
The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD, as the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will.

The king's: Proverbs 16:1, Proverbs 16:9, Proverbs 20:24, Ezra 7:27, Ezra 7:28, Nehemiah 1:11, Nehemiah 2:4, Psalms 105:25, Psalms 106:46, Daniel 4:35, Acts 7:10
as: Psalms 74:15, Psalms 93:4, Psalms 114:3, Psalms 114:5, Isaiah 43:19, Isaiah 44:27, Revelation 16:4, Revelation 16:12
Reciprocal: Genesis 12:18 - General Genesis 12:20 - General Genesis 20:6 - withheld Genesis 33:4 - embraced Genesis 43:14 - And God Genesis 47:6 - is Exodus 2:5 - when she Exodus 2:6 - she had compassion 1 Samuel 19:23 - until he came 2 Kings 7:7 - they arose 2 Kings 8:6 - Restore all 2 Kings 25:27 - king of Babylon 2 Chronicles 18:31 - God moved them 2 Chronicles 33:13 - brought him Ezra 1:1 - the Lord Ezra 5:14 - the king Ezra 6:6 - be ye far Ezra 6:22 - turned Nehemiah 2:8 - the king Esther 4:8 - request Esther 5:2 - she Psalms 105:19 - his word Proverbs 19:21 - nevertheless Proverbs 29:26 - ruler's favour Jeremiah 15:11 - cause the enemy to entreat thee Jeremiah 25:9 - I Jeremiah 37:21 - and that Jeremiah 38:10 - the king Jeremiah 39:12 - do him Jeremiah 40:5 - or go Jeremiah 52:31 - king of Babylon Ezekiel 21:21 - the king Mark 14:15 - he will Mark 15:26 - the superscription Acts 7:23 - it came Philippians 2:13 - to will Revelation 17:17 - put


Every way of a man is right in his own eyes: but the LORD pondereth the hearts.

right: Proverbs 16:2, Proverbs 16:25, Proverbs 20:6, Proverbs 30:12, Psalms 36:2, Luke 18:11, Luke 18:12, Galatians 6:3, James 1:22
the Lord: Proverbs 24:12, 1 Samuel 16:7, Jeremiah 17:10, Luke 16:15, John 2:24, John 2:25, Revelation 2:23
Reciprocal: Deuteronomy 12:8 - every man 1 Chronicles 29:17 - triest the heart Matthew 18:35 - from Mark 14:15 - he will 1 Corinthians 4:4 - yet 2 Corinthians 10:18 - not


To do justice and judgment is more acceptable to the LORD than sacrifice.

Proverbs 15:8, 1 Samuel 15:22, Psalms 50:8, Isaiah 1:11-17, Jeremiah 7:21-23, Hosea 6:6, Micah 6:6-8, Mark 12:33
Reciprocal: Exodus 32:29 - Moses Judges 20:8 - We will not 1 Samuel 13:9 - he offered 1 Samuel 20:24 - the king 2 Chronicles 9:8 - to do judgment Jeremiah 22:15 - and do Ezekiel 18:5 - that Ezekiel 45:10 - General Hosea 12:6 - keep Amos 5:24 - let Micah 6:8 - to do Zechariah 7:9 - saying Zechariah 14:20 - shall there Matthew 9:13 - I will Matthew 23:23 - the weightier Luke 11:42 - and pass Ephesians 5:10 - acceptable


An high look, and a proud heart, and the plowing of the wicked, is sin.

An high look: Heb. Haughtiness of eyes, Proverbs 6:17, Proverbs 8:13, Proverbs 30:13, Psalms 10:4, Isaiah 2:11, Isaiah 2:17, Isaiah 3:16, Luke 18:14, 1 Peter 5:5
and the: Proverbs 21:27, Proverbs 15:8, Romans 14:23
plowing of the wicked: or, light of the wicked
Reciprocal: Leviticus 11:34 - General 2 Samuel 22:28 - but thine Proverbs 15:9 - The way Ezekiel 16:49 - pride Haggai 2:14 - So is this people Zechariah 14:20 - shall there Luke 21:34 - your hearts Titus 1:15 - but


