
Now Pashur the son of Immer the priest, who was also chief governor in the house of the LORD, heard that Jeremiah prophesied these things.

Immer: 1 Chronicles 24:14, Ezra 2:37, Ezra 2:38, Nehemiah 7:40, Nehemiah 7:41
chief: 2 Kings 25:18, 2 Chronicles 35:8, Acts 4:1, Acts 5:24
Reciprocal: Jeremiah 1:19 - And they Jeremiah 11:21 - thou Jeremiah 18:21 - deliver Jeremiah 26:8 - the priests Jeremiah 29:26 - officers Jeremiah 37:15 - the princes Amos 7:10 - the priest Acts 4:17 - let


Then Pashur smote Jeremiah the prophet, and put him in the stocks that were in the high gate of Benjamin, which was by the house of the LORD.

smote: Jeremiah 1:19, Jeremiah 19:14, Jeremiah 19:15, Jeremiah 26:8, Jeremiah 29:26, Jeremiah 36:26, Jeremiah 37:15, Jeremiah 37:16, Jeremiah 38:6, 1 Kings 22:27, 2 Chronicles 16:10, 2 Chronicles 24:21, Amos 7:10-13, Matthew 5:10-12, Matthew 21:35, Matthew 23:34-37, Acts 4:3, Acts 5:18, Acts 5:40, Acts 7:52, Acts 16:22-24, Hebrews 11:36, Hebrews 11:37, Revelation 2:10, Revelation 17:6
the stocks: Hammahpecheth from haphach "to overturn, subvert, distort," generally denotes an overthrow (Deuteronomy 29:22. Isaiah 1:7; Isaiah 10:19), and seems to signify here a sort of stocks, by which the limbs were distorted into uneasy postures. So the Chaldee, keephtha and Jerome, nervus which he explains in his comment as "a kind of wooden fetter, into which the feet were thrust, vinculi lignei genus, cui pedes inseruntur̀‡ Some learned men understand it as merely signifying a place of confinement, or house of correction; but the word is never used for any of the prisons into which the prophet was afterwards cast; and the punishment seems to have been public and ignominious.
in the high: Jeremiah 37:13, Jeremiah 38:7, Zechariah 14:10
Reciprocal: 1 Kings 13:4 - Lay hold 2 Chronicles 18:23 - Zedekiah 2 Chronicles 18:26 - Put 2 Chronicles 27:3 - high gate Job 33:11 - putteth Proverbs 7:22 - the correction Jeremiah 11:21 - thou Jeremiah 36:5 - General Matthew 26:67 - and others Mark 12:3 - they Luke 12:45 - to beat Luke 20:10 - beat John 18:22 - struck Acts 5:20 - stand Acts 16:24 - and made Acts 23:2 - to smite


And it came to pass on the morrow, that Pashur brought forth Jeremiah out of the stocks. Then said Jeremiah unto him, The LORD hath not called thy name Pashur, but Magor-missabib.

Pashur: Acts 4:5-7, Acts 16:30, Acts 16:35-39
hath: Jeremiah 7:32, Jeremiah 19:2, Jeremiah 19:6, Genesis 17:5, Genesis 17:15, Genesis 32:28, Isaiah 8:3, Hosea 1:4-9
Magormissabib: this is, Fear round about, Jeremiah 20:10, Jeremiah 6:25, Jeremiah 46:5, Jeremiah 29:29, Psalms 31:13, Lamentations 2:22
Reciprocal: Genesis 4:12 - a fugitive 2 Kings 7:6 - the Lord 2 Chronicles 18:26 - Put Job 18:11 - Terrors Job 20:25 - terrors Jeremiah 49:29 - Fear Ezekiel 13:9 - mine Acts 5:20 - stand


For thus saith the LORD, Behold, I will make thee a terror to thyself, and to all thy friends: and they shall fall by the sword of their enemies, and thine eyes shall behold it: and I will give all Judah into the hand of the king of Babylon, and he shall carry them captive into Babylon, and shall slay them with the sword.

