
Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven.

heed: Matthew 16:6, Mark 8:15, Luke 11:35, Luke 12:1, Luke 12:15, Hebrews 2:1
alms: or, righteousness, Deuteronomy 24:13, Psalms 112:9, Daniel 4:27, 2 Corinthians 9:9, 2 Corinthians 9:10
to be: Matthew 6:5, Matthew 6:16, Matthew 5:16, Matthew 23:5, Matthew 23:14, Matthew 23:28-30, 2 Kings 10:16, 2 Kings 10:31, Ezekiel 33:31, Zechariah 7:5, Zechariah 13:4, Luke 16:15, John 5:44, John 12:43, Galatians 6:12
otherwise: Matthew 6:4, Matthew 6:6, Matthew 5:46, Matthew 10:41, Matthew 10:42, Matthew 16:27, Matthew 25:40, 1 Corinthians 9:17, 1 Corinthians 9:18, Hebrews 6:10, Hebrews 11:26, 2 John 1:8
of your: or, with your, Matthew 6:9, Matthew 5:48
Reciprocal: Ruth 2:12 - recompense 2 Chronicles 15:7 - your work Ecclesiastes 7:16 - Be not Malachi 1:13 - should I accept Matthew 5:12 - for great Matthew 8:4 - See Luke 6:23 - your Luke 11:41 - rather Luke 12:30 - your Luke 14:12 - and a Luke 18:12 - fast John 7:4 - there 1 Corinthians 13:3 - though I bestow 2 Corinthians 8:21 - not Ephesians 6:8 - whatsoever Colossians 3:24 - ye shall Hebrews 11:6 - a rewarder


Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.

when: Job 31:16-20, Psalms 37:21, Psalms 112:9, Proverbs 19:17, Ecclesiastes 11:2, Isaiah 58:7, Isaiah 58:10-12, Luke 11:41, Luke 12:33, John 13:29, Acts 9:36, Acts 10:2, Acts 10:4, Acts 10:31, Acts 11:29, Acts 24:17, Romans 12:8, 2 Corinthians 9:6-15, Galatians 2:10, Ephesians 4:28, 1 Timothy 6:18, Philemon 1:7, Hebrews 13:16, James 2:15, James 2:16, 1 Peter 4:11, 1 John 3:17-19
do not sound a trumpet: or, cause not a trumpet to be sounded, Proverbs 20:6, Hosea 8:1
as: Matthew 6:5, Matthew 7:5, Matthew 15:7, Matthew 16:3, Matthew 22:18, Matthew 23:13-29, Matthew 24:51, Isaiah 9:17, Isaiah 10:6, Mark 7:6, Luke 6:42, Luke 12:56, Luke 13:15
in the synagogues: Matthew 6:5, Matthew 23:6, Mark 12:39, Luke 11:43, Luke 20:46
glory: 1 Samuel 15:30, John 5:41, John 5:44, John 7:18, 1 Thessalonians 2:6
verily: Matthew 6:5, Matthew 6:16, Matthew 5:18
Reciprocal: 2 Kings 10:16 - Come with me Amos 4:5 - proclaim Zechariah 7:5 - did Malachi 1:13 - should I accept Matthew 5:12 - for great Matthew 18:3 - Verily Matthew 20:14 - thine Mark 14:1 - two Mark 14:18 - Verily Luke 6:23 - your Luke 6:24 - for Luke 16:15 - Ye John 7:4 - there John 12:43 - they Acts 5:2 - laid Galatians 6:12 - as desire Colossians 3:24 - ye shall Hebrews 11:6 - a rewarder Revelation 3:2 - thy works


But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth:

let: Matthew 8:4, Matthew 9:30, Matthew 12:19, Mark 1:44, John 7:4
Reciprocal: Proverbs 21:14 - in secret Matthew 25:37 - when Acts 5:2 - laid 1 Timothy 5:25 - cannot


That thine alms may be in secret: and thy Father which seeth in secret himself shall reward thee openly.

seeth: Matthew 6:6, Matthew 6:18, Psalms 17:3, Psalms 44:21, Psalms 139:1-3, Psalms 139:12, Jeremiah 17:10, Jeremiah 23:24, Hebrews 4:13, Revelation 2:23
reward: Matthew 10:42, Matthew 25:34-40, 1 Samuel 2:30, Luke 8:17, Luke 14:14, 1 Corinthians 4:5, Jude 1:24
Reciprocal: 2 Chronicles 15:7 - your work Psalms 18:20 - rewarded Psalms 19:11 - keeping Psalms 112:9 - righteousness Proverbs 21:14 - in secret Matthew 5:12 - for great Matthew 10:41 - a righteous man's 2 Corinthians 8:21 - not Ephesians 6:8 - whatsoever 1 Thessalonians 3:11 - God


