
The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John:

Revelation: Daniel 2:28, Daniel 2:29, Amos 3:7, Romans 16:25, Galatians 1:12, Ephesians 3:3
which God: John 3:32, John 8:26, John 12:49
to show: Revelation 22:6, Psalms 25:14, John 15:15
which must: Revelation 1:3, Revelation 1:19, Revelation 4:1, Revelation 22:10, 2 Peter 3:8
and he: Revelation 22:6, Revelation 22:16, Daniel 8:16, Daniel 9:21, Daniel 9:23
John: Revelation 1:4, Revelation 1:9, Revelation 21:2
Reciprocal: 2 Kings 6:9 - thither the Syrians Psalms 36:1 - servant Isaiah 51:16 - I have put Daniel 2:23 - and hast Daniel 8:19 - I will Zechariah 1:11 - they answered Matthew 10:2 - John Mark 13:32 - neither John 7:16 - My John 16:13 - he will show Acts 1:2 - through Acts 1:13 - Peter Acts 3:22 - A prophet Romans 1:1 - a servant Romans 16:18 - serve 1 Corinthians 2:10 - God Philippians 1:1 - the servants Revelation 5:5 - hath


Who bare record of the word of God, and of the testimony of Jesus Christ, and of all things that he saw.

bare: Revelation 1:9, Revelation 6:9, Revelation 12:11, Revelation 12:17, John 1:32, John 12:17, John 19:35, John 21:24, 1 Corinthians 1:6, 1 Corinthians 2:1, 1 John 5:7-11, 3 John 1:12
and of all: Revelation 1:19, John 3:11, Acts 4:20, Acts 22:15, Acts 26:16, 1 John 1:1, 1 John 4:14
Reciprocal: Isaiah 43:10 - and my servant John 1:1 - the beginning John 15:27 - ye also 2 Timothy 1:8 - the testimony 1 John 5:11 - this


Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.

Blessed: Revelation 22:7, Proverbs 8:34, Daniel 12:12, Daniel 12:13, Luke 11:28
for: Revelation 22:6, Revelation 22:10, Revelation 22:12, Revelation 22:20, Romans 13:11, James 5:8, James 5:9, 1 Peter 4:7, 2 Peter 3:8
Reciprocal: Proverbs 7:1 - keep Jeremiah 9:12 - the wise Jeremiah 51:61 - read Daniel 9:2 - understood Matthew 24:15 - whoso Mark 13:14 - let him Luke 21:8 - and the time Revelation 1:1 - which must Revelation 3:11 - I come Revelation 7:2 - to whom Revelation 13:18 - Here Revelation 22:18 - heareth Revelation 22:19 - and from


John to the seven churches which are in Asia: Grace be unto you, and peace, from him which is, and which was, and which is to come; and from the seven Spirits which are before his throne;

John: Revelation 1:1
to the: Revelation 1:11, Revelation 1:20, Revelation 2:1, Revelation 2:8, Revelation 2:12, Revelation 2:18, Revelation 3:1, Revelation 3:7, Revelation 3:14, Acts 19:10, 1 Peter 1:1
Grace: Romans 1:7, 1 Corinthians 1:3, 2 Corinthians 1:2, 1 Peter 1:2
him: Revelation 1:8, Exodus 3:14, Psalms 90:2, Psalms 102:25-27, Isaiah 41:4, Isaiah 57:15, Micah 5:2, John 1:1, Hebrews 1:10-13, Hebrews 13:8, James 1:17
from the: Revelation 3:1, Revelation 4:5, Revelation 5:6, Zechariah 3:9, Zechariah 4:10, Zechariah 6:5, 1 Corinthians 12:4-13
Reciprocal: Genesis 2:4 - Lord Exodus 6:3 - Jehovah Exodus 25:37 - seven Numbers 6:24 - The Lord Joshua 6:4 - seven times Psalms 29:11 - bless Psalms 102:24 - thy years Lamentations 5:19 - remainest Matthew 28:19 - the name Luke 24:36 - Peace John 14:27 - Peace I leave John 18:37 - that I should John 20:19 - Peace Acts 2:9 - Asia Acts 16:6 - Asia Romans 16:4 - also 2 Corinthians 13:14 - The grace Ephesians 6:23 - Peace Philippians 4:7 - the peace Colossians 1:2 - Grace 2 Thessalonians 1:12 - the grace 2 Peter 1:2 - Grace 1 John 5:7 - The Father Revelation 1:9 - John Revelation 11:17 - which Revelation 16:5 - which art Revelation 21:2 - I Revelation 22:21 - General


