in my heart Matthew 13:52 - which Mark 10:1 - he taught Luke 1:3 - in Romans 12:7 - or he 1 Corinthians 3:10 - But let every Colossians 1:28 - teaching Titus 1:5 - set


The preacher sought to find out acceptable words: and that which was written was upright, even words of truth.

Preacher: Ecclesiastes 1:1, Ecclesiastes 1:12
acceptable words: Heb. words of delight, Proverbs 15:23, Proverbs 15:26, Proverbs 16:21-24, Proverbs 25:11, Proverbs 25:12, 1 Timothy 1:15
written: Proverbs 1:1-6, Proverbs 8:6-10, Proverbs 22:17-21, Luke 1:1-4, John 3:11, Colossians 1:5
Reciprocal: 1 Samuel 12:23 - I will teach 1 Kings 17:24 - the word 2 Chronicles 17:7 - he sent 2 Chronicles 34:30 - he read Job 6:25 - forcible Job 32:11 - whilst Proverbs 10:21 - feed Proverbs 10:32 - know Proverbs 15:7 - lips Ecclesiastes 9:1 - considered in my heart Luke 4:22 - the gracious


The words of the wise are as goads, and as nails fastened by the masters of assemblies, which are given from one shepherd.

as goads: Jeremiah 23:29, Matthew 3:7, Acts 2:37, 2 Corinthians 10:4, Hebrews 4:12
masters: John 3:10
given: Genesis 49:24, Psalms 23:1, Psalms 80:1, Isaiah 40:11, Ezekiel 34:23, John 10:14, Hebrews 13:20, 1 Peter 5:4
Reciprocal: Exodus 27:19 - all the pins thereof Exodus 38:20 - the pins 1 Chronicles 26:15 - Asuppim Ezra 9:8 - a nail Job 6:25 - forcible Proverbs 1:6 - the words Isaiah 22:23 - I will Ezekiel 37:24 - one Luke 4:22 - the gracious John 10:2 - the shepherd John 10:16 - one shepherd


And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh.

by these: Luke 16:29-31, John 5:39, John 20:31, John 21:25, 2 Peter 1:19-21
study: or, reading
weariness: Ecclesiastes 1:18
Reciprocal: Ecclesiastes 1:13 - this sore Ecclesiastes 7:16 - neither


Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.

Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: or, The end of the matter, even all that hath been heard is
Fear: Ecclesiastes 5:7, Ecclesiastes 8:12, Genesis 22:12, Deuteronomy 6:2, Deuteronomy 10:12, Psalms 111:10, Psalms 112:1, Psalms 145:19, Psalms 147:11, Proverbs 1:7, Proverbs 23:17, 1 Peter 2:17, Revelation 19:5
for: Ecclesiastes 2:3, Ecclesiastes 6:12, Job 28:28, Psalms 115:13-15, Proverbs 19:23, Luke 1:50
Reciprocal: Exodus 1:17 - feared God Exodus 18:21 - such as Deuteronomy 4:2 - General Deuteronomy 4:10 - fear me 1 Kings 2:2 - and show 2 Kings 4:1 - thy servant did fear Nehemiah 5:15 - because Psalms 25:12 - What Psalms 34:12 - that he Psalms 36:1 - no Psalms 39:6 - surely Psalms 78:33 - years Proverbs 3:7 - fear Proverbs 9:10 - The fear Proverbs 14:2 - that walketh Proverbs 19:16 - keepeth the Proverbs 31:30 - she Ecclesiastes 1:18 - For in Ecclesiastes 7:14 - set Ecclesiastes 7:18 - for Isaiah 50:10 - is among Micah 6:8 - to do Haggai 1:12 - fear Matthew 13:45 - seeking Luke 10:42 - one Acts 10:35 - feareth 1 Corinthians 7:29 - that both Colossians 3:22 - fearing Revelation 11:18 - and them Revelation 14:7 - Fear


For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.

Ecclesiastes 11:9, Psalms 96:13, Matthew 12:36, Matthew 25:31-46, Luke 12:1, Luke 12:2, John 5:29, Acts 17:30, Acts 17:31, Romans 2:16, Romans 14:10-12, 1 Corinthians 4:5, 2 Corinthians 5:10, Revelation 20:11-15
Reciprocal: Judges 11:27 - the Judge 1 Samuel 2:10 - judge 2 Samuel 12:12 - secretly Nehemiah 5:15 - because Job 22:4 - will he enter Psalms 44:21 - knoweth Psalms 50:21 - set Psalms 78:33 - years Psalms 90:8 - our Psalms 139:3 - and art acquainted Proverbs 23:17 - be thou Ecclesiastes 3:17 - God Jeremiah 32:19 - to give Ezekiel 18:30 - I will Ezekiel 33:20 - I will Mark 4:22 - General Luke 8:17 - nothing Luke 16:2 - give John 5:22 - General Acts 24:25 - judgment Romans 2:5 - revelation 1 Corinthians 7:29 - that both Ephesians 5:12 - in Hebrews 4:13 - with Hebrews 6:2 - eternal Hebrews 9:27 - but 1 Peter 4:5 - that Revelation 14:7 - Fear Revelation 20:12 - according