And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.

when: Matthew 7:7, Matthew 7:8, Matthew 9:38, Matthew 21:22, Psalms 5:2, Psalms 55:17, Proverbs 15:8, Isaiah 55:6, Isaiah 55:7, Jeremiah 29:12, Daniel 6:10, Daniel 9:4-19, Luke 18:1, John 16:24, Ephesians 6:18, Colossians 4:2, Colossians 4:3, 1 Thessalonians 5:17, James 5:15, James 5:16
thou shalt not: Matthew 6:2, Matthew 23:14, Job 27:8-10, Isaiah 1:15, Luke 18:10, Luke 18:11, Luke 20:47
for: Matthew 23:6, Mark 12:38, Luke 11:43
Verily: Matthew 6:2, Proverbs 16:5, Luke 14:12-14, James 4:6
Reciprocal: Genesis 48:14 - and laid 2 Kings 10:16 - Come with me Psalms 145:18 - call upon Zechariah 7:5 - did Malachi 1:13 - should I accept Matthew 5:12 - for great Matthew 6:1 - to be Matthew 6:16 - be Matthew 18:3 - Verily Matthew 21:31 - Verily Mark 14:18 - Verily Luke 5:33 - and make Luke 6:24 - for Luke 8:51 - he suffered Luke 16:15 - Ye Luke 18:12 - fast John 7:4 - there Galatians 6:12 - as desire Colossians 3:24 - ye shall Hebrews 11:6 - a rewarder


But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.

enter: Matthew 14:23, Matthew 26:36-39, Genesis 32:24-29, 2 Kings 4:33, Isaiah 26:20, John 1:48, Acts 9:40, Acts 10:9, Acts 10:30
pray: Psalms 34:15, Isaiah 65:24, John 20:17, Romans 8:5, Ephesians 3:14
Reciprocal: 2 Kings 4:4 - thou shalt shut 2 Kings 20:2 - he turned 2 Chronicles 15:7 - your work Psalms 19:11 - keeping Isaiah 38:2 - turned Matthew 6:1 - otherwise Matthew 6:4 - seeth Matthew 6:9 - Our Matthew 6:18 - shall Matthew 10:41 - a righteous man's Matthew 20:14 - thine Mark 6:46 - General Luke 5:33 - and make Luke 6:12 - that Luke 8:51 - he suffered Luke 11:2 - When Galatians 4:6 - crying 1 Thessalonians 3:11 - God


But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.

use: 1 Kings 18:26-29, Ecclesiastes 5:2, Ecclesiastes 5:3, Ecclesiastes 5:7, Acts 19:34
repetitions: Matthew 26:39, Matthew 26:42, Matthew 26:44, 1 Kings 8:26-54, Daniel 9:18, Daniel 9:19
the heathen: Matthew 6:32, Matthew 18:17
Reciprocal: Job 35:13 - God Isaiah 1:15 - make many prayers Jeremiah 10:3 - customs Mark 7:7 - in vain Mark 12:40 - long Mark 14:39 - he went


Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him.

your: Matthew 6:32, Psalms 38:9, Psalms 69:17-19, Luke 12:30, John 16:23-27, Philippians 4:6
Reciprocal: Jeremiah 3:19 - Thou shalt Matthew 23:9 - for Mark 10:51 - What John 16:19 - Jesus Romans 1:7 - God Romans 8:27 - And he 1 Thessalonians 3:11 - God


After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

this: Luke 11:1, Luke 11:2
Our: Matthew 6:1, Matthew 6:6, Matthew 6:14, Matthew 5:16, Matthew 5:48, Matthew 7:11, Matthew 10:29, Matthew 26:29, Matthew 26:42, Isaiah 63:16, Isaiah 64:8, Luke 15:18, Luke 15:21, John 20:17, Romans 1:7, Romans 8:15, Galatians 1:1, Galatians 4:6, 1 Peter 1:17
which: Matthew 23:9, 2 Chronicles 20:6, Psalms 115:3, Isaiah 57:15, Isaiah 66:1
Hallowed: Leviticus 10:3, 2 Samuel 7:26, 1 Kings 8:43, 1 Chronicles 17:24, Nehemiah 9:5, Psalms 72:18, Psalms 111:9, Isaiah 6:3, Isaiah 37:20, Ezekiel 36:23, Ezekiel 38:23, Habakkuk 2:14, Zechariah 14:9, Malachi 1:11, Luke 2:14, Luke 11:2, 1 Timothy 6:16, Revelation 4:11, Revelation 5:12
Reciprocal: Exodus 29:1 - hallow them Leviticus 22:32 - I will Deuteronomy 26:15 - Look down 1 Kings 8:30 - and hear 1 Kings 9:3 - I have hallowed 1 Chronicles 29:10 - our father 2 Chronicles 2:1 - for the name 2 Chronicles 6:21 - thy dwelling place Psalms 20:6 - he will Psalms 57:5 - Be thou Psalms 67:5 - General Psalms 97:6 - all the Psalms 103:13 - Like Psalms 108:5 - thy glory Psalms 123:1 - O thou Psalms 135:13 - Thy name Ecclesiastes 5:2 - for Isaiah 29:23 - sanctify Isaiah 62:7 - till he make Jeremiah 3:19 - Thou shalt Jeremiah 31:9 - for I Ezekiel 38:16 - that the Daniel 2:28 - a God Hosea 14:2 - General Malachi 1:6 - if then Matthew 18:14 - your Mark 14:36 - Abba John 7:18 - seeketh his glory John 16:24 - in John 17:11 - thine Galatians 1:4 - our Ephesians 4:6 - God Philippians 4:20 - unto 1 Thessalonians 3:11 - God 1 Timothy 2:1 - supplications


Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

Thy kingdom: Matthew 3:2, Matthew 4:17, Matthew 16:28, Psalms 2:6, Isaiah 2:2, Jeremiah 23:5, Daniel 2:44, Daniel 7:13, Daniel 7:27, Zechariah 9:9, Mark 11:10, Luke 19:11, Luke 19:38, Colossians 1:13, Revelation 11:15, Revelation 12:10, Revelation 19:6, Revelation 20:4
Thy will: Matthew 7:21, Matthew 12:50, Matthew 26:42, Psalms 40:8, Mark 3:35, John 4:34, John 6:40, John 7:17, Acts 13:22, Acts 21:14, Acts 22:14, Romans 12:2, Ephesians 6:6, Colossians 1:9, 1 Thessalonians 4:3, 1 Thessalonians 5:18, Hebrews 10:7, Hebrews 10:36, Hebrews 13:21, 1 Peter 2:15, 1 Peter 4:2
as: Nehemiah 9:6, Psalms 103:19-21, Daniel 4:35, Hebrews 1:14
Reciprocal: Numbers 14:21 - all the 2 Chronicles 2:1 - for the name Psalms 21:13 - Be thou Psalms 57:5 - Be thou Psalms 67:5 - General Psalms 72:15 - prayer Psalms 72:19 - and let Psalms 97:1 - Lord Psalms 103:20 - do his Psalms 108:5 - thy glory Isaiah 24:23 - when Isaiah 62:7 - till he make Ezekiel 38:16 - that the Obadiah 1:21 - and the Malachi 1:11 - my name Matthew 6:13 - thine Luke 11:2 - Thy will 1 Timothy 2:1 - supplications


Give us this day our daily bread.

Matthew 4:4, Exodus 16:16-35, Job 23:12, Psalms 33:18, Psalms 33:19, Psalms 34:10, Proverbs 30:8, Isaiah 33:16, Luke 11:3, John 6:31-59; 2 Thessalonians 3:12, 1 Timothy 6:8
Reciprocal: Genesis 1:29 - to you Genesis 18:5 - And I Genesis 47:15 - Give us bread Exodus 16:4 - a certain rate every day Ruth 1:6 - in giving 2 Samuel 9:7 - eat bread 2 Kings 25:30 - a daily rate Psalms 37:16 - General Ecclesiastes 2:22 - and of the Jeremiah 52:34 - there was Daniel 1:5 - a daily Matthew 6:34 - no Matthew 18:22 - but 2 Thessalonians 3:8 - eat


And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

forgive: Exodus 34:7, 1 Kings 8:30, 1 Kings 8:34, 1 Kings 8:39, 1 Kings 8:50, Psalms 32:1, Psalms 130:4, Isaiah 1:18, Daniel 9:19, Acts 13:38, Ephesians 1:7, 1 John 1:7-9
debts: Matthew 18:21-27, Matthew 18:34, Luke 7:40-48, Luke 11:4
as: Matthew 6:14, Matthew 6:15, Matthew 18:21, Matthew 18:22, Matthew 18:28-35, Nehemiah 5:12, Nehemiah 5:13, Mark 11:25, Mark 11:26, Luke 6:37, Luke 17:3-5, Ephesians 4:32, Colossians 3:13
Reciprocal: Genesis 50:17 - Forgive Deuteronomy 15:2 - exact it 2 Chronicles 6:21 - forgive Nehemiah 10:31 - the exaction Matthew 18:29 - Have Matthew 18:35 - do Luke 6:30 - and Luke 7:41 - a certain Luke 7:42 - he Luke 13:4 - sinners Luke 17:4 - I repent John 13:10 - needeth Philippians 4:20 - Amen 1 Timothy 2:8 - without


