
O give thanks unto the LORD, for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.

am 3468, bc 536 - Title The author of this Psalm is unknown; but it was evidently written to commemorate the return of the Jews from the Babylonian captivity; and it may easily be perceived that it must have been sung in alternate parts, having a double burden, or two intercalary verses often recurring. Bp. Lowth considers it as written "after the method of the ancient pastorals, where, be the subject of their verse what it will, each swain endeavours to excel the other; and one may perceive their thoughts and expressions gradually to rise upon each other." "No doubt," he adds, "the composition of this Psalm is admirable throughout; and the descriptive part of it adds at least its share of beauty to the whole; but what is most to be admired is its conciseness, and withal the expressiveness of the diction, which strikes the imagination with illimitable elegance. The weary and bewildered traveller - the miserable captive in the dungeon - the sick and dying man - the seaman foundering in a storm - are described in so affecting a manner, that they far exceed anything of the kind, though never so much laboured."
Give: Psalms 106:1, Psalms 118:1, Psalms 136:1-26, 1 Chronicles 16:34, 1 Chronicles 16:41, 2 Chronicles 5:13, 2 Chronicles 7:3, 2 Chronicles 7:6, 2 Chronicles 20:21
good: Psalms 119:68, Matthew 19:17
for his mercy: Psalms 103:17, Luke 1:50
Reciprocal: Genesis 13:4 - called Genesis 19:16 - the Lord Genesis 24:21 - wondering at Ezra 3:11 - because Psalms 22:23 - all ye Psalms 25:6 - for they Psalms 52:1 - goodness Psalms 92:1 - good Psalms 100:5 - For the Psalms 106:47 - to give Psalms 122:4 - to give Psalms 135:3 - for the Lord Isaiah 24:16 - uttermost part Jeremiah 33:11 - Praise the


Let the redeemed of the LORD say so, whom he hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy;

Let the: Psalms 31:5, Psalms 130:8, Exodus 15:16, Deuteronomy 15:15, Isaiah 35:9, Isaiah 43:1, Isaiah 44:22, Luke 1:68, Luke 24:21, Galatians 3:13, Titus 2:14, 1 Peter 1:18, 1 Peter 1:19
from: Psalms 106:10, Deuteronomy 7:8, Jeremiah 15:21, Jeremiah 31:11, Micah 4:10, Luke 1:74
Reciprocal: Exodus 18:8 - how the Lord Deuteronomy 9:26 - which thou hast brought forth 2 Samuel 4:9 - who hath 1 Chronicles 17:21 - redeem Ezra 8:21 - to seek Job 6:23 - Redeem Psalms 22:23 - all ye Song of Solomon 8:5 - from the Isaiah 41:9 - whom Isaiah 56:8 - which Isaiah 62:12 - The redeemed Ezekiel 36:24 - General Hosea 7:13 - though Zechariah 8:7 - I 1 Timothy 4:10 - the saviour


And gathered them out of the lands, from the east, and from the west, from the north, and from the south.

gathered: Psalms 106:47, Isaiah 11:11-16, Isaiah 43:5, Isaiah 43:6, Isaiah 49:12, Jeremiah 29:14, Jeremiah 31:8, Jeremiah 31:10, Ezekiel 36:24, Ezekiel 39:27, Revelation 5:9
south: Heb. sea
Reciprocal: Isaiah 41:9 - whom Isaiah 56:8 - which Hosea 7:13 - though Zechariah 8:7 - I


They wandered in the wilderness in a solitary way; they found no city to dwell in.

wandered: Psalms 107:40, Genesis 21:14-16, Numbers 14:33, Deuteronomy 8:15, Deuteronomy 32:10, Job 12:24, Ezekiel 34:6, Ezekiel 34:12, Hebrews 11:38, Revelation 12:6
they found: This is the first similitude; in which the Israelites in captivity are compared to travellers in a dreary, uninhabited, and barren desert, spent with hunger and thirst, as well as by the fatigues of the journey.
Reciprocal: Genesis 21:17 - fear Job 5:24 - sin Psalms 107:7 - that they Ecclesiastes 10:15 - because Isaiah 49:11 - General


Hungry and thirsty, their soul fainted in them.