The thoughts of the diligent tend only to plenteousness; but of every one that is hasty only to want.

thoughts: Proverbs 10:4, Proverbs 13:4, Proverbs 27:23-27, Ephesians 4:28, 1 Thessalonians 4:11, 1 Thessalonians 4:12
of every: Proverbs 14:29, Proverbs 20:21, Proverbs 28:22
Reciprocal: Proverbs 19:2 - and Proverbs 29:20 - words


The getting of treasures by a lying tongue is a vanity tossed to and fro of them that seek death.

getting: Proverbs 10:2, Proverbs 13:11, Proverbs 20:14, Proverbs 20:21, Proverbs 22:8, Proverbs 30:8, Jeremiah 17:11, 1 Timothy 6:9, 1 Timothy 6:10, Titus 1:11, 2 Peter 2:3
seek: Proverbs 8:36, Ezekiel 18:31
Reciprocal: Psalms 10:7 - vanity Proverbs 4:7 - with Proverbs 16:8 - great Isaiah 10:14 - And my Micah 6:10 - the treasures Ephesians 4:25 - putting


The robbery of the wicked shall destroy them; because they refuse to do judgment.

robbery: Proverbs 1:18, Proverbs 1:19, Proverbs 10:6, Proverbs 22:22, Proverbs 22:23, Psalms 7:16, Psalms 9:16, Isaiah 1:23, Isaiah 1:24, Jeremiah 7:9-11, Jeremiah 7:15, Ezekiel 22:13, Ezekiel 22:14, Micah 3:9-12
destroy them: Heb. saw them, or, dwell with them, Zechariah 5:3, Zechariah 5:4
because: Proverbs 21:21, Ezekiel 18:18, Ephesians 5:6
Reciprocal: Proverbs 11:3 - the perverseness Proverbs 16:8 - great Isaiah 10:14 - And my


The way of man is froward and strange: but as for the pure, his work is right.

way: Genesis 6:5, Genesis 6:6, Genesis 6:12, Job 15:14-16, Psalms 14:2, Psalms 14:3, Ecclesiastes 7:29, Ecclesiastes 9:3, 1 Corinthians 3:3, Ephesians 2:2, Ephesians 2:3, Titus 3:3
but: Proverbs 15:26, Proverbs 30:12, Daniel 12:10, Matthew 5:8, Matthew 12:33, Acts 15:9, Titus 1:15, Titus 2:14, Titus 3:5, 1 Peter 1:22, 1 Peter 1:23, 1 John 2:29, 1 John 3:3
Reciprocal: Proverbs 6:14 - Frowardness Proverbs 15:9 - The way Proverbs 20:11 - General Isaiah 55:8 - General


It is better to dwell in a corner of the housetop, than with a brawling woman in a wide house.

better: Proverbs 21:19, Proverbs 12:4, Proverbs 19:13, Proverbs 25:24, Proverbs 27:15, Proverbs 27:16
brawling woman in a wide house: Heb. woman of contentions in a house of society, Proverbs 15:17, Proverbs 17:1
Reciprocal: Proverbs 9:13 - General Proverbs 14:1 - the foolish Proverbs 30:23 - an odious Matthew 19:10 - General


The soul of the wicked desireth evil: his neighbour findeth no favour in his eyes.

soul: Proverbs 3:29, Proverbs 12:12, Psalms 36:4, Psalms 52:2, Psalms 52:3, Mark 7:21, Mark 7:22, 1 Corinthians 10:6, James 4:1-5, 1 John 2:16
findeth no favour: Heb. is not favoured, Proverbs 21:13, 1 Samuel 25:8-11, Psalms 112:5, Psalms 112:9, Isaiah 32:6-8, Micah 3:2, Micah 3:3, James 2:13, James 5:4-6
Reciprocal: James 4:5 - The spirit


When the scorner is punished, the simple is made wise: and when the wise is instructed, he receiveth knowledge.

