
In thee, O LORD, do I put my trust; let me never be ashamed: deliver me in thy righteousness.

am 2943, bc 1061
thee: Psalms 22:4, Psalms 22:5, Psalms 25:2, Psalms 71:1, Psalms 71:2, Isaiah 49:23, Romans 5:5, Romans 10:11
deliver: Psalms 7:8, Psalms 7:9, Psalms 43:1, Psalms 143:1, Psalms 143:11, Psalms 143:12, Daniel 9:16
Reciprocal: Psalms 7:1 - in Psalms 22:6 - a reproach Psalms 31:17 - Let me Psalms 86:2 - trusteth


Bow down thine ear to me; deliver me speedily: be thou my strong rock, for an house of defence to save me.

Bow: Psalms 71:2, Psalms 86:1, Psalms 130:2, Proverbs 22:17
deliver: Psalms 40:17, Psalms 69:17, Psalms 79:1, Psalms 102:2, Psalms 143:7, Job 7:21, Luke 18:8
my strong rock: Heb. to me for a rock of strength, Psalms 18:1, Psalms 18:2, Psalms 62:7, Psalms 94:22, Deuteronomy 32:31, 2 Samuel 22:3
an house: Psalms 71:3, Psalms 90:1, Psalms 91:9, Isaiah 33:16, John 6:56, 1 John 4:12, 1 John 4:15, 1 John 4:16
Reciprocal: Genesis 32:11 - Deliver 2 Kings 19:16 - bow down 2 Chronicles 6:40 - thine ears Isaiah 17:10 - the rock Isaiah 32:2 - rock


For thou art my rock and my fortress; therefore for thy name's sake lead me, and guide me.

for thy: Psalms 23:2, Psalms 23:3, Psalms 25:11, Psalms 79:9, Joshua 7:9, Jeremiah 14:7, Ezekiel 36:21, Ezekiel 36:22, Ephesians 1:12
lead: Psalms 25:5, Psalms 25:9, Psalms 43:3, Psalms 139:24, Psalms 143:10, Psalms 143:11, Nehemiah 9:12, Nehemiah 9:19, Isaiah 49:10, Luke 1:79, John 16:13
Reciprocal: 2 Samuel 22:2 - General Psalms 71:3 - my strong habitation Psalms 109:21 - But do Isaiah 32:2 - rock


Pull me out of the net that they have laid privily for me: for thou art my strength.

Pull: Psalms 25:15, Psalms 35:7, Psalms 57:6, Psalms 124:7, Psalms 140:5, Proverbs 29:5, 2 Timothy 2:26
my strength: Psalms 19:14, 2 Corinthians 12:9
Reciprocal: 2 Samuel 22:33 - strength Psalms 142:3 - In the way


Into thine hand I commit my spirit: thou hast redeemed me, O LORD God of truth.

Into: Luke 23:46, Acts 7:59, 2 Timothy 1:12
thou: Psalms 71:23, Psalms 130:8, Genesis 48:16, Leviticus 25:48, Isaiah 50:2, Titus 2:14, 1 Peter 1:18, 1 Peter 1:19, Revelation 5:9
God: Deuteronomy 32:4, 2 Timothy 2:13, Titus 1:2, Hebrews 6:18
Reciprocal: 2 Samuel 4:9 - who hath Psalms 34:22 - redeemeth Psalms 49:15 - God Psalms 69:18 - redeem Psalms 107:2 - Let the Ecclesiastes 9:1 - that the Isaiah 65:16 - in the God Jeremiah 10:10 - true God John 10:28 - neither 1 Peter 2:23 - but 1 Peter 4:19 - commit


I have hated them that regard lying vanities: but I trust in the LORD.