And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood,

who is: Revelation 3:14, Psalms 89:36, Psalms 89:37, Isaiah 55:4, John 3:11, John 3:32, John 8:14-16, John 18:37, 1 Timothy 6:13, 1 John 5:7-10
and the first: Acts 26:23, 1 Corinthians 15:20-23, Colossians 1:18
and the prince: Revelation 11:15, Revelation 17:14, Revelation 19:16, Psalms 72:11, Psalms 89:27, Proverbs 8:15, Proverbs 8:16, Daniel 2:2, Daniel 7:14, Matthew 28:18, Ephesians 1:20-22, 1 Timothy 6:15
him: Deuteronomy 7:8, Deuteronomy 23:5, John 13:1, John 13:34, John 15:9, Romans 8:37, Galatians 2:20, Ephesians 2:4, Ephesians 5:2, Ephesians 5:25-27, 1 John 4:10
washed: Revelation 7:14, Zechariah 13:1, John 13:8-10, Acts 20:28, 1 Corinthians 6:11, Hebrews 9:14, 1 Peter 1:19, 1 John 1:7
Reciprocal: Exodus 29:4 - wash them Exodus 29:44 - sanctify also Exodus 30:19 - General Exodus 38:8 - the laver Exodus 40:7 - General Leviticus 4:20 - an atonement Leviticus 4:35 - and the priest shall make Leviticus 8:6 - washed Leviticus 8:22 - the ram of consecration Leviticus 13:58 - be washed Leviticus 14:6 - dip them Leviticus 14:8 - wash himself Leviticus 14:14 - General Leviticus 15:13 - wash Leviticus 16:4 - therefore Leviticus 16:24 - wash Leviticus 17:11 - I have Numbers 6:24 - The Lord Numbers 19:2 - a red heifer Numbers 19:19 - shall sprinkle Deuteronomy 18:2 - the Lord Deuteronomy 23:11 - wash himself Deuteronomy 26:19 - high above 2 Samuel 12:13 - The Lord 2 Chronicles 4:6 - but the sea Job 25:4 - how can Psalms 51:2 - Wash Psalms 51:7 - and Psalms 65:3 - transgressions Psalms 68:13 - the wings Psalms 72:15 - daily Proverbs 30:12 - not Song of Solomon 3:10 - the midst Isaiah 6:5 - mine eyes Isaiah 43:10 - and my servant Isaiah 63:9 - in his Jeremiah 17:26 - sacrifices of Jeremiah 29:23 - even I Jeremiah 33:8 - General Jeremiah 42:5 - The Lord be Ezekiel 16:9 - washed Ezekiel 36:25 - filthiness Daniel 2:37 - a king Daniel 2:47 - a Lord Daniel 9:25 - the Prince Daniel 12:1 - the great Malachi 3:2 - like fullers' Matthew 1:21 - for Matthew 20:28 - and to Luke 10:37 - He that John 1:29 - which John 11:36 - Behold John 13:5 - to wash John 14:2 - if John 14:6 - the truth John 19:34 - came Acts 3:13 - hath Acts 5:31 - a Prince Acts 10:36 - he is Romans 1:7 - Grace Romans 4:25 - Who was Romans 8:29 - that he might Romans 8:35 - shall separate Romans 11:36 - to whom Romans 13:1 - there Romans 16:27 - God 1 Corinthians 15:3 - Christ 2 Corinthians 13:14 - The grace Galatians 1:1 - raised Galatians 1:4 - gave Galatians 3:13 - redeemed Philippians 2:9 - God Colossians 1:14 - whom 2 Thessalonians 2:16 - which 1 Timothy 2:6 - gave Titus 2:14 - gave Hebrews 1:6 - And again Hebrews 2:8 - hast Hebrews 8:12 - General Hebrews 9:12 - by his Hebrews 10:22 - our bodies 1 Peter 4:11 - to whom 1 John 3:5 - to 1 John 3:16 - perceive 1 John 5:6 - blood Revelation 3:7 - he that is true Revelation 19:11 - Faithful