the scorner: Proverbs 19:25, Numbers 16:34, Deuteronomy 13:11, Deuteronomy 21:21, Psalms 64:7-9, Acts 5:5, Acts 5:11-14, 1 Corinthians 10:6-11, Hebrews 2:1-3, Hebrews 10:28, Hebrews 10:29, Revelation 11:13
when the wise: Proverbs 1:5, Proverbs 9:9, Proverbs 15:14, Proverbs 18:1, Proverbs 18:15
Reciprocal: Deuteronomy 17:12 - thou shalt Deuteronomy 19:20 - General Proverbs 1:22 - the scorners


The righteous man wisely considereth the house of the wicked: but God overthroweth the wicked for their wickedness.

wisely: Job 5:3, Job 8:15, Job 18:14-21, Job 21:28-30, Job 27:13-23, Psalms 37:35, Psalms 37:36, Psalms 52:5, Psalms 107:43, Hosea 14:9, Habakkuk 2:9-12
overthroweth: Proverbs 11:3-5, Proverbs 13:6, Proverbs 14:32, Genesis 19:29, Amos 4:11, 1 Corinthians 10:5, 2 Peter 2:4-9, 2 Peter 3:6, 2 Peter 3:7
Reciprocal: Deuteronomy 9:27 - look not 1 Kings 1:52 - wickedness Proverbs 3:33 - curse Proverbs 14:11 - house Proverbs 21:15 - destruction


Whoso stoppeth his ears at the cry of the poor, he also shall cry himself, but shall not be heard.

stoppeth: Psalms 58:4, Zechariah 7:11, Acts 7:57
at: Proverbs 28:27, Deuteronomy 15:7-11, Nehemiah 5:1-5, Nehemiah 5:13, Isaiah 1:15-17, Isaiah 58:6-9, Jeremiah 34:16, Jeremiah 34:17, Zechariah 7:9-13, Matthew 6:14, Matthew 7:2, Matthew 18:30-35, Matthew 25:41-46, James 2:13-16
cry himself: Proverbs 1:28, Psalms 18:41, Luke 13:25
Reciprocal: Genesis 42:21 - we saw Exodus 11:6 - General Exodus 12:30 - and there was a great cry Leviticus 25:14 - General Deuteronomy 15:9 - he cry Judges 9:7 - Hearken 1 Samuel 8:18 - will not hear Job 29:12 - I delivered Psalms 66:18 - If I regard Proverbs 19:7 - he Proverbs 21:10 - findeth no favour Proverbs 22:9 - He that hath a bountiful eye Proverbs 28:9 - turneth Proverbs 29:7 - but Isaiah 5:7 - a cry Ezekiel 16:49 - neither Zechariah 7:13 - so Matthew 18:35 - do Matthew 25:45 - Inasmuch Luke 10:31 - he passed John 9:31 - we know James 4:3 - and


A gift in secret pacifieth anger: and a reward in the bosom strong wrath.

gift: Proverbs 17:8, Proverbs 17:23, Proverbs 18:16, Proverbs 19:6, Genesis 32:20, Genesis 43:11, 1 Samuel 25:35
in secret: Matthew 6:3, Matthew 6:4
Reciprocal: Genesis 21:27 - took Genesis 32:13 - a present Judges 3:15 - sent a present 1 Samuel 25:18 - took two


It is joy to the just to do judgment: but destruction shall be to the workers of iniquity.

joy: Job 29:12-17, Psalms 40:8, Psalms 112:1, Psalms 119:16, Psalms 119:92, Ecclesiastes 3:12, Isaiah 64:5, John 4:34, Romans 7:22
destruction: Proverbs 21:12, Proverbs 5:20, Proverbs 10:29, Matthew 7:23, Matthew 13:41, Matthew 13:42, Luke 13:27, Luke 13:28
Reciprocal: Job 31:3 - destruction


The man that wandereth out of the way of understanding shall remain in the congregation of the dead.

wandereth: Proverbs 13:20, Psalms 125:5, Zephaniah 1:6, John 3:19, John 3:20, Hebrews 6:4-6, Hebrews 10:26, Hebrews 10:27, Hebrews 10:38, 2 Peter 2:21, 2 Peter 2:22, 1 John 2:19
remain: Proverbs 2:18, Proverbs 2:19, Proverbs 7:26, Proverbs 7:27, Proverbs 9:18, Ephesians 2:1, Jude 1:12
Reciprocal: Genesis 3:19 - and Psalms 119:10 - O let me Proverbs 2:13 - leave Proverbs 27:8 - man Ezekiel 18:24 - in his 1 John 3:14 - that loveth