Judges 15:18, Judges 15:19, 1 Samuel 30:11, 1 Samuel 30:12, Isaiah 44:12, Jeremiah 14:18, Lamentations 2:19, Mark 8:2, Mark 8:3
Reciprocal: Deuteronomy 32:10 - found Isaiah 41:17 - I the Lord Acts 27:21 - after


Then they cried unto the LORD in their trouble, and he delivered them out of their distresses.

Then: Psalms 107:13, Psalms 107:19, Psalms 107:28, Psalms 50:15, Psalms 91:15, Isaiah 41:17, Isaiah 41:18, Jeremiah 29:12-14, Hosea 5:15, Hebrews 4:15, Hebrews 4:16
he delivered: 2 Corinthians 1:8-10, 2 Corinthians 12:8-10, 2 Timothy 3:11
Reciprocal: Genesis 32:7 - distressed Genesis 35:3 - who answered Exodus 14:10 - cried out Jonah 1:6 - arise Matthew 2:22 - being Acts 27:21 - after 1 Timothy 4:10 - the saviour


And he led them forth by the right way, that they might go to a city of habitation.

he led: Psalms 77:20, Psalms 78:52, Psalms 136:16, Ezra 8:21-23, Isaiah 30:21, Isaiah 35:8-10, Isaiah 48:17, Isaiah 49:8-11, Isaiah 63:13, Isaiah 63:14, Jeremiah 6:16, Jeremiah 31:9, 2 Peter 2:15, 2 Peter 2:21
that they: Psalms 107:4, Psalms 107:36, Nehemiah 11:3, Jeremiah 31:24, Jeremiah 31:38-40, Jeremiah 33:10-13, Hebrews 11:9, Hebrews 11:10, Hebrews 11:16, Hebrews 12:22, Revelation 21:2-4, 10-27
Reciprocal: Genesis 24:48 - led me Exodus 13:18 - led the Numbers 9:22 - abode Deuteronomy 26:9 - he hath Nehemiah 9:12 - in the way Psalms 25:5 - Lead Ecclesiastes 10:15 - because Isaiah 49:11 - General Jeremiah 2:17 - when he Matthew 2:22 - being


Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men!

Oh that men: Psalms 107:15, Psalms 107:21, Psalms 107:31, Psalms 81:13-16, Deuteronomy 5:29, Deuteronomy 32:29, Isaiah 48:18
praise: Psalms 34:3, Psalms 92:1, Psalms 92:2, Psalms 147:1, Isaiah 63:7
his wonderful: Psalms 40:5, Psalms 78:4, Psalms 111:4, Daniel 4:2, Daniel 4:3, Daniel 6:27
Reciprocal: Genesis 13:4 - called Genesis 24:21 - wondering at Genesis 35:3 - who answered Exodus 3:3 - General Exodus 15:1 - Then Leviticus 7:12 - a thanksgiving Deuteronomy 26:9 - he hath Job 36:24 - magnify Psalms 95:1 - Come Psalms 100:5 - For the Psalms 135:1 - Praise ye the Lord Isaiah 25:1 - thou hast Daniel 4:34 - I blessed Nahum 1:15 - perform Mark 8:8 - and were Luke 1:53 - filled Luke 2:20 - General Luke 18:43 - followed Acts 2:11 - wonderful Romans 11:33 - the depth


For he satisfieth the longing soul, and filleth the hungry soul with goodness.