And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.

made: Revelation 5:10, Revelation 20:6, Exodus 19:6, Isaiah 61:6, Romans 12:1, 1 Peter 2:5-9
to him: Revelation 4:11, Revelation 5:12-14, Psalms 72:18, Psalms 72:19, Daniel 4:34, Matthew 6:13, John 5:23, Philippians 2:11, 1 Timothy 6:16, Hebrews 13:21, 1 Peter 4:11, 1 Peter 5:11, 2 Peter 3:18, Jude 1:25
Reciprocal: Exodus 29:4 - wash them Exodus 29:44 - sanctify also Exodus 30:19 - General Exodus 40:7 - General Leviticus 4:35 - and the priest shall make Leviticus 8:6 - washed Leviticus 8:13 - Moses Leviticus 8:22 - the ram of consecration Leviticus 14:8 - wash himself Leviticus 14:14 - General Leviticus 16:4 - therefore Leviticus 16:24 - wash Numbers 16:5 - who is holy Numbers 19:19 - shall sprinkle Numbers 25:13 - an everlasting Deuteronomy 18:2 - the Lord Deuteronomy 26:19 - high above 1 Samuel 2:8 - set them 2 Chronicles 4:6 - but the sea Psalms 45:16 - princes Psalms 68:13 - the wings Psalms 72:15 - daily Psalms 110:4 - Thou Psalms 118:3 - General Isaiah 66:21 - General Jeremiah 33:18 - General Ezekiel 16:9 - washed Ezekiel 40:45 - the keepers Ezekiel 44:16 - They shall enter Daniel 7:22 - judgment Hosea 11:12 - ruleth Zechariah 13:1 - a fountain Zechariah 14:20 - HOLINESS Malachi 3:2 - who may abide Malachi 3:3 - the sons Matthew 1:21 - for Luke 12:32 - the kingdom Romans 5:17 - shall reign Romans 8:29 - that he might Romans 11:36 - to whom Romans 16:27 - God 2 Corinthians 1:21 - anointed Philippians 4:20 - unto 2 Timothy 2:12 - we suffer Hebrews 12:28 - a kingdom 1 Peter 2:9 - a royal Revelation 3:21 - to sit Revelation 5:13 - blessing


Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.