I will make: Deuteronomy 28:65-67, Job 18:11-21, Job 20:23-26, Psalms 73:19, Ezekiel 26:17-21, Matthew 27:4, Matthew 27:5
thine: Jeremiah 29:21, Jeremiah 39:6, Jeremiah 39:7, Deuteronomy 28:32-34, 1 Samuel 2:33, 2 Kings 25:7
I will give: Jeremiah 19:15, Jeremiah 21:4-10, Jeremiah 25:9, Jeremiah 32:27-31
Reciprocal: Genesis 4:12 - a fugitive Leviticus 26:16 - terror 1 Kings 13:4 - his hand 2 Kings 7:6 - the Lord Job 20:25 - terrors Psalms 31:13 - fear Proverbs 28:1 - wicked Jeremiah 6:25 - the sword Jeremiah 20:6 - thy friends Jeremiah 39:9 - carried Jeremiah 46:5 - fear Jeremiah 49:5 - I will Jeremiah 49:29 - Fear


Moreover I will deliver all the strength of this city, and all the labours thereof, and all the precious things thereof, and all the treasures of the kings of Judah will I give into the hand of their enemies, which shall spoil them, and take them, and carry them to Babylon.

I will deliver: Jeremiah 3:24, Jeremiah 4:20, Jeremiah 12:12, Jeremiah 15:13, Jeremiah 24:8-10, Jeremiah 27:19-22, Jeremiah 32:3-5, Jeremiah 39:2, Jeremiah 39:8, Jeremiah 52:7-23, 2 Kings 20:17, 2 Kings 20:18, 2 Kings 24:12-16, 2 Kings 25:13-17, 2 Chronicles 36:10, 2 Chronicles 36:17-19, Lamentations 1:7, Lamentations 1:10, Lamentations 4:12, Ezekiel 22:25, Daniel 1:2
labours: The word labours is here used for the produce of labour.
Reciprocal: 2 Kings 24:13 - he carried Isaiah 39:6 - that all Jeremiah 32:28 - Behold Ezekiel 24:10 - spice


And thou, Pashur, and all that dwell in thine house shall go into captivity: and thou shalt come to Babylon, and there thou shalt die, and shalt be buried there, thou, and all thy friends, to whom thou hast prophesied lies.

Pashur: Jeremiah 28:15-17, Jeremiah 29:21, Jeremiah 29:22, Jeremiah 29:32, Acts 13:8-11
thy friends: Jeremiah 20:4, Jeremiah 5:31, Jeremiah 6:13-15, Jeremiah 8:10, Jeremiah 8:11, Jeremiah 14:14, Jeremiah 14:15, Jeremiah 23:14-17, Jeremiah 23:25, Jeremiah 23:26, Jeremiah 23:32, Isaiah 9:15, Lamentations 2:14, Ezekiel 13:4-16, Ezekiel 13:22, Ezekiel 13:23, Ezekiel 22:28, Micah 2:11, Zechariah 13:3, 2 Peter 2:1-3
thou hast: Leviticus 26:17, Deuteronomy 28:25
Reciprocal: Jeremiah 27:15 - ye Jeremiah 28:16 - this year Amos 7:17 - Thy wife


O LORD, thou hast deceived me, and I was deceived: thou art stronger than I, and hast prevailed: I am in derision daily, every one mocketh me.

