
In the ninth year of Zedekiah king of Judah, in the tenth month, came Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon and all his army against Jerusalem, and they beseiged it.

am 3414, bc 590
the ninth: Jeremiah 52:4-7, 2 Kings 25:1, 2 Kings 25:2-7, Ezekiel 24:1, Ezekiel 24:2, Zechariah 8:19
the tenth: This was the month Tebeth - Esther 2:16, which began with the first moon of January; and it was on the 10th of this month that Nebuchadnezzar invested the city.
Reciprocal: Deuteronomy 28:52 - General 1 Kings 8:37 - in the land famine 2 Chronicles 36:17 - the king Ezra 2:1 - whom Nebuchadnezzar Ezra 5:12 - into the hand Nehemiah 7:6 - whom Nebuchadnezzar Nehemiah 9:32 - on our kings Psalms 80:13 - The boar Isaiah 22:7 - full Jeremiah 1:12 - I will Jeremiah 4:16 - watchers Jeremiah 6:3 - they shall Jeremiah 21:1 - The word Jeremiah 21:2 - for Jeremiah 32:1 - in the Jeremiah 34:1 - when Jeremiah 34:22 - shall fight Jeremiah 42:18 - As mine Jeremiah 44:2 - Ye have Jeremiah 50:17 - this Jeremiah 51:34 - the king Lamentations 1:14 - delivered Ezekiel 4:2 - lay Ezekiel 36:3 - they have made Ezekiel 40:1 - after


And in the eleventh year of Zedekiah, in the fourth month, the ninth day of the month, the city was broken up.

am 3416, bc 588
the fourth: This was the month Tammuz, which commences with the first moon of July: the siege had lasted just eighteen months. 2 Kings 25:3
was: Jeremiah 5:10, Jeremiah 52:6, Jeremiah 52:7, 2 Kings 25:4, Ezekiel 33:21, Micah 2:12, Micah 2:13, Zephaniah 1:10
Reciprocal: Jeremiah 20:5 - I will deliver Jeremiah 21:2 - for Jeremiah 24:8 - So will Jeremiah 32:1 - in the Jeremiah 34:22 - shall fight Jeremiah 37:8 - General Jeremiah 41:1 - the seventh month Lamentations 2:9 - gates Ezekiel 4:2 - lay Ezekiel 12:5 - Dig thou Ezekiel 26:1 - General Zechariah 8:19 - the fourth


And all the princes of the king of Babylon came in, and sat in the middle gate, even Nergal-sharezer, Samgar-nebo, Sarsechim, Rab-saris, Nergal-sharezer, Rabmag, with all the residue of the princes of the king of Babylon.

all the: Jeremiah 1:15, Jeremiah 21:4, Jeremiah 38:17
Nergalsharezer: Jeremiah 39:13, 2 Kings 17:30
Sarsechim: These were the principal commanders; but Dr. Blayney thinks that, instead of six persons, we have in reality but three, as the name that follows each is the title of the office. Thus Nergal-Sharezer, who was Samgar-nebo, or keeper, i.e., priest of Nebo; Sarsechim, who was Rab-saris, or chief eunuch; and Nergal-sharezer, who was Rab-mag, or chief magi; as the words mog in Persian, magoos in Arabic, magooshai in Syriac, and לבדןע [Strong's G3097], in Greek, signify; and we learn from Justin and Curtius that the magi attended the king in war.
Reciprocal: 2 Kings 25:4 - the city Jeremiah 12:10 - pastors Jeremiah 38:18 - then Daniel 2:49 - sat


And it came to pass, that when Zedekiah the king of Judah saw them, and all the men of war, then they fled, and went forth out of the city by night, by the way of the king's garden, by the gate betwixt the two walls: and he went out the way of the plain.