hated: Psalms 26:5, Psalms 139:2
lying: Psalms 24:4, Psalms 96:7-9, 1 Chronicles 16:28, 1 Chronicles 16:29, Jeremiah 10:8, Jeremiah 10:15, John 2:8, Romans 1:21, 1 Corinthians 8:4, 1 Corinthians 10:20
Reciprocal: Deuteronomy 32:21 - with their vanities 1 Kings 16:26 - their vanities Psalms 139:21 - Do not I Jonah 2:8 - General Acts 14:15 - from


I will be glad and rejoice in thy mercy: for thou hast considered my trouble; thou hast known my soul in adversities;

I will: Psalms 13:5, Isaiah 49:13, Jeremiah 33:11
for: Psalms 9:13, Psalms 25:18, Psalms 71:20, Psalms 119:153, Nehemiah 9:32, Job 10:9, Lamentations 3:50, Lamentations 5:1
known: Psalms 1:6, Psalms 142:3, Job 23:10, Isaiah 43:2, Isaiah 63:9, Isaiah 63:16, John 10:27-30, 1 Corinthians 8:3, Galatians 4:9, 2 Timothy 2:19
Reciprocal: Genesis 31:42 - hath seen Deuteronomy 2:7 - he knoweth Psalms 13:3 - Consider Psalms 37:18 - knoweth Psalms 37:33 - will not Psalms 59:16 - sing aloud Proverbs 29:7 - considereth Isaiah 33:18 - heart Hosea 13:5 - know


And hast not shut me up into the hand of the enemy: thou hast set my feet in a large room.

shut me: Psalms 88:8, Deuteronomy 32:30, 1 Samuel 17:46, 1 Samuel 24:18, 1 Samuel 26:8, Job 16:11, Isaiah 19:4, *marg.
set: Psalms 4:1, Psalms 18:19, Job 36:16
Reciprocal: 1 Samuel 23:12 - deliver 2 Samuel 18:28 - delivered up 2 Samuel 22:20 - brought Job 3:23 - hedged in Job 11:10 - shut up Psalms 27:12 - will Psalms 37:33 - will not Psalms 41:11 - because Psalms 118:5 - set me Psalms 142:7 - my soul Proverbs 6:3 - when Isaiah 33:17 - that is very far off Isaiah 33:18 - heart Ezekiel 34:14 - feed them Obadiah 1:14 - delivered up


Have mercy upon me, O LORD, for I am in trouble: mine eye is consumed with grief, yea, my soul and my belly.

mine: Psalms 6:7, Psalms 88:9, Job 17:7, Lamentations 4:17, Lamentations 5:17
my soul: Psalms 6:1, Psalms 6:2, Psalms 22:14, Psalms 22:15, Psalms 38:1-10, Psalms 44:25, Psalms 73:14, Psalms 73:26, Psalms 88:3-5, Psalms 102:3-5, Psalms 107:10, Job 33:19-22
Reciprocal: Job 16:16 - face Psalms 6:3 - My Psalms 32:3 - bones Psalms 38:3 - soundness Psalms 56:1 - Be Lamentations 2:11 - eyes Lamentations 3:4 - My flesh 2 Corinthians 7:7 - mourning


For my life is spent with grief, and my years with sighing: my strength faileth because of mine iniquity, and my bones are consumed.

my life: Psalms 78:33, Psalms 88:15, Psalms 102:3-28, Job 3:24, Romans 9:2
strength: Psalms 71:9
bones: Psalms 32:3, Psalms 32:4, Psalms 102:3-5
Reciprocal: Job 17:7 - Mine eye Psalms 6:3 - My Psalms 6:7 - Mine Psalms 38:6 - mourning Lamentations 1:13 - above Lamentations 3:4 - My flesh


I was a reproach among all mine enemies, but especially among my neighbours, and a fear to mine acquaintance: they that did see me without fled from me.