deceived: or, enticed, Jeremiah 1:6-8, Jeremiah 1:18, Jeremiah 1:19, Jeremiah 15:18, Jeremiah 17:16, Exodus 5:22, Exodus 5:23, Numbers 11:11-15
thou art: Jeremiah 20:9, Ezekiel 3:14, Micah 3:8, 1 Corinthians 9:6
I am: Jeremiah 15:10, Jeremiah 29:26, 2 Kings 2:23, Psalms 22:6, Psalms 22:7, Psalms 35:15, Psalms 35:16, Psalms 69:9-12, Lamentations 3:14, Hosea 9:7, Luke 16:14, Luke 22:63, Luke 22:64, Luke 23:11, Luke 23:35, Luke 23:36, Acts 17:18, Acts 17:32, 1 Corinthians 4:9-13, Hebrews 11:36
Reciprocal: Genesis 19:14 - as one 2 Chronicles 36:16 - mocked Psalms 94:19 - General Psalms 119:51 - proud Isaiah 8:11 - with a strong hand Isaiah 28:22 - be ye Isaiah 29:21 - and lay Jeremiah 17:15 - General Jeremiah 20:8 - the word Jeremiah 23:33 - What Jeremiah 45:3 - Woe Lamentations 3:59 - thou hast Ezekiel 7:7 - the day Amos 5:10 - hate Jonah 1:3 - to flee Jonah 4:2 - he prayed Matthew 27:29 - platted 1 Corinthians 9:16 - for 2 Corinthians 7:8 - though I did


For since I spake, I cried out, I cried violence and spoil; because the word of the LORD was made a reproach unto me, and a derision, daily.

I cried: Jeremiah 4:19-22, Jeremiah 5:1, Jeremiah 5:6, Jeremiah 5:15-17, Jeremiah 6:6, Jeremiah 6:7, Jeremiah 7:9, Jeremiah 13:13, Jeremiah 13:14, Jeremiah 15:1-4, Jeremiah 15:13, Jeremiah 15:14, Jeremiah 17:27, Jeremiah 18:16, Jeremiah 18:17, Jeremiah 19:7-11, Jeremiah 28:8
the word: Jeremiah 20:7, Jeremiah 6:10, 2 Chronicles 36:16, Lamentations 3:61-63, Luke 11:45, Hebrews 11:26, Hebrews 13:13, 1 Peter 4:14
Reciprocal: Nehemiah 2:19 - they Job 19:7 - I cry Psalms 44:10 - spoil Jeremiah 5:13 - the prophets Jeremiah 15:10 - a man Jeremiah 15:15 - know Jeremiah 15:17 - for Jeremiah 17:15 - General Jeremiah 23:33 - What Jeremiah 26:8 - the priests Ezekiel 8:17 - for Luke 16:14 - derided John 7:7 - because


Then I said, I will not make mention of him, nor speak any more in his name. But his word was in mine heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I was weary with forbearing, and I could not stay.

I will: 1 Kings 19:3, 1 Kings 19:4, John 1:2, John 1:3, John 4:2, John 4:3, Luke 9:62, Acts 15:37, Acts 15:38
was in: Jeremiah 6:11, Job 32:18-20, Psalms 39:3, Ezekiel 3:14, Acts 4:20, Acts 17:16, Acts 18:5, 1 Corinthians 9:16, 1 Corinthians 9:17, 2 Corinthians 5:13-15
Reciprocal: Genesis 45:1 - could not Exodus 4:13 - send Job 4:2 - withhold himself from speaking Job 13:19 - if I hold Job 20:2 - my thoughts Isaiah 8:11 - with a strong hand Jeremiah 6:10 - the word Jeremiah 15:6 - I am Jeremiah 15:17 - for Jeremiah 15:19 - return Jeremiah 17:16 - I have Jeremiah 20:7 - thou art Jeremiah 23:29 - like as Ezekiel 3:3 - and fill Amos 3:8 - who can Jonah 4:5 - Jonah Micah 3:8 - I am Luke 24:32 - Did Acts 9:13 - Lord Acts 26:19 - I was not 1 Corinthians 14:32 - General 1 Thessalonians 3:1 - when


For I heard the defaming of many, fear on every side. Report, say they, and we will report it. All my familiars watched for my halting, saying, Peradventure he will be enticed, and we shall prevail against him, and we shall take our revenge on him.

