the heavens and the earth = "which are now" (2 Peter 3:7 ), see Structure on p. 1. Hence without Hebrew Particle 'eth . See note on Genesis 1:1 and Deuteronomy 4:26 .

seventh. Samaritan Pentateuch and Septuagint read "sixth", which is evidently correct.
day. See on ch. Genesis 1:5 .
God ended. See on Genesis 1:1 and App-5 .
made. See note on Genesis 1:7 .
rested. From achievement; man rests from fatigue.

created. See note on Genesis 1:1 . The Introduction (Genesis 1:1 - Genesis 2:3 ) is the summary: Genesis 2:4-25 gives the details of Genesis 1 : Genesis 2:9-14 coming historically between verses: Genesis 1:12 and Genesis 1:13 .

generations = Family history. For the 14 in Bible, see the structure of the Book as a whole (p. 1). These are the Divine divisions, in which there is no trace of the Elohistic and Jehovistic theories. It should be seen here if anywhere. But note: there is only one in which Elohim is used (No. 1); only one to which Jehovah is peculiar (No. 10): five have both titles (Nos 3, 4, 7, 9, 12). Four have neither title (Nos 6, 8, 10, 11). All the speakers use "Jehovah" except the Nachash, Abimelech (to Abram, not to Isaac), sons of Heth, Pharaoh (of Joseph), Joseph's brethren, Joseph himself.
in the day = when. See on Genesis 2:17 and App-18 . Compare Genesis 1:5 ; Genesis 3:17 .
LORD God = First occurance. See App-4 , and note above.

every plant, &c. This is an expansion of Genesis 1:11 , Genesis 1:12 , giving details.
for. Three reasons why plants in ground "before they grew": (1) no rain; (2) no man; (3)no mist: see Genesis 2:6 .

But = and.
mist = no mist . . . to water. The last of two or three negatives not necessary. Must be supplied by Figure of speech Ellipsis ( App-6 . a), as in Deuteronomy 33:6 . 1 Samuel 2:3 .Psalms 9:18 ; Psalms 38:1 ; Psalms 75:5 .Proverbs 24:12 ; Proverbs 25:27 . Isaiah 38:18 , &c.

formed. As a potter. Isaiah 64:8 .
man. Hebrew. 'eth- 'Ha'adham (with art. and particle = "this same man Adam". See App-14 ).
breath. Hebrew. neshamah. See App-16 . of. Genitive of Apposition ( App-17 ) = "breath [that is] life".
soul. Hebrew. nephesh. See "life", Genesis 1:20 , and App-13 . Compare Genesis 7:22 .

verses 8-14 Figure of speech Parecbasis. App-6 .
garden. This garden may be additional to Genesis 1:11 , Genesis 1:12 ; Genesis 2:4 , Genesis 2:5 -. That creation concerns the "plants of the field" (1st occ). This may have been a special planting, and lost when the garden and Eden were lost. Note the three gardens: (1) Eden, death in sin; (2) Gethsemane, death for sin; (3) Sepulchre, death to sin.
eastward in Eden = "in Eden, eastward".
Eden. In the cuneiform texts = the plain of Babylonia, known in the Accado-Sumerian as edin = "the fertile plain", called by its inhabitants Edinu. In Hebrew. eden, Septuagint paradise. Occurs Genesis 2:8 , Genesis 2:10 , Genesis 2:15 ; Genesis 3:23 , Genesis 3:24 ; Genesis 4:16 . Isaiah 51:3 .Ezekiel 28:13 ; Ezekiel 31:9 , Ezekiel 31:16 , Ezekiel 31:18 , Ezekiel 31:18 ; Ezekiel 36:35 .Joel 2:3 .

verses 8-14 Figure of speech Parecbasis. App-6 .
tree of life. Genitive of cause ( App-17 ) = the Tree supporting and continuing the life which had been imparted. Compare Genesis 3:22 . Hence "the bread of life", John 6:48 , John 6:51 , John 6:53 .
midst. Compare Revelation 2:7 .
knowledge = sense or perception (Genesis 12:12 .Song of Solomon 6:11 .Isaiah 59:8; Isaiah 59:8 ).
good and evil. See on Genesis 2:17 .

verses 8-14 Figure of speech Parecbasis. App-6 .
river = the Persian Gulf, known as such to the Accadians, in which the river became four mouths (or heads) at spots where they flowed into the source which received and fed them.

verses 8-14 Figure of speech Parecbasis. App-6 .
Pison = the river W. of the Euphrates, called Pallukat in reign of Nabonidos, last king of Babylonia, or the Pallakopas Canal.
compasseth. The Pallukat or Pison encircled the N. borders of the great sandy desert which stretched westward to the mountain chains of Midian and Sinai.
Havilah = the region of Sand. Indicated in Genesis 25:18 . 1 Samuel 15:7 . Shur would be the E. end of Havilah, the W, of this region. Connected with Ophir in Genesis 10:29 .