Psalms 34:10, Psalms 132:15, Psalms 146:7, Isaiah 55:1-3, Jeremiah 31:14, Jeremiah 31:25, Matthew 5:6, Luke 1:53, Revelation 7:16, Revelation 7:17
Reciprocal: Deuteronomy 12:20 - I will Psalms 103:5 - satisfieth Psalms 145:16 - openest Matthew 15:37 - all Mark 8:8 - and were Luke 6:21 - for ye shall be Luke 9:17 - were


Such as sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, being bound in affliction and iron;

Such: Here begins the second comparison; in which the state of the captives in Babylon is illustrated by that of prisoners in a dreary dungeon.
as sit: Job 3:5, Isaiah 9:2, Matthew 4:16, Matthew 22:13, Luke 1:79
bound: Psalms 105:18, Exodus 2:23, Exodus 2:24, 2 Chronicles 33:11, Job 36:8, Job 36:9, Lamentations 3:6, Lamentations 3:7, Romans 6:20, Romans 6:21
Reciprocal: Judges 16:21 - bound him 2 Samuel 3:34 - hands 2 Kings 25:7 - bound him Job 36:13 - bindeth Job 38:17 - the shadow Psalms 31:9 - my soul Psalms 68:6 - God Psalms 69:33 - his prisoners Psalms 107:14 - brought Psalms 146:7 - looseth Isaiah 42:7 - to bring Isaiah 49:9 - to the Jeremiah 39:7 - chains Amos 5:8 - and turneth Micah 7:8 - when I sit Zechariah 9:11 - I have Luke 4:18 - to preach deliverance


Because they rebelled against the words of God, and contemned the counsel of the most High:

Because: Psalms 68:6, Psalms 68:18, Psalms 106:43, Isaiah 63:10, Isaiah 63:11, Lamentations 3:39-42, Lamentations 5:15-17
contemned: Psalms 73:24, Psalms 113:7-9, Psalms 119:24, 2 Chronicles 25:15, 2 Chronicles 25:16, 2 Chronicles 33:10, Proverbs 1:25, Proverbs 1:30, Proverbs 1:31, 1 Samuel 2:5-8, Isaiah 5:19, Jeremiah 44:16, Luke 7:30, Luke 16:14, Acts 20:27, Romans 1:28
Reciprocal: 1 Samuel 15:23 - rebellion 2 Samuel 3:34 - hands 2 Kings 25:7 - bound him Jeremiah 39:7 - chains Lamentations 1:18 - for I Revelation 3:18 - counsel


Therefore he brought down their heart with labour; they fell down, and there was none to help.

he brought: Exodus 2:23, Exodus 5:18, Exodus 5:19, Judges 10:16-18, Judges 16:21, Judges 16:30, Nehemiah 9:37, Isaiah 51:19, Isaiah 51:20, Isaiah 51:23, Isaiah 52:5, Lamentations 5:5, Lamentations 5:6, Luke 15:14-17
and there: Psalms 18:40, Psalms 18:41, Psalms 22:11, Psalms 142:4, 2 Kings 6:26, 2 Kings 6:27, 2 Kings 6:33, Job 9:13, Isaiah 63:5
Reciprocal: Jonah 1:6 - arise


Then they cried unto the LORD in their trouble, and he saved them out of their distresses.

Psalms 107:6, Psalms 107:19, Psalms 107:28, Psalms 18:6, Psalms 116:3-6, Exodus 3:7, Exodus 3:8, Judges 4:3, Judges 6:6-10, Judges 10:10-18, 2 Chronicles 33:12, 2 Chronicles 33:13, 2 Chronicles 33:18, 2 Chronicles 33:19, Jeremiah 31:18-20
Reciprocal: Exodus 14:10 - cried out Judges 3:9 - cried Judges 16:22 - the hair Psalms 118:5 - called Psalms 120:1 - my distress Jonah 1:6 - arise


He brought them out of darkness and the shadow of death, and brake their bands in sunder.

brought: Psalms 107:10, Psalms 68:6, Job 3:5, Job 10:21, Job 10:22, Job 15:22, Job 15:30, Job 19:8, Job 33:30, Job 42:10-12, Isaiah 42:16, Isaiah 49:9, Isaiah 60:1-3, Ephesians 5:8, 1 Peter 2:9
brake: Psalms 102:20, Psalms 105:19, Psalms 105:20, Psalms 116:16, Psalms 146:7, Job 36:8, Isaiah 61:1, Jeremiah 52:31-34, Zechariah 9:11, Zechariah 9:12, Acts 5:19, Acts 5:25, Acts 12:7-10, Acts 16:26-40
Reciprocal: Judges 16:22 - the hair Job 38:17 - the shadow Isaiah 9:2 - in the land Nahum 1:13 - will burst Luke 1:79 - and


Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men!