I was: Psalms 22:6, Psalms 69:19, Psalms 69:20, Psalms 89:50, Psalms 89:51, Isaiah 49:7, Isaiah 53:4, Isaiah 53:5, Matthew 27:39-44, Romans 15:3, Hebrews 11:36, Hebrews 13:13, 1 Peter 4:14
especially: Psalms 38:11, Psalms 41:8, Psalms 41:9, Psalms 88:8, Psalms 88:18, Job 19:13, Job 19:14, Jeremiah 12:6, Micah 7:6, Matthew 10:21, Matthew 10:22
a fear: Psalms 64:8, Job 6:21-23, Matthew 26:56, Matthew 26:74, 2 Timothy 4:16
Reciprocal: Psalms 69:8 - become Psalms 102:8 - Mine Psalms 109:25 - a reproach Psalms 142:4 - but there was Lamentations 1:2 - all her friends


I am forgotten as a dead man out of mind: I am like a broken vessel.

forgotten: Psalms 88:4, Psalms 88:5, Isaiah 38:11, Isaiah 38:12
a broken vessel: Heb. a vessel that perisheth, Psalms 2:9, Psalms 119:83, Isaiah 30:14, Romans 9:21, Romans 9:22, Revelation 2:27
Reciprocal: Genesis 40:23 - but forgat him Psalms 88:12 - in the land Psalms 143:3 - made me Ecclesiastes 8:10 - they were Jeremiah 22:28 - a despised


For I have heard the slander of many: fear was on every side: while they took counsel together against me, they devised to take away my life.

I have: Psalms 55:10, Psalms 101:5, 1 Samuel 22:8-10, 1 Samuel 24:9, Jeremiah 20:10, Luke 23:1, Luke 23:2, Luke 23:5
fear: Psalms 56:1-3, Psalms 57:4, Jeremiah 6:25, Jeremiah 20:3, Jeremiah 20:4, *marg. Lamentations 2:22
while: 1 Samuel 19:10-17, 1 Samuel 20:33, 1 Samuel 23:19, 1 Samuel 23:20, 2 Samuel 17:1-4, Jeremiah 11:19, Matthew 26:3, Matthew 26:4, Matthew 26:59, Matthew 27:1
Reciprocal: Genesis 32:7 - greatly Genesis 37:18 - conspired Psalms 21:11 - imagined Psalms 35:20 - but Psalms 41:7 - against Psalms 64:1 - preserve Psalms 109:2 - the mouth Psalms 143:3 - made me Jeremiah 49:29 - Fear John 11:53 - they Acts 23:12 - that


But I trusted in thee, O LORD: I said, Thou art my God.

Thou: Psalms 16:1, Psalms 16:2, Psalms 18:2, Psalms 22:1, Psalms 22:2, Psalms 43:5, Psalms 56:3, Psalms 56:4, Psalms 63:1, Psalms 71:12, Psalms 71:22, Matthew 26:39, Matthew 26:42, Matthew 27:46, John 20:17
Reciprocal: Psalms 11:1 - In the Psalms 26:1 - trusted Psalms 48:14 - this God Psalms 140:6 - I said unto Psalms 143:10 - for thou art Daniel 2:21 - he changeth Daniel 6:22 - My God Hosea 9:17 - My God


My times are in thy hand: deliver me from the hand of mine enemies, and from them that persecute me.

My times: Psalms 116:15, 1 Samuel 26:10, 2 Samuel 7:12, Job 24:1, Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, Luke 9:51, John 7:6, John 7:30, John 12:27, John 13:1, John 17:1, Acts 1:7, Acts 23:11, Acts 27:24, 2 Timothy 4:6, 2 Peter 1:14
deliver: Psalms 17:8, Psalms 17:9, Psalms 17:13, Psalms 71:10-12, Psalms 142:6, Psalms 143:3, Psalms 143:12, Jeremiah 15:20, Jeremiah 15:21
Reciprocal: Exodus 40:37 - General Deuteronomy 33:3 - all his saints Psalms 7:1 - save Psalms 37:18 - the days Daniel 2:21 - he changeth Acts 17:26 - hath determined


Make thy face to shine upon thy servant: save me for thy mercies' sake.