He that loveth pleasure shall be a poor man: he that loveth wine and oil shall not be rich.

loveth: Proverbs 21:20, Proverbs 5:10, Proverbs 5:11, Proverbs 23:21, Luke 15:13-16, Luke 16:24, Luke 16:25, 1 Timothy 5:6, 2 Timothy 3:4
pleasure: Heb. sport
Reciprocal: Proverbs 29:3 - he


The wicked shall be a ransom for the righteous, and the transgressor for the upright.

wicked: Proverbs 11:8, Isaiah 43:3, Isaiah 43:4, Isaiah 53:4, Isaiah 53:5, Isaiah 55:8, Isaiah 55:9, 1 Peter 3:18
Reciprocal: Isaiah 51:23 - I will Daniel 3:22 - slew


It is better to dwell in the wilderness, than with a contentious and an angry woman.

better: Proverbs 21:9, Psalms 55:6, Psalms 55:7, Psalms 120:5, Psalms 120:6, Jeremiah 9:2
wilderness: Heb. land of the desert
Reciprocal: Proverbs 9:13 - General Proverbs 12:4 - she Proverbs 14:1 - the foolish Proverbs 15:17 - General Proverbs 17:1 - with Proverbs 19:13 - the contentions Proverbs 25:24 - General Proverbs 27:15 - A continual Proverbs 30:23 - an odious Matthew 19:10 - General


There is treasure to be desired and oil in the dwelling of the wise; but a foolish man spendeth it up.

treasure: Proverbs 10:22, Proverbs 15:6, Psalms 112:3, Ecclesiastes 5:19, Ecclesiastes 7:11, Ecclesiastes 10:19, Matthew 6:19, Matthew 6:20, Luke 6:45
oil: Psalms 23:5, Jeremiah 41:8, Matthew 25:3, Matthew 25:4
but: Matthew 25:3, Matthew 25:4, Matthew 25:8, Luke 15:14, Luke 16:1, Luke 16:19-25
Reciprocal: Proverbs 14:11 - the tabernacle Proverbs 21:17 - loveth Proverbs 24:4 - General Proverbs 28:10 - but Proverbs 29:3 - he Luke 15:13 - wasted


He that followeth after righteousness and mercy findeth life, righteousness, and honour.

that: Proverbs 15:9, Isaiah 51:1, Hosea 6:3, Matthew 5:6, Romans 14:19, Philippians 3:12, 1 Thessalonians 5:21, 1 Timothy 6:11, 2 Timothy 2:22, Hebrews 12:14
findeth: Proverbs 22:4, Romans 2:7-10, 1 Corinthians 15:58, 2 Timothy 4:7, 2 Timothy 4:8, 1 Peter 1:7
Reciprocal: Proverbs 21:7 - because Romans 9:30 - followed 1 Corinthians 14:1 - Follow 2 Corinthians 9:9 - his


A wise man scaleth the city of the mighty, and casteth down the strength of the confidence thereof.

2 Samuel 20:16-22, Ecclesiastes 7:19, Ecclesiastes 9:13-18
Reciprocal: Proverbs 24:5 - A wise Ecclesiastes 9:16 - Wisdom Daniel 2:23 - who hast


Whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue keepeth his soul from troubles.

Proverbs 10:19, Proverbs 12:13, Proverbs 13:3, Proverbs 17:27, Proverbs 17:28, Proverbs 18:21, James 1:26, James 3:2-13
Reciprocal: Psalms 39:1 - that I Proverbs 10:14 - the mouth Proverbs 19:16 - keepeth his James 1:19 - slow to speak


Proud and haughty scorner is his name, who dealeth in proud wrath.

haughty: Proverbs 6:17, Proverbs 16:18, Proverbs 18:12, Proverbs 19:29, Esther 3:5, Esther 3:6, Ecclesiastes 7:8, Ecclesiastes 7:9, Matthew 2:16
proud wrath: Heb. the wrath of pride
Reciprocal: 1 Samuel 20:30 - Saul's Proverbs 3:34 - he scorneth Proverbs 13:10 - Only Proverbs 13:16 - prudent Proverbs 14:3 - the mouth Proverbs 20:3 - but Proverbs 22:10 - General Proverbs 22:24 - General Proverbs 28:25 - that is Daniel 3:19 - was Nebuchadnezzar


The desire of the slothful killeth him; for his hands refuse to labour.