Psalms 107:8, Psalms 107:21, Psalms 107:31, Psalms 116:17-19
Reciprocal: Genesis 13:4 - called Genesis 24:21 - wondering at Exodus 15:1 - Then Numbers 31:50 - an oblation Deuteronomy 32:29 - O that Job 36:24 - magnify Psalms 66:2 - General Psalms 92:1 - good Psalms 95:1 - Come Psalms 100:5 - For the Psalms 135:1 - Praise ye the Lord Isaiah 63:7 - mention Daniel 4:34 - I blessed Nahum 1:15 - perform Luke 2:20 - General Luke 18:43 - followed Acts 2:11 - wonderful Romans 7:25 - thank God


For he hath broken the gates of brass, and cut the bars of iron in sunder.

Judges 16:3, Isaiah 45:1, Isaiah 45:2, Micah 2:13
Reciprocal: Isaiah 28:22 - lest Jeremiah 40:1 - bound Jeremiah 51:30 - her bars Nahum 3:13 - the gates Romans 7:25 - thank God


Fools because of their transgression, and because of their iniquities, are afflicted.

Fools: This is the third comparison; the captives being compared to persons in a dangerous malady, as the consequences of their own sins. Psalms 14:1, Psalms 92:6, Proverbs 1:22, Proverbs 7:7, Proverbs 7:22
because: Psalms 38:1-8, Numbers 11:33, Numbers 11:34, Numbers 12:10-13, Numbers 21:5-9, Isaiah 57:17, Isaiah 57:18, Jeremiah 2:19, Lamentations 3:39
Reciprocal: 2 Kings 18:12 - they obeyed not Job 5:2 - the foolish Job 33:20 - his life Psalms 30:2 - and Psalms 103:3 - healeth Isaiah 38:9 - writing Jeremiah 4:18 - Thy way Jeremiah 5:25 - General Micah 6:13 - I make Luke 5:20 - Man Luke 6:17 - to be


Their soul abhorreth all manner of meat; and they draw near unto the gates of death.

abhorreth: Job 33:19-22
and they: Psalms 9:13, Psalms 88:3, Isaiah 38:10
Reciprocal: Job 33:20 - his life Job 38:17 - the gates Jonah 1:6 - arise Micah 6:13 - I make Matthew 16:18 - and the Luke 5:20 - Man Philippians 2:27 - nigh


Then they cry unto the LORD in their trouble, and he saveth them out of their distresses.

Psalms 107:6, Psalms 107:13, Psalms 107:28, Psalms 30:8-12, Psalms 34:4-6, Psalms 78:34, Psalms 78:35, Psalms 116:4-8, Jeremiah 33:3
Reciprocal: Exodus 2:23 - cry Exodus 14:10 - cried out Judges 10:10 - cried Psalms 28:6 - General Psalms 50:15 - call Psalms 118:5 - called Mark 5:23 - besought Philippians 2:27 - but God


He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions.

He sent: Psalms 147:15, Psalms 147:19, 2 Kings 20:4, 2 Kings 20:5, Matthew 8:8
healed: Psalms 30:2, Psalms 30:3, Psalms 103:3, Psalms 103:4, Psalms 147:3, Numbers 21:8, Numbers 21:9, Job 33:23-26
delivered: Psalms 49:15, Psalms 56:13, Job 33:28-30
Reciprocal: Exodus 2:23 - cry Jeremiah 30:17 - For I Mark 5:29 - straightway Luke 5:25 - glorifying Luke 6:10 - Stretch Luke 7:7 - but Luke 13:12 - Woman Luke 13:13 - and immediately Luke 17:15 - General Luke 18:42 - Receive John 4:53 - at the John 5:14 - in the Acts 3:8 - praising


Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men!