he cometh: Revelation 14:14-16, Psalms 97:2, Isaiah 19:1, Daniel 7:13, Nahum 1:3, Matthew 24:30, Matthew 26:64, Mark 13:26, Mark 14:62, Luke 21:27, Acts 1:9-11, 1 Thessalonians 4:17
and every: Revelation 22:4, Numbers 24:17, Job 19:26, Job 19:27, Job 33:26, 1 Thessalonians 1:10, 1 John 3:2, Jude 1:14
and they: Psalms 22:16, Zechariah 12:10, John 19:34, John 19:37, Hebrews 6:6, Hebrews 10:29
and all: Revelation 6:15-17, Revelation 18:15-19, Matthew 24:30, Luke 23:28-30
Even So: Revelation 18:20, Revelation 19:1-3, Revelation 22:20, Judges 5:31, Psalms 68:1
Reciprocal: Genesis 45:3 - for they Exodus 19:9 - Lo Psalms 98:9 - for he cometh Psalms 104:3 - maketh Song of Solomon 3:11 - behold Isaiah 25:9 - it shall Isaiah 35:4 - behold Jeremiah 4:13 - Behold Zechariah 12:12 - the land Malachi 3:2 - who may abide Matthew 17:5 - behold Matthew 25:10 - the bridegroom Matthew 25:31 - the Son Mark 9:7 - a cloud Luke 9:26 - when Luke 17:30 - General Luke 19:12 - and John 16:11 - judgment John 21:22 - If Acts 1:11 - shall Acts 3:20 - General Acts 10:42 - that it 1 Corinthians 4:5 - until 1 Corinthians 11:26 - till Philippians 3:20 - from 1 Thessalonians 2:19 - at 1 Thessalonians 4:16 - the Lord 2 Thessalonians 1:7 - when 1 Timothy 6:14 - until 2 Timothy 4:1 - at 2 Timothy 4:8 - that love Titus 2:13 - the glorious Hebrews 9:28 - he appear 1 Peter 1:7 - at 1 Peter 4:13 - when 1 Peter 5:4 - appear 2 Peter 1:16 - coming 1 John 2:28 - when Revelation 2:25 - till Revelation 10:1 - clothed


I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.

Alpha: Revelation 1:11, Revelation 1:17, Revelation 2:8, Revelation 21:6, Revelation 22:13, Isaiah 41:4, Isaiah 43:10, Isaiah 44:6, Isaiah 48:12
which is: Revelation 1:4
the Almighty: Revelation 4:8, Revelation 11:17, Revelation 16:14, Revelation 19:15, Revelation 21:22, Genesis 17:1, Genesis 28:3, Genesis 35:11, Genesis 43:14, Genesis 48:3, Genesis 49:25, Exodus 6:3, Numbers 24:4, Isaiah 9:6, 2 Corinthians 6:18
Reciprocal: Genesis 2:4 - Lord Exodus 3:14 - I AM hath Exodus 23:21 - my name Ruth 1:20 - the Almighty Psalms 90:2 - even from Psalms 93:2 - thou Psalms 102:24 - thy years Psalms 102:27 - thou art Proverbs 18:10 - name Isaiah 43:13 - before Lamentations 5:19 - remainest Habakkuk 1:12 - thou not Zechariah 13:7 - the man Malachi 3:6 - I change not John 1:1 - the beginning John 8:58 - I am Romans 16:26 - everlasting 2 Corinthians 1:19 - was not Philippians 3:21 - the working Colossians 1:17 - he Colossians 1:18 - the beginning 1 Timothy 6:16 - only Hebrews 12:2 - the author Hebrews 13:8 - General 1 John 1:1 - That which Revelation 16:5 - which art


I John, who also am your brother, and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was in the isle that is called Patmos, for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ.

John: Revelation 1:4
companion: Revelation 2:9, Revelation 2:10, Revelation 7:14, John 16:33, Acts 14:22, Romans 8:17, 1 Corinthians 4:9-13, Philippians 1:7, Philippians 4:14, 2 Timothy 1:8, 2 Timothy 2:3-12
in the: Revelation 3:10, Revelation 13:10, Revelation 14:12, Romans 2:7, Romans 2:8, Romans 5:3, Romans 5:4, Romans 8:25, 2 Thessalonians 1:4, 2 Thessalonians 1:5, 2 Thessalonians 3:5, Hebrews 10:36, James 5:7, James 5:8
for the word: Revelation 1:2, Revelation 6:9, Revelation 11:7, Revelation 12:11, Revelation 12:17, Revelation 19:10
Reciprocal: Daniel 11:33 - yet Matthew 10:2 - John Matthew 10:18 - for a Matthew 20:23 - Ye Matthew 23:8 - all Mark 10:39 - Ye Mark 13:9 - take Luke 21:19 - General John 15:27 - ye also Acts 9:16 - for Acts 16:23 - they cast Romans 10:17 - and hearing Romans 16:7 - kinsmen 1 Corinthians 1:6 - the 1 Corinthians 2:1 - the testimony 2 Corinthians 5:6 - we are always 2 Corinthians 6:4 - in much 2 Corinthians 10:1 - I Paul 1 Timothy 3:3 - patient 2 Timothy 2:12 - we suffer 2 Timothy 3:12 - shall Hebrews 12:1 - with patience Hebrews 13:7 - word 1 Peter 4:13 - ye are 1 Peter 5:1 - a partaker 1 Peter 5:9 - the same 2 Peter 1:6 - patience Revelation 1:1 - John Revelation 2:3 - hast patience Revelation 20:4 - the witness Revelation 21:2 - I