And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

lead: Matthew 26:41, Genesis 22:1, Deuteronomy 8:2, Deuteronomy 8:16, Proverbs 30:8, Luke 22:31-46, 1 Corinthians 10:13, 2 Corinthians 12:7-9, Hebrews 11:36, 1 Peter 5:8, 2 Peter 2:9, Revelation 2:10, Revelation 3:10
deliver: 1 Chronicles 4:10, Psalms 121:7, Psalms 121:8, Jeremiah 15:21, John 17:15, Galatians 1:4, 1 Thessalonians 1:10, 2 Timothy 4:17, 2 Timothy 4:18, Hebrews 2:14, Hebrews 2:15, 1 John 3:8, 1 John 5:18, 1 John 5:19, Revelation 7:14-17, Revelation 21:4
thine: Matthew 6:10, Exodus 15:18, 1 Chronicles 29:11, Psalms 10:16, Psalms 47:2, Psalms 47:7, Psalms 145:10-13, Daniel 4:25, Daniel 4:34, Daniel 4:35, Daniel 7:18, 1 Timothy 1:17, 1 Timothy 6:15-17, Revelation 5:13, Revelation 19:1
Amen: Matthew 28:20, Numbers 5:22, Deuteronomy 27:15-26, 1 Kings 1:36, 1 Chronicles 16:36, Psalms 41:13, Psalms 72:19, Psalms 89:52, Psalms 106:48, Jeremiah 28:6, 1 Corinthians 14:16, 2 Corinthians 1:20, Revelation 1:18, Revelation 3:14, Revelation 19:4
Reciprocal: Genesis 32:11 - Deliver Genesis 48:16 - redeemed Exodus 15:6 - right hand 1 Samuel 29:8 - that I may not 1 Chronicles 16:31 - The Lord 1 Chronicles 17:24 - that thy name 2 Chronicles 20:6 - in thine hand Nehemiah 8:6 - Amen Esther 1:4 - the riches Job 9:19 - he is strong Job 12:16 - With Job 25:2 - Dominion Job 37:23 - excellent Job 40:10 - majesty Psalms 21:13 - Be thou Psalms 22:28 - General Psalms 29:10 - King Psalms 59:9 - his strength Psalms 62:11 - power Psalms 66:7 - ruleth Psalms 66:11 - broughtest Psalms 79:11 - according Psalms 89:8 - a strong Psalms 89:13 - a mighty arm Psalms 93:1 - Lord Psalms 96:7 - glory Psalms 97:1 - Lord Psalms 108:5 - thy glory Psalms 135:13 - Thy name Psalms 141:4 - Incline not Psalms 145:11 - the glory Psalms 148:13 - excellent Proverbs 5:8 - General Isaiah 24:23 - when Isaiah 26:4 - in the Isaiah 62:7 - till he make Jeremiah 11:5 - So be it Daniel 2:20 - for wisdom Daniel 2:37 - power Daniel 6:26 - and his kingdom Obadiah 1:21 - and the Matthew 10:1 - he gave Luke 11:4 - lead Luke 22:40 - Pray John 19:11 - Thou Acts 7:2 - The God Romans 9:5 - Amen Romans 11:36 - of him Romans 13:1 - there 1 Corinthians 16:24 - Amen 2 Corinthians 13:7 - I pray 2 Corinthians 13:14 - Amen Galatians 1:5 - whom Ephesians 1:17 - the Father Ephesians 3:16 - to be Ephesians 3:21 - be Ephesians 4:6 - who Ephesians 6:24 - Amen Philippians 4:20 - unto 2 Thessalonians 3:3 - and 1 Timothy 6:21 - Amen Hebrews 13:21 - Amen 1 Peter 3:11 - eschew 1 Peter 4:11 - dominion 2 Peter 3:18 - Amen 1 John 5:21 - Amen Revelation 1:6 - to him Revelation 7:12 - Amen Revelation 11:15 - and he Revelation 19:6 - for


For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you:

Matthew 6:12, Matthew 7:2, Matthew 18:21-35, Proverbs 21:13, Mark 11:25, Mark 11:26, Ephesians 4:32, Colossians 3:13, James 2:13, 1 John 3:10
Reciprocal: Genesis 50:17 - Forgive Genesis 50:21 - I will nourish Exodus 22:9 - for all manner of trespass Exodus 34:7 - forgiving Deuteronomy 15:2 - exact it Deuteronomy 15:15 - General Joshua 22:15 - General Proverbs 11:17 - merciful Malachi 1:6 - if then Matthew 5:7 - are Matthew 6:9 - Our Matthew 7:24 - whosoever Matthew 18:22 - but Matthew 18:35 - do Luke 6:37 - forgive Luke 11:4 - for Luke 11:13 - heavenly Luke 15:18 - Father Luke 17:4 - I repent 1 Thessalonians 3:11 - God 1 Timothy 2:8 - without Philemon 1:12 - thou James 5:9 - lest