Make: Psalms 4:6, Psalms 30:7, Psalms 67:1, Psalms 80:3, Psalms 80:7, Psalms 80:19, Numbers 6:25, Numbers 6:26, Daniel 9:17
save: Psalms 6:4, Psalms 51:1, Psalms 106:45, Daniel 9:9, Daniel 9:18, Romans 9:15, Romans 9:23, Ephesians 1:6, Ephesians 1:7, Ephesians 2:4-7
Reciprocal: Psalms 25:7 - for thy


Let me not be ashamed, O LORD; for I have called upon thee: let the wicked be ashamed, and let them be silent in the grave.

Let me: Psalms 31:1, Psalms 25:2, Psalms 25:3, Psalms 34:5, Psalms 69:6, Psalms 69:7, Isaiah 50:6, Isaiah 50:7, Joel 2:26, Joel 2:27
wicked: Psalms 6:10, Psalms 35:4, Psalms 35:26, Psalms 40:14, Psalms 40:15, Psalms 70:2, Psalms 70:3, Psalms 71:24, Psalms 83:16, Psalms 83:17, Isaiah 41:11, Isaiah 41:12, Isaiah 45:16, Isaiah 45:17, Isaiah 65:13, Isaiah 65:14, Jeremiah 20:11, Daniel 12:2
them: Psalms 115:17, 1 Samuel 2:9, Matthew 22:12, Matthew 22:13
silent in the grave: or, cut off for the grave
Reciprocal: Genesis 2:25 - ashamed Psalms 31:22 - I am Psalms 94:17 - dwelt Isaiah 47:5 - silent


Let the lying lips be put to silence; which speak grievous things proudly and contemptuously against the righteous.

the lying: Psalms 12:3, Psalms 59:12, Psalms 63:11, Psalms 140:9-11, Proverbs 12:19, Isaiah 54:17, John 8:44, Revelation 21:8, Revelation 22:15
speak: Psalms 64:3, Psalms 64:4, Psalms 123:3, Psalms 123:4, 1 Samuel 2:3, 2 Chronicles 32:16, Isaiah 37:22-24, Matthew 10:25, Matthew 12:24, John 8:48, Acts 25:7
grievous things: Heb. a hard thing, Psalms 94:4, Jude 1:15
Reciprocal: Psalms 5:10 - let Psalms 10:2 - The wicked Psalms 13:2 - exalted Psalms 17:10 - with Psalms 22:7 - shoot out Psalms 35:4 - confounded Psalms 40:14 - Let them be ashamed Psalms 50:20 - speakest Psalms 109:2 - the mouth Proverbs 10:31 - the froward Proverbs 14:3 - the mouth Obadiah 1:12 - thou have John 8:22 - Will


Oh how great is thy goodness, which thou hast laid up for them that fear thee; which thou hast wrought for them that trust in thee before the sons of men!

Oh: Psalms 36:7-10, Psalms 73:1, Psalms 73:24-26, Psalms 145:7-9, Isaiah 64:4, Lamentations 3:23-25, 1 Corinthians 2:9, 1 John 3:1, 1 John 3:2
laid up: Psalms 16:11, Isaiah 35:10, Colossians 3:2-4, Hebrews 10:34, James 2:5, 1 Peter 1:4, 1 Peter 1:5
wrought: Psalms 68:28, Psalms 126:2, Psalms 126:3, Numbers 23:23, Isaiah 26:12, John 3:21, Acts 15:12, 2 Corinthians 5:5
Reciprocal: Exodus 1:17 - feared God Exodus 34:6 - abundant 2 Chronicles 9:6 - the one half Psalms 21:3 - blessings Psalms 23:5 - preparest Psalms 25:13 - dwell at ease Psalms 139:17 - how great Zechariah 9:17 - how great is his goodness Luke 1:50 - General 2 Corinthians 4:17 - far Ephesians 3:8 - unsearchable Colossians 1:5 - laid 2 Timothy 4:8 - there 1 John 4:16 - we