when: Jeremiah 38:18-20, Leviticus 26:17, Leviticus 26:36, Deuteronomy 28:25, Deuteronomy 32:24-30, 2 Kings 25:4-7, Isaiah 30:15, Isaiah 30:16, Ezekiel 12:12, Amos 2:14
betwixt: Jeremiah 52:7-11, 2 Chronicles 32:5
Reciprocal: Ecclesiastes 2:5 - me Isaiah 22:3 - thy rulers Isaiah 24:10 - city Isaiah 29:2 - I will Jeremiah 4:9 - that the heart Jeremiah 4:29 - shall flee Jeremiah 21:7 - I will Jeremiah 32:4 - General Jeremiah 34:3 - And thou Jeremiah 40:7 - all the Lamentations 4:18 - hunt Ezekiel 12:4 - at even


But the Chaldeans' army pursued after them, and overtook Zedekiah in the plains of Jericho: and when they had taken him, they brought him up to Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon to Riblah in the land of Hamath, where he gave judgment upon him.

Chaldeans': Jeremiah 32:4, Jeremiah 32:5, Jeremiah 38:18, Jeremiah 38:23, 2 Chronicles 33:11, Lamentations 1:3, Lamentations 4:20
in the plains: Jeremiah 52:8, Joshua 4:13, Joshua 5:10
Riblah: Jeremiah 52:9, Jeremiah 52:26, Jeremiah 52:27, 2 Kings 23:33, 2 Kings 25:6
Hamath: Numbers 13:21, Joshua 13:5, Judges 3:3, 2 Samuel 8:9, 2 Kings 17:24
gave judgment upon him: Heb. spake with him judgments, Jeremiah 4:12, Ezekiel 17:15-21
Reciprocal: Numbers 34:8 - the entrance Numbers 34:11 - Riblah Deuteronomy 28:36 - bring thee 2 Kings 19:13 - the king 2 Kings 25:5 - and overtook Isaiah 29:2 - I will Jeremiah 4:9 - that the heart Jeremiah 34:3 - And thou Jeremiah 44:30 - as I Lamentations 4:18 - hunt Ezekiel 17:20 - I will spread Ezekiel 23:24 - I will set Habakkuk 1:7 - their judgment


Then the king of Babylon slew the sons of Zedekiah in Riblah before his eyes: also the king of Babylon slew all the nobles of Judah.

slew the: Jeremiah 52:10, 2 Kings 25:7
before: Genesis 21:16, Genesis 44:34, Deuteronomy 28:34, 2 Kings 22:20, 2 Chronicles 34:28, Esther 8:6, Isaiah 13:16
slew all: Jeremiah 21:7, Jeremiah 24:8-10, Jeremiah 34:19-21
Reciprocal: Numbers 34:11 - Riblah 2 Kings 23:33 - Riblah Jeremiah 20:4 - thine Jeremiah 34:3 - and thine Jeremiah 34:21 - Zedekiah Jeremiah 37:17 - thou shalt Jeremiah 38:23 - they shall Jeremiah 41:10 - even Lamentations 5:12 - General Ezekiel 11:9 - and deliver Ezekiel 11:10 - fall Ezekiel 21:26 - Remove Ezekiel 23:24 - I will set Ezekiel 24:5 - the choice Ezekiel 34:10 - and cause Zephaniah 1:8 - the princes


Moreover he put out Zedekiah's eyes, and bound him with chains, to carry him to Babylon.

he put: Jeremiah 32:4, Jeremiah 32:5, Jeremiah 52:11, 2 Kings 25:7, Ezekiel 12:13
chains: Heb. two brasen chains, or fetters, Judges 16:21, Psalms 107:10, Psalms 107:11, Psalms 119:8
Reciprocal: 1 Samuel 11:2 - thrust Isaiah 28:22 - lest Isaiah 39:7 - of thy sons Jeremiah 20:4 - thine Jeremiah 34:3 - and thine Jeremiah 37:17 - thou shalt Jeremiah 52:10 - slew Lamentations 5:12 - General Ezekiel 17:16 - even Ezekiel 21:26 - Remove Zephaniah 1:8 - the princes