But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

Reciprocal: Genesis 50:17 - Forgive Exodus 22:9 - for all manner of trespass Exodus 34:7 - forgiving Deuteronomy 15:2 - exact it Deuteronomy 15:15 - General Joshua 22:15 - General Proverbs 11:17 - merciful Malachi 1:6 - if then Matthew 5:7 - are Matthew 6:12 - as Matthew 7:24 - whosoever Matthew 18:22 - but Matthew 18:35 - do Mark 11:25 - forgive Luke 6:37 - forgive Luke 11:4 - for Luke 17:4 - I repent Ephesians 4:32 - forgiving Colossians 3:13 - forgiving 1 Timothy 2:8 - without Philemon 1:12 - thou James 2:13 - he James 5:9 - lest


Moreover when ye fast, be not, as the hypocrites, of a sad countenance: for they disfigure their faces, that they may appear unto men to fast. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.

when: Matthew 9:14, Matthew 9:15, 2 Samuel 12:16, 2 Samuel 12:21, Nehemiah 1:4, Esther 4:16, Psalms 35:13, Psalms 69:10, Psalms 109:24, Daniel 9:3, Luke 2:37, Acts 10:30, Acts 13:2, Acts 13:3, Acts 14:23, 1 Corinthians 7:5, 2 Corinthians 6:5, 2 Corinthians 11:27
be: Matthew 6:2, Matthew 6:5, 1 Kings 21:27, Isaiah 58:3-5, Zechariah 7:3-5, Malachi 3:14, Mark 2:18, Luke 18:12
Reciprocal: 2 Samuel 19:24 - dressed his feet 1 Kings 20:38 - disguised Isaiah 58:4 - ye fast Daniel 1:10 - worse liking Joel 2:13 - your garments Zechariah 7:5 - did Malachi 1:13 - should I accept Matthew 5:12 - for great Matthew 5:16 - that Matthew 5:18 - verily Matthew 6:1 - to be Matthew 18:3 - Verily Matthew 20:14 - thine Mark 14:18 - Verily Luke 6:24 - for Luke 14:12 - and a Luke 16:15 - Ye John 7:4 - there Galatians 6:12 - as desire Colossians 3:23 - as Colossians 3:24 - ye shall Hebrews 11:6 - a rewarder


But thou, when thou fastest, anoint thine head, and wash thy face;

anoint: Ruth 3:3, 2 Samuel 14:2, Ecclesiastes 9:8, Daniel 10:2, Daniel 10:3
Reciprocal: Psalms 23:5 - thou anointest Luke 5:35 - and Luke 7:46 - General


That thou appear not unto men to fast, but unto thy Father which is in secret: and thy Father, which seeth in secret, shall reward thee openly.

appear: 2 Corinthians 5:9, 2 Corinthians 10:18, Colossians 3:22-24, 1 Peter 2:13
shall: Matthew 6:4, Matthew 6:6, Romans 2:6, 1 Peter 1:7
Reciprocal: 2 Chronicles 15:7 - your work Psalms 19:11 - keeping Matthew 10:41 - a righteous man's Mark 2:18 - Why Luke 5:35 - and 1 Thessalonians 3:11 - God


Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal:

Job 31:24, Psalms 39:6, Psalms 62:10, Proverbs 11:4, Proverbs 16:16, Proverbs 23:5, Ecclesiastes 2:26, Ecclesiastes 5:10-14, Zephaniah 1:18, Luke 12:21, Luke 18:24, 1 Timothy 6:8-10, 1 Timothy 6:17, Hebrews 13:5, James 5:1-3, 1 John 2:15, 1 John 2:16
Reciprocal: Exodus 16:20 - bred worms Exodus 22:2 - breaking Deuteronomy 17:17 - neither shall he Judges 14:12 - change Job 21:19 - layeth Job 27:16 - prepare raiment Proverbs 2:4 - thou Proverbs 8:18 - durable Proverbs 21:20 - treasure Ecclesiastes 5:14 - those Isaiah 23:18 - it shall Ezekiel 26:12 - make a spoil Obadiah 1:6 - are the Matthew 7:24 - whosoever Matthew 19:21 - go Mark 10:21 - treasure Luke 12:19 - Soul Luke 12:33 - provide Luke 16:9 - Make Luke 18:22 - sell John 6:27 - the meat 2 Corinthians 6:10 - and Philippians 3:20 - our Colossians 1:5 - laid Colossians 3:2 - not 1 Timothy 6:19 - Laying 2 Timothy 4:8 - there Hebrews 10:34 - in yourselves that ye have James 5:2 - Your riches