Psalms 107:8, Psalms 107:15, Psalms 107:31, Psalms 66:5, 2 Chronicles 32:25, Luke 17:18
Reciprocal: Genesis 24:52 - worshipped Exodus 15:1 - Then Leviticus 7:12 - a thanksgiving Numbers 31:50 - an oblation 2 Chronicles 20:26 - blessed Psalms 50:14 - Offer Psalms 92:1 - good Psalms 95:1 - Come Psalms 100:2 - Serve Psalms 145:6 - I will declare thy greatness Psalms 147:7 - General Isaiah 63:7 - mention Amos 5:22 - peace offerings Nahum 1:15 - perform Malachi 3:3 - an Luke 2:20 - General Luke 8:38 - saying Luke 18:43 - followed Acts 2:11 - wonderful Acts 12:17 - declared Ephesians 5:4 - but Colossians 1:12 - Giving Hebrews 13:15 - the sacrifice


And let them sacrifice the sacrifices of thanksgiving, and declare his works with rejoicing.

sacrifice: Psalms 50:14, Psalms 116:12, Psalms 116:17, Leviticus 7:12, Hebrews 13:15, 1 Peter 2:5, 1 Peter 2:9
declare: Psalms 9:11, Psalms 73:28, Psalms 105:1, Psalms 105:2, Psalms 118:17, Isaiah 12:4
rejoicing: Heb. singing
Reciprocal: Genesis 24:52 - worshipped Exodus 15:1 - Then Leviticus 22:29 - General Numbers 31:50 - an oblation Deuteronomy 33:19 - they shall 2 Chronicles 20:26 - blessed Psalms 27:6 - therefore Psalms 51:17 - sacrifices Psalms 54:6 - freely Psalms 66:2 - General Psalms 92:1 - good Psalms 100:2 - Serve Psalms 100:5 - For the Psalms 145:6 - I will declare thy greatness Psalms 147:7 - General Jeremiah 17:26 - sacrifices of Jeremiah 33:11 - sacrifice Daniel 4:34 - I blessed Amos 5:22 - peace offerings Jonah 1:16 - offered Jonah 2:9 - I will sacrifice Nahum 1:15 - perform Malachi 3:3 - an Luke 8:38 - saying Luke 18:43 - followed Acts 12:17 - declared Ephesians 5:4 - but Colossians 1:12 - Giving Colossians 3:15 - and be Revelation 7:12 - thanksgiving


They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters;

They: This is the fourth comparison; their captivity was as dangerous and alarming as a dreadful tempest at sea; with a most natural and striking description of which we are here presented.
go down: Psalms 48:7, Ezekiel 27:26, Acts 27:9 - Acts 28:31, Revelation 18:17
Reciprocal: Psalms 104:26 - There go Isaiah 42:10 - ye that go Matthew 8:24 - there Mark 4:37 - great storm Luke 8:23 - came


These see the works of the LORD, and his wonders in the deep.

his wonders: Psalms 95:5, Psalms 104:24-27, Job 38:8-11
Reciprocal: Jonah 1:4 - the Lord


For he commandeth, and raiseth the stormy wind, which lifteth up the waves thereof.

he commandeth: Psalms 135:7, Psalms 148:8, Jonah 1:4
raiseth: Heb. maketh to stand
lifteth: Psalms 93:3, Matthew 8:24, John 6:18
Reciprocal: Exodus 10:13 - east wind Psalms 89:9 - General Psalms 147:15 - sendeth Ecclesiastes 1:6 - The wind Jeremiah 31:35 - when Jeremiah 51:15 - hath made Ezekiel 13:13 - a stormy Ezekiel 26:3 - as the sea Matthew 8:9 - Go Luke 8:24 - he arose John 3:8 - wind Acts 27:14 - a tempestuous Acts 27:20 - and no James 3:4 - are driven


They mount up to the heaven, they go down again to the depths: their soul is melted because of trouble.

their soul: Psalms 22:14, Psalms 119:28, 2 Samuel 17:10, Isaiah 13:7, Nahum 2:10
Reciprocal: Psalms 93:3 - the floods lift Jeremiah 49:23 - on the sea


They reel to and fro, and stagger like a drunken man, and are at their wits' end.

stagger: Job 12:25, Isaiah 19:14, Isaiah 29:9
are at their wit's end: Heb. all their wisdom is swallowed up, Job 37:20, Isaiah 19:3, *marg. Acts 27:15-20
Reciprocal: Isaiah 24:20 - reel Isaiah 28:7 - are swallowed Jeremiah 49:23 - on the sea Matthew 14:30 - Lord Acts 27:18 - being


Then they cry unto the LORD in their trouble, and he bringeth them out of their distresses.