I heard: Psalms 31:13, Psalms 57:4, Psalms 64:2-4, Matthew 26:59, Matthew 26:60
fear: Jeremiah 20:3
Report: Jeremiah 18:18, Nehemiah 6:6-13, Proverbs 10:18, Isaiah 29:21, Ezekiel 22:9, Luke 20:20, Acts 6:11-15, Acts 24:1-9, Acts 24:13
All my familiars: Heb. Every man of my peace, Job 19:19, Psalms 41:9, Psalms 55:13, Psalms 55:14, Luke 11:53, Luke 11:54, Luke 12:52, Luke 12:53
we shall: 1 Kings 19:2, 1 Kings 21:20, 1 Kings 22:8, 1 Kings 22:27, Mark 6:19-28, Acts 5:33, Acts 7:54, Acts 23:12-15
Reciprocal: Exodus 14:3 - They are entangled Exodus 23:1 - shalt not Nehemiah 4:8 - hinder it Nehemiah 6:13 - that Job 19:14 - familiar Psalms 27:11 - mine enemies Psalms 35:15 - adversity Psalms 37:32 - watcheth Psalms 41:6 - when Psalms 56:6 - mark Psalms 71:10 - lay wait for Jeremiah 6:25 - the sword Jeremiah 6:28 - walking Jeremiah 9:6 - habitation Jeremiah 11:19 - and I Jeremiah 11:21 - that seek Jeremiah 12:6 - thy brethren Jeremiah 18:22 - and hid Jeremiah 37:13 - Thou Jeremiah 38:22 - Thy friends Daniel 6:4 - sought Obadiah 1:7 - men that were at peace with thee Micah 7:6 - a man's Matthew 10:36 - General Matthew 22:15 - how Mark 3:2 - General Luke 6:7 - watched Luke 14:1 - they Luke 23:2 - forbidding Acts 9:13 - Lord 1 Corinthians 2:4 - not 1 Corinthians 13:6 - Rejoiceth not 2 Corinthians 7:5 - troubled 2 Timothy 4:17 - the Lord James 3:6 - a world


But the LORD is with me as a mighty terrible one: therefore my persecutors shall stumble, and they shall not prevail: they shall be greatly ashamed; for they shall not prosper: their everlasting confusion shall never be forgotten.

the Lord: Jeremiah 1:8, Jeremiah 1:19, Jeremiah 15:20, Isaiah 41:10, Isaiah 41:14, Romans 8:31, 2 Timothy 4:17
a mighty: Psalms 47:2, Psalms 65:5, Psalms 66:5
my: Jeremiah 17:18, Deuteronomy 32:35, Deuteronomy 32:36, Psalms 27:1, Psalms 27:2, John 18:4-6
and they: Jeremiah 1:19, Jeremiah 15:20
everlasting: Jeremiah 23:40, Psalms 6:10, Psalms 35:26, Psalms 40:14, Isaiah 45:16, Daniel 12:2
Reciprocal: Exodus 14:3 - They are entangled Deuteronomy 10:17 - a great Psalms 7:1 - save Psalms 25:3 - let Psalms 31:17 - wicked Psalms 71:13 - Let them be Psalms 99:3 - thy great Psalms 109:29 - be clothed Psalms 118:6 - The Lord Psalms 121:2 - My help Jeremiah 7:19 - the confusion Jeremiah 14:3 - they were Jeremiah 18:21 - deliver Jeremiah 22:22 - surely Jeremiah 46:6 - stumble Haggai 1:13 - I am Luke 1:49 - he Luke 14:1 - they Luke 18:7 - avenge John 11:10 - General Acts 4:30 - By stretching


But, O LORD of hosts, that triest the righteous, and seest the reins and the heart, let me see thy vengeance on them: for unto thee have I opened my cause.