But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:

Matthew 19:21, Isaiah 33:6, Luke 12:33, Luke 18:22, 1 Timothy 6:17, Hebrews 10:34, Hebrews 11:26, James 2:5, 1 Peter 1:4, 1 Peter 5:4, Revelation 2:9
Reciprocal: Exodus 22:2 - breaking Deuteronomy 17:17 - neither shall he 1 Kings 22:10 - having put Job 21:19 - layeth Proverbs 8:18 - durable Proverbs 21:20 - treasure Ecclesiastes 5:14 - those Ezekiel 26:12 - make a spoil Obadiah 1:6 - are the Luke 12:21 - he 2 Corinthians 6:10 - and Colossians 1:5 - laid Colossians 3:1 - seek 2 Timothy 4:8 - there James 5:2 - Your riches


For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

where: Isaiah 33:6, Luke 12:34, 2 Corinthians 4:18
there: Matthew 12:34, Proverbs 4:23, Jeremiah 4:14, Jeremiah 22:17, Acts 8:21, Romans 7:5-7, Philemon 1:3, Philemon 1:19, Colossians 3:1-3, Hebrews 3:12
Reciprocal: Matthew 13:44 - like


The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.

light of: Luke 11:34-36
single: Acts 2:46, 2 Corinthians 11:3, Ephesians 6:5, Colossians 3:22
Reciprocal: Psalms 86:11 - unite Proverbs 4:25 - General Proverbs 14:6 - scorner Luke 6:42 - see John 7:17 - General Acts 8:21 - for Acts 26:18 - and to Hebrews 5:14 - their James 1:8 - General


But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!

thine: Matthew 20:15, Isaiah 44:18-20, Mark 7:22, Ephesians 4:18, Ephesians 5:8, 1 John 2:11
If: Matthew 23:16-28, Proverbs 26:12, Isaiah 5:20, Isaiah 5:21, Isaiah 8:20, Jeremiah 4:22, Jeremiah 8:8, Jeremiah 8:9, Luke 8:10, John 9:39-41, Romans 1:22, Romans 2:17-23, 1 Corinthians 1:18-20, 1 Corinthians 2:14, 1 Corinthians 3:18, 1 Corinthians 3:19, Revelation 3:17, Revelation 3:18
Reciprocal: Genesis 3:5 - your Leviticus 13:29 - General Leviticus 13:44 - utterly unclean Proverbs 14:6 - scorner Ecclesiastes 2:13 - light Luke 6:42 - see Luke 11:34 - light of John 1:9 - the true Acts 26:18 - and to Romans 2:19 - art confident 2 Corinthians 3:14 - their Hebrews 5:14 - their


No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

serve: Matthew 4:10, Joshua 24:15, Joshua 24:19, Joshua 24:20, 1 Samuel 7:3, 1 Kings 18:21, 2 Kings 17:33, 2 Kings 17:34, 2 Kings 17:41, Ezekiel 20:39, Zephaniah 1:5, Luke 16:13, Romans 6:16-22, Galatians 1:10, 2 Timothy 4:10, James 4:4, 1 John 2:15, 1 John 2:16
mammon: Luke 16:9, Luke 16:11, Luke 16:13, 1 Timothy 6:9, 1 Timothy 6:10, 1 Timothy 6:17
Reciprocal: Genesis 29:30 - he loved Genesis 29:31 - was hated Genesis 47:17 - for horses Leviticus 11:20 - General Deuteronomy 22:9 - shalt not sow Joshua 22:5 - serve Judges 6:25 - even 2 Samuel 12:10 - because Psalms 119:10 - my whole Psalms 119:69 - with my whole Ecclesiastes 2:3 - and to lay Ecclesiastes 5:10 - He that Ezekiel 33:31 - but their Hosea 7:8 - a cake Hosea 10:2 - Their heart is divided Matthew 12:30 - that is Matthew 13:22 - the care Matthew 19:22 - for Luke 8:14 - and are Romans 1:25 - the creature Romans 16:18 - serve 1 Corinthians 10:21 - cannot drink 2 Corinthians 6:16 - what Ephesians 6:5 - be 1 Timothy 6:2 - let James 1:8 - General Revelation 3:15 - thou


Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?