Proverbs 6:6-11, Proverbs 12:24, Proverbs 12:27, Proverbs 13:4, Proverbs 15:19, Proverbs 19:24, Proverbs 20:4, Proverbs 22:13, Proverbs 24:30-34, Proverbs 26:13, Proverbs 26:16, Matthew 25:26
Reciprocal: Joshua 7:3 - about two Proverbs 17:16 - seeing Ecclesiastes 10:18 - General Luke 13:24 - for Luke 16:3 - I cannot 2 Thessalonians 3:10 - that


He coveteth greedily all the day long: but the righteous giveth and spareth not.

coveteth: Acts 20:33-35, 1 Thessalonians 2:5-9
the righteous: Psalms 37:26, Psalms 112:9, Luke 6:30-36, Acts 20:35, 2 Corinthians 8:7-9, 2 Corinthians 9:9-14
Reciprocal: Proverbs 12:24 - but Proverbs 17:16 - seeing Luke 16:3 - I cannot James 1:26 - bridleth


The sacrifice of the wicked is abomination: how much more, when he bringeth it with a wicked mind?

sacrifice: Proverbs 15:8, Proverbs 28:9, 1 Samuel 13:12, 1 Samuel 13:13, 1 Samuel 15:21-23, Psalms 50:8-13, Isaiah 1:11-16, Isaiah 66:3, Jeremiah 6:20, Jeremiah 7:11, Jeremiah 7:12, Amos 5:21, Amos 5:22
with a wicked mind: Heb. in wickedness, Matthew 23:14
Reciprocal: Genesis 4:7 - be accepted Leviticus 11:34 - General 1 Samuel 13:9 - he offered 1 Samuel 20:24 - the king 2 Samuel 15:7 - pay 2 Samuel 15:12 - while he offered Psalms 51:16 - delightest Psalms 109:7 - and let Proverbs 7:14 - I have peace offerings with me Proverbs 21:4 - and the Ecclesiastes 5:1 - give Isaiah 1:13 - incense Isaiah 43:23 - honoured Isaiah 58:4 - ye fast Jeremiah 11:15 - to do Jeremiah 14:12 - and when Ezekiel 14:3 - should Ezekiel 20:3 - As I Ezekiel 20:39 - but Hosea 5:6 - go Hosea 8:13 - but Haggai 2:14 - So is this people Malachi 2:13 - insomuch 1 Timothy 2:8 - lifting Hebrews 11:4 - a more James 1:7 - General James 4:3 - and


A false witness shall perish: but the man that heareth speaketh constantly.

false witness: Heb. witness of lies, Proverbs 6:19, Proverbs 19:5, Proverbs 19:9, Proverbs 25:18, Exodus 23:1, Deuteronomy 19:16-19
the man: Proverbs 12:19, Acts 12:15, 2 Corinthians 1:17-20, 2 Corinthians 4:13, Titus 3:8
Reciprocal: 2 Samuel 16:3 - day Psalms 116:10 - therefore Proverbs 12:17 - but Proverbs 24:28 - not


A wicked man hardeneth his face: but as for the upright, he directeth his way.

hardeneth: Proverbs 28:14, Proverbs 29:1, Jeremiah 3:2, Jeremiah 3:3, Jeremiah 5:3, Jeremiah 8:12, Jeremiah 44:16, Jeremiah 44:17
he directeth: or, he considereth, Proverbs 11:5, Psalms 119:59, Ezekiel 18:28, Haggai 1:5, Haggai 1:7, Haggai 2:15, Haggai 2:18, Haggai 2:19, Luke 15:17, Luke 15:18, 1 Thessalonians 3:11
Reciprocal: Proverbs 11:20 - upright Jeremiah 36:25 - but Ezekiel 2:4 - impudent


There is no wisdom nor understanding nor counsel against the LORD.