Psalms 107:6, Psalms 107:13, Psalms 107:19, Jonah 1:5, Jonah 1:6, Jonah 1:14, Matthew 8:25, Acts 27:23-25
Reciprocal: Exodus 14:10 - cried out Judges 10:10 - cried Job 41:25 - by Psalms 50:15 - call Matthew 8:26 - and rebuked Mark 6:51 - and the Acts 27:44 - that


He maketh the storm a calm, so that the waves thereof are still.

Psalms 65:7, Psalms 89:9, Jonah 1:15, Matthew 8:26, Mark 4:39-41, Luke 8:23-25
Reciprocal: Ecclesiastes 1:6 - The wind Jonah 1:6 - arise Matthew 14:32 - come John 3:8 - wind


Then are they glad because they be quiet; so he bringeth them unto their desired haven.

he bringeth: John 6:21
Reciprocal: Matthew 14:32 - come Acts 27:12 - the haven


Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men!

Oh that men: Psalms 107:8, Psalms 107:15, Psalms 107:21, Psalms 103:2, Psalms 105:1, Hosea 2:8, Jonah 1:16, Jonah 2:9, Micah 6:4, Micah 6:5, Romans 1:20, Romans 1:21, 2 Timothy 3:2, Hebrews 13:15
his wonderful: Psalms 71:17, Psalms 72:18, Psalms 72:19, Psalms 77:11, Psalms 77:14, Psalms 105:2, Revelation 15:3
Reciprocal: Genesis 1:22 - General Psalms 104:24 - how Psalms 145:6 - I will declare thy greatness Isaiah 63:7 - mention Daniel 4:34 - I blessed Luke 8:38 - saying Luke 18:43 - followed


Let them exalt him also in the congregation of the people, and praise him in the assembly of the elders.

exalt: Psalms 18:46, Psalms 46:10, Psalms 99:5, Psalms 99:9, Exodus 15:2, Isaiah 12:4, Isaiah 25:1
in the congregation: Psalms 22:22, Psalms 22:25, Psalms 40:9, Psalms 40:10, Psalms 66:16, Psalms 111:1, Psalms 119:46, Acts 4:8-12
Reciprocal: Judges 5:10 - ye that sit Psalms 26:12 - in the Psalms 68:26 - Bless Psalms 109:30 - I will praise Psalms 145:6 - I will declare thy greatness Luke 8:38 - saying Luke 18:43 - followed


He turneth rivers into a wilderness, and the watersprings into dry ground;

turneth: 1 Kings 17:1-7, Isaiah 13:19-21, Isaiah 19:5-10, Isaiah 34:9, Isaiah 34:10, Isaiah 42:15, Isaiah 44:27, Isaiah 50:2, Ezekiel 30:12, Joel 1:20, Nahum 1:4, Zephaniah 2:9, Zephaniah 2:13
watersprings: 1 Kings 18:5, Jeremiah 14:3, Amos 4:7, Amos 4:8
Reciprocal: Judges 6:39 - dry 2 Kings 2:21 - there shall Isaiah 32:15 - the spirit Jeremiah 51:36 - and I will


A fruitful land into barrenness, for the wickedness of them that dwell therein.