I say: Matthew 5:22-28, Luke 12:4, Luke 12:5, Luke 12:8, Luke 12:9, Luke 12:22
Take: Matthew 6:31, Matthew 6:34, Matthew 10:19, Matthew 13:22, Psalms 55:22, Mark 4:19, Mark 13:11, Luke 8:14, Luke 10:40, Luke 10:41, Luke 12:22, Luke 12:23, Luke 12:25, Luke 12:26, Luke 12:29, 1 Corinthians 7:32, Philippians 4:6, 2 Timothy 2:4, Hebrews 13:5, Hebrews 13:6, 1 Peter 5:7
Is not: Luke 12:23, Romans 8:32
Reciprocal: Genesis 1:29 - to you Genesis 48:15 - fed me Exodus 15:24 - What Leviticus 25:20 - General 1 Samuel 9:5 - take thought Job 2:4 - all that Job 10:12 - life and favour Psalms 37:5 - Commit Proverbs 16:3 - thy works Ecclesiastes 2:22 - and of the Ecclesiastes 6:7 - the labour Jeremiah 41:8 - Slay Jeremiah 45:5 - seek Matthew 6:28 - why Matthew 24:17 - which Luke 4:4 - That Luke 12:15 - for Luke 17:31 - he which Acts 27:38 - they lightened Romans 12:16 - condescend to men of low estate Philippians 4:5 - your 1 Timothy 6:8 - General


Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?

the fowls: Matthew 10:29-31, Genesis 1:29-31, Job 35:11, Job 38:41, Psalms 104:11, Psalms 104:12, Psalms 104:27, Psalms 104:28, Psalms 145:15, Psalms 145:16, Psalms 147:9, Luke 12:6, Luke 12:7, Luke 12:24-31
your: Matthew 6:32, Matthew 7:9, Luke 12:32
Reciprocal: Genesis 6:21 - General Deuteronomy 28:8 - storehouses 1 Kings 19:4 - better Psalms 50:11 - know Psalms 111:5 - hath given Proverbs 6:6 - the ant Matthew 10:31 - General Matthew 12:12 - is a Luke 4:4 - That Luke 12:15 - for Romans 12:16 - condescend to men of low estate 1 Corinthians 9:9 - Doth 1 Thessalonians 3:11 - God 1 Peter 5:7 - for


Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?

by: Matthew 5:36, Psalms 39:6, Ecclesiastes 3:14, Luke 12:25, Luke 12:26, 1 Corinthians 12:18
Reciprocal: Ecclesiastes 1:15 - crooked 1 Timothy 1:19 - made


And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:

why: Matthew 6:25, Matthew 6:31, Matthew 10:10, Luke 3:11, Luke 22:35, Luke 22:36
the lilies: Luke 12:27
Reciprocal: 1 Samuel 9:5 - take thought Song of Solomon 2:2 - General Hosea 14:5 - he shall 1 Timothy 2:9 - not Hebrews 2:9 - taste


And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.

even: 1 Kings 10:5-7, 2 Chronicles 9:4-6, 2 Chronicles 9:20-22, 1 Timothy 2:9, 1 Timothy 2:10, 1 Peter 3:2-5
Reciprocal: 2 Chronicles 18:9 - clothed Esther 8:15 - royal apparel Song of Solomon 2:2 - General Luke 7:25 - are in Luke 11:9 - I say


Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?

clothe: Psalms 90:5, Psalms 90:6, Psalms 92:7, Isaiah 40:6-8, Luke 12:28, James 1:10, James 1:11, 1 Peter 1:24
O ye: Matthew 8:26, Matthew 14:31, Matthew 16:8, Matthew 17:17, Mark 4:40, Mark 9:19, Luke 9:41, John 20:27, Hebrews 3:12
Reciprocal: Genesis 1:11 - Let the Proverbs 10:3 - will Luke 8:25 - Where Luke 11:13 - how Romans 4:19 - being


Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?

What shall we eat: Matthew 4:4, Matthew 15:33, Leviticus 25:20-22, 2 Chronicles 25:9, Psalms 37:3, Psalms 55:22, Psalms 78:18-31, Luke 12:29, 1 Peter 5:7
Reciprocal: Deuteronomy 29:5 - your clothes 1 Kings 17:6 - the ravens Psalms 33:19 - to keep Matthew 6:25 - Take Matthew 6:28 - why Matthew 10:19 - take Mark 8:33 - savourest Luke 4:4 - That Luke 22:35 - lacked John 6:27 - the meat Acts 28:10 - laded 1 Corinthians 10:28 - for Philippians 4:11 - I have


(For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.

after: Matthew 5:46, Matthew 5:47, Matthew 20:25, Matthew 20:26, Psalms 17:14, Luke 12:30, Ephesians 4:17, 1 Thessalonians 4:5
for your: Matthew 6:8, Psalms 103:13, Luke 11:11-13, Luke 12:30
Reciprocal: Exodus 16:4 - a certain rate every day Deuteronomy 29:5 - your clothes 1 Kings 19:6 - cake Psalms 34:10 - but Psalms 37:18 - knoweth Psalms 132:15 - I will satisfy Matthew 6:7 - the heathen Matthew 6:26 - your Matthew 10:20 - your Matthew 15:32 - and have Matthew 18:14 - your Matthew 23:9 - for Mark 8:2 - and have Mark 8:33 - savourest Luke 11:13 - heavenly 1 Corinthians 10:28 - for 1 Thessalonians 3:11 - God 1 Timothy 6:6 - godliness 1 Timothy 6:17 - who