verses 8-14 Figure of speech Parecbasis. App-6 .
onyx. Hebrew. shoham, identified with Assyr. samtu, from that region.

verses 8-14 Figure of speech Parecbasis. App-6 .
Gihon = the river E. of the Tigris. The modern Kerkhah, and ancient Khoaspes, rising in the mountains of the Kassi. Kas has been confused with the Heb, Cush. It is not the African Cush or Ethiopia, but the Accadian kas.

verses 8-14 Figure of speech Parecbasis. App-6 .
Hiddekel = Accadian for the Tigris, which was Idiqla, or Idiqlat = "the encircling".
Assyria. Hebrew. Hashshur ( Asshur ). This is not Assyria, but the city of Assur, the primitive capital of Assyria (which lay E. and W, of the Tigris).
Euphrates. Hebrew. phenath. The Greek Euphrates comes from the old Persian Ufrate, and this from Purat or Pur a t u = the river. Sometimes Puranun = the great river.

the man. Hebrew. 'eth - ha'adham = this same man Adam. See App-14 .
keep = keep safe, preserve. Same Hebrew as Genesis 3:24 ; Genesis 17:9 , Genesis 17:10 ; Genesis 18:19 , &c.

the man. Hebrew. ha'adham (with art.) = the man Adam. See App-14 .
freely. Hebrew "Eating thou mayest eat". Figure of speech Polyptoton ( App-6 ) for emphasis (see note on Genesis 26:28 ). Here rightly marked by "freely". Toned down by Eve in Genesis 3:2 .

tree. Note the three trees: "Knowledge" (Genesis 2:9 ), man's Ruin; "the Cross" (Acts 10:39 ; Acts 5:30 . 1 Peter 2:24 ), man's Redemption; "the Tree of Life" (Genesis 2:9 . Revelation 2:7 ; Revelation 22:2 ), man's Regeneration.
good and evil. See on "knowledge", Genesis 2:9 . Obedience proving what was "good" (Deuteronomy 6:24 ), disobedience revealing what was "evil" (Romans 3:20 ).
in the day = when. See App-18 . Compare Genesis 2:4 . 1 Kings 2:37 . Ezekiel 36:33 , &c.
thou shalt surely die. Hebrew "dying thou shalt die". Figure of speech Polyptoton, for emph. Compare Genesis 20:7 ; Genesis 26:11 .Exodus 19:12 ; Exodus 21:12 , Exodus 21:15 , Exodus 21:16 , Exodus 21:17 ; Exodus 31:14 , Exodus 31:15 .Leviticus 20:2 , Leviticus 9:10 , Leviticus 9:11 , Leviticus 9:12 , Leviticus 9:13 , Leviticus 9:15 , Leviticus 9:16 , Lev 9:27 ; Leviticus 24:16 , Leviticus 24:17 ; Leviticus 27:29 . Numbers 15:35 ; Numbers 26:65 ; Numbers 35:16 , Numbers 35:17 , Numbers 35:18 , Numbers 35:21 , Numbers 35:31 .Judges 13:22 ; Judges 15:13 ; Judges 21:5 . 1Sa 14:39 , 1 Samuel 14:44 ; 1 Samuel 22:16 . 2 Samuel 12:14 . 1Ki 2:37 , 1 Kings 2:42 ; 2Ki 1:4 , 2 Kings 1:6 , 2Ki 1:16 ; 2 Kings 8:10 . Jeremiah 26:8 , Jeremiah 26:19 ; Jeremiah 38:15 .Ezekiel 3:18 ; Ezekiel 18:13 ; Ezekiel 33:8 , Ezekiel 33:14 . See note on Genesis 26:28 for the emphasis of this Figure exhibited in other ways; and compare esp. note on Numbers 26:65 . Here marked by the word "surely", as in Genesis 2:16 by the word "freely". This certainty changed by Eve in Genesis 3:3 into a contingency.

meet = as his counterpart.

ground: giving the details of Genesis 1:24 .
creature = soul. Hebrew. nephesh. See Genesis 1:20 and App-13 .

woman. Heb 'ishah, fem, of 'ish ( App-14 ) = female.

Man. Hebrew. 'ish. App-14 .

Therefore, &c, quoted Matthew 19:5 , &c. 1 Corinthians 6:16 . Ephesians 5:31 .

naked. Hebrew. 'arum, a Homonym. The same spelling as word rendered "subtil" in Genesis 3:1 .