And the Chaldeans burned the king's house, and the houses of the people, with fire, and brake down the walls of Jerusalem.

burned: Jeremiah 7:20, Jeremiah 9:10-12, Jeremiah 17:27, Jeremiah 21:10, Jeremiah 34:2, Jeremiah 34:22, Jeremiah 37:10, Jeremiah 38:18, Jeremiah 52:13, 2 Kings 25:9, 2 Chronicles 36:19, Isaiah 5:9, Lamentations 1:10, Lamentations 2:2, Lamentations 2:7, Amos 2:5, Micah 3:12
and brake: Jeremiah 52:14, 2 Kings 25:10, Nehemiah 1:3
Reciprocal: Nehemiah 3:25 - the king's Psalms 79:1 - have laid Isaiah 24:10 - city Isaiah 32:13 - General Jeremiah 5:10 - ye up Jeremiah 20:5 - I will deliver Jeremiah 22:5 - that Jeremiah 32:29 - and set Lamentations 2:9 - gates Ezekiel 16:41 - burn Ezekiel 23:47 - and burn Ezekiel 24:11 - set it


Then Nebuzar-adan the captain of the guard carried away captive into Babylon the remnant of the people that remained in the city, and those that fell away, that fell to him, with the rest of the people that remained.

Nebuzaradan: Jeremiah 39:13, Jeremiah 40:1, Jeremiah 52:12-16, Jeremiah 52:26, 2 Kings 25:11, 2 Kings 25:20
captain of the guard: or, chief marshal, Heb. chief of the executioners, or slaughter-men, and so, Jeremiah 39:10, Jeremiah 39:11-14, Genesis 37:36
carried: Jeremiah 10:18, Jeremiah 16:13, Jeremiah 20:4-6, Jeremiah 52:28-30, Leviticus 26:33, Deuteronomy 4:27, 2 Kings 20:18, Isaiah 5:13
Reciprocal: 2 Kings 25:8 - Nebuzaradan 1 Chronicles 6:15 - when the Lord 1 Chronicles 9:1 - carried Jeremiah 13:19 - Judah Jeremiah 52:13 - the king's Jeremiah 52:16 - certain Jeremiah 52:29 - the eighteenth Lamentations 1:3 - gone Lamentations 1:5 - her children Daniel 2:14 - captain of the king's guard Matthew 1:11 - about


But Nebuzar-adan the captain of the guard left of the poor of the people, which had nothing, in the land of Judah, and gave them vineyards and fields at the same time.

left of: Jeremiah 40:7, 2 Kings 25:12, Ezekiel 33:24
at the same time: Heb. in that day
Reciprocal: 2 Kings 24:14 - the poorest sort Proverbs 13:8 - the poor Isaiah 7:21 - a man Jeremiah 39:9 - captain of the guard Jeremiah 40:10 - gather Jeremiah 43:6 - every Jeremiah 52:16 - certain Jeremiah 52:27 - Thus Ezekiel 5:3 - a few


Now Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon gave charge concerning Jeremiah to Nebuzar-adan the captain of the guard, saying,

Now: Nebuchadnezzar must have frequently heard of Jeremiah's predictions, many of which were now fulfilled, which would dispose him to respect his character and treat him with kindness.
gave: Jeremiah 15:11, Jeremiah 15:21, Job 5:19, Acts 24:23
to: Heb. by the hand of, Jeremiah 37:2, *marg.
Reciprocal: Jeremiah 39:9 - captain of the guard Jeremiah 40:1 - after


Take him, and look well to him, and do him no harm; but do unto him even as he shall say unto thee.

look well to him: Heb. set thine eyes upon him, Jeremiah 24:6, Jeremiah 40:4, *marg. Proverbs 23:5, Amos 9:4, 1 Peter 3:12
do him: Psalms 105:14, Psalms 105:15, Proverbs 16:7, Proverbs 21:1, Acts 7:10, 1 Peter 3:13
Reciprocal: Jeremiah 15:11 - verily I