But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

seek: 1 Kings 3:11-13, 1 Kings 17:13, 2 Chronicles 1:7-12, 2 Chronicles 31:20, 2 Chronicles 31:21, Proverbs 2:1-9, Proverbs 3:9, Proverbs 3:10, Haggai 1:2-11, Haggai 2:16-19, Luke 12:31, John 6:27
the kingdom: Matthew 3:2, Matthew 4:17, Matthew 13:44-46, Acts 20:25, Acts 28:31, Romans 14:17, Colossians 1:13, Colossians 1:14, 2 Thessalonians 1:5, 2 Peter 1:11
his: Matthew 5:6, Isaiah 45:24, Jeremiah 23:6, Luke 1:6, Romans 1:17, Romans 3:21, Romans 3:22, Romans 10:3, 1 Corinthians 1:30, 2 Corinthians 5:21, Philippians 3:9, 2 Peter 1:1
and all: Matthew 19:29, Leviticus 25:20, Leviticus 25:21, Psalms 34:9, Psalms 34:10, Psalms 37:3, Psalms 37:18, Psalms 37:19, Psalms 37:25, Psalms 84:11, Psalms 84:12, Mark 10:30, Luke 18:29, Luke 18:30, Romans 8:31, 1 Corinthians 3:22, 1 Timothy 4:8
Reciprocal: Genesis 13:2 - General Genesis 24:1 - blessed Genesis 24:35 - flocks Genesis 42:25 - to give them Genesis 49:25 - with blessings Exodus 16:4 - a certain rate every day Exodus 16:21 - General Exodus 22:29 - shalt not delay Exodus 34:26 - first Numbers 15:20 - a cake Numbers 18:30 - the best Deuteronomy 6:24 - for our good Deuteronomy 7:13 - he will also Deuteronomy 13:18 - to keep Deuteronomy 32:47 - General 1 Samuel 30:19 - General 1 Kings 3:13 - And I 1 Kings 7:1 - thirteen years 2 Chronicles 1:12 - I will give 2 Chronicles 17:5 - he had riches 2 Chronicles 18:1 - riches 2 Chronicles 29:3 - He in the first 2 Chronicles 33:13 - brought him 2 Chronicles 34:3 - to seek Nehemiah 7:4 - the houses Job 28:3 - searcheth Psalms 23:1 - I shall Psalms 27:4 - seek Psalms 63:1 - early Psalms 71:16 - thy righteousness Psalms 112:3 - Wealth Psalms 132:3 - I will not Psalms 132:15 - I will satisfy Psalms 137:6 - if I prefer Proverbs 8:17 - those Proverbs 8:18 - and righteousness Proverbs 22:4 - By Proverbs 27:27 - enough Proverbs 28:10 - but Proverbs 30:8 - feed Ecclesiastes 9:10 - thy hand Isaiah 26:9 - my spirit Isaiah 30:23 - shall he Isaiah 33:6 - fear Isaiah 51:1 - ye that follow Jeremiah 37:21 - and that Ezekiel 36:29 - call Ezekiel 45:18 - In the first month Daniel 4:36 - added Hosea 2:21 - saith Joel 2:19 - I will send Amos 5:14 - Seek Haggai 1:4 - to Haggai 2:19 - from Zechariah 8:12 - to possess Malachi 3:10 - and prove Matthew 7:7 - seek Matthew 12:28 - then Matthew 15:32 - and have Mark 8:2 - and have Luke 9:59 - suffer John 5:4 - first Colossians 3:1 - seek 1 Timothy 6:6 - godliness Hebrews 11:6 - diligently 1 Peter 5:7 - for


Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

no: Matthew 6:11, Matthew 6:25, Exodus 16:18-20, Lamentations 3:23
for: Deuteronomy 33:25, 1 Kings 17:4-6, 1 Kings 17:14-16, 2 Kings 7:1, 2 Kings 7:2, Luke 11:3, Hebrews 13:5, Hebrews 13:6
Sufficient: John 14:27, John 16:33, Acts 14:22, 1 Thessalonians 3:3, 1 Thessalonians 3:4
Reciprocal: Exodus 16:19 - General 1 Samuel 9:5 - take thought Ecclesiastes 2:22 - and of the Ecclesiastes 3:22 - who Matthew 10:19 - take Philippians 4:5 - your 1 Peter 5:7 - Casting