Proverbs 19:21, Isaiah 7:5-7, Isaiah 8:9, Isaiah 8:10, Isaiah 14:27, Isaiah 46:10, Isaiah 46:11, Jeremiah 9:23, Jonah 1:13, Acts 4:27, Acts 4:28, Acts 5:39, 1 Peter 2:8
Reciprocal: Genesis 12:11 - a fair Exodus 1:10 - wisely Exodus 1:12 - But the more Numbers 23:27 - peradventure Joshua 2:2 - told the king Joshua 8:7 - for the Lord 1 Samuel 17:47 - saveth not 1 Samuel 19:10 - he slipped 1 Samuel 23:14 - but God 2 Samuel 3:6 - Abner 2 Samuel 11:9 - General 2 Samuel 16:20 - Give counsel 2 Samuel 17:14 - to defeat 1 Kings 2:15 - for it was 1 Kings 11:40 - Solomon sought 1 Kings 12:21 - an hundred 1 Kings 14:5 - the Lord 1 Kings 20:24 - Take the 1 Kings 22:30 - disguised himself 2 Kings 6:8 - took 2 Kings 9:24 - smote 2 Kings 11:2 - they hid him 2 Kings 18:20 - vain words 2 Chronicles 10:10 - Thus shalt 2 Chronicles 11:1 - an hundred 2 Chronicles 13:13 - an ambushment 2 Chronicles 22:11 - she slew him not Ezra 6:6 - be ye far Nehemiah 4:15 - God Job 5:12 - disappointeth Psalms 2:2 - Lord Psalms 33:10 - The Lord Psalms 83:5 - For Psalms 127:1 - The Lord Proverbs 16:9 - General Ecclesiastes 3:14 - nothing Ecclesiastes 9:11 - but Isaiah 7:7 - General Isaiah 14:6 - and none Isaiah 14:24 - Surely Isaiah 19:3 - and I Isaiah 36:5 - vain words Isaiah 37:34 - General Isaiah 43:13 - I will work Isaiah 45:9 - unto him Jeremiah 19:7 - I will make Jeremiah 23:20 - in the Jeremiah 27:22 - until Jeremiah 32:5 - though Jeremiah 36:23 - he cut Jeremiah 37:7 - Pharaoh's Jeremiah 48:30 - his lies shall not so effect it Jeremiah 51:12 - the standard Lamentations 3:37 - saith Ezekiel 28:12 - full Daniel 4:35 - none Daniel 11:15 - shall not Nahum 1:9 - do Habakkuk 2:13 - is it Zechariah 6:1 - and the Malachi 1:4 - They shall build Matthew 2:8 - go Matthew 26:5 - Not Matthew 27:65 - make Mark 14:2 - Not Acts 5:23 - The prison Acts 5:38 - for Acts 23:16 - when 2 Corinthians 13:8 - General


The horse is prepared against the day of battle: but safety is of the LORD.

horse: Psalms 20:7, Psalms 33:17, Psalms 33:18, Psalms 147:10, Ecclesiastes 9:11, Isaiah 31:1
but: Psalms 3:3, Psalms 3:8, Psalms 68:20
safety: or, victory, Psalms 144:10, *marg.
Reciprocal: Exodus 15:19 - horse Joshua 8:7 - for the Lord 1 Samuel 17:47 - saveth not 2 Samuel 8:6 - the Lord 2 Samuel 23:12 - the Lord 1 Kings 12:21 - an hundred 2 Kings 5:1 - by him 2 Kings 18:20 - vain words 1 Chronicles 11:14 - deliverance 1 Chronicles 18:6 - Thus the Lord 2 Chronicles 11:1 - an hundred Job 39:21 - he goeth Psalms 127:1 - The Lord Isaiah 36:5 - vain words Isaiah 36:9 - and put Daniel 11:15 - shall not Zechariah 10:3 - as 1 Corinthians 15:57 - giveth