a fruitful: Genesis 13:10, Genesis 13:13, Genesis 19:25, Deuteronomy 29:23-28, Isaiah 32:13-15
barrenness: Heb. saltness, Genesis 14:3, Ezekiel 47:11
Reciprocal: Genesis 6:17 - bring Genesis 12:10 - was a Genesis 19:28 - General Exodus 10:7 - that Egypt Leviticus 26:20 - for your land Judges 9:45 - beat Ruth 1:1 - a famine 2 Kings 8:1 - the Lord 2 Chronicles 7:13 - If I shut up heaven Job 39:6 - barren land Psalms 68:6 - the rebellious Proverbs 14:34 - but Isaiah 1:7 - country Isaiah 42:15 - General Jeremiah 4:26 - the fruitful Jeremiah 5:25 - General Jeremiah 9:12 - for Jeremiah 12:4 - the herbs Jeremiah 22:6 - surely Jeremiah 23:10 - the pleasant Ezekiel 12:19 - because Ezekiel 32:15 - destitute of that whereof Hosea 9:6 - nettles Joel 1:6 - my Micah 3:12 - Zion Haggai 1:6 - have Hebrews 6:8 - beareth


He turneth the wilderness into a standing water, and dry ground into watersprings.

turneth: Psalms 114:8, Numbers 21:16-18, 2 Kings 3:16-20, Isaiah 35:6, Isaiah 35:7, Isaiah 41:17-19, Isaiah 44:3-5, Ezekiel 47:6-12
Reciprocal: 2 Kings 3:17 - Ye shall not Job 38:26 - on the wilderness Psalms 66:12 - wealthy Psalms 104:10 - He sendeth Isaiah 30:23 - shall he Isaiah 41:18 - General Joel 2:22 - for the tree


And there he maketh the hungry to dwell, that they may prepare a city for habitation;

there he: Psalms 146:7, Luke 1:53
a city: Psalms 107:7, Acts 17:26
Reciprocal: Genesis 47:23 - here is seed Deuteronomy 28:3 - in the city


And sow the fields, and plant vineyards, which may yield fruits of increase.

sow: Isaiah 37:30, Jeremiah 29:5, Jeremiah 31:5, Ezekiel 28:26, Amos 9:13-15
which may: Psalms 65:9-13, Genesis 26:12, Joel 1:10-12, Haggai 1:5, Haggai 1:6, Haggai 1:10, Haggai 1:11, Haggai 2:16-19, Zechariah 8:12, Acts 14:17, 1 Corinthians 3:7, 2 Corinthians 9:10
Reciprocal: Genesis 47:23 - here is seed Deuteronomy 28:3 - in the city Psalms 144:13 - our garners


He blesseth them also, so that they are multiplied greatly; and suffereth not their cattle to decrease.

He blesseth: Psalms 128:1-6, Genesis 1:28, Genesis 9:1, Genesis 12:2, Genesis 17:16, Genesis 17:20, Exodus 1:7, Deuteronomy 28:4, Deuteronomy 28:11, Deuteronomy 30:9, Jeremiah 30:19, Ezekiel 37:26
suffereth: Psalms 144:13, Psalms 144:14, Genesis 30:43, Genesis 31:9, Exodus 9:3-7, Exodus 12:38, Deuteronomy 7:14, Proverbs 10:22
Reciprocal: Genesis 1:22 - General Genesis 8:17 - breed Genesis 24:35 - flocks Genesis 47:27 - grew Exodus 23:26 - shall nothing Leviticus 26:9 - make you Job 1:2 - seven sons Job 1:10 - thou hast blessed Job 12:23 - increaseth Job 42:12 - he had Isaiah 9:3 - hast multiplied


Again, they are minished and brought low through oppression, affliction, and sorrow.

Again: The incidents detailed in these verses, which frequently occur, and mark the superintendence of a benign Providence, and the hand of a just God, appear to be brought forward to illustrate the return of the Israelites from captivity, and the punishment of their oppressors the Babylonians. Wherefore, at last, as in a common chorus, they conclude with exhorting each other to a serious consideration of these things, and to make a proper return to the Almighty.
they are: Psalms 30:6, Psalms 30:7, Genesis 45:11, Ruth 1:20, Ruth 1:21, 1 Samuel 2:5-7, 2 Kings 4:8, 2 Kings 8:3, Job 1:10-17
oppression: Exodus 1:13, Exodus 1:14, Exodus 2:23, Exodus 2:24, Judges 6:3-6, 2 Kings 10:32, 2 Kings 13:7, 2 Kings 13:22, 2 Kings 14:26, 2 Chronicles 15:5, 2 Chronicles 15:6, Jeremiah 51:33, Jeremiah 51:34
Reciprocal: Isaiah 1:7 - country Isaiah 21:17 - the mighty Ezekiel 5:11 - will I Obadiah 1:2 - General