that: Jeremiah 17:10, Psalms 7:9, Psalms 11:5, Psalms 17:3, Psalms 26:2, Psalms 26:3, Psalms 139:23, Revelation 2:23
let me: Jeremiah 11:20, Jeremiah 12:8, Jeremiah 17:18, Jeremiah 18:19-23, 2 Chronicles 24:22, Psalms 54:7, Psalms 59:10, Psalms 109:6-20, Revelation 6:10, Revelation 18:20, Revelation 19:2, Revelation 19:3
for: 1 Samuel 1:15, Psalms 62:8, Psalms 86:4, Isaiah 37:14, Isaiah 38:14, 1 Peter 2:23, 1 Peter 4:19
Reciprocal: 1 Samuel 16:7 - on the heart 1 Chronicles 28:9 - the Lord Jeremiah 12:3 - pull Jeremiah 15:15 - remember Jeremiah 15:20 - but Jeremiah 18:21 - deliver Acts 1:24 - Lord Acts 4:30 - By stretching Acts 15:8 - which Romans 8:27 - And he


Sing unto the LORD, praise ye the LORD: for he hath delivered the soul of the poor from the hand of evildoers.

for: Psalms 34:6, Psalms 35:9-11, Psalms 69:33, Psalms 72:4, Psalms 109:30, Psalms 109:31, Isaiah 25:4, James 2:5, James 2:6
Reciprocal: 2 Samuel 11:15 - Set ye Psalms 41:11 - because Acts 4:24 - they


Cursed be the day wherein I was born: let not the day wherein my mother bare me be blessed.

Jeremiah 15:10, Job 3:3-16
Reciprocal: Genesis 30:1 - or else I die Exodus 16:3 - we had Numbers 11:11 - Wherefore hast thou 2 Samuel 1:21 - no dew 1 Kings 19:4 - he requested Job 3:1 - cursed Job 10:18 - hast thou Psalms 37:8 - fret Ecclesiastes 2:17 - I hated Jeremiah 8:3 - death Lamentations 3:1 - the man Lamentations 3:17 - I forgat Ezekiel 3:14 - General Jonah 4:3 - take


Cursed be the man who brought tidings to my father, saying, A man child is born unto thee; making him very glad.

A man: Jeremiah 1:5, Genesis 21:5, Genesis 21:6, Luke 1:14
Reciprocal: Job 3:1 - cursed Job 3:3 - Let the day Psalms 37:8 - fret


And let that man be as the cities which the LORD overthrew, and repented not: and let him hear the cry in the morning, and the shouting at noontide;

as: Genesis 19:24, Genesis 19:25, Deuteronomy 29:23, Hosea 11:8, Amos 4:11, Zephaniah 2:9, Luke 17:29, 2 Peter 2:6, Jude 1:7
repented: Jeremiah 18:8, Jeremiah 26:13, Jonah 3:4, Jonah 3:9, Jonah 3:10, Jonah 4:2
let him: Jeremiah 4:19, Jeremiah 18:22, Jeremiah 48:3, Jeremiah 48:4, Ezekiel 21:22, Hosea 10:14, Amos 1:14, Amos 2:2, Zephaniah 1:16
Reciprocal: Ezekiel 16:50 - therefore Ezekiel 16:53 - bring Zechariah 8:14 - I repented


Because he slew me not from the womb; or that my mother might have been my grave, and her womb to be always great with me.

he slew: Job 3:10, Job 3:11, Job 3:16, Job 10:18, Job 10:19, Ecclesiastes 6:3
Reciprocal: Ecclesiastes 4:3 - better


Wherefore came I forth out of the womb to see labour and sorrow, that my days should be consumed with shame?

came: Job 3:20, Job 14:1, Job 14:13, Lamentations 3:1
to see: Jeremiah 8:18, Genesis 3:16-19, Psalms 90:10, Lamentations 1:12, John 16:20, Hebrews 10:36
with: Psalms 69:19, Isaiah 1:6, Isaiah 51:7, Acts 5:41, 1 Corinthians 4:9-13, 2 Timothy 1:12, Hebrews 11:36, Hebrews 12:2, Hebrews 13:13, 1 Peter 4:14-16
Reciprocal: Leviticus 3:14 - the fat that covereth Numbers 11:15 - let me not Ecclesiastes 4:3 - better Isaiah 15:4 - his