Thou shalt hide them in the secret of thy presence from the pride of man: thou shalt keep them secretly in a pavilion from the strife of tongues.

hide: Psalms 27:5, Psalms 32:7, Psalms 64:2, Psalms 91:1-4
from: Psalms 10:2, Psalms 36:11, Psalms 40:4, Psalms 86:14, Psalms 124:5, Psalms 140:5, Exodus 18:11, James 4:6
the strife: Psalms 64:2-4, Psalms 140:3, Job 5:21, Romans 13:13, 2 Corinthians 12:20, Galatians 5:20, 1 Timothy 6:4, James 3:5, James 3:6, James 3:14-16
Reciprocal: 1 Kings 17:3 - hide thyself 1 Kings 18:10 - they found thee not Psalms 23:5 - preparest Psalms 37:6 - he shall Psalms 83:3 - thy hidden Proverbs 1:24 - stretched Isaiah 26:20 - hide Jeremiah 43:10 - his royal Ezekiel 11:16 - as a Zephaniah 2:3 - hid


Blessed be the LORD: for he hath shewed me his marvellous kindness in a strong city.

marvellous: Psalms 17:7, Psalms 98:1, Psalms 118:23, 1 Peter 2:9
strong city: or, fenced city, 1 Samuel 23:7-13, Jeremiah 1:18
Reciprocal: Psalms 28:6 - General Isaiah 26:1 - salvation


For I said in my haste, I am cut off from before thine eyes: nevertheless thou heardest the voice of my supplications when I cried unto thee.

I said: Psalms 116:11, 1 Samuel 23:26, 1 Samuel 27:1
I am: Psalms 31:17, *marg. Psalms 88:16, Isaiah 6:5, *marg Psalms 38:10-12, Psalms 49:14, Job 35:14, Lamentations 3:54, Lamentations 3:55, Ezekiel 37:11, Jonah 2:4
nevertheless: Psalms 6:9, 2 Chronicles 33:11-13, Jonah 2:7-9, Hebrews 5:7
Reciprocal: Job 20:2 - and for Psalms 28:6 - General Psalms 34:4 - sought Psalms 37:8 - fret Psalms 77:10 - This is Psalms 88:5 - cut Isaiah 33:18 - heart Isaiah 38:11 - General Isaiah 38:12 - he will cut Isaiah 40:27 - sayest Isaiah 49:14 - The Lord Lamentations 3:18 - General Luke 11:10 - General 1 John 5:14 - he


O love the LORD, all ye his saints: for the LORD preserveth the faithful, and plentifully rewardeth the proud doer.

O love: Psalms 34:9, Psalms 97:10, Deuteronomy 10:12, Deuteronomy 30:16, Isaiah 56:6, Mark 12:23, 1 Thessalonians 4:1
saints: Psalms 30:4, Psalms 89:7, Psalms 97:10, Psalms 145:10, Revelation 19:5, Revelation 19:6
for the: Deuteronomy 33:3, 1 Samuel 2:9, John 10:27-30, Jude 1:1
plentifully: Psalms 54:5, Psalms 94:2, Revelation 18:6
Reciprocal: Exodus 18:11 - proudly 1 Kings 3:3 - loved Psalms 16:1 - Preserve Psalms 116:1 - because Psalms 145:20 - preserveth


Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the LORD.

Be of: Psalms 27:14, Isaiah 35:3, Isaiah 35:4, Luke 22:31, Luke 22:32, Hebrews 12:12, Hebrews 12:13, James 5:10, James 5:11
shall: Psalms 29:11, Psalms 138:3, Colossians 1:11
all ye: Psalms 146:5, Romans 15:12, Romans 15:13, 1 Peter 1:21
Reciprocal: Psalms 112:8 - heart Lamentations 3:24 - therefore