What is Beginner Discipleship?

Pastor Gene Kim has started a free Beginner Discipleship course on Youtube, which helps new believers get the right foundational truth and doctrines as they begin their discipleship in Christ. There are 45 videos in this series and the articles come in “note-taking” format. However, some videos come with homework or listening to some audio lesson files. This beginner discipleship course is recommended for all Christians and will answer the foundational questions to our faith.

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Beginner Discipleship

The following are long articles.

2. Basis for our salvation and how to witness

2a. Sin

2b. Faith

3. Methods of soul winning and the sinner’s prayer

4. Submit to the right church leader

5. History of the church and our church fathers (2021)

6. Soul winning and overcoming objections

7. How to overcome objections in soul winning

8. Unity in the body of Christ

8a. All about heaven – what is heaven like?

8b. The church

8c. Creation of man

9. Inspiration and preservation

10. Intercessory work of Christ

10b. Deity and personality of the Holy Spirit

10c. The devil

10d. Quiet time

11. Balance and attributes of God

12. Humanity of Christ

12b. Prayer – when, where, and how to pray

12c. Proof of trinity (godhead) in the Bible

13a. Nature and work of angels

13b. How and when will the rapture happen

13c. Why street preaching is biblical

14. Canon of the Bible

15. Crufixion, Resurrection and Ascension of Christ

16. Demon possession

17. Inside look into hell

18. How the Bible was made, history of the Bible

19. The top 1 book you must read! 7 wonders of the Bible

19a. Names of God

20. Revelation (of God). The weird and marvelous

20a. Sovereignty of God

21. Now that I’m saved … What’s next? Duties of a Christian

22. You want the fruit of the spirit or spiritual fruits? Here’s how

23. How bad was Jesus’ suffering on the cross?

23a. Humiliation of Christ

24. What life is like as a pastor or a leader?

24a. Deity of Christ

25. What will the millennium be like?

26. Here’s what you can do to help the church/ministry

26a. Work of the Holy Spirit

27. What are the limits of Christian separation?

27a. Negativism in the ministry

28. I’m gonna judge you! Judge not, that ye be not judged?

29. What will really happen in the tribulation?

29a. Regeneration

30. Proving once saved, always saved, OSAS

30a. Repentance

31. How to grow fast into an advanced Christian

32. Victorious Christian – How to have victory over trials?

32a. Demonology

33. The Ox Cherub, Archangel, Gabriel & Seraphims of Fire (Angelic Office)

33a. Temptations

34. Body, soul and spirit

34a. Sanctification

35. How to become the most powerful Christian? (filling of the Holy Spirit)

35a. Adoption

36. How to find the will of God?

36a. Angel of the Lord

37. The lost power in discipleship and ministry

38. Physical (flesh) vs spiritual (spirit) realms

38a. The seriousness of sin

39. gods, UFOs, Atlantis, Supermen, Bermuda Triangle, Aliens (Fallen angels)

39a. Backsliding

40. How do I receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost?

40a. The fall of man

41. Debunking evolution for beginners

41a. Work of the Holy Spirit

42. Ordinances of the church

42a. Worship

43. What to do when you’re suffering?

44. What does the Bible really say about tithe and tithing?

45. Demonology!!! Occult, devils, witches and Nephilim souls