I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet,

in: Revelation 4:2, Revelation 17:3, Revelation 21:10, Matthew 22:43, Acts 10:10-33, 2 Corinthians 12:2-4
on the: John 20:19, John 20:26, Acts 20:7, 1 Corinthians 16:2
as: Revelation 4:1, Revelation 10:3-8
Reciprocal: Exodus 16:23 - rest Exodus 19:16 - voice Exodus 24:16 - seventh day Leviticus 23:3 - General Numbers 24:4 - falling Numbers 28:9 - General Psalms 118:24 - the day Isaiah 56:6 - every Isaiah 58:1 - like Isaiah 58:13 - call Jeremiah 17:22 - neither do Ezekiel 3:12 - a voice Ezekiel 8:3 - the spirit Ezekiel 9:1 - cried Ezekiel 11:1 - the spirit Ezekiel 37:1 - hand Ezekiel 40:1 - hand Matthew 12:8 - General Mark 2:28 - General Mark 16:9 - the first Luke 1:41 - was Luke 2:27 - by Luke 6:5 - General Acts 21:4 - we Acts 22:17 - while 1 Thessalonians 4:16 - with the trump 2 Timothy 3:12 - shall Revelation 14:2 - of a


Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last: and, What thou seest, write in a book, and send it unto the seven churches which are in Asia; unto Ephesus, and unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamos, and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto Philadelphia, and unto Laodicea.

I am: Revelation 1:8, Revelation 1:17
What: Revelation 1:19, Revelation 2:1, Revelation 10:4, Revelation 14:13, Revelation 19:9, Revelation 21:5, Deuteronomy 31:19, Isaiah 30:8, Jeremiah 30:2, Habakkuk 2:2
seven: Revelation 1:4, Revelation 2:1, Revelation 2:8, Revelation 2:12, Revelation 2:18, Revelation 3:1, Revelation 3:7, Revelation 3:14
Ephesus: Acts 18:19-21, Acts 18:24, Acts 19:1-41, Acts 20:17, 1 Corinthians 15:32, 1 Corinthians 16:8, Ephesians 1:1, 1 Timothy 1:3
Laodicea: Colossians 4:15, Colossians 4:16
Reciprocal: Deuteronomy 32:39 - even I Psalms 93:2 - thou Isaiah 41:4 - I the Lord Isaiah 43:11 - General Isaiah 44:6 - I am the first Isaiah 48:12 - I am he Jeremiah 51:60 - General Ezekiel 9:1 - cried Micah 5:2 - whose Habakkuk 1:12 - thou not Zechariah 13:7 - the man Matthew 18:20 - there John 1:1 - the beginning John 1:15 - he was John 8:58 - Before John 14:28 - Father Acts 2:9 - Asia Acts 16:6 - Asia Acts 16:14 - Thyatira Acts 19:10 - Asia 1 Corinthians 16:19 - churches 2 Corinthians 1:19 - was not Colossians 1:17 - he Colossians 2:1 - at Colossians 4:13 - Laodicea Hebrews 1:11 - thou Hebrews 12:2 - the author Hebrews 13:8 - General 1 Peter 1:1 - Asia 1 John 1:1 - That which Revelation 21:6 - I am Revelation 22:13 - General