He poureth contempt upon princes, and causeth them to wander in the wilderness, where there is no way.

poureth: Job 12:21, Job 12:24, Isaiah 23:8, Isaiah 23:9
contempt: Psalms 78:66, Exodus 8:3, Exodus 8:17, Exodus 8:24, Joshua 10:24-26, Judges 1:6, Judges 1:7, Judges 4:21, 1 Samuel 5:9, 1 Samuel 6:4, 1 Kings 21:19, 2 Kings 9:35-37, Daniel 4:33, Daniel 5:5, Daniel 5:6, Daniel 5:18-30, Acts 12:23, Revelation 19:18
causeth: Psalms 107:4, Job 12:24, Jeremiah 13:15-18
wilderness: or, void place
Reciprocal: Exodus 8:4 - General Numbers 14:33 - shall wander in the wilderness Joshua 8:29 - the king Judges 4:17 - fled Job 5:24 - sin Psalms 68:6 - the rebellious Isaiah 40:23 - General Daniel 4:24 - come Obadiah 1:2 - General Luke 1:52 - put


Yet setteth he the poor on high from affliction, and maketh him families like a flock.

setteth: Psalms 113:7, Psalms 113:8, Ruth 4:14-17, 1 Samuel 2:8, Esther 8:15-17, Job 5:11, Job 8:7, Job 11:15-19, Job 42:10-12, Jeremiah 52:31-34, James 5:11
from: or, after
maketh: Psalms 78:52, Psalms 128:6, Genesis 23:5-7, Genesis 48:11, 1 Samuel 2:21, Job 21:11, Job 42:16, Proverbs 17:6, Isaiah 49:20-22
Reciprocal: Job 5:15 - he saveth Job 42:13 - General Psalms 68:6 - God Psalms 142:7 - the righteous Isaiah 25:4 - thou hast Isaiah 33:16 - shall dwell Luke 1:52 - put


The righteous shall see it, and rejoice: and all iniquity shall stop her mouth.

righteous: Psalms 52:6, Psalms 58:10, Psalms 58:11, Job 22:19, Isaiah 66:10, Isaiah 66:11, Isaiah 66:14
iniquity: Psalms 63:11, Psalms 112:10, Exodus 11:7, Job 5:15, Job 5:16, Proverbs 10:11, Romans 3:19
Reciprocal: Psalms 37:10 - thou Psalms 64:9 - they Psalms 142:7 - the righteous Proverbs 10:6 - violence Proverbs 24:30 - went Matthew 22:12 - And he was Titus 1:11 - mouths 1 Peter 2:15 - with Revelation 18:20 - Rejoice Revelation 19:7 - be glad


Whoso is wise, and will observe these things, even they shall understand the lovingkindness of the LORD.

is wise: Psalms 28:5, Psalms 64:9, Isaiah 5:12, Jeremiah 9:12, Daniel 10:12, Hosea 14:9
they shall understand: Psalms 50:23, Jeremiah 9:24, Ephesians 3:18, Ephesians 3:19
Reciprocal: Genesis 19:19 - and thou Genesis 24:21 - wondering at Deuteronomy 32:29 - O that Job 34:27 - would Psalms 14:2 - any Psalms 37:10 - thou Psalms 111:2 - sought Proverbs 21:12 - wisely Proverbs 23:26 - let Proverbs 24:23 - things Ecclesiastes 7:13 - Consider Isaiah 42:20 - Seeing Isaiah 48:6 - hast heard Daniel 12:10 - but the wise Micah 6:9 - and Haggai 2:15 - consider Romans 11:25 - I would 1 Timothy 5:21 - that James 3:13 - is a Revelation 13:18 - Here