So Nebuzar-adan the captain of the guard sent, and Nebushasban, Rab-saris, and Nergal-sharezer, Rabmag, and all the king of Babylon's princes;

Nebuzaradan: Jeremiah 39:3, Jeremiah 39:9
Reciprocal: Jeremiah 32:2 - Jeremiah


Even they sent, and took Jeremiah out of the court of the prison, and committed him unto Gedaliah the son of Ahikam the son of Shaphan, that he should carry him home: so he dwelt among the people.

took: Jeremiah 39:15, Jeremiah 37:21, Jeremiah 38:13, Jeremiah 38:28, Jeremiah 40:1-4, Psalms 105:19
committed: Jeremiah 40:5-16, Jeremiah 41:1-3, 2 Kings 25:22-25
Ahikam: Jeremiah 26:24
Reciprocal: 2 Kings 22:9 - Shaphan 2 Chronicles 34:8 - sent Shaphan Jeremiah 29:3 - Shaphan Jeremiah 40:6 - Then


Now the word of the LORD came unto Jeremiah, while he was shut up in the court of the prison, saying,

while: Jeremiah 39:14, Jeremiah 32:1, Jeremiah 32:2, Jeremiah 36:1-5, Jeremiah 37:21, 2 Timothy 2:9
Reciprocal: Nehemiah 3:25 - by the court Hebrews 11:36 - bonds


Go and speak to Ebed-melech the Ethiopian, saying, Thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Behold, I will bring my words upon this city for evil, and not for good; and they shall be accomplished in that day before thee.

Ebedmelech: Jeremiah 38:7-13
Behold: Jeremiah 5:14, Jeremiah 19:11, Jeremiah 19:12, Jeremiah 21:7-10, Jeremiah 24:8-10, Jeremiah 26:15, Jeremiah 26:18, Jeremiah 26:20, Jeremiah 32:28, Jeremiah 32:29, Jeremiah 34:2, Jeremiah 34:3, Jeremiah 34:22, Jeremiah 35:17, Jeremiah 36:31, Jeremiah 44:28, Jeremiah 44:29, Joshua 23:14, Joshua 23:15, 2 Chronicles 36:21, Daniel 9:12, Zechariah 1:6, Matthew 24:35
before thee: Psalms 91:8, Psalms 91:9, Psalms 92:11
Reciprocal: Isaiah 56:3 - neither Luke 10:33 - Samaritan Acts 8:27 - a man


But I will deliver thee in that day, saith the LORD: and thou shalt not be given into the hand of the men of whom thou art afraid.

I will: Jeremiah 1:19, Job 5:19-21, Psalms 41:1, Psalms 41:2, Psalms 50:15, Psalms 91:14, Psalms 91:15, Daniel 6:16, Matthew 10:40-42, Matthew 25:40, 2 Timothy 1:16-18
of whom: Jeremiah 38:1, Jeremiah 38:9, Genesis 15:1, 2 Samuel 24:14
Reciprocal: Isaiah 56:3 - neither


For I will surely deliver thee, and thou shalt not fall by the sword, but thy life shall be for a prey unto thee: because thou hast put thy trust in me, saith the LORD.

but: Jeremiah 21:9, Jeremiah 38:2, Jeremiah 45:4, Jeremiah 45:5
because: Jeremiah 17:7, Jeremiah 17:8, Romans 2:12, 1 Chronicles 5:20, Psalms 2:12, Psalms 33:18, Psalms 34:22, Psalms 37:3, Psalms 37:39, Psalms 37:40, Psalms 84:12, Psalms 146:3-6, Psalms 147:11, Isaiah 26:3, Ephesians 1:12, 1 Peter 1:21
Reciprocal: Zephaniah 2:3 - hid