And I turned to see the voice that spake with me. And being turned, I saw seven golden candlesticks;

see: Ezekiel 43:5, Ezekiel 43:6, Micah 6:9
I saw: Revelation 1:13, Revelation 1:20, Revelation 2:1, Exodus 25:37, Zechariah 4:2
Reciprocal: Exodus 25:31 - a candlestick Exodus 37:17 - the candlestick of Exodus 37:23 - General Numbers 8:2 - General 1 Chronicles 28:15 - the candlesticks Daniel 8:16 - I heard Revelation 1:19 - the things


And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle.

like: Revelation 14:14, Ezekiel 1:26-28, Daniel 7:9, Daniel 7:13, Daniel 10:5, Daniel 10:6, Daniel 10:16, Philippians 2:7, Philippians 2:8, Hebrews 2:14-17, Hebrews 4:15
clothed: Daniel 10:5
and girt: Revelation 15:6, Exodus 28:6-8, Exodus 39:5, Leviticus 8:7, Isaiah 11:5
Reciprocal: Exodus 28:8 - curious Leviticus 8:13 - coats Joshua 5:13 - a man 1 Chronicles 28:15 - the candlesticks Psalms 45:2 - fairer Psalms 104:1 - art very great Ezekiel 10:1 - as the Daniel 8:15 - as Micah 5:4 - in the majesty Matthew 17:2 - his face Mark 9:2 - transfigured Luke 5:24 - that the Luke 9:29 - General Philippians 3:21 - that 1 Timothy 2:5 - the man Revelation 1:12 - I saw Revelation 1:20 - the seven stars Revelation 2:1 - walketh


His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire;

and his hairs: Daniel 7:9, Matthew 28:3
and his eyes: Revelation 2:18, Revelation 19:12, Daniel 10:6
Reciprocal: Job 10:4 - seest thou Job 41:18 - the eyelids Song of Solomon 5:11 - his locks Song of Solomon 7:5 - the hair Ezekiel 1:27 - the appearance of fire Ezekiel 8:2 - I beheld


And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters.

his feet: Revelation 2:18, Ezekiel 1:7, Ezekiel 40:3, Daniel 10:6
his voice: Revelation 14:2, Revelation 19:6, Psalms 93:4, Isaiah 17:13, Ezekiel 43:2
Reciprocal: Song of Solomon 5:15 - legs Isaiah 30:30 - his glorious voice Ezekiel 1:4 - colour Ezekiel 1:24 - like Ezekiel 3:12 - a voice Ezekiel 8:2 - I beheld John 3:23 - much Revelation 10:1 - pillars Revelation 18:2 - cried


And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength.

he had: Revelation 1:20, Revelation 2:1, Revelation 3:1, Revelation 12:1, Job 38:7, Daniel 8:10, Daniel 12:3
out: Revelation 2:12, Revelation 2:16, Revelation 19:15, Revelation 19:21, Isaiah 11:4, Isaiah 49:2, Ephesians 6:17, Hebrews 4:12
and his: Revelation 10:1, Isaiah 24:23, Isaiah 60:19, Isaiah 60:20, Malachi 4:2, Acts 26:13
Reciprocal: Exodus 24:10 - in his clearness Exodus 33:20 - Thou canst not Exodus 34:29 - the skin Deuteronomy 33:29 - the sword Judges 3:16 - two edges Psalms 2:5 - Then Psalms 45:3 - Gird Psalms 50:2 - God Psalms 149:6 - and a twoedged Proverbs 12:18 - like Song of Solomon 5:15 - his countenance Isaiah 6:5 - said I Isaiah 30:28 - his breath Isaiah 34:5 - my sword Hosea 6:5 - I have Zechariah 9:13 - made John 8:7 - and said John 13:23 - whom Acts 22:6 - about 2 Thessalonians 2:8 - the spirit 1 Timothy 6:16 - dwelling


And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last:

I fell: Ezekiel 1:28, Daniel 8:18, Daniel 10:8, Daniel 10:9, Daniel 10:17-19, Habakkuk 3:16, Matthew 17:2-6, John 13:23, John 21:20
And he: Daniel 8:18, Daniel 10:10
Fear not: Genesis 15:1, Exodus 14:13, Exodus 20:20, Isaiah 41:10, Daniel 10:12, Matthew 28:4, Mark 16:5, Mark 16:6, Luke 24:37-39
I am: Revelation 1:8, Revelation 1:11, Revelation 2:8, Revelation 22:13, Isaiah 41:4, Isaiah 44:6, Isaiah 48:12
Reciprocal: Genesis 17:3 - General Genesis 26:24 - fear Genesis 28:17 - he was Exodus 3:6 - hid Exodus 3:14 - I AM hath Exodus 33:20 - Thou canst not Numbers 24:4 - falling Deuteronomy 32:39 - I kill Judges 13:6 - terrible 1 Chronicles 21:30 - he was afraid 2 Chronicles 9:4 - there was Job 4:14 - Fear Psalms 93:2 - thou Psalms 102:12 - thou Psalms 102:27 - thou art Psalms 119:120 - My flesh Psalms 139:5 - and laid Isaiah 6:5 - said I Isaiah 43:11 - General Lamentations 3:57 - thou saidst Lamentations 5:19 - remainest Ezekiel 3:23 - and I fell Ezekiel 44:4 - and I fell Daniel 8:17 - I was Daniel 10:19 - fear not Amos 9:1 - I saw Haggai 2:5 - fear Zechariah 13:7 - the man Matthew 14:26 - they were Matthew 14:27 - it Matthew 17:7 - touched Matthew 28:5 - Fear Mark 9:6 - General Luke 1:12 - he Luke 2:10 - Fear not Luke 5:8 - he Luke 9:34 - and they John 1:15 - he was John 6:20 - It is John 8:18 - one John 8:58 - Before John 13:19 - that I John 14:28 - Father Acts 7:32 - Then Acts 27:24 - Fear not Romans 16:26 - everlasting 2 Corinthians 1:19 - was not 2 Corinthians 4:10 - that 2 Corinthians 13:4 - yet Ephesians 1:20 - and set Philippians 2:6 - thought Colossians 1:17 - he 1 Timothy 3:16 - God 1 Timothy 6:16 - only Hebrews 1:11 - thou Hebrews 7:26 - made Hebrews 12:2 - the author Hebrews 12:21 - Moses Hebrews 13:8 - General 1 John 1:1 - That which Revelation 21:6 - I am


I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.

that liveth: Job 19:25, Psalms 18:46, John 14:19, Romans 6:9, 2 Corinthians 13:4, Galatians 2:20, Colossians 3:3, Hebrews 7:25
was: Romans 14:8, Romans 14:9, 2 Corinthians 5:14, 2 Corinthians 5:15, Hebrews 1:3, Hebrews 12:2
I am alive: Revelation 4:9, Revelation 5:14, Hebrews 7:16, Hebrews 7:25
the keys: Revelation 3:7, Revelation 9:1, Revelation 20:1, Revelation 20:2, Revelation 20:14, Psalms 68:20, Isaiah 22:22, Matthew 16:19
Reciprocal: Leviticus 14:6 - the living bird Leviticus 16:20 - live goat Deuteronomy 32:39 - I kill Joshua 1:1 - the death 1 Samuel 2:6 - killeth Job 14:5 - thou hast Psalms 16:10 - my Psalms 21:4 - length Psalms 72:15 - And he Psalms 72:19 - Amen Psalms 93:2 - thou Psalms 102:12 - thou Psalms 102:27 - thou art Psalms 116:15 - Precious Psalms 119:120 - My flesh Psalms 133:3 - even life Proverbs 15:11 - Hell Proverbs 24:12 - that keepeth Isaiah 43:11 - General Isaiah 44:6 - I am the first Isaiah 48:12 - I am he Isaiah 53:10 - he shall prolong Jeremiah 28:6 - Amen Lamentations 5:19 - remainest Ezekiel 1:28 - I fell Daniel 7:13 - one like Habakkuk 2:2 - Write Matthew 6:13 - Amen Matthew 14:27 - it Matthew 28:5 - Fear Matthew 28:20 - Amen Mark 16:6 - Be not Luke 2:10 - Fear not Luke 24:5 - the living John 1:15 - he was John 6:20 - It is John 8:18 - one John 8:58 - Before John 11:44 - he that John 13:19 - that I John 14:28 - Father Acts 2:24 - because Acts 2:27 - leave Acts 3:13 - hath Acts 10:36 - he is Acts 25:19 - which Romans 1:4 - the Son Romans 5:10 - we shall Romans 8:11 - he that raised Romans 8:34 - It is Christ Romans 9:5 - Amen Romans 10:7 - to bring up 1 Corinthians 8:6 - and one 1 Corinthians 15:13 - General 1 Corinthians 15:27 - General Galatians 1:1 - raised Philippians 2:6 - thought Philippians 3:10 - and the power Philippians 3:21 - the working Colossians 1:18 - the firstborn 1 Thessalonians 1:10 - whom 1 Thessalonians 4:14 - if we 1 Timothy 3:16 - God 1 Timothy 6:16 - only Hebrews 1:11 - thou Hebrews 2:8 - hast Hebrews 2:14 - he also Hebrews 7:8 - he liveth Hebrews 7:24 - he continueth Hebrews 7:26 - made Hebrews 13:8 - General 1 John 1:1 - That which Revelation 2:8 - the first Revelation 7:12 - Amen Revelation 10:5 - lifted Revelation 22:20 - Amen


Write the things which thou hast seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall be hereafter;

the things: Revelation 1:11, Revelation 1:12-20
and the things which are: Revelation 2:1 - Revelation 3:22
and the things which shall be: Revelation 4:1 - Revelation 22:21
Reciprocal: Isaiah 48:6 - showed Jeremiah 30:2 - General Jeremiah 51:60 - General Daniel 2:45 - the great Daniel 7:1 - he wrote Amos 3:7 - but Habakkuk 2:2 - Write John 16:13 - he will show Revelation 1:2 - and of all Revelation 19:9 - Write Revelation 21:5 - Write


The mystery of the seven stars which thou sawest in my right hand, and the seven golden candlesticks. The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches: and the seven candlesticks which thou sawest are the seven churches.

mystery: Matthew 13:11, Luke 8:10
the seven stars: Revelation 1:13, Revelation 1:16
the seven golden: Revelation 1:12
The seven stars: Revelation 2:1, Revelation 2:8, Revelation 2:12, Revelation 2:18, Revelation 3:1, Revelation 3:7, Revelation 3:14, Malachi 2:7
and the: Zechariah 4:2, Matthew 5:15, Matthew 5:16, Philippians 2:15, Philippians 2:16, 1 Timothy 3:14-16
Reciprocal: Exodus 25:31 - a candlestick Exodus 25:37 - seven Exodus 37:23 - General Exodus 40:24 - General Leviticus 24:4 - the pure Numbers 4:9 - General Numbers 8:2 - General Joshua 6:4 - seven times 1 Kings 7:49 - the candlesticks 1 Chronicles 28:15 - the candlesticks 2 Chronicles 4:7 - ten candlesticks Psalms 68:18 - that Daniel 12:3 - shine Matthew 5:14 - the light Matthew 24:31 - his angels Mark 14:22 - this Luke 8:16 - when John 10:2 - he that Philippians 1:1 - the bishops 1 Thessalonians 5:12 - and are Revelation 1:4 - to the Revelation 8:10 - a great Revelation 9:1 - a star Revelation 11:4 - two candlesticks Revelation